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Ironfist Unregistered user |
I've started my new fantasy roguelike-CRPG "Lanceran: The Ancient Prophecy". Download Lanceran v1.24. Comments are welcomed. |
Tha Messiah Registered user Angel of Death Last page view: 8097 days, 10 hours, 57 minutes and 38 seconds ago. |
Sweet.Looks real good.Nice music.IIRC asom started real poor.So you have a better start.We may be looking at a future roguelike more successful than adom. Edit:Of course you do have to many typos. THE MESSIAH,I'm here now,Worship me. [Edited 1 time, last edit on 4/1/2002 at 14:09 (GMT -5) by Tha Messiah] |
Ironfist Unregistered user |
Lanceran 1.30 released news: 1. random dungeon generator 2. major bug fixes and changes download (247k) |
Tha Messiah Registered user Angel of Death Last page view: 8097 days, 10 hours, 57 minutes and 38 seconds ago. |
I like your ASCII art.It's good. THE MESSIAH,I'm here now,Worship me. |
Deviant Unregistered user |
The town is quite big, but is there going to be a wilderness? Also, the size of the text is too small, it's not as comfortable to look at as a full screen roguelike because of this. |
Ironfist Unregistered user |
Location of dungeon stair:X=14,Y=19. Try to set screen resolution at 640x480 or 800x600 (there is no big and usable monotype font in Win). |
Duke Ravage Registered user Gravebane Zombie Last page view: 5983 days, 59 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
Where? could you reference it to landmarks? |
Ironfist Unregistered user |
Stairs are hidden. Look for "a sudden breeze chill your bones" message and press '>'. |
Jan Erik Administrator Last page view: 118 days, 11 hours, 10 minutes and 29 seconds ago. |
Duke: It's in the lower right corner of the little park thing (surounded by trees) in the south-eastern corner... Ironfist: You should consider removing the messages when you take a new turn like it's done in ADOM. Having the messages visible untill they are "pushed" out by new ones gets confusing IMHO (you have the message buffer if you want to check old ones). I also found it anoyting that trees where obstacles, but I guess that's just a matter of preference... Nice touch to be eable to bash down walls, though you might want to make that a spesific command. I find myself forever bumping into corners and such resulting in dammaged weapons... Jan Erik Mydland HoF admin [Edited 2 times, last edit on 4/14/2002 at 16:20 (GMT -5) by Jan Erik] |
Duke Ravage Registered user Gravebane Zombie Last page view: 5983 days, 59 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
thx jan yea, the trees do get annoying... as do the messages being "permenant". i havn't bashed down any walls yet, but it sounds useful... |
Jan Erik Administrator Last page view: 118 days, 11 hours, 10 minutes and 29 seconds ago. |
Yeah, actualy hidden doors and such doesn't seem to be implemented (yet) so you pretty much have to knock down a few walls to get to the down stairs from time to time... Jan Erik Mydland HoF admin |
Duke Ravage Registered user Gravebane Zombie Last page view: 5983 days, 59 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
can walls be knocked down bare-handed? |
Jan Erik Administrator Last page view: 118 days, 11 hours, 10 minutes and 29 seconds ago. |
Dunno... If you talk to the elder about quest he'll drop a dagger though so you can always get a weapon (you'll have to swap places with him). Ironfist: A few more comments/problems: When I asked Zort (or what's his name) the shipkeeper for 'help' he said he'd give me a valuable item and dropped something. When I tried picking it up (the one item with no price tag), he still wanted to charge me 1600 gold for picking it up, not much help :) Oh and that other shopkeeper (the potion seller), will offer to heal you (for 0 gold) even if you are not wounded, better to make her say "you don't need my help at the moment" or some such instead... Another problem is that after nagging someone for 'help' untill they finaly drop something they turn newtral on you. I can sort of see the reason, but the problem is that you can't talk to newtral NPC's and if you 'bump into' them you start a fight, this is a problem in town, and can also cause other problems if you for example ask the elder for help and recieve something before you ask about quest... Newtral NPC's should also bring up the swap, yes, no prompt. My list if full of people who have accidentaly attacked shipkeepers and such... I also ran into a hostile farmer in town once (without having chatted with anyone), might want to look into that. Oh and that dagger the elder drop when he asign you the quest realy ought to be dropped in front of him rather than where he stand (seeng as he doesn't move around), the first few games I didn't see the part where he "gave" me that dagger... Do you have a home page or something for this game yet? IMHO it have a lot of potential, but without any contact information it will be hard for people to help you out with bug reports and suggestions and such... Jan Erik Mydland HoF admin [Edited 2 times, last edit on 4/15/2002 at 09:20 (GMT -5) by Jan Erik] |
