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![]() Dougy Registered user What is the deal with cards? Last page view: 6150 days, 8 hours, 35 minutes and 19 seconds ago. |
Ahhh !!! Castle of the winds !!! i loved that game, someone bought it at a market once and i played it for ages... until i won twice and never played again. Adom was my first real rogue-like and i agree it is the best game ever made. Who gives a spondle about graphics, the gameplay in adom is enormously better then any other game. Considering how old a game adom is, it's still just as enjoyable today as it would of been many years ago. When you examine the changes in adom over the years, it is obvious how finely tuned the game is. Every little nit-picky thing has been taken consideration. If you keep in mind that adom is free and only written by one man, this is a fantastic feat of programming. DougyDougy - Dougy - DougyDougy |
Tha Messiah Registered user Angel of Death Last page view: 8097 days, 17 hours, 46 minutes and 41 seconds ago. |
Head nods in agreement. THE MESSIAH,I'm here now,Worship me. |
SkidiWili Registered user Grand Inquisitor Last page view: 8419 days, 19 hours, 38 minutes and 3 seconds ago. |
My first rogue like game was Larn. It was simple and easy compared to any other rogue like. That was of course a good thing, after all I was just a small child those days I really couldn't comphrehend anything more complicated. I must have finished Larn ten times before I moved away from rogue likes for a long time. For some reason Nethack or Moria didn't feel right. Then one day I found Adom and after that day it hasn't left my computer. Nethack and others still don't feel right.... |
Mindstorm Unregistered user |
Beginning with ADOM gamma 12, tried NetHack and ZAngband, but didn't get at home with their unmodifiable keyboard sets. It was very hard for me to learn a different set of commands each time, so after two or three months I dropped to ADOM each time. But not only roguelikes have freedom of playing your own way, testing one strategy, then another. Some commercial titles might also come to mind: Betrayal at Krondor, Fallout 1&2, but nothing more at the moment. Ahh, I forgot - Master of Magic, something like fantasy Civ. [Edited 1 time, last edit on 3/22/2002 at 19:44 (GMT -5) by its author] |
DarkWolf Registered user The Ravager Last page view: 8151 days, 7 hours, 34 minutes and 46 seconds ago. |
My first roguelike was "The Amulet of Yendor", a cheap imitation of Hack, about 10 years ago (which I enjoyed more than either Hack or Nethack IMHO). After that (the disk got corrupted), was a brief time with Rogue and Castle of the Winds 1 and 2 (which I didn't care for), then it was a multitude of disks of Hack 1.0.3, then Nethack for years. Unitil, oh I dunno, A few years ago, I got into Ragnarok (*THE* best graphical roguelike), and for a brief while, URW (until I accidentally formatted the harddrive and couldn't remember for the life of me what it was called, until about 10 minutes ago!), and then finally Adom, which I feel is the end-all be-all of Roguelikes. (I'm however, not counting DND, Caverns of Zoarre, and any pseudo-Text adventures, regardless as to how rogue-ish they may be). My signature is umop apisdn. |
Balakaloo Unregistered user |
Hmm.. Mines actually more of an interesting story. When I was about 10, I tried so so hard to find a way to downloaf Crossfire, an olld internet game, I could never find a place that worked, it was pretty sad. From there I got links to various RL pages and downloaded Nethack. I sucked so much back then.. ALWAYS played explorer mode. I stopped and forgot about it for a couple years, and then came back at 13 or so. I got all my friends hooked, I couldn't make it past lvl 11, even with eXplorer mode, cause of those damned shadows.. Haha. Then one of my friends decided he'd play without it, and I didn't understand at first, and now here I am beating ADOM on a regular basis... Crossfire->Nethack->ADOM->Dungeon Crawl |
C Registered user Last page view: 6613 days, 19 hours, 48 minutes and 57 seconds ago. |
First Rogue-like I ever played was Moria, then I played Castle of the Winds, and then I played Nethack, then ADOM. |
jasiu_kowal Registered user Last page view: 8155 days, 1 hour, 36 minutes and 29 seconds ago. |
When I was 9 years old, I used to play Nethack...Then I played ADoM, then ToME and then ADoM again :) Nethack -> Adom -> ToME -> Adom "Na początku był chaos i tak już zostało" |
to lazy to log in Unregistered user |
my first rougelike was actually rouge. i still have it installed on my computer and play it time to time, even though i have never even come close to beating it |
Nicholas Registered user Last page view: 8063 days, 15 hours, 42 minutes and 43 seconds ago. |
My first roguelike was Moria. Man I loved the item generator in that game. My wizard ran around for something like fifteen levels with a Holy Avenger Scourge. Stupid dragon. Stupid armor. Stupid breath weapon. *grins* |
Unregistered user |
I went like this: Castle of the Winds (when i was around 4) | | V Rogue | | V Avanor | | V *ADOM* |
Steve Riesenberger Unregistered user |
wow. My 1st roguelike was actually Rogue. I'm hooked on Zangband right now; went through a little Omega and Moria phase. |
Jonesy Registered user Liberate Te Ex Inferis Last page view: 6826 days, 8 hours, 27 minutes and 16 seconds ago. |
My first rougelike was Dungeon Crawl. Lot of stupid mistakes, but being a necromancer was quite fun. (Probably cause the good chance of corpse gen) "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him."- Voltaire "Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven."- John Milton, Paradise Lost "Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth, follow only beauty, and obey only love."- Kahlil Gibran "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."- Voltaire. "What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist."-Salman Rushdie |
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