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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / Tract of Chaos?

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Unregistered user
Posted on Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 12:32 (GMT -5)

I have 2 questions I am confounded upon:
1: Is there something which makes you permanently bloated? I've been bloated for 10+ dungeon levels and a trip across the map from Graveyard to Chaos Dungeon...and am wondering why bloated doesn't go away.

2. What is the Tract of Chaos for...I am N- and found a tome in my it and found it to be a book to Sthraxx(?) and then felt energy build inside me...did I do something wrong?

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Posted on Sunday, November 24, 2002 at 03:41 (GMT -5)

For the first question, I'd say that once upon a time you were bloated, then came down to satiated and immediately ate a blessed stomafillia. That makes you bloated for a pretty long time (don't do it with a monk, it'll seem to last forever :)). And after that you could've even drank a few potions or read scrolls of satiation or something. But nothing makes you permanently bloated.

Now, I don't know about tracts, but I THINK reading it takes you closer to the alignment of which the tract is. But I'm not sure. Does anyone know if something has been done to them after 1.0.0 where they supposedly were buggy? I wouldn't go reading a tract that isn't of your alignment.
If you're feeling happy, don't worry, it'll go away.

Originally posted by noob: "I'm everytime amazed how you people know to exploit every single little bug (or not-bug) for elaborated scumming tatics even if the feature seems completely useless or bad."
Unregistered user
Posted on Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 04:27 (GMT -5)

I came across the tract of chaos when i was lawful high elven wizard and i was cursed by my diety for reading it!! In another game, i came across the tract again but i was very close to the lawful diety so the description went something like "you begin to page through the tract of chaos but due to the protection of (lawful diety) nothing happens." or something to that effect. I haven't found out what happens when a chaotic reads it.

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