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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / General / random IM convos

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Duke Ravage
Registered user
Gravebane Zombie

Last page view:

5666 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes and 28 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, January 03, 2004 at 03:21 (GMT -5)

i have numerous entertaining convos with IMs... so this is where i'm going to post some of them. feel free to post your own... *g*
i'm in the middle of a big snowball fight that i'll post in a few once i'm done...
Duke Ravage
Registered user
Gravebane Zombie

Last page view:

5666 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes and 28 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, January 03, 2004 at 04:30 (GMT -5)

Be warned. It's long. Very long. A very friggin long snowball fight. A freakishly long and wierd snowball fight. *g*

guardsheep2000 (11:40:15 PM): *throws a snowball
Infinitysquared3 (11:40:38 PM): *tries to duck; the snowball hits her hat and knocks it off
Infinitysquared3 (11:40:41 PM): Missed me!
Infinitysquared3 (11:40:44 PM): *makes another snowball
guardsheep2000 (11:40:47 PM): *builds a snow fort*
Infinitysquared3 (11:41:01 PM): *builds a similar snow fort
guardsheep2000 (11:41:05 PM): *laughs as he begins stockpiling snowballs*
Infinitysquared3 (11:41:20 PM): *is also stockpiling snowballs
guardsheep2000 (11:41:21 PM): *upgrades to a snowkeep*
Infinitysquared3 (11:41:25 PM): LOL
Infinitysquared3 (11:41:29 PM): Warcraft?
guardsheep2000 (11:42:11 PM): *purchases some Canadian Snowlauncher mercenaries for $10 to man the snowkeep*
Infinitysquared3 (11:42:27 PM): *constructs a few snowball-throwing catapults*
guardsheep2000 (11:42:39 PM): *commisions his engineers to build a snowball cannon*
Infinitysquared3 (11:42:49 PM): *summons a few dozen cats to serve as troops*
guardsheep2000 (11:43:14 PM): *drafts the peasent dogs*
Infinitysquared3 (11:43:30 PM): *purchases some tennis balls*
Infinitysquared3 (11:43:47 PM): *uses snowball cannons to launch tennis balls in all directions*
guardsheep2000 (11:43:54 PM): *upgrades to a snowcastle with reinforced walls*
guardsheep2000 (11:44:15 PM): *yells at his dogs as they chase the tennisballs*
Infinitysquared3 (11:44:18 PM): *digs down to make snow-bunker*
Infinitysquared3 (11:44:34 PM): *orders force of cats to attack disorganized dogs*
guardsheep2000 (11:44:37 PM): *calls in a snowball artillary barrage*
guardsheep2000 (11:44:46 PM): *catches your cats out in the open*
Infinitysquared3 (11:44:51 PM): *orders cats back to castle*
guardsheep2000 (11:45:02 PM): you have a bunker.
Infinitysquared3 (11:45:03 PM): *guards doors*
Infinitysquared3 (11:45:09 PM): *returns snowball barrage*
Infinitysquared3 (11:45:13 PM): Make it a bunker.
Infinitysquared3 (11:45:52 PM): *sends cats on secret mission to tunnel under walls and attack snowball cannons*
guardsheep2000 (11:46:19 PM): *pays some cats to work as spies and sabatoge the efforts*
Infinitysquared3 (11:46:35 PM): *pays a few even more to act as counterspies*
guardsheep2000 (11:46:56 PM): *drops a snowboulder and collapses your tunnel*
Infinitysquared3 (11:47:22 PM): *recalls spy cats*
Infinitysquared3 (11:47:55 PM): *sits in fortress, building up defenses and recruiting more cats from the surrounding countryside*
guardsheep2000 (11:47:56 PM): *traps a bunch of mice*
guardsheep2000 (11:48:06 PM): *sets them loose on the countryside*
Infinitysquared3 (11:48:46 PM): *tempts cats with catnip to stay inside fort*
Infinitysquared3 (11:49:03 PM): *not all cats are tempted by catnip; some go to chase mice anyhow*
guardsheep2000 (11:49:11 PM): *pays a cat a lot of rats to burn the catnip*
guardsheep2000 (11:49:29 PM): hey where you from?
Infinitysquared3 (11:49:33 PM): *puts out fire; some is still left*
Infinitysquared3 (11:49:36 PM): Ohio.
guardsheep2000 (11:49:46 PM): *ahh
guardsheep2000 (11:50:31 PM): *equips dogs with automatic snowball machineguns
guardsheep2000 (11:50:50 PM): *throws frizbees into your fortress*
Infinitysquared3 (11:51:17 PM): *has crack catapult crews shoot the frisbees out of the sky*
guardsheep2000 (11:51:25 PM): *throws more*
Infinitysquared3 (11:51:29 PM): *erects force shield*
guardsheep2000 (11:51:39 PM): damn.
guardsheep2000 (11:51:55 PM): *begins researching a force sheild disruptor
Infinitysquared3 (11:51:58 PM): Ya gotta get under it now...
Infinitysquared3 (11:52:09 PM): *starts researching laser weaponry.
guardsheep2000 (11:52:21 PM): *discovers a Summoning Stone*
guardsheep2000 (11:52:29 PM): wait
guardsheep2000 (11:52:31 PM): this is a snow fight
guardsheep2000 (11:52:33 PM): no lazers
guardsheep2000 (11:52:35 PM): *g*
Infinitysquared3 (11:52:36 PM): LOL... okay
guardsheep2000 (11:52:46 PM): *summons a snow elemental*
Infinitysquared3 (11:52:47 PM): *finds out you can't build lasers with ice crystals for prisms
guardsheep2000 (11:52:52 PM): lol
Infinitysquared3 (11:52:55 PM): *trains cat mages*
guardsheep2000 (11:53:06 PM): *teaches his dogs necromancy*
Infinitysquared3 (11:53:06 PM): *sigh* guess the force field has to go too...
guardsheep2000 (11:53:10 PM): no
guardsheep2000 (11:53:13 PM): force field is ok
Infinitysquared3 (11:53:27 PM): *cat mages are fully trained*
guardsheep2000 (11:53:30 PM): until i get my force sheild disruptor anyway*
guardsheep2000 (11:53:47 PM): *dog necros start raising undead snowball throwers and snow golemns*
Infinitysquared3 (11:54:05 PM): *cat mages throw fireballs at your snow golems*
guardsheep2000 (11:54:37 PM): *snow elemental puts out the fireballs*
Infinitysquared3 (11:55:14 PM): (they're gonna cause damage... this is cold vs. fire...)
guardsheep2000 (11:55:16 PM): *loses a lot of golemns anyway, because the elemental is too slow*
guardsheep2000 (11:55:38 PM): (well yeah, but the snow elemental can make snow swarm the fireballs)
Infinitysquared3 (11:55:43 PM): (okay)
Infinitysquared3 (11:56:06 PM): *sends out cat mages, protected by cat warriors, to storm the walls before you invent force shield disruptor*
guardsheep2000 (11:56:22 PM): *desparate defense by dog necros and their minions
guardsheep2000 (11:56:35 PM): *dumps buckets of snow on your cat warriors & mages*
Infinitysquared3 (11:56:54 PM): *more fireballs* *cat warriors take some steam damage*
Infinitysquared3 (11:57:15 PM): *melts snow*
guardsheep2000 (11:57:21 PM): *claims neighboring province and begins building another reinforced castle
Infinitysquared3 (11:57:22 PM): *start throwing fireballs at snow castle walls*
guardsheep2000 (11:57:33 PM): *transfers research*
Infinitysquared3 (11:57:44 PM): *allies with neighboring kingdom of Squirreldom*
guardsheep2000 (11:57:45 PM): *builds new castle out of stone*
guardsheep2000 (11:57:55 PM): *begins drafting the native lions*
Infinitysquared3 (11:57:58 PM): *can now climb trees, and use archery*
guardsheep2000 (11:58:07 PM): *is now big and badassed*
Infinitysquared3 (11:58:12 PM): LOL
Infinitysquared3 (11:58:20 PM): *looks for the source of his power...*
guardsheep2000 (11:58:31 PM): *trains the lions in the use of modern weponry*
guardsheep2000 (11:58:51 PM): *teaches the lions to fly space domination fighters*
Infinitysquared3 (11:59:02 PM): (this is a SNOW fight... oh, all right, have it your way...) *learns all known magic*
guardsheep2000 (11:59:09 PM): *begins strafeing your troops with snowballs*
guardsheep2000 (11:59:19 PM): (the fighters can shoot snoballs*
Infinitysquared3 (11:59:25 PM): *cats teleport into stone fortress, poison all supplies*
guardsheep2000 (11:59:26 PM): hightechage is not illegal
Infinitysquared3 (11:59:36 PM): (then neither is high magic)
guardsheep2000 (11:59:37 PM): *learns all known magic*
guardsheep2000 (11:59:44 PM): *antidotes*
guardsheep2000 (11:59:54 PM): *makes all troops immune to poison
guardsheep2000 (12:00:07 AM): *makes troops immortal, and regenerative*
Infinitysquared3 (12:00:07 AM): *learns Resurrect spell*
guardsheep2000 (12:00:27 AM): *well, ageless, not immortal
Infinitysquared3 (12:00:41 AM): *builds a large underground cave system*
guardsheep2000 (12:00:54 AM): *invades underground cave system*
Infinitysquared3 (12:01:02 AM): *is killed by numerous traps*
guardsheep2000 (12:01:09 AM): *completes force shield disruptor tech*
Infinitysquared3 (12:01:48 AM): *reinforces bunker with magical Shield spell (prot. physical)*
guardsheep2000 (12:02:12 AM): *attacks your castle with snow elemental, dog necros, and lion soldiers*
guardsheep2000 (12:02:39 AM): *disrupts shield*
Infinitysquared3 (12:02:44 AM): *defends with cat mages, protected by warriors*
Infinitysquared3 (12:02:58 AM): *rains snowballs down on attackers*
Infinitysquared3 (12:03:07 AM): (from squirrels in trees)
guardsheep2000 (12:03:32 AM): *continues relentless assault
Infinitysquared3 (12:03:35 AM): *researches Create Food spell*
Infinitysquared3 (12:03:55 AM): (forces: 85% strength)
Infinitysquared3 (12:04:07 AM): *researches Mind Control*
guardsheep2000 (12:04:16 AM): *researches mind immunity*
guardsheep2000 (12:04:41 AM): *withdraws lion soldiers while he waits, uses undead and golemns*
Infinitysquared3 (12:04:52 AM): *casts dispel magic*
guardsheep2000 (12:05:11 AM): *equips undead with snowball machineguns*
Infinitysquared3 (12:05:15 AM): *continues attacking with snow and fire*
Infinitysquared3 (12:05:58 AM): *recruits druid sparrows*
guardsheep2000 (12:06:12 AM): *laughs as your cats try to eat the sparrows*
Infinitysquared3 (12:06:23 AM): *uses mind control to stop the cats*
guardsheep2000 (12:06:29 AM): *dispel magic*
guardsheep2000 (12:06:38 AM): *offers the sparrows refuge with him*
Infinitysquared3 (12:06:52 AM): *spreads propaganda about lions eating sparrows*
guardsheep2000 (12:07:33 AM): *spreads propaganda about you eating birds*
Infinitysquared3 (12:07:37 AM): *orders sparrows to call down freezing rain to get rid of machine snowball guns*
guardsheep2000 (12:08:06 AM): *manages to get some sparrows to allign with him*
Infinitysquared3 (12:08:22 AM): *remaining sparrows call down freezing rain*
Infinitysquared3 (12:08:27 AM): *we bed down in our bunker*
guardsheep2000 (12:08:29 AM): *fleas*
guardsheep2000 (12:08:35 AM): hahaha!
Infinitysquared3 (12:08:54 AM): *endures fleas*
guardsheep2000 (12:09:15 AM): *stands down, returns to castle, but watches borders*
guardsheep2000 (12:09:31 AM): *begins looking into alliances with other animals*
Infinitysquared3 (12:09:37 AM): *does the same*
guardsheep2000 (12:09:46 AM): *gets the apes*
Infinitysquared3 (12:09:51 AM): *elephants*
guardsheep2000 (12:09:53 AM): *gets the rats*
guardsheep2000 (12:10:03 AM): *Ents*
Infinitysquared3 (12:10:08 AM): *elves*
guardsheep2000 (12:10:09 AM): *Dwarves*
guardsheep2000 (12:10:12 AM): *Trolls
guardsheep2000 (12:10:14 AM): *Orcs*
Infinitysquared3 (12:10:16 AM): (dangit!)
guardsheep2000 (12:10:19 AM): lol
Infinitysquared3 (12:10:27 AM): *casts Death Wave*
Infinitysquared3 (12:10:41 AM): (wait a minute, got to talk to someone)
guardsheep2000 (12:10:52 AM): *laughs as it rolls over his undead servants, then raises the dwarves trolls orcs etc as undead*
Infinitysquared3 (12:25:15 AM): *dispel magic*
guardsheep2000 (12:25:18 AM): *ferrets*
*gets his friend to ally with him... one moment while i open up a chat room*
Infinitysquared3 (12:25:24 AM): okay
Infinitysquared3 (12:25:26 AM): dangit

