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Apocalyptic Registered user Apocalypse of time Last page view: 7170 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
I'm tryin to start my own roguelike game. I have some of the classes and races typed up and an introduction. The only problem I have is that I really don't know where to start. I have visual basic 6 so that's what I'll use but I can't even find examples of what the code would look like. If you know any sites for programming roguelike games with visual basic then please let me know them. And don't tell me to google it because I already have many times and didn't get anything. Let the reaper come for me for when he does I shall make him play ADOM and he'll forget about me due to being addicted. |
Twinge Registered user Communist in Disguise Last page view: 5515 days, 2 hours, 40 minutes and 6 seconds ago. |
If you don't know where you want to go from there, you should really start with a less daunting project. Think of a simpler game, and make that first, then work your way upwards from there. |
Apocalyptic Registered user Apocalypse of time Last page view: 7170 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
It's not that I want to create a roguelike it's that I'm going to create it. Sure the task seems daunting but I know if I take it one step at a time then I'll get it done. I'm not determined to do things all the time but when I do get determination then I get it done. So don't suggest the easy way to me because I'm more likely to do it the hard way. Thanks for the advice anyways. I'm going to play around with visual basic tonight and see what I can come up with. Let the reaper come for me for when he does I shall make him play ADOM and he'll forget about me due to being addicted. |
mattam Unregistered user |
start with mapmaking.... Should keep you busy for a few months... :) |
mattam Unregistered user |
The algorithm has to do several not so easy things. first: Every place must be reachable. second: It must utilize the availiable space. third: Rooms connected by corridors. Still have no clue about "first" for my rtr project (Real time Rogue) |
Apocalyptic Registered user Apocalypse of time Last page view: 7170 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
I'm pretty sure I can do the stuff that has to do with calculating damage and such but making the tiles are a little difficult for me to wrap my head around. One thing is that the world map is going to be identical always and I don't know how to make this in viual basic and also how do I tell the program that this is a wall that can't be gone through and such. If anyone wants to help my hotmail and yahoo messangers are both klreed123 so feel free to give me a hollar and maybe you can explain some things to me and such. Let the reaper come for me for when he does I shall make him play ADOM and he'll forget about me due to being addicted. |
Twinge Registered user Communist in Disguise Last page view: 5515 days, 2 hours, 40 minutes and 6 seconds ago. |
Well, when you finally finish it in 8 years, let us know =) |
Apocalyptic Registered user Apocalypse of time Last page view: 7170 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
It's hard to find some visual basic information on creating dungeons. I'm still diligently searching though. Let the reaper come for me for when he does I shall make him play ADOM and he'll forget about me due to being addicted. |
Twinge Registered user Communist in Disguise Last page view: 5515 days, 2 hours, 40 minutes and 6 seconds ago. |
Well, Visual Basic isn't really the best programming language for that anyway really... I can't really think of how I'd even go about doing half the things I'd need for a decent rogue-like and it sounds like I've had a lot more experience with VB :P Start smaller. Make a non-random dungeon level that you can move in, nothing more. See how long just that takes you, and then decide if you want to continue the project ;) |
Apocalyptic Registered user Apocalypse of time Last page view: 7170 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
The problem is in projecting the map on the screen and making the people move in it. Trwing if you could please message me their are some basic question I'd like to ask you that could help enormesly. I know I can do the calculations for the character attributes and stuff since I've already got most of that rattling around in my brain. klreed123@ either or I'm on both right now so either will do. thanks for the comments and suggestions. Let the reaper come for me for when he does I shall make him play ADOM and he'll forget about me due to being addicted. |
mattam Unregistered user |
Hmm... thats great that you can do that. But that is the easiest part. The wall problem I can help you with. Player makes an input He chooses a direction What would be the new coordinates now? Check: Is there a wall? If yes Movement doesnt take place(coordinates are changed) If no Movement does take place (coordinates are not changed) Map is redrawn. :) |
Apocalyptic Registered user Apocalypse of time Last page view: 7170 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
