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Live in : Insanity Plane

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This is Aeglos, the Insanity Lord. He is Insane. He could be injured. [M]ore.

<<<<<--- Insanity Lord ( Æ ) --->>>>>
You feel perturbed just looking at this tall and slim humanoid. His seemingly normal nose and dark hair look completely out of place next to the shifting grin, and erratic eyes. A weird being that seems to prefeer constant babbling over speech, yet you can sometimes find him discussing higher level theories and complex paradoxes in a rather sane state, wich makes you wonder about the nature of his madness and what goes on inside his head.

He is weak to chocolate. He gets hungry often. He has the ability to raise or lower the desired's target learning, and may cause confusion/stunning in the process, both to the target and himself.

Number of messages posted : 7