(12:25:56 AM) You have just entered room "thebigolemassivesnowballfight."
(12:26:05 AM) Infinitysquared3 has entered the room.
(12:26:18 AM) Twolvos has entered the room.
guardsheep2000 (12:26:28 AM): where were we...
Infinitysquared3 (12:26:33 AM): *dispel magic*
guardsheep2000 (12:26:55 AM): *watches his skeletons crumble as the magic holding them together dissapates*
Infinitysquared3 (12:27:09 AM): *throws fireballs at skeletons' remains*
guardsheep2000 (12:27:21 AM): *begins training orcs, trolls, apes as foot troops
guardsheep2000 (12:27:44 AM): *teaches rats summoning magic*
Infinitysquared3 (12:27:48 AM): *begins training elephants, elves, hobbits*
Infinitysquared3 (12:28:21 AM): *elves begin to summon Spring*
Twolvos (12:28:36 AM): *marchs in is trained army of tiny little chicks
guardsheep2000 (12:29:05 AM): *uses summoning circles and rat summoners to summon a army of imps to back up the chicks*
Infinitysquared3 (12:29:17 AM): *dispel magic*
Infinitysquared3 (12:29:36 AM): *partial success*
guardsheep2000 (12:29:42 AM): *starts making another summoning circle... imps are mad as you just broke their way home*
guardsheep2000 (12:29:52 AM): *gets dice*
Infinitysquared3 (12:30:00 AM): ooh, I'm going to have to use a coin
Infinitysquared3 (12:30:07 AM): my dice are all at school
guardsheep2000 (12:30:09 AM): lol
Twolvos (12:30:11 AM): hehe
guardsheep2000 (12:30:16 AM): oh
guardsheep2000 (12:30:24 AM): iridia, troy. troy, iridia.
guardsheep2000 (12:30:29 AM): btw iridia what's your name?
guardsheep2000 (12:30:33 AM): you've told me i know
Infinitysquared3 (12:30:33 AM): Lisa.
guardsheep2000 (12:30:35 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (12:30:45 AM): thx
Infinitysquared3 (12:30:48 AM): Well, one of my names... Lisa's the one on my birth certificate...
guardsheep2000 (12:30:53 AM): lol
Infinitysquared3 (12:31:07 AM): I know, it gets difficult when you RP on about five different sites, and in real life too...
guardsheep2000 (12:31:12 AM): heh
Twolvos (12:31:16 AM): ya, Troy offline, Twolvos online
Twolvos (12:31:20 AM): hehe
Twolvos (12:31:24 AM): also known as Tynir
Infinitysquared3 (12:31:28 AM): anyway: *elves are halfway done with summoning rite... will melt all snow if successful*
guardsheep2000 (12:31:46 AM): *rat summoners begin summoning a blizzard*
Infinitysquared3 (12:32:15 AM): *elephants fully trained*
Infinitysquared3 (12:32:22 AM): *hobbit spies fully trained*
guardsheep2000 (12:32:33 AM): *marches in army of trained trolls, orcs, dwarves, dog necros, and lion soldiers*
Infinitysquared3 (12:33:01 AM): (you better have magic resistance this time...) *death wave* *dispel undead*
guardsheep2000 (12:33:03 AM): *reinforces borders with stone keeps*
Infinitysquared3 (12:33:11 AM): *extends cave system*
guardsheep2000 (12:33:13 AM): *resists*
guardsheep2000 (12:33:42 AM): *sets a small group of rats to another summoning circle*
Infinitysquared3 (12:34:01 AM): *sends hobbit spies to find enemy secrets*
guardsheep2000 (12:34:20 AM): *laughs as he realizes he's using his weighted die... one moment*
guardsheep2000 (12:34:46 AM): *rolls again to counterspy*
Infinitysquared3 (12:34:49 AM): (you have a weighted die!??)
guardsheep2000 (12:34:53 AM): yep
guardsheep2000 (12:35:01 AM): always lands 3 it seems
Infinitysquared3 (12:35:03 AM): (what die are you using? d6?)
guardsheep2000 (12:35:11 AM): d6, d10, and d20
guardsheep2000 (12:35:15 AM): for different rolls
Infinitysquared3 (12:35:34 AM): okay
guardsheep2000 (12:35:47 AM): *ferret assassins storm your throne room* (that took a 20 on the d20)
Infinitysquared3 (12:36:08 AM): *gets loyal cat guards to surround me*
Infinitysquared3 (12:36:35 AM): (okay, I have six coins, treat it as a d6.)
guardsheep2000 (12:36:40 AM): *ferret assassins attack fearlessly*
guardsheep2000 (12:36:42 AM): lol
guardsheep2000 (12:36:52 AM): *surround your guatds*
Infinitysquared3 (12:37:07 AM): (2. Succeed.)
Infinitysquared3 (12:37:20 AM): I'm getting my mages to teleport in here and ge me out...
guardsheep2000 (12:37:26 AM): lol
Infinitysquared3 (12:37:32 AM): 4.
Infinitysquared3 (12:37:51 AM): You don't have any magic-users... I succeed.
guardsheep2000 (12:38:04 AM): *begins another artillary barrage on your cities*
guardsheep2000 (12:38:12 AM): *assassins vanish*
Infinitysquared3 (12:38:24 AM): *defends with Shield spell*
Infinitysquared3 (12:38:38 AM): /
guardsheep2000 (12:38:48 AM): *pays UU and casts Counterspell*
guardsheep2000 (12:39:23 AM): *pays 5UU and plays Palinchron, then untaps 7 lands*
Infinitysquared3 (12:39:51 AM): (dangit... don't know all my Magic cards(
guardsheep2000 (12:39:54 AM): *puts away his magic cards*
Infinitysquared3 (12:40:00 AM): (thanks.)
Infinitysquared3 (12:40:14 AM): *starts up snowball catapults again*
guardsheep2000 (12:40:15 AM): *grabs his star trek cards*
guardsheep2000 (12:40:22 AM): lol
Infinitysquared3 (12:40:22 AM): *begins researching Explosive Snowballs*
Infinitysquared3 (12:40:30 AM): (you nut).
guardsheep2000 (12:40:31 AM): no i dont' know how to play the star trek tcg
guardsheep2000 (12:41:13 AM): *rebuilds his undead army*
guardsheep2000 (12:41:26 AM): *casts Reflect on them*
Infinitysquared3 (12:41:39 AM): (the explosive snowballs? Haven't used 'em yet)
guardsheep2000 (12:41:48 AM): no, on my undead army
Infinitysquared3 (12:41:51 AM): ah, okay
Infinitysquared3 (12:41:57 AM): permanent?
guardsheep2000 (12:42:11 AM): no. ever played Final Fantasy?
guardsheep2000 (12:42:23 AM): it lasts a few rounds in the game
Infinitysquared3 (12:42:24 AM): dangit, no... tell me what Reflect does.
Infinitysquared3 (12:42:31 AM): Reflects damage?
guardsheep2000 (12:42:38 AM): basically, you cast spell, bounces off me, sticks to you.
Infinitysquared3 (12:42:41 AM): Okay.
Infinitysquared3 (12:42:54 AM): *casts Shield spell on undead army*