Yes but how do I draw the map, assign the appropriate characters to it, and keep track of where he is on the screen. That's the problem I'm having is what command do I make to put it in there. Do I make a large bitmap or do I make seperate image boxes. I'm confident that if I can just figure out how to make the map and put all the characters like walls, floor, door, trap, etc. on it then I will be able to figure out if it's a wall by checking the character. Let the reaper come for me for when he does I shall make him play ADOM and he'll forget about me due to being addicted. |
mattam Unregistered user |
ouch... Don't want to discourage you, but 8 years is a very optimistc estimate to get you to programming a rougelike. First: I confess I never laid hands on visiual basic. For the map the simplest way is to store it in an array. there you put numerical values you assign to each possible feature. Then you write a routine that checks if the area is visible to the charakter. If yes it draws a tile if no it doesnt. You store the position of characters with cartesian coordinates. |
mattam Unregistered user |
OK. I'll send you my source code for my rtr project. It lets you walk around and stuff. Its in Blitz Basic but that one is downloadable for free. (Just google it) And of course I just saw that the movement takes place/doesnt take place in my post are exactly the other way round :) |
Apocalyptic Registered user Apocalypse of time Last page view: 7170 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
I just took a look at that code you sent me and it already helped me. I had forgot that if you try to give anything a value and the value's not a number or letter but instead something like * then you have to put it in parenthasis. Well that solves one problem. Let the reaper come for me for when he does I shall make him play ADOM and he'll forget about me due to being addicted. |
![]() Reverend PrOHna Registered user Church of The Subgenius Last page view: 7297 days, 5 hours, 50 minutes and 31 seconds ago. |
it sounds like you need to learn alot. this is all extremely basic things compared to all you're going to have to go through to create a working game. i thought alot about going through with the same sorta thing with qbasic. but alas. drawing a random map is harder than you can imagine. “We're all bozos on this bus, but at least our bus isn't driving over a cliff.” - Pope Charles, SubGenius Pope of Houston [] Praise "Bob"! [] [][] [] Slack OFF! [] |
Apocalyptic Registered user Apocalypse of time Last page view: 7170 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
The random map is the hardest thing. I've already thought up how I'm going to do the artificial intellgence with plans to add pack strategy. I know how I'm going to give the monsters weapons. Generally I have most of the other stuff thought out. It's just figuring out how to repersent the map on the interface. Do I make bitmaps and represent them as tiles. If so how do I make the person walk overthem. I beleive it's in the visualization of the concept of tiles that I have the problem. I'm probably going to start programming the other stuff and worry about the map last. Let the reaper come for me for when he does I shall make him play ADOM and he'll forget about me due to being addicted. |
mattam Unregistered user |
And How will you do the AI thing? There is no concept to tiles... They are Tiles. You draw them on the screen, one next to the other, to represent features. As I already said I never touched Visual Basic, but it does have Arrays and Variables, doesnt it? If that is the case I am really glad I never bothered to try it :) BTW: You are not the "some guy" from the posts before asking about ADOM graphics and such??? Are you? Anyway don't be decepted because Roguelikes look so primitive. There is a lot of brain in the background. A Ultimalike would definitely be a lot easier to learn programming. |
Twinge Registered user Communist in Disguise Last page view: 5515 days, 2 hours, 40 minutes and 6 seconds ago. |
Yeah... if you want to make anything that even resembles a decent game, start with a smaller project. You've said you're determined to do a rougelike -- that's fine, but do it after you already know more than very basic programming skills. "As I already said I never touched Visual Basic, but it does have Arrays and Variables, doesnt it? If that is the case I am really glad I never bothered to try it :)" Uh...? |
mattam Unregistered user |
Well: to clarify: If VB cant handle variables or arrays or types im glad I never touched it. |
Twinge Registered user Communist in Disguise Last page view: 5515 days, 2 hours, 40 minutes and 6 seconds ago. |
ah, it was a typo, you said 'does have' instead of 'doesn't have' :P It obviously does have both variables (what kind of prgramming language could it possibly be without?!) and arrays. |
mattam Unregistered user |
Well, stranger things have come out of Kleinweich :) (What was it called in that Pinky and Brain episode? microsponge? :D ) And since I sent this guy my source code I have problems understanding what he means with not beeing able to visualize the "tile concept" Only explanation i had on hand was that there are no variables or arrays in VB. :D |
Apocalyptic Registered user Apocalypse of time Last page view: 7170 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
