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Jan Erik Administrator Last page view: 118 days, 17 hours, 50 minutes and 15 seconds ago. |
I played a game ages ago that was somewhat roguelike'ish... I only remember it very vaguely though... Been thinking about it lately would be interesting to find it again. Let's see so what was it like... It had simple graphical tiles. The entire kingdom you started in where undergorund in some huge caves (not underdark or anyting like that, regular human cities as far as I can remember). You could have several companions (party members). There was one other race that had cities there too, they looked like "grays" you know, big head, black eyes, gray skin. They crafted some funky looking (and exensive) weapons if I recall (spiral like swords and such)... I believe one of the early quests involved taking out a bandit camp. I'm pretty sure the maps and such where pre-generated, though I'm not 100% sure (been a long while). Think the overall goal was to get to the surface, think the backstorry was that your ancestores was bansished underground after some big mage-war thousands of years ago, though I might be getting confused... Anyway not much to go on I know, but does any of this ring any bells for anyone? Jan Erik Mydland HoF admin |
muska Registered user Avatar of Balance Last page view: 7578 days, 12 hours, 7 minutes and 33 seconds ago. |
Sounds like Exile 3 to me. |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
Also known as Avernum these days. The entire Exile series was well done, but Spiderweb software "Remastered" the entire thing, and came out with Avernum. Many of the old bugs and "Oversights" are gone, like now you can level past 20!..How they missed that in exiles was beyong me A lot of the graphics and interface look better, New sounds and all that fun stuff |
KoRnDogG Unregistered user |
hey yeah! it does sound like exile 3, I've gotta start playing that again... |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
Yes i actually registered Exile 3 long ago, but after i reformatted my computer countless times and of course lost my registration number I now play Avernum 3 with the help of a friend and a code cracker for it :D I love that game, but the time limit bothers me a little. Oh, and my inability to remember to save |
Jan Erik Administrator Last page view: 118 days, 17 hours, 50 minutes and 15 seconds ago. |
Ah yes, that's the one :) Hmm, is Avernum 3 = Excile 3? What if any is the difference in so case? Jan Erik Mydland HoF admin |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
Its just upgraded. Its the same game,storyline and all that done by the same company. Its just "remastered" like i said before. Some bugs are worked out, and the graphics are much more clearer and better looking. Its basically an attempt to remarket a product that didnt do to well in the past for some reason |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
Oh, and of course Character creation is a hell of a lot easier. More options to choose from as far as "Faults" and "Skills" go. A lot of little things youll pick up on as well |
Andor Drakon Registered user uummm... ElDeR cHaOs GoD? Last page view: 7621 days, 34 minutes and 49 seconds ago. |
And I'd say it was more likely to have been Exile 1 than 3. 3 occours mainly on the surface, remember? ChAoS iS cOmInG! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! |
Jan Erik Administrator Last page view: 118 days, 17 hours, 50 minutes and 15 seconds ago. |
No, it was Excile 3 I was refeering to, I just haven't gotten very far in it, so I don't think I've ever been to the surface there :P Jan Erik Mydland HoF admin |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
Heh really? The only things you can do underground in the beginning are Kill the bandits, kill the goblin tribe, Kill/trade with Cat people, Stop bug infestation, and kill Ogre tribe. That only takes about 2 days gametime if you made somewhat decent characters. The Surface world is about 100 times bigger than the Caves, with MUCH more to do. Youll never do it all in one game |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
Gah, now im addicted to this game again. Can't stop playing Avernum... I swear, i was on a 8 hour streak yesterday without a bathroom break or anything, gained about 15 levels in a day. But those annoying Sliths keep ambushing me |
Jan Erik Administrator Last page view: 118 days, 17 hours, 50 minutes and 15 seconds ago. |
Indeed... Spend most of the weekend playing it (Excile III)... Still working on the slime quest, I've found and cleaned out the mage tower thing (as far as I can tell anyway), blown up the slime pit thingy, but aparently I still haven't cracked it acording to the major... Guess I'll have to go over it again and see if I missed anyting and them take another look at that slimey mountain pass again... Good fun so far thouh :) Jan Erik Mydland HoF admin |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
Aww your playing the outdated Exile version? Seriously, switch it over to Avernum. Same plot and all that, just Revamped. Looks and handles much better. You hit the minor slime pit...Youll know when you get the big one :D |
Jan Erik Administrator Last page view: 118 days, 17 hours, 50 minutes and 15 seconds ago. |
Yeah, missed that sected room on my first pass, found Jordan and his notes, and destroyed 3 of the "real" slime pits... There seems to be at least one left though and I can't seem to get to it, guess the trick is to get past that Force Wall up north, so I've been traveling the land far and wide in search of someome to teach me the Dispell Wall (or whatever) spell I seem to need to get past those anoying things... Jan Erik Mydland HoF admin |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