Infinitysquared3 (12:43:09 AM): (what? can't I do that? *g*)
guardsheep2000 (12:43:12 AM): sure
Infinitysquared3 (12:43:29 AM): *collapses tunnels under battlefield*
guardsheep2000 (12:43:54 AM): *brings up reinforcements*
guardsheep2000 (12:44:01 AM): *casts reflect again*
guardsheep2000 (12:44:17 AM): *casts Ice 4 on undead army*
Infinitysquared3 (12:44:35 AM): *casts Shield on undead army*
Infinitysquared3 (12:44:51 AM): *researches Antimagic Field*
Infinitysquared3 (12:45:02 AM): *Exploding Snowball invented*
guardsheep2000 (12:45:20 AM): *builds secret research base*
guardsheep2000 (12:45:51 AM): base done building
Infinitysquared3 (12:46:14 AM): *hobbit spies come back with enemy secrets... including your base location*
guardsheep2000 (12:46:23 AM): *abandons smaller summoning circle*
guardsheep2000 (12:46:38 AM): lol
Infinitysquared3 (12:46:38 AM): *destroys summoning circle, just in case something comes through*
guardsheep2000 (12:46:49 AM): all this started with me throwing a snowball at you
Infinitysquared3 (12:46:53 AM): Yeah.
Infinitysquared3 (12:46:59 AM): Isn't that insane?
guardsheep2000 (12:47:02 AM): *summons a massive blizzard*
guardsheep2000 (12:47:07 AM): i'm going to post this when we're done
Infinitysquared3 (12:47:21 AM): *sparrows and elves attempt to counter blizzard*
guardsheep2000 (12:47:29 AM): *teaches lion soldiers the Resist Cold aura*
Infinitysquared3 (12:47:41 AM): Failed.
guardsheep2000 (12:47:44 AM): lol
Infinitysquared3 (12:47:54 AM): Blizzard does little damage (we're still in tunnels, remember?)
guardsheep2000 (12:47:58 AM): gotta wait on my resist cold
Infinitysquared3 (12:48:07 AM): *discovers Antimagic Field*
guardsheep2000 (12:48:18 AM): i thought we were both undergound and aboveground
guardsheep2000 (12:48:34 AM): *begins a new summoning circle*
Infinitysquared3 (12:48:34 AM): (good point)
Infinitysquared3 (12:48:48 AM): *squirrels in trees take damage from blizzard, down to 50% strength*
guardsheep2000 (12:48:59 AM): lol
guardsheep2000 (12:49:13 AM): *loses troops from blizzard, didn't get resist cold in time*
Infinitysquared3 (12:49:25 AM): *elves complete summoning Spring... successful*
Infinitysquared3 (12:49:32 AM): (yeah, I did roll for that.)
guardsheep2000 (12:49:32 AM): *teaches lion soldiers resist cold*
guardsheep2000 (12:49:36 AM): lol
guardsheep2000 (12:49:43 AM): i've been rolling for the blizzard for a while
guardsheep2000 (12:49:51 AM): it was supposed to be a semi-counter to spring
Infinitysquared3 (12:50:00 AM): Okay.
Infinitysquared3 (12:50:30 AM): Rats...*spring destroys my exploding snowballs*
guardsheep2000 (12:50:35 AM): lol
Infinitysquared3 (12:50:54 AM): *and melts your fort walls...* unless you can counter with another blizzard?
guardsheep2000 (12:51:11 AM): *a rat ambassador comes to you. "Sorry, we're already on Adams side." he leaves.*
Infinitysquared3 (12:51:16 AM): LOL!!
guardsheep2000 (12:51:34 AM): i'll roll for 6 of 6 if the blizzard lasts long enough, hows that?
Infinitysquared3 (12:51:45 AM): yes
Infinitysquared3 (12:51:50 AM): *sends hobbit spy with bomb to blow up secret research center*
guardsheep2000 (12:52:22 AM): *botches... the mana blast shatters my main castle, i must relocate*
Infinitysquared3 (12:52:36 AM): (ouch... rolled a 1?)
guardsheep2000 (12:52:42 AM): *begins building a new iron fortified castle*
guardsheep2000 (12:52:43 AM): aye
guardsheep2000 (12:53:15 AM): *succeeds a d20 roll... no i won't say what it was for. *g* *
Infinitysquared3 (12:53:36 AM): *hobbit spy is partially successful... your lab has sustained damage but can be rebuilt* (3/6)
guardsheep2000 (12:53:48 AM): dern.
Infinitysquared3 (12:53:50 AM): Ohboy. *starts Cold-War-Style paranoia*
guardsheep2000 (12:53:54 AM): *begins building*
Infinitysquared3 (12:54:09 AM): *rebuilds collapsed tunnels*
guardsheep2000 (12:54:23 AM): *efficient Dwarven engineers rebuild research base quickly (6/6)*
Infinitysquared3 (12:54:54 AM): *casts Antimagic Field* 3/6
Infinitysquared3 (12:55:10 AM): *begins researching gunpowder*
guardsheep2000 (12:55:17 AM): *another group of assassins storm your throne room*
guardsheep2000 (12:55:24 AM): *researches gunpowder as well
guardsheep2000 (12:55:38 AM): that was another 20/20 roll, the earlier sucess was to find you again
Infinitysquared3 (12:55:43 AM): Okay
Infinitysquared3 (12:56:05 AM): *tries teleport vs. weak 3/6 antimagic field... 5/6 to succeed?)
guardsheep2000 (12:56:11 AM): sure
guardsheep2000 (12:56:20 AM): i can roll stuff for you if you like
Infinitysquared3 (12:56:24 AM): Failed.
guardsheep2000 (12:56:32 AM): with higher # rolls
Infinitysquared3 (12:56:48 AM): (save vs. cat... succeeded... silly orange kitten who thinks coins are toys)
guardsheep2000 (12:56:55 AM): lol
Infinitysquared3 (12:57:09 AM): sure
Infinitysquared3 (12:57:12 AM): just be honest
guardsheep2000 (12:57:21 AM): you can trust me *wink*
Infinitysquared3 (12:57:27 AM): *guards surround me*
guardsheep2000 (12:57:44 AM): hmm
guardsheep2000 (12:58:18 AM): *assassins try to surround guards... 4/6?
guardsheep2000 (12:58:52 AM): *rolls 4*
Infinitysquared3 (12:59:20 AM): *have guards attack assassins*
Infinitysquared3 (12:59:35 AM): (roll opposing attacks)
guardsheep2000 (12:59:37 AM): one moment, lemme figure out how many assassins i have
guardsheep2000 (1:00:05 AM): 7 assassins
guardsheep2000 (1:00:12 AM): nah
guardsheep2000 (1:00:15 AM): that was abd
guardsheep2000 (1:00:16 AM): too many
guardsheep2000 (1:00:20 AM): 5 how about
Infinitysquared3 (1:00:33 AM): I probably have about 20 guards, but they're nothing special... your assassins are well-trained...
Infinitysquared3 (1:00:35 AM): (if you succeed, I'll attempt to flee out a secret passage.)
guardsheep2000 (1:01:00 AM): hmm
Infinitysquared3 (1:01:09 AM): *wishes for battle grid*
guardsheep2000 (1:01:17 AM): 20 guards, 5 assassins... how should i do this?
