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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / walk 5

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the biz
Unregistered user
Posted on Monday, October 27, 2003 at 09:56 (GMT -5)

Listen up, you may like this one. In certain times in ADOM, it is advantageous to sit in one dungeon square and wait for a very long time.

Whether you are waiting for herbs, regaining HPs/PPs, affecting your satiation level, luring monsters onto an altar (this is huge), or waiting for shops to restock, hitting the 'w'alk command, and the numeral 5 will rapidly speed up this process and carry it out safer.

No longer will you run into a karmic lizard or be hit by a vortex while holding down the 's'earch command, because you automtically stop "walking" Which is kinda funny, picturing your character jogging in place for hours or days

The karmic vortex thing is reason enough. You can lure monsters like crazy with this, right onto an altar. You dont have to run around and drag them as much. Also, try to go up and down to adjacent dungeons, because on your return to the level with the altar, more monsters will have been generated, and then its right back to luring more.

When you HPs are low, lock yourself in a room and fo it. Heal yourself very quickly this way, and it takes ALL the danger out of it. You will stop walking the instant a monster enters your LOS (line of sight)

And yes, this technique makes it extremely feasible to wait for a shop to restock. Just have blessed stoma, and do the walk in place thing real quick, hitting enter afterwards to scroll through and messages caused by waiting. Works like a charm.

Ye like?
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3765 days, 5 hours, 8 minutes and 24 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, October 27, 2003 at 14:47 (GMT -5)

Very much. I've known this for some time, but then, I've played ADOM for three years now. It's a very handy tip to know :)

Of course, there are the summoners/breeders that could multiply, on very deep levels there's a Chaos problem; and if you're under a time limit (Puppy quest, for example) you'd want to think twice. Other than that, it's a good idea.

See what knowing the keybindings can do for you? :)

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