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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / Roguelike / Lanceran

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Registered user
Long lost brother

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7504 days, 20 hours, 9 minutes and 17 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, May 04, 2002 at 14:50 (GMT -5)

оттуда же, откуда и ты!!!
Hehe, from Russia.;=) kstati kleviy sait
Where the hell is that dungeon?!
It's very hard to be humble, when you are great.
Duke Ravage
Registered user
Gravebane Zombie

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5983 days, 1 hour and 13 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 03:43 (GMT -5)

theres a post that says. its hard to find as it's not shown on the map, you can only tell where it is by a message you get when you stand on it.
Registered user
Long lost brother

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7504 days, 20 hours, 9 minutes and 17 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 11:24 (GMT -5)

yeah, i found it... Ironfist, u must make it more clear! :) For dumbs like me :)
btw, register, please, i'd like to mail ya ;-)
It's very hard to be humble, when you are great.
Unregistered user
Posted on Monday, May 06, 2002 at 12:33 (GMT -5)

Registered user
Long lost brother

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7504 days, 20 hours, 9 minutes and 17 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, May 06, 2002 at 13:22 (GMT -5)

what done? you aren't registered
It's very hard to be humble, when you are great.
Unregistered user
Posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 00:57 (GMT -5)

See post N29
Registered user

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8337 days, 20 hours, 25 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 04:10 (GMT -5)

Lanceran 1.34 released
1. mindcraft improved
2. bugfixes
download (250k)
Registered user
Long lost brother

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7504 days, 20 hours, 9 minutes and 17 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 06:19 (GMT -5)

why is there only cancel in mindcraft? :) I can't do anything with it :)
It's very hard to be humble, when you are great.
Unregistered user
Posted on Monday, August 05, 2002 at 13:14 (GMT -5)

Lanceran 1.40 released

1. LOS algorithm
2. new NPCs, quests and quest items
3. give item ability
4. font changing
5. screenshot button
6. bugfixes

download (263k)
Unregistered user
Posted on Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 02:10 (GMT -5)

Lanceran 1.42 released
1. terrible quest bug fixed
2. "screenshot of see invisible" fixed ;-)
3. notebook keys support

download (263k)
Jan Erik

Last page view:

118 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes and 29 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 13:07 (GMT -5)

The LOS looks good (haven't gotten around to test anything else ;)), you do have a small screen refresh bug though. Parts of the queset list will stay on screen after you close it, and after dying marts of the death message will hang around and mess up the "title" screen.

Jan Erik Mydland
HoF admin
Unregistered user
Posted on Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 20:32 (GMT -5)

Screen refresh bug? Sounds strange for me. Please tell me more (your version of Windows, windowed/fullscreen mode etc). Did you press 'q' and then 'q' again and the quest entries will stay with game map? Did you change the font to 'Courier (10x20)'?
Jan Erik

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118 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes and 29 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 03:42 (GMT -5)

Yeah I use the 10x20 fonts (use a high resulution), running under Windows XP in maximised windowed mode (as far as I can tell there is no "fullscreen" mode...

What happens is that when I hit q and q again a few pixels will remain as vertical lines where the quest info used to be (only on the part that's outside the "play area" as far as I can tell). Looks like your update function clear each character individualy by drawing a box over it or someting, but it miss by 1 pixel in this case (because of the bigger font?)...

Jan Erik Mydland
HoF admin
Unregistered user
Posted on Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 13:08 (GMT -5)

Hmm... Please make a screenshot of this bug. Probably size of XP Courier font differs from W9x one or maybe problem in XP font smoothness algorithm. Damn I just love the diversity of Windozes.
Jan Erik

Last page view:

118 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes and 29 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 16:26 (GMT -5)

Here are several shots:

Show the quest list "leftovers" just after starting

The same thing except the map have been explored a bit

Notice the glitch on the bottom of the score list too

Here you can see the "leftovers" of the score list on the title screen.

And this is how the screen looks after creating the second character after getting killed

Minimizing and restoring the window will refresh the display nicely and remove all the garbage, so it's not a major thing, but it does look a bit ugly :)

P.S. The 4. set of "chest" scales (from the bottom) on the whyrm/dragon/whatever on the title screen is colored incorectly (I asume they are supposed to be brown like the rest). picky picky picky :p

Jan Erik Mydland
HoF admin

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 8/8/2002 at 16:31 (GMT -5) by Jan Erik]
Unregistered user
Posted on Friday, August 09, 2002 at 13:08 (GMT -5)

Hehe, your Courier is only 9x18 :)
Jan Erik

Last page view:

118 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes and 29 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, August 09, 2002 at 16:34 (GMT -5)

Guess the Courier font supplied with Windows XP is different from the other Windows systems or something then...