Infinitysquared3 (1:01:57 AM): um... let's see. Yours kills one of mine on a roll of 10 or more... mine kills one of yours on a roll of 16 or more.
guardsheep2000 (1:01:57 AM): how about i roll d20, thats how many guards die, then i roll d10/2, thats how many assassins eat it
Infinitysquared3 (1:02:06 AM): okay, that works
guardsheep2000 (1:02:09 AM): heh
Infinitysquared3 (1:02:15 AM): easier than my system.
guardsheep2000 (1:02:22 AM): 7 guards, 1 assassin
Infinitysquared3 (1:02:29 AM): Dang, your assassins are good.
guardsheep2000 (1:02:32 AM): lol
Infinitysquared3 (1:02:37 AM): We regroup. I call for aid...
guardsheep2000 (1:02:45 AM): d6? how many?
Infinitysquared3 (1:03:07 AM): (it'll take a while for them to arrive... but quite a lot, I think. 3 rounds... you're inside my bunker after all.)
guardsheep2000 (1:03:13 AM): lol, k
Infinitysquared3 (1:03:28 AM): We attack again.
guardsheep2000 (1:03:31 AM): hmm. so we'rea at 14 guards, 4 assassins
Infinitysquared3 (1:03:34 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (1:03:36 AM): same rolls?
Infinitysquared3 (1:03:43 AM): yeah...
Infinitysquared3 (1:03:47 AM): makes sense to me
guardsheep2000 (1:04:02 AM): rolls: d20: 11 d10: 5
guardsheep2000 (1:04:05 AM): ouch
guardsheep2000 (1:04:16 AM): so i lost 2 and another is injured
Infinitysquared3 (1:04:35 AM): Yeah, but I lost 11 of 14.
guardsheep2000 (1:04:39 AM): i'm down to 1, plus an injury, you have 3
Infinitysquared3 (1:04:58 AM): Roll d6/2 for the 3...
guardsheep2000 (1:05:05 AM): k
guardsheep2000 (1:05:16 AM): i'll flip a coin for mine?
Infinitysquared3 (1:05:17 AM): d6/4 for the 1.5.
Infinitysquared3 (1:05:22 AM): umm... yeah, I think.
guardsheep2000 (1:05:37 AM): so heads, the injry dies, tails, they both die?
Infinitysquared3 (1:05:37 AM): I'm ordering my guards not to kill the injured assassin.
guardsheep2000 (1:05:41 AM): oh
guardsheep2000 (1:05:41 AM): ok
Infinitysquared3 (1:05:52 AM): *sounds of people running down the halls*
guardsheep2000 (1:05:53 AM): heads i'm down, tails i'm alive
guardsheep2000 (1:05:55 AM): ?
Infinitysquared3 (1:05:57 AM): okay
guardsheep2000 (1:06:16 AM): you lost one guard, i lost my last assassin
guardsheep2000 (1:06:19 AM): just a sec
Infinitysquared3 (1:06:20 AM): okay
Infinitysquared3 (1:06:31 AM): *orders guards to capture injured assassin*
Infinitysquared3 (1:06:54 AM): *reinforcements arrive*
guardsheep2000 (1:06:56 AM): my last assassin tries to kill himself but you catch him before he can... just barely though
(1:06:59 AM) Twolvos has left the room.
Infinitysquared3 (1:07:01 AM): okay
guardsheep2000 (1:07:20 AM): rolled a 3/6, needed 4+ for a success
Infinitysquared3 (1:07:21 AM): *restrains assassin, imprisons*
Infinitysquared3 (1:07:26 AM): okay
Infinitysquared3 (1:07:42 AM): (when would a 3/6 antimagic field wear off?)
guardsheep2000 (1:08:06 AM): it'll be harder after the second attempt for my assassins, so i'll start rolling for 20/20+6/6
guardsheep2000 (1:08:10 AM): i dunno
Infinitysquared3 (1:08:26 AM): eh... we'll just say it does... it would, eventually anyhow...
guardsheep2000 (1:08:30 AM): k
Infinitysquared3 (1:08:33 AM): I'm gonna try Mind Control on that assassin.
guardsheep2000 (1:08:37 AM): lol
guardsheep2000 (1:08:38 AM): k
Infinitysquared3 (1:08:39 AM): See if he knows anything.
guardsheep2000 (1:08:54 AM): hmm
guardsheep2000 (1:08:57 AM): what roll/>
guardsheep2000 (1:08:58 AM): *?
Infinitysquared3 (1:09:09 AM): Hmm... he's gonna resist pretty hard... I'd say 15 on d20?
guardsheep2000 (1:09:11 AM): 3/6? it'd be fairly easy
Infinitysquared3 (1:09:14 AM): oh, okay
guardsheep2000 (1:09:15 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (1:09:17 AM): lol
guardsheep2000 (1:09:20 AM): lets compromize
guardsheep2000 (1:09:23 AM): 5/10
guardsheep2000 (1:09:27 AM): er 6/10
guardsheep2000 (1:09:30 AM): thats half
Infinitysquared3 (1:09:31 AM): okay
Infinitysquared3 (1:09:34 AM): 6/10 is fine
guardsheep2000 (1:09:38 AM): 78
guardsheep2000 (1:09:40 AM): *7
guardsheep2000 (1:09:48 AM): 78, thats a pretty good roll
guardsheep2000 (1:10:07 AM): now for how much he knows
Infinitysquared3 (1:10:11 AM): okay
Infinitysquared3 (1:10:19 AM): just roll d20
guardsheep2000 (1:10:49 AM): dern. my first roll was d10, that was a 2, before you suggested d20. this on the d20 was an 11
guardsheep2000 (1:10:58 AM): so he knows quite a bit
Infinitysquared3 (1:11:07 AM): okay, what do I find out?
guardsheep2000 (1:11:10 AM): hmm
Infinitysquared3 (1:11:22 AM): I want to know anything that can destroy you... pretty much :-)
guardsheep2000 (1:11:31 AM): the location of my secret Ferret Assassin training camp
Infinitysquared3 (1:11:41 AM): Whoo!
Infinitysquared3 (1:11:49 AM): *sends hobbits in to blow it up*
guardsheep2000 (1:11:52 AM): my necro and summoner training camps too
guardsheep2000 (1:11:59 AM): main ones anyway
Infinitysquared3 (1:12:02 AM): I'm gonna need more hobbits :-)
guardsheep2000 (1:12:05 AM): not the smaller ones
Infinitysquared3 (1:12:08 AM): okay
guardsheep2000 (1:12:38 AM): i should come up with a new assassination technique
guardsheep2000 (1:12:47 AM): storming the throne room doesnt seem to work too well
Infinitysquared3 (1:12:49 AM): yeah, because now I'm going to have cat mages with me wherever I am.
guardsheep2000 (1:12:52 AM): lol
Infinitysquared3 (1:13:11 AM): Oh, by the way... *appoints cat general as successor*
guardsheep2000 (1:13:30 AM): *loads himself up with enchantments and gears up for war
Infinitysquared3 (1:13:45 AM): *does the same*
guardsheep2000 (1:13:47 AM): *gets his Lion Elite Guard by his side*
guardsheep2000 (1:14:01 AM): oh since the snow melted... lazers are legal now... *begins research*
guardsheep2000 (1:14:20 AM): *and rolls a 10/10 on his first roll for it. *g* *
Infinitysquared3 (1:14:23 AM): Ooh!
Infinitysquared3 (1:14:34 AM): *begins research*
