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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / Spoilers / Potion of balance

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Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2003 at 13:08 (GMT -5)

What is the exact effect of a blessed potion of balance? For example with my neutral hurtling bard, first it works like a PoGA (some stat rised, and didn't see any stat falling), and immediately drinking another one it does nothing ~_~ (the stat were still imbalanced)...and after a long while drinking another one many stats were raised again...!!! (very confusing...)
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5780 days, 17 hours, 2 minutes and 43 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, October 16, 2003 at 04:02 (GMT -5)

Sometimes it pulls your alignment towards neutrality (since you were neutral already, you might not have noticed this effect).

Sometimes it balances out your stats. That is, if you take the mean of all your stats (rounded down) an uncursed potion of balance will pull them all towards the mean. A blessed potion pulls them towards 3 more than the mean, and a cursed potion towards 3 less.

IIRC, the higher your stats are the less likely a potion of balance is to affect them. I think there's also a random factor, as once I drank two blessed potions of balance in succession, and the first didn't change my stats but the second did.

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