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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / A question (and a suggestion)

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Crimson King
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6332 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes and 34 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 at 01:39 (GMT -5)

Well, I was thinking that does the danger level affect shops? Just found a HUGE potion shop below the HMV, and I've bought it empty twice already (nothing special, just loads of water and booze).
If the danger level affects, I might want to get my hands on some scrolls of danger. Would be fun to see a shop full of potions of [attribute]. ;)

Joka vitsaa säästää, saa kaatumataudin
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5675 days, 13 hours, 1 minute and 25 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 at 09:18 (GMT -5)

IMO it does. Pet shops for example. The ones I've seen have always been in the top levels of the CoC and thus have had rats, goblins an kobolds in them. Also, the casino is pretty deep and has good stuff in it(although the casino could be a special case such as the black market). But my guess is that you get better items sold in shops the deeper you are in the dungeon. Too bad the ID doesn't generate shops...

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