guardsheep2000 (1:14:45 AM): i'll give it a bit before it's implemented though
Infinitysquared3 (1:14:55 AM): yeah, gotta build 'em first.
Infinitysquared3 (1:15:13 AM): *begins research on Atomic Bomb*
guardsheep2000 (1:15:15 AM): *leads huge reflect-enchanted army into your territory*
guardsheep2000 (1:15:32 AM): oh come on...
Infinitysquared3 (1:15:38 AM): *collapses the tunnels again*
guardsheep2000 (1:15:38 AM): thats just getting unsportsmanlike
Infinitysquared3 (1:15:51 AM): (yeah... that's going to cause a cold war...)
Infinitysquared3 (1:16:08 AM): (if you succeed in stealing the technology from me once I invent it, that is.)
guardsheep2000 (1:16:09 AM): *laughs as he and his float-enchanted Lion Elite Guard float over the sunken battlefield*
Infinitysquared3 (1:16:39 AM): *floods battlefield*
guardsheep2000 (1:16:42 AM): *completes Phase tech research*
guardsheep2000 (1:17:02 AM): *floats over that too, and mourns his lost troops, but marches... er... floats on*
Infinitysquared3 (1:17:03 AM): *casts Ice on battlefield*
guardsheep2000 (1:17:18 AM): *summoners summon a huge Ice Daemon*
Infinitysquared3 (1:17:28 AM): *fireballs on ice*
Infinitysquared3 (1:17:30 AM): *steam*
Infinitysquared3 (1:17:36 AM): (damage?)
Infinitysquared3 (1:17:41 AM): (reflects spells... not steam...)
guardsheep2000 (1:17:44 AM): *laughs* i rolled a 2/20 on your ice spell...
Infinitysquared3 (1:17:48 AM): dangit.
guardsheep2000 (1:17:50 AM): lemme roll on your fireball
guardsheep2000 (1:17:58 AM): another 2
guardsheep2000 (1:18:07 AM): *takes a bit of damage*
Infinitysquared3 (1:18:18 AM): Hmmph.
Infinitysquared3 (1:18:32 AM): (we should do forces percentage damage...)
Infinitysquared3 (1:18:39 AM): you're down to, what... 98%?)
guardsheep2000 (1:18:45 AM): *4(/6) of the 50 of the lion elite guard die*
guardsheep2000 (1:19:01 AM): i dunno
guardsheep2000 (1:19:11 AM): i'll go with that though
Infinitysquared3 (1:19:13 AM): We started at 100%, we've had time to build up
guardsheep2000 (1:19:21 AM): there are 50 lion elite guards
Infinitysquared3 (1:19:34 AM): I've got the same number of cat mages.
guardsheep2000 (1:19:39 AM): well you sank, then flooded a part of my regular army
Infinitysquared3 (1:19:47 AM): Yep.
Infinitysquared3 (1:20:26 AM): *researches armored vehicles*
guardsheep2000 (1:20:27 AM): *brings Ice Daemon to the fore, with the ageing Snow Elemental*
guardsheep2000 (1:20:54 AM): *sets ferrets to sabatouge armored vehicle research*
guardsheep2000 (1:21:00 AM): d10?
Infinitysquared3 (1:21:05 AM): 6.
guardsheep2000 (1:21:10 AM): 3.
guardsheep2000 (1:21:41 AM): i'll roll one for you too
guardsheep2000 (1:21:46 AM): a 6
guardsheep2000 (1:21:47 AM): nothing
guardsheep2000 (1:21:54 AM): no setback
guardsheep2000 (1:21:56 AM): sigh
Infinitysquared3 (1:21:59 AM): *tests Reflect spell*
Infinitysquared3 (1:22:03 AM): Gone yet?
guardsheep2000 (1:22:11 AM): i just recast it before going into battle
Infinitysquared3 (1:22:15 AM): okay
guardsheep2000 (1:22:18 AM): loaded me and my troops up with spells
guardsheep2000 (1:22:28 AM): reflect, whatever else
Infinitysquared3 (1:22:48 AM): *attacks with elves on elephants... basic bows and arrows*
Infinitysquared3 (1:22:54 AM): Defend with what?
Infinitysquared3 (1:23:17 AM): (We're staying clear of the ice, in bowshot...)
Infinitysquared3 (1:23:28 AM): elephants will break through of course, I'm not that silly :-)
guardsheep2000 (1:23:28 AM): *uses his Phase tech to remove the ground immediately in front of the chargeing elephants and deposit it 50 miles straight up*
guardsheep2000 (1:23:33 AM): rolled a 10/10
guardsheep2000 (1:23:40 AM): yay for phase tech
Infinitysquared3 (1:24:00 AM): *orders elephants out of there*
Infinitysquared3 (1:24:39 AM): You do realize you just created a killer-asteroid type situation, right?
guardsheep2000 (1:24:51 AM): er....
guardsheep2000 (1:24:52 AM): one sec
Infinitysquared3 (1:24:54 AM): That stuff is going to be so hot by the time it falls...
Infinitysquared3 (1:24:57 AM): it's gonna wipe us both out.
guardsheep2000 (1:25:28 AM): *botches the re-phase roll, and only succeeds in adding more mass/heat/momentum to the falling debris...*
guardsheep2000 (1:25:34 AM): hmm
guardsheep2000 (1:25:42 AM): how about if i just phase it right behind you then?
guardsheep2000 (1:26:03 AM): meh
Infinitysquared3 (1:26:06 AM): *sends ambassadors to ask for peace while we both evacuate soon-to-be blast zone*
guardsheep2000 (1:26:06 AM): phase isn't that accurate
guardsheep2000 (1:26:29 AM): *uses phase tech to phase back in time
guardsheep2000 (1:26:43 AM): ...sih sesu*
Infinitysquared3 (1:27:05 AM): *gets everyone in deepest bunkers, hoping to ride this out*
guardsheep2000 (1:27:06 AM): *uses his Phase tech to remove the ground immediately in front of the cahrgeing elephants and deposit it on the far side of the galaxy*
guardsheep2000 (1:27:10 AM): that should be safe.
Infinitysquared3 (1:27:31 AM): You already said you deposited it 50 miles up...
guardsheep2000 (1:27:40 AM): hey we're just screwing around we can do illogical stuff like back up in time and do it over again
Infinitysquared3 (1:27:50 AM): okay :-)
Infinitysquared3 (1:27:59 AM): *researches Time Travel*
guardsheep2000 (1:28:03 AM): lol
guardsheep2000 (1:28:11 AM): *throws a snowball*
Infinitysquared3 (1:28:12 AM): What? I'm gonna go back in time and kill your mother...
Infinitysquared3 (1:28:14 AM): LOL
guardsheep2000 (1:28:19 AM): and lets leave it at that. i need to sleep
Infinitysquared3 (1:28:19 AM): *throws another snowball*
Infinitysquared3 (1:28:21 AM): Okay
guardsheep2000 (1:28:23 AM): i'm going to the snow tomorrow
guardsheep2000 (1:28:27 AM): gotta get up
Infinitysquared3 (1:28:28 AM): Copy and paste to forums?
guardsheep2000 (1:28:32 AM): i'm on it
guardsheep2000 (1:28:38 AM): got a thread for it and everything
Registered user
- Tainted Love -