Dispel Barrier is a very advanced spell. I doubt youll be able to get it that early in the game. That quest took me quite some time as well, and yes past the Force Barriers is the Final slime pit. Along with a nice suprise. You need to Kill off all the other slime pits before the barriers will fall though Edit:If you have the character editer available you could always give your mage the spell..But that defeats a lot of fun sidequests. A fun thing to do with the editor though is make a one man party with a superhero character. cast all spells super stats and artifacts galore. Just go into the towns and slaughter everyone :D [Edited 1 time, last edit on 3/1/2004 at 13:48 (GMT -5) by Armada] |
Jan Erik Administrator Last page view: 118 days, 17 hours, 50 minutes and 15 seconds ago. |
Oh well, guess I should just get on with things then... Or maybe "upgrade" to Avernum before I get to invested in the current game. Had a fun battle at the Trogedyde(sp??) willage too, I'm way to weak for it, but thanks to massive use of force barriers and conflageration I actualy managed to clean it out once (with one surviving character)... Wouldn't be so bad except the spellcasters there summoned a bunch of deamons who in turn summoned a bunch of other crap (Black Wizard style :P), fortunately the summoned monsters disapear after a while, but not before killing all but one of my characters :D Jan Erik Mydland HoF admin |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
Yea summoners are a real bitch in Avernum as well. |
Andor Drakon Registered user uummm... ElDeR cHaOs GoD? Last page view: 7621 days, 34 minutes and 49 seconds ago. |
Actually in Avernum summoners are impossibly weak after not too long, you have Haakai or Nagas summoning chitrachs and nephil warriors ChAoS iS cOmInG! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
Yea, but then after you blow them away with your godly spells, you need to go outside to Regen mana. A waste of time, therefore, they are bitches :P |
Jan Erik Administrator Last page view: 118 days, 17 hours, 50 minutes and 15 seconds ago. |
Argh! Only 4 characters and a limited amount of items per person on top of the weight (and food take up space and weight (well at least you don't need as much of it)) :( What is a poor packrat to do, had to make 4 trips between the goblins/raiders and town to sell crap :P, but at least my party is a lot better equiped. Just to bad I accidentaly blew most of the money I made on Vertari(sp????) lore... Would probably have been smarter to get the soul gem spells and trap that nasty little worm they have trapped in the back room... Oh well, should be eable to raise some more money soon enough... Jan Erik Mydland HoF admin [Edited 1 time, last edit on 3/3/2004 at 09:01 (GMT -5) by Jan Erik] |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
Hehe i kill everything before even bothering to loot the place. Of course i grab all the copper coinage right when i see it. Honestly, that worm isnt that Spineworm isnt that strong, hell get torn apart later on when you try to summon it. I never really focused on summoning from the soul gems, pure destructive power from the mage, and Blessing/shielding/healing from the priest always seems to work better |
Jan Erik Administrator Last page view: 118 days, 17 hours, 50 minutes and 15 seconds ago. |
Hmm, is there any way to get back to that item worshipping cult place once you have cleaned it out and teleported out? I grabbed the orb and all the magical stuff, but I had to leave tonnes of loot behind because it was just to much to carry... Oh well no biggy, just my pack rat instincts kicking in. Hate to leave anyting behind if it's worth more than 10 coins :P I probably have more than enough money to keep me going... Trick seems to be to find people who can actualy sell me spells I don't already have at level 3... Jan Erik Mydland HoF admin |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
Dont remember the part your talking about... I just beat the first Avernum game, Though i did massively cheat my way through :/ Im going to play the 2nd and Third without cheats, ive already turned the character editors off. Maybe ill even try a single character party? |
Andor Drakon Registered user uummm... ElDeR cHaOs GoD? Last page view: 7621 days, 34 minutes and 49 seconds ago. |
Unfortunately, you can only go to the Cult of the Sacred Item once. That stuff is gone for good. ChAoS iS cOmInG! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! |
Bezrend Registered user Last page view: 3595 days, 19 hours, 30 minutes and 2 seconds ago. |
Blades of Avernum is out on Windows. I'm registering as soon as possible. |
![]() @ Registered user Q('_'Q)(>'_')> Last page view: 6990 days, 15 hours, 2 minutes and 58 seconds ago. |
Downloaded Avernum3 and cracked it, nice game <xxxxo~~~~oxxxx> SWORDCHUK |
J. Registered user You'll never get rid of me Last page view: 5984 days, 14 hours, 29 minutes and 25 seconds ago. |
You DO realize what your post means, don't you? You are now obliged to post the crack, so proceed to do so. Now. ...pretty pretty please with lots of sugar and a cherry on top? :P If you're feeling happy, don't worry, it'll go away. Originally posted by noob: "I'm everytime amazed how you people know to exploit every single little bug (or not-bug) for elaborated scumming tatics even if the feature seems completely useless or bad." |
![]() @ Registered user Q('_'Q)(>'_')> Last page view: 6990 days, 15 hours, 2 minutes and 58 seconds ago. |
heh, sure. <xxxxo~~~~oxxxx> SWORDCHUK |
![]() @ Registered user Q('_'Q)(>'_')> Last page view: 6990 days, 15 hours, 2 minutes and 58 seconds ago. |
took me 7 days to get to surface^^; <xxxxo~~~~oxxxx> SWORDCHUK |
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