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KoRnDogG Unregistered user |
It is going to be called Heroica, the website URL is It is not done yet, but you can discuss it and talk on the forums |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 45 minutes and 47 seconds ago. |
What have you got completed so far? How much more would you like to add? |
KoRnDogG Unregistered user |
Well, I don't really have anything completed yet, as of now. I am going to start coding tonight. Anyways, thing that will be in it are: over 10 different races over 50 different classes 4 "realms" which can be considered as kingdoms (each one is controlled by a king, and has towns and such) shops many monsters a vast collection of spells a storyline that you can choose to take part in, or just live a normal life as whatever class you choose (ie if you are a farmer you may choose just to stay at home and farm, and let the world be destroyed) and much much more. Oh, and I am doing all this in QBasic (thanks to Taz). |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 45 minutes and 47 seconds ago. |
Heh dont know how youd make the farming part interesting, but if you can get all of that into the game that would be great. Oh, and the URL doesnt work [Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/20/2004 at 20:57 (GMT -5) by Armada] |
![]() @ Registered user Q('_'Q)(>'_')> Last page view: 6990 days, 15 hours, 6 minutes and 32 seconds ago. |
Farming sounds wery boring to me:P That sounds like a lotta work :O Qbasic?! lol:P Well, im looking towards it. Could i be a beta tester or sumethin^^? <xxxxo~~~~oxxxx> SWORDCHUK |
KoRnDogG Unregistered user |
Sorry about the link, it is I guess the capitol H in Heroica brings you to a 404 page lol. Of course you can be a beta tester @, and I just used farming as an example, I am still debating weather farming should be in it or not. I was thinking maybe start farmers off with a small farm or somthing out in the wilderness, away from civilization, and some basic tools, a sythe or somthing, and they could plant seeds and stuff like that, I don't know... |
![]() @ Registered user Q('_'Q)(>'_')> Last page view: 6990 days, 15 hours, 6 minutes and 32 seconds ago. |
Yeah, Thx. Heres what i would want in it: 1. MANY CITIES 2. Casinos like in hengband(they have poker etc) 3. As much races/classes as possible 4. You could build your own house, etc like in URW 5. Good AI 6. M A N Y skills and talents. 7. That kindom thingy sounds great, make it bigger:P 8. Jobs 9. Arenas 10. Many monsters and items, i mean huge amount of those! 11. That little farm thing would be good for some players! 12. Good Plot(no nethack like, go down get that and go up.) If you could have all those i would play it more than adom^^ It could be great to be a beta tester, would u put my name in the credits too =)? <xxxxo~~~~oxxxx> SWORDCHUK |
![]() @ Registered user Q('_'Q)(>'_')> Last page view: 6990 days, 15 hours, 6 minutes and 32 seconds ago. |
Btw; How much coding have u done :D Heh, ur website is cool. Keep it up! <xxxxo~~~~oxxxx> SWORDCHUK [Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/22/2004 at 13:33 (GMT -5) by @] |
KoRnDogG Unregistered user |
ummm... coding... I have finished the tital screen and almost the character collection screen :-). and dont worry, there will be many cities, casinos, probably too many races and classes (you won't be able to play them all :P), you can build your own house, you can even build your own castle, I will make the kingdom bigger after I acually get what is done first, jobs and arenas will be in it, hmmmm, plot, I am currently thinking up a plot that is tottally different, but, like I said before, you don't HAVE to take part in the plot if you don't choose too |
KORnDogG Unregistered user |
well, so far, I have about 300 lines of code, all devoted to character creation, which is almost done. |
![]() the mighty NHGH Registered user pRAise "BOB"! Last page view: 7491 days, 4 hours, 13 minutes and 16 seconds ago. |