Last page view:

7284 days, 21 hours, 39 minutes and 27 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, January 03, 2004 at 08:17 (GMT -5)


Eh...ADOM fans are fun people to talk to,ne?

Fear me not,I'll go nice on you....For now.
Andor Drakon
Registered user
uummm... ElDeR cHaOs GoD?

Last page view:

7303 days, 22 hours, 13 minutes and 18 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, January 03, 2004 at 19:45 (GMT -5)

*chaos god manifestation*

*sends balor back in time to block the first snowball thrown causing the universe to split into an infinite number of paradoxes*

YES! I have enveloped the universe in CHAOS!

Feel my wra- *trips over WMoPC*

ChAoS iS cOmInG!

Registered user

Last page view:

3278 days, 17 hours, 8 minutes and 31 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, January 04, 2004 at 05:22 (GMT -5)

You're all crazy. And immensely amusing!

Registered user
Registered user

Last page view:

5028 days, 20 hours, 10 minutes and 27 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, January 05, 2004 at 00:31 (GMT -5)

that was a 1 hour 20 minute snowball fight... you guys must've been tired afterwards.

Taz: A potion of gain attributes (4s) is lying here. Suddenly a stone block hits your head! Something on the ground is smashed to pieces!
PeanutGod: Awwww no! How harsh is that! This is where you need the artefact 'mop and bucket'.
Duke Ravage
Registered user
Gravebane Zombie

Last page view:

5666 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes and 28 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, January 05, 2004 at 00:44 (GMT -5)

hehe, somewhat yes, hence i went to bed... *g*
Duke Ravage
Registered user
Gravebane Zombie

Last page view:

5666 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes and 28 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, February 06, 2004 at 01:11 (GMT -5)

another one. and it started with a typo. mightiestseraph is just a random friend of mine.

