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Ryan Klein
Registered user
Because I said so is why!

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1663 days, 13 hours, 30 minutes and 47 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, November 01, 2002 at 20:43 (GMT -5)

I will post stuff. you will post your opinion. We will discuss. FUN!!

The shit being thrown around about the "war on terrorrism"

I think it's a crock. Nothing is happening. There is no war. It's politicians and activists talking.

If it's going to be a war on terrorrism, why do our terrorrists still exist? If we're going to clean up terrorrism, let's start on our homefronts. The war on terrorrism is biased. we want to get rid of the groups that WE don't agree with. Isn't that what the taliban was doing? Talk about fucking repetitive.

random word for the post: gargoyle

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