Well as for the AI I'm not planning on making a simple attack or not type of thing. I'll try to simulate factors from real life using myself and imagination to think of as many factors that come into consideration in any given circustance. These factors will all combine to give the AI a choice of what is best to do. I plan on making being to make an informed choice based on the circumstance with some radomness thrown in. I don't know if I have to draw the tiles with visual basic or import them. If I need to draw them with visual basic then I gotta find the command which my two books here don't have in it. Visual basic does have arrays and variables and though I've never used arrays before I understand the concept behind them and will be able to implement them without much of a problem. As for your source code I plan on pouring over that again later and seeing whatelse I can learn from it. Thanks for all the help. I guess I'll get started on the item list and try to get the master list for items and monsters started. Let the reaper come for me for when he does I shall make him play ADOM and he'll forget about me due to being addicted. |
Apocalyptic Registered user Apocalypse of time Last page view: 7170 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
And something I forgot was when you commented on the graphics looking primative. That's not a problem for me. My favorite game of all time, Shining Force, is back on the sega and had medicre graphics at best. Lunar 1 and 2 didn't have the fancy graphics of today(except in cut scenes) but there still two of my favorite games. I don't like those three for the graphics but instead shining forces battle system is my favorite and the story in the latter two draw me to them more along with the battles system which I think is one of the best around. Let the reaper come for me for when he does I shall make him play ADOM and he'll forget about me due to being addicted. |
Apocalyptic Registered user Apocalypse of time Last page view: 7170 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
Now I'm making some headway. My two books that I've been using got moved and I don't know where they are so I went to look at where I normally keep them. In doing so I found a third book that I had forgot about and it explains stuff much better and has the infromation I need to get the map started. To bad there aren't dancing bananas on here. Let the reaper come for me for when he does I shall make him play ADOM and he'll forget about me due to being addicted. |
Guinea Registered user tWo-HeAdEd cHaOs WeAsEl Last page view: 7289 days, 13 hours, 21 minutes and 35 seconds ago. |
VB doesn't have arrays, variables or types? lol :) How can you write anything without them? ;) And btw... how about a roguelike in .php, played through the browser? Now that could be weird ;). |
Apocalyptic Registered user Apocalypse of time Last page view: 7170 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
I finally got somewhere. After pouring over the rougelike devolpment page and a visual basic 5 hot make game site and my programming book I finally got the concept of how to do this in my head. I just got done doing the code to generate the the numbers and check to see if the rooms are valid. All I got leaft are subroutines to make the room, hall, and to display the dungeon. there not as hard as the other so I might be able to finish them by tomorrow at least. Thanks for all the help peoples of the adobe forums. Let the reaper come for me for when he does I shall make him play ADOM and he'll forget about me due to being addicted. |
Apocalyptic Registered user Apocalypse of time Last page view: 7170 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
This is getting annoying. I got the dungeon creator coded and it should work but it when I start it to test and see if it's working it does nothing but reads the x and y values over and over again. It shouldn't do that but it does. Do Until maxnoofrooms = 0 Do Until checkroombounds = True halllength = 3 Rnd (3) x1 = x1 + Rnd(4) x2 = x2 - Rnd(4) y1 = y1 + Rnd(4) y2 = y2 - Rnd(4) Call CheckRoomBoundary(x1, x2, y1, y2, checkroombounds, recurdepth, recursdepth) If checkroombounds = True Then Call MakeRoom maxnoofrooms = maxnoofrooms - 1 End If Loop I stuck it in a loop so that I could get it to make all rooms and halls. When it does go past the x and y coordinates to the call checkbounds then it just goes back to them and keeps on. It never goes past the checkbounds subroutine. Anyone got any idea why it does that. Let the reaper come for me for when he does I shall make him play ADOM and he'll forget about me due to being addicted. |
Morio Registered user Holy Champion of ADoM Last page view: 4218 days, 17 hours, 59 minutes and 17 seconds ago. |
Do Until maxnoofrooms = 0 maxnoofrooms = maxnoofrooms - 1 wouldn't this give a negative number of rooms, but I'm not sure, because I know basically nothing about programming "I don't know what World War 3 will be fought with, but I know World War 4 with be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein |
Apocalyptic Registered user Apocalypse of time Last page view: 7170 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
The maxnoofrooms is set at 20 before the loop so it'll keep doing the loop until maxnoofrooms equals 0. Let the reaper come for me for when he does I shall make him play ADOM and he'll forget about me due to being addicted. |
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