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illumi Registered user The 1st child Last page view: 7417 days, 54 minutes and 33 seconds ago. |
A friend of mine falls totally in love with Lineage and Lineage II, but i know they're not free ... the host sucks up both ppl's soul and $$$ [Edited 2 times, last edit on 5/16/2004 at 13:00 (GMT -5) by illumi] |
![]() @ Registered user Q('_'Q)(>'_')> Last page view: 6990 days, 8 hours, 6 minutes and 37 seconds ago. |
Uh...Ok:D <xxxxo~~~~oxxxx> SWORDCHUK |
Taarn Unregistered user |
Yeah! Go Firearms. A favorite at our little LANs. I was very good at the stealth of it. My friends hated me because I would ambush them with the knife and kill before they knew what happened. |
![]() Armada Registered user Last page view: 1546 days, 45 minutes and 52 seconds ago. |
Thread necromancer, woo :D Maplestory is a nice 2D MMO...Thats free. Gunbound is great too. Sort of like worms. |
Chaves Unregistered user |
Star Craft, Heroes 3, UO. |
![]() Kirbot Registered user BattleHax0r of Devastation Last page view: 6204 days, 20 hours, 50 minutes and 43 seconds ago. |
Battle for Wesnoth is an open-source, freeware strategy game. It might be fun for playing with your family, since there aren't a whole lot of people playing online (yet? :D) You can also make your own campaigns and custom content and submit them to the site to be posted on the campaigns server. In the normal game, you can be elves, orcs, humans, drakes, undead, or dwarves. Each unit you recruit has its own experience and level. When a unit fights and survives, it gains 1 * (experience level of enemy unit) experience. If it defeats an enemy, it gains 8 * (experience level of enemy unit). When a unit levels up, it changes into a different unit, like an Elven Fighter can change into either an Elven Captain (better stats and increases attack damage of adjacent friendly units) or an Elven Hero (which has slightly better stats than a Captain, but without the leadership ability). It's pretty fun, and it's free. Might give it a shot. Molach: "I like to have 200+ hp and over 5 good healin potions when I do [the fire] temple. AND some way of killing the Wyrm" Morio: "Some way of killing the worm is recommended, yes :D" [Edited 1 time, last edit on 7/30/2006 at 01:26 (GMT -5) by Kirbot] |
mooseproduce Registered user Last page view: 6606 days, 14 hours and 20 seconds ago. |
Smash Brothers 64 on Kalliera (spelling?), which is an online emulation host/client system. I believe the only emulator compatible with it (for N64) is Project64, but I think Mupen might work too. Go to and head over to the Smash 64 forum, and then look around for a thread about "smash online" or "Kalliera". It's highly recommended that you obtain some sort of USB controller... although there is a large contingent of "keyboard smashers" who are highly patriotic. :) Personally, I prefer the console version... but this thread isn't about consoles, now is it? Beyond that, nobody seems to have mentioned Soldat-- shame on you ALL. ( Soldat is the bomb shaznat. :P As soon as 1.3.2 comes out, the minigun will get a small damage boost... and then I will actually have a decent kill count. Hopefully Rugers will get nerfed, too-- A BUNCH. :| Zoop de Whoop [Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/2/2007 at 07:10 (GMT -5) by mooseproduce] |
Hendar23 Registered user Last page view: 5977 days, 2 hours, 42 minutes and 19 seconds ago. | is fantastic over a LAN, and still pretty good over the net, though generally after playing on a LAN with your buddies all under the same roof it's hard to go back to net gaming "Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work" - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian |
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