guardsheep2000 (8:47:34 PM): *smacks you fandomly*
mightiestseraph (8:48:05 PM): lol....
mightiestseraph (8:48:06 PM): ouch
mightiestseraph (8:48:12 PM): *smacks back*
guardsheep2000 (8:48:26 PM): *pauses as he realizes he just gave you a fandom smack*
guardsheep2000 (8:48:36 PM): what *is* a fandom smack?
mightiestseraph (8:49:09 PM): I don't know...
mightiestseraph (8:49:15 PM): but apparently it hurts
guardsheep2000 (8:49:19 PM): hehe
guardsheep2000 (8:49:37 PM): *reels from the sudden loss of blood!*
mightiestseraph (8:49:44 PM): lol...
mightiestseraph (8:49:58 PM): *bleeds profusely all over the floor
guardsheep2000 (8:50:04 PM): *grazes your arm with his broadsword*
mightiestseraph (8:50:29 PM): *decapitates one of your heads with a swift stroke from his longsword
guardsheep2000 (8:50:55 PM): *decapitates Surtur with a backhand stroke*
mightiestseraph (8:51:29 PM): lol
guardsheep2000 (8:51:43 PM): that's what happened too
mightiestseraph (8:51:50 PM): lol...
guardsheep2000 (8:51:54 PM): in castle of the winds
guardsheep2000 (8:52:04 PM): how about...
mightiestseraph (8:52:18 PM): ah right...
mightiestseraph (8:52:21 PM): I never played that...
guardsheep2000 (8:52:23 PM): *bashes you with his flail until you stop moving*
mightiestseraph (8:53:12 PM): *faking it worked turns you into a pincushion of arrows
guardsheep2000 (8:53:43 PM): *belts out a warcry as he runs you up his 10-foot pike*
mightiestseraph (8:54:47 PM): *wonders about his wounds for a second... then jumps off the pole and drives his longsword through your skull with all his might and weight*
guardsheep2000 (8:57:33 PM): *falls... you wrench your sword from his skull... then he laughs demonically and stands as his skull warps back into it's original shape. the skin does not grow back, leaving his face a grotesque, bloody, torn mask over a jet-black skull*
mightiestseraph (8:59:13 PM): *stares at the demonic figure and then chants words of burning and cleansing as a golden fire begins to creep along the blade*
mightiestseraph (9:00:19 PM): *As you slice through the demon holy fire spreads from your cut to consume his entire body*
guardsheep2000 (9:00:43 PM): *lifts his hand... a massive lightning bolt soars down from the sky, consuming him and everything nearby*
mightiestseraph (9:01:10 PM): lol...
guardsheep2000 (9:01:18 PM): ok lemme tone that one down a bit
guardsheep2000 (9:01:38 PM): *consuming his host body and throwing you back a good 10 feet*
mightiestseraph (9:02:52 PM): *you spread your wings as you stand back up and discard your disguise*
mightiestseraph (9:03:24 PM): *standing at your full height of 8 ft and all six of your blackend wings fully spread*
guardsheep2000 (9:03:28 PM): *a random peasent wanders up* "Duh, oh look. A big crater."
guardsheep2000 (9:03:46 PM): *possesses the poor peasent*
mightiestseraph (9:04:09 PM): *You smite the hapless peasent's body and destroy all but the soul within*
mightiestseraph (9:05:28 PM): *now you face the true demon in all his dark might*
guardsheep2000 (9:06:52 PM): *the body is killed, but is not destroyed*
*begins twisting the body to suit his needs... spines rip from it's back, and the bones lengthen and strengthen... the skin grows tough and scaly... two leathery bat-wings sprout from the sides... the arms become massive, with claws emereging at the elbows and the fingers... huge horns grow from the now demonicly twisted head, and the teeth enlarge into huge fangs*
mightiestseraph (9:08:18 PM): *Howling the battlecry of the Seraphim Guard you raise your glowing sword and charge the hellspawn*
guardsheep2000 (9:09:01 PM): *now a full 15 feet tall, he blasts you with a shockwave of air from his wings, then launches himself into the air*
mightiestseraph (9:09:49 PM): *You stumble from the blast of air but waste no time in pursuit of the beast*
guardsheep2000 (9:10:34 PM): *laughs demonically, then dives, catching you in the chest on his way down, driving toward the ground*
mightiestseraph (9:12:45 PM): *with your greater agility you manage to recieve only a scratch and avoid the ground by inches to fly straight into the clouds after precious seconds the wound is gone and your heavenly armor is patched and better then ever for now it remebers your touch and how to protect against it*
guardsheep2000 (9:13:12 PM): *howls in anger as his prey eludes him*
guardsheep2000 (9:13:33 PM): *stomps the ground... a rift opens up and two dozen winged demons pour out*
guardsheep2000 (9:14:03 PM): "This day shall be your last, seraph!"
mightiestseraph (9:14:08 PM): *dives down from the heavens with a full complement of the seraphim guard*
mightiestseraph (9:14:45 PM): *Yells I'M READY HOW ABOUT YOU!*
mightiestseraph (9:15:48 PM): *among the din of heaven vs. hell you carve a wide swath through the spawn of the underworld*
guardsheep2000 (9:16:21 PM): *chants in a demonic tounge... a lightning bolt tears through the sky, striking several seraphim, before plunging into the ground at my feet"
guardsheep2000 (9:16:38 PM): *a towering, 10-foot sword stands in the ground*
guardsheep2000 (9:16:44 PM): *grasps it with one hand and tears it free*
mightiestseraph (9:17:02 PM): *the Seraphim fall to the ground but are only slightly miffed by the damage*
guardsheep2000 (9:17:17 PM): *thunder rolls off the blade*
guardsheep2000 (9:17:31 PM): *points the sword, another lightning bolt nails a seraph in the chest*
guardsheep2000 (9:17:42 PM): *more demons pour out of the rift in the ground*
mightiestseraph (9:18:14 PM): *an answering Peal of healing emerges from thy sword spurring the seraphim to greater efforts and healing the wounded*
guardsheep2000 (9:18:50 PM): *grins toothily, glaring one baleful eye at you*
guardsheep2000 (9:19:19 PM): *lets out a rumbling howl that seems to twist the fabric of reality itself*
guardsheep2000 (9:19:45 PM): *seraphim and demons alike cover their ears*
guardsheep2000 (9:20:18 PM): *any who do not are deafened and driven mad by the shuddering cry*
mightiestseraph (9:20:34 PM): *You stride onward un challenged and un miffed by the howl, it only tells you where the fool is
guardsheep2000 (9:20:51 PM): *grins toothily again*
guardsheep2000 (9:21:41 PM): *takes a step toward you, then brings his greatsword about in an upward cut from the right*
mightiestseraph (9:22:12 PM): *flips backwards over a fallen demon
mightiestseraph (9:22:21 PM): unscathed by the slow attack*
guardsheep2000 (9:23:09 PM): "Hahahaha!"
guardsheep2000 (9:23:27 PM): *slams the blade into the ground, ripping the ground open before him*
guardsheep2000 (9:23:37 PM): *skeletal hands grasp at you and pull you downward*
guardsheep2000 (9:24:22 PM): *undead begin surging from the newly made crack to attack the remaining seraphim, and try to force you into the dark depths
mightiestseraph (9:24:25 PM): you swing your heavenly blade and destroy the hand before you get pulled into the abyss
guardsheep2000 (9:24:39 PM): *more hands claw at you*
guardsheep2000 (9:24:55 PM): *strides foreward*
mightiestseraph (9:25:14 PM): *The out numbered Seraphim are not disheartened but fight with greater vigor and the thought that not a one has fallen yet*
mightiestseraph (9:25:27 PM): *you take flight to avoid the grasping hands
guardsheep2000 (9:26:03 PM): *growls, takes a deep breath, and lets loose*
guardsheep2000 (9:26:11 PM): *hellfire rolls over the battlefield*
guardsheep2000 (9:26:25 PM): *the skeletons ignore the licking flames*
mightiestseraph (9:26:50 PM): * the seraphim all hover above the burning plain*
