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Ryan Klein
Registered user
Because I said so is why!

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1661 days, 3 hours, 13 minutes and 5 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 22:39 (GMT -5)

Rasslin thread. Who'd ya like/hate? how is wrestling now compared to back in the 90's etc.

Anyone else see last night's raw. Shane fucking FLEW off the gate. I never saw him that fired up.

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You'll never get rid of me

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5670 days, 8 hours, 18 minutes and 22 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, July 30, 2003 at 04:32 (GMT -5)

I'll probably see that next month :) The shows here in Finland come a bit delayed... Last week we saw Kane lose his mask and this week he threw Bischoff off the ramp. They're also always shorter than a full show, they last like for an hour or so, which means that you almost NEVER get to see any cruiserweights here('cept Mysterio...>|). For example, Ultimo Dragon's debut was cut off! That sucks! Luckily I've got all his WWE matches on computer:) I also lack the bandwith to d/l full RAWs and SDs from somewhere.

You're from the states right? You've had this wrestling thing there for a long time.(Here the shows have only been on tv for a couple of years) Do you have 7-11 year olds who've seen two shows on TV and think they know everything? "itz not fukin fake itz reel!!11! u no brok lensar hez so fukin 1337 cuz he beatch peepl up adn hez so strong and rey mystirio also fukin r00lzZ hez so c00l j00!!1!!" Then at school during breaks they give eachother DDTs and F5s and all that. *waiting for the first BYW death in Finland, followed by dumb hippie members of the parliament banning wrestling from TV* They just make me so pissed cause they're so dumb and ignorant. Oh well they're kids, yeah, but anyways.

Oh yeah, my favourites?:) Well...
  • Angle, because he's a really good wrestler and can make a good match. He's also pretty fast in the ring and doesn't get a heart attack after fighting 3 minutes(Scott Steiner anyone?). To top it all off he's good at the mic. So yeah.
  • SCSA, he's a badass, would be better off as a heel but Bischoff's also there so... Good at the mic and I think he puts up pretty good fights for a brawler. Too bad he can't fight anymore, oh well...
  • Undertaker, well, what can you say he's a legend and has always had good gimmicks. He always has a lot of charisma and knows how to work in the ring. Also VERY agile for a guy of his size, although he's getting old, too bad :(
  • Triple H, liked him more as a face with the more of a badass look with the beard and all... Also back then he didn't just get beat up by every opponent be it Hurricane in a tag team match or whatever. He does that nowadays, takes a beating from everybody, then wins with a low blow/sledgehammer/help of the evolution followed by a pedigree. Takes credibility off the championship belt I think.
  • Ric flair, he's a legend and a great wrestler, one of the best of all time!

Hoo boy, got long but I guess I just like to talk about this subject.:)

If you're feeling happy, don't worry, it'll go away.

Originally posted by noob: "I'm everytime amazed how you people know to exploit every single little bug (or not-bug) for elaborated scumming tatics even if the feature seems completely useless or bad."

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 7/30/2003 at 04:35 (GMT -5) by J.]
Ryan Klein
Registered user
Because I said so is why!

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1661 days, 3 hours, 13 minutes and 5 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, July 30, 2003 at 04:57 (GMT -5)


I amatuer wrestled one of those kids to a pinfall in 52 seconds and it took that long because I was toying with him.

It IS real to a point. Read Mick Foley's autobiographies.

Mick is the hardcore god of wrestling. He can take hits and he's a family man and he's a DAMN good writer (much to my surprise(

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