Ironfist Unregistered user |
Bad news guys. I have no time to develop my game right now. Jan Erik: About asking help. It's useful to ask help in dungeons from friendly and experienced monsters, and it's a big problem in towns full of NPC. I better remove this feature in future. About hostile farmer. It's a bug. I forgot to reinit dynamic array of monsters after game restart. |
Duke Ravage Registered user Gravebane Zombie Last page view: 5983 days, 59 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
is it possible to use wands, and if so, how?? also with speed, which is better: higer or lower? and heres a spoiler i figured out, don't know if it's common knowledge or what, but here it is anyways: Spoiler the teleport device in front of whatshisface can be sold to the general shopkeeper for $200000!!! it's useless otherwise, 0 charges. with that money you can buy lots of -stat- potions. vigor and magical (? haven't used these) are probably the best, they increase your HP/MP regeneration rate. you can also use the cash to outfit yourself for the dungeon if you don't start with good stuff. dunno if thats how it's supposed to be used, but theres it is. |
Ironfist Unregistered user |
1. Not yet 2. Lower is better (1600=veryslow,1000=normal,600=veryfast,0=clockstopper) Spoiler
It's only for testing purposes ;) |
Ironfist Unregistered user |
Lanceran 1.32 released 1. monster reinitialization bug fixed 2. some other bugs fixes download (247k) [Edited 1 time, last edit on 4/20/2002 at 04:27 (GMT -5) by its author] |
Guinea Registered user tWo-HeAdEd cHaOs WeAsEl Last page view: 7289 days, 6 hours, 33 minutes and 37 seconds ago. |
Ironfist... water is incountable. You can't say "A water". Make it "water" or "Some water". You wound her, not woundS [Edited 1 time, last edit on 4/20/2002 at 06:01 (GMT -5) by Guinea] |
Stas Registered user The Dark Lord Melkor Last page view: 7971 days, 9 hours and 15 seconds ago. |
I just love that "You wounds <monster>" :)) IronFist, u teb'a slovar' est' ? ;)) "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger" Lord of The Rings "Do not meddle in the affairs of cats, for they are subtle and will anger the cat lord" |
Ironfist Unregistered user |
Ты бы лучше составил список ошибок, StaS ;) [Edited 2 times, last edit on 4/23/2002 at 13:12 (GMT -5) by its author] |
Stas (unregistered) Unregistered user |
Napishy latinskimi bukvami, ja vse shrifty poproboval, ne rabotaet :) |
Duke Ravage Registered user Gravebane Zombie Last page view: 5983 days, 59 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
Really.... |
Ironfist Unregistered user |
Really ;) Forget it, Stas. |
Stas Registered user The Dark Lord Melkor Last page view: 7971 days, 9 hours and 15 seconds ago. |
Really? :) hm, but I still want to know what you said :) BTW, Duke, nice sig :) "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger" Lord of The Rings "Do not meddle in the affairs of cats, for they are subtle and will anger the cat lord" [Edited 1 time, last edit on 4/25/2002 at 01:43 (GMT -5) by Stas] |
Duke Ravage Registered user Gravebane Zombie Last page view: 5983 days, 59 minutes and 13 seconds ago. |
*g* thx. got the idea from that one guy, whats his face. sorry, it's 7:30. i shouldn't be up. |
eL Registered user Long lost brother Last page view: 7504 days, 20 hours, 8 minutes and 17 seconds ago. |
Ironfist GbI!! Naschet suk v dangone eto kruto!! It's very hard to be humble, when you are great. |
Ironfist Unregistered user |
suk? |
eL Registered user Long lost brother Last page view: 7504 days, 20 hours, 8 minutes and 17 seconds ago. |
nu v 1.24, tam kto-to govoril vrode "ubey vsey suk v dangone" BTW, i didn't find the dungeon :)) It's very hard to be humble, when you are great. |
Ironfist Registered user Last page view: 8337 days, 20 hours, 24 minutes and 6 seconds ago. |
You probably misundersand someone. BTW where are you from? |
eL Registered user Long lost brother Last page view: 7504 days, 20 hours, 8 minutes and 17 seconds ago. |
оттуда же, откуда и ты!!! Hehe, from Russia.;=) kstati kleviy sait Where the hell is that dungeon?! It's very hard to be humble, when you are great. |
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