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Duke Ravage
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5670 days, 8 hours, 18 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 22:47 (GMT -5)

On a planet known as Anacardia to it's inhabitants, there are many forms of life that are considered "intelligent." The most prominant example of them are the Humans, a relatively young race. The elves, however, are also very powerful, even though they have been split into three groups over the years: the High Elves, most closely related to the origional elves, the Grey Elves, who are much more talented in the magical arts, and the Dark Elves, a very cruel clan of elves. The greatest enemy of the other races are the Troll and Orcish empires, neither of which possess many smart individuals. Other races include the Drakelings, the Hurthlings, the Gnomes, and the Dwarves.
Another race of people exist on the world, but these people are never seen. Long ago they were banished to the Great Waste for reasons lost to modern people - indeed, their very existance has faded into myths. They call themselves the Xevarios, but they are known by the other races as Warders. Little is still known about the Warders, other than that they were capable of noticeing even the slightest detail and acting upon it with lightning speed. They were highly skilled in the use of many ranged weapons, and could easily defend themselves with their deadly whips. The downside to all this was their lack of ability to channel the magical forces of the world, and a great frailty.
For many years, the Warders lay dorment in the Great Waste, building back the mighty empire they once had. Their dream was to one day leave the Great Waste and destroy those who had defeated them. Recently, news of the troubles in the Drakalor Chain has reached them. Knowing that their chance had finally come, with the greater bulk of the forces of Anacardia focused toward the Chain, they have begun mustering armies. Soon, they will attack, and when they do, little can stand in their way.

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