You might want to look into a way to update the display that is not hard coded to the dimentions of a spesific font, or maybe bundle a set of fonts with the game rather than using the system default ones (seeng as they aparently are not identical across various Windows versions).

Jan Erik Mydland
HoF admin
Unregistered user
Posted on Friday, August 09, 2002 at 20:24 (GMT -5)

Lanceran 1.44 released
1. attempt to balance monster damage
2. friendly NPCs can sell rare items
3. more fonts for higher screen resolutions

download (263k)
Unregistered user
Posted on Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 04:31 (GMT -5)

Lanceran 1.46 released
1. balanced gameplay
2. bugfixes

download (265k)
Jan Erik

Last page view:

118 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes and 29 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 16:17 (GMT -5)

Anoying little things:

Halenger keeps dropping stuff in his own square, but I can't get him to move and I can't swap places with him, effectively making his rewards and what no unavailable (unless you kill him)...

If you rest (keep pressign the '5' key) on top of a stair it keeps saying "A stairway leading <foo>" every round...

Are "Tarnished Mail" & "Erik's choice" some sort of "test" equipment? Because I seem to get outragious amounts of exp for killing stuff while wearing it... My troll barbarian is now level 4 and has just barely begun exploring the 2. dungeon level!

What's up with the Russian hacker that bootet me out of the chat! I was having such a meaningfull conversation with GOGOblin or what's-his-name. Afraid people might stumble onto someting? :P

Oh, and why not say "... killed in town" rather than "on level 0 of the dungeon" (or whatever).

P.S. Tanks a million for leaving the sound off by default... No offence to the composer, but the music got realy anoying after a while (I'm not a big fan of ambient music in roguelikes...)

Jan Erik Mydland
HoF admin

[Edited 4 times, last edit on 8/18/2002 at 17:27 (GMT -5) by Jan Erik]
Unregistered user
Posted on Monday, August 19, 2002 at 02:57 (GMT -5)

1. There is 1/3 chance to get Sting'o'Needle from Halenger in the begining. But you allways can get that gear after completing his quest.

2. I'll fix it in the next version.

3. Nah, 'Tarnished Mail' is only tarnished mail, poor iron plate, better sell it in the general store. 'Erik's Choice' might be very useful. There are several secrets in the village.

4. Well, mommy said don't chat with hostile hackers :)

5. Yeah, right. Maybe in next version. ;)

6. By default the sound is on, you can turn it off by setting volume to 0. BTW, special levels have various musical themes so turn music on, descend deep into the dungeon and enjoy :P

Trackers united! Barry Leitch rule!
Unregistered user
Posted on Wednesday, September 04, 2002 at 02:19 (GMT -5)

Lanceran 1.47 released
1. bugfixes
2. new about box
3. cheat mode (hidden)

download (297k)
Unregistered user
Posted on Monday, September 23, 2002 at 10:56 (GMT -5)

Lanceran 1.50 released
1. help
2. cheat tool
3. bugfixes

download (328k)
Registered user
Long lost brother

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7504 days, 20 hours, 9 minutes and 17 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 14:04 (GMT -5)

Just great. Add the wilderness and it will be almost ADOM.
Pochemu vi na pisma ne otvechaete :)?
It's very hard to be humble, when you are great.
Unregistered user
Posted on Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 14:51 (GMT -5)

1.50 is the latest version?
Unregistered user
Posted on Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 16:43 (GMT -5)

Ok this game was very cool ;)
please keep working on it! :)
Prickle Pear(u)
Unregistered user
Posted on Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 18:45 (GMT -5)

Hey, Ironfist what programming program did you use to create this? So I can tell C to become my programming slave. BTW Great game!
Registered user

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6613 days, 13 hours and 54 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, November 22, 2002 at 12:27 (GMT -5)

Yeah right Prickle! Great game Ironfist, though how can you cast a spell?

Unregistered user
Posted on Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 21:01 (GMT -5)

Wonderful game ironfist. But how do you cast spells? it doesn't seem to work.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 11/23/2002 at 21:02 (GMT -5) by its author]
Registered user

Last page view:

6613 days, 13 hours and 54 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, November 24, 2002 at 12:25 (GMT -5)

Um I just fixed my speakers, good music. Could you give me a music file of 'Suprise you're dead' I need to annoy someone with it.
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