how much experience with qbasic do you have? this alot like what i wanted to do, only i dont know enough to actually get it done. is there anyway you could help me out sometime with like random dungeon generation and line of sight ? For the Good "Bob" selleth all, even the least and the last; and all buyers are joyous unto his selling. And those who knoweth not the Good "Bob" from the Evil "Bob" shall verily sell away their souls, and shall be lost. |
KoRnDogG Unregistered user |
To tell the truth, I am learning Qbasic as I go along with this. If you asked me what Qbasic was in early december I would've been like "Qbasic? what the hell is that". But, I can help you as much as I can, just send me an e-mail at |
![]() @ Registered user Q('_'Q)(>'_')> Last page view: 6990 days, 15 hours, 6 minutes and 32 seconds ago. |
Whoa, korndogg, i really want to test ur game, sounds funnier than adom to me:) im looking forward! keep up the work! <xxxxo~~~~oxxxx> SWORDCHUK |
KoRnDogG Unregistered user |
thanks for the support, if you go to my website, I put a ;list of all the classes you can be, I am going to poist a list of all the races after school. |
wakka* Unregistered user |
an answer to armada about the farming : how can a simple thing like breeding chocobos so damn addictive? =) if farming had a same kind of aspect, it'd be fun =) |
![]() @ Registered user Q('_'Q)(>'_')> Last page view: 6990 days, 15 hours, 6 minutes and 33 seconds ago. |
Ur website is down :/ <xxxxo~~~~oxxxx> SWORDCHUK |
KoRnDogG Unregistered user |
It shouldn't be... try |
![]() @ Registered user Q('_'Q)(>'_')> Last page view: 6990 days, 15 hours, 6 minutes and 33 seconds ago. |
Oh, it isint. U were looking for moderator, i could be moderator of the Heroica forum. There is a post. My name is @ From Adom Forum. Sadly it dint accept the "@" :/ Whoa, u got many classes planned, but isint Weapons Master and Sword master almost same^^? <xxxxo~~~~oxxxx> SWORDCHUK |
KoRnDogG Unregistered user |
Weapons master is a little good at all weapons, swordmaster is extremely good with swords |
KoRnDogG Unregistered user |
Wow, this thread died all of a sudden, come on people, I need input! |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 45 minutes and 48 seconds ago. |
Uhhh, just tell us when you update, and when you release a playable demo :D. Or even some screenshots |
KoRnDogG Unregistered user |
some screenshots... that I can do, I will put some on my website in a few days, I can't get back on the internet till monday, so thats when I guess... |
![]() @ Registered user Q('_'Q)(>'_')> Last page view: 6990 days, 15 hours, 6 minutes and 33 seconds ago. |
Oh, Sry. I havent registered on heroica forums coz it needs email adress... And i dont have Screenshots could be nice, and the beta version:) I get a email adress tomorrow or tuesday, depends when my big brother brings my new computer. Keep It Up! <xxxxo~~~~oxxxx> SWORDCHUK |
Larrack Unregistered user |
Larrack notes that, humility aside, he is the greatest qbasic programmer to ever walk this earth. Qbasic is a VERY powerful language, if you know how to use it. |
KoRnDogG Unregistered user |
Oh? |
Larrack Unregistered user |
Yes to both :) I use Qb45, and I too (along with everyone else in the cosmos, seemingly) am designing a roguelike. Mine isn't a true roguelike, because it does not have random levels. The main engine is around 15% complete. I'm not a geek, so its not even up to part-time standards with me, but I can make code dance when I do. I usually design programs for professional use on a free service, VERY casual, basis. At the moment I'm a student, so I don't have that much free time. I'm 21, and I learned how to program in basic on an old Apple II. My first Rpg was in that language :) Answer your one word question satisfactorily? |
KORnDogG Unregistered user |
yes, it does, and is satisfactorily a word? |
Larrack Unregistered user |
Yes. |
KoRnDogG Unregistered user |
good |
![]() @ Registered user Q('_'Q)(>'_')> Last page view: 6990 days, 15 hours, 6 minutes and 33 seconds ago. |
Uhh, im back. How much the game is coded? <xxxxo~~~~oxxxx> SWORDCHUK |
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