guardsheep2000 (9:27:44 PM): *snarls and calls down more lightning from the skies*
mightiestseraph (9:28:27 PM): *the agile seraphim are not bothered by the lightening and prefer to dodge and pepper the ground with holy arrows
guardsheep2000 (9:29:24 PM): *laughs as more lightning comes down, carving long black marks into the ground*
mightiestseraph (9:31:09 PM): *You call upon the a healing rain that douses the ground and puts out the hell fire beneath and weakens the demonic army*
guardsheep2000 (9:32:04 PM): *demonic lightning continues to pour from the black, brimstone clouds, despite the holy water falling all about it*
guardsheep2000 (9:32:38 PM): *covers his head with his black leathery wings to protect himself from the water*
mightiestseraph (9:33:07 PM): *the seraphim are strengthed by the rain and begin the fighting again against the endless fields of the undead*
guardsheep2000 (9:33:48 PM): *suddenly the lightning stops, and a deathly silence fills the air despite the battle still raging*
mightiestseraph (9:34:11 PM): *you are floating above the Earth*
guardsheep2000 (9:34:19 PM): *the black marks carved into the ground glow red for a moment before blazing out in a dark fire*
mightiestseraph (9:34:20 PM): *staring around the battlefield*
guardsheep2000 (9:34:33 PM): "MY SUMMONING CIRCLE IS COMPLETE!"
guardsheep2000 (9:34:59 PM): *space-time twists, tears, and a massive portal comes into being*
mightiestseraph (9:35:09 PM): *the seraphim take flight
mightiestseraph (9:35:10 PM): *
guardsheep2000 (9:35:33 PM): *nothing emerges from the portal for a moment*
mightiestseraph (9:36:13 PM): *The Seraphim begin the chant to close the portal
guardsheep2000 (9:36:18 PM): *then a huge skeletal... thing steps through*
mightiestseraph (9:36:25 PM): hoping in vain that they can accomplish the impossible
mightiestseraph (9:36:26 PM): *
guardsheep2000 (9:36:44 PM): *four arms, ghostly wings, massive teeth, claws*
guardsheep2000 (9:37:26 PM): *it climbs through the portal entirely, followed closely by hundreds of lesser undead and daemons*
guardsheep2000 (9:38:09 PM): *the chants of the seraphim do not close the portal but do block it temporarily, stemming the tide of reinforcements*
mightiestseraph (9:39:35 PM): *Upon a Stroke of genious you fly low and swift carving quick marks in the ground creating the inverting the circle allowing you to have control of the portal*
guardsheep2000 (9:40:28 PM): *hurls at you as you swoop low, blasting you from the sky and adding an extra skidd mark
guardsheep2000 (9:40:38 PM): *the portal leads into the Abyss*
mightiestseraph (9:40:47 PM): *you begin the desummoning of the demons*
mightiestseraph (9:41:17 PM): *effected by the extra mark you cannot unsummon any but the weakest*
guardsheep2000 (9:41:49 PM): *the weaker daemons turn and reenter the portal, vanishing into the Abyss*
mightiestseraph (9:41:53 PM): *entire armies of bodies drop to the floor*
guardsheep2000 (9:42:01 PM): or something like that
mightiestseraph (9:42:22 PM): *the souls make thier way into the Abyss
mightiestseraph (9:42:24 PM): *
guardsheep2000 (9:42:25 PM): *the massive skeletal beast flaps is undead wings and takes to the sky*
guardsheep2000 (9:42:52 PM): *I launch myself into the air as well*
mightiestseraph (9:43:05 PM): *an army of 5000 stands where an endless field once gathered*
guardsheep2000 (9:43:31 PM): *flies into a cloud*
guardsheep2000 (9:44:13 PM): *the Bone Dragon begins circling the field, snapping it's teeth as if daring the Seraphim to attack it*
mightiestseraph (9:44:14 PM): *The Seraphim Chant and begin to unleash their full socerous might upon the hapless demons locked to the ground*
mightiestseraph (9:44:36 PM): *Whilst you face the bone dragon and the master demon alone*
guardsheep2000 (9:44:43 PM): *suddenly falls from the cloud and onto the back of a lesser Seraph*
guardsheep2000 (9:45:11 PM): *begins tearing the seraph's wings off, and plunges his teeth into it's neck*
mightiestseraph (9:45:13 PM): *the Seraph falls to the ground crashing and dismounting the Demon*
mightiestseraph (9:45:39 PM): *comrades heal the seraph as he recieves his wounds*
mightiestseraph (9:45:57 PM): *staving the demon off long enough for him to take flight*
guardsheep2000 (9:46:02 PM): *drives his sword through the seraph's chest, and sends waves of corruption into it's body*
guardsheep2000 (9:46:57 PM): *contemplates warping the seraph into a mockery of it's former self... contents himself by consuming it's life power, growing stronger himself*
mightiestseraph (9:47:53 PM): *After the remaining army is diminished to a few stray greater demons you order the remaining guard to return home*
guardsheep2000 (9:48:03 PM): *roars in pleasure at the surge of power*
mightiestseraph (9:48:38 PM): *You cannot absorb my life power demon!*
guardsheep2000 (9:48:47 PM): *eyes you, licking his lips* "Care to make a wager on that?"
guardsheep2000 (9:48:56 PM): *lifts into the air*
mightiestseraph (9:48:59 PM): *It would Destroy you!*
guardsheep2000 (9:49:15 PM): *shrugs* "Very well. You will serve me in hell for eternity!"
mightiestseraph (9:49:52 PM): *Unleashing your full might you destroy every fiber of the bone dragon disessembling it as it falls to the ground*
mightiestseraph (9:50:27 PM): * it is once again you and I *
guardsheep2000 (9:50:30 PM): *the dragon collapses... it took a lot of power though, you are drained*
guardsheep2000 (9:50:42 PM): "Yes, so it is."
mightiestseraph (9:50:48 PM): *We know where this will lead*
mightiestseraph (9:51:05 PM): *We will be fighting until the end of time*
mightiestseraph (9:51:32 PM): *is this is how it will end? fighting until the end?*
guardsheep2000 (9:51:33 PM): "It is inevitable. We will destroy eachother on this plane, as we have before."
mightiestseraph (9:52:10 PM): *we destroyed the plane itself*
guardsheep2000 (9:52:26 PM): "Some day only the Abyss will remain. But I am determined, you shall taste that cold before I shall!"
mightiestseraph (9:52:26 PM): *but there was still life upon that Earth*
mightiestseraph (9:53:15 PM): *It does not matter if I fall so long as I fall with the satisfaction that I have also caused your own fall*
guardsheep2000 (9:53:28 PM): *grins at the memory* "Yes, there was... their life forces were powerful. I enjoyed consuming them."
mightiestseraph (9:54:26 PM): *Yet their eternal belief in my power is enough to keep me fighting*
mightiestseraph (9:54:52 PM): *It was your undoing to consume them in my presence with their belief quite evident*
guardsheep2000 (9:55:46 PM): "Your 'power' is a mockery! For all your 'power' you could not do what was nesacary to save even your own mortal wife!"
mightiestseraph (9:56:28 PM): yet it was when you consumed her that lead to my creation*
mightiestseraph (9:56:56 PM): *funny how such an insignificant act could lead to your greatest enemy
mightiestseraph (9:56:57 PM): *
mightiestseraph (9:59:40 PM): *You fly towards the only enemy you never been able to stop to fight until the end and then some*
guardsheep2000 (9:59:56 PM): "You had it in your power to save her! It was your need to please your morals that kept you from it."
guardsheep2000 (10:00:14 PM): *meets the attack with a torrent of fire*
Moderator on this forum

Last page view:

3759 days, 1 hour, 57 minutes and 44 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, February 06, 2004 at 08:46 (GMT -5)

LOL!! You two probably killed each other a dozen times apiece...

Die Gedanken sind Frei
Andor Drakon
Registered user
uummm... ElDeR cHaOs GoD?

Last page view:

7303 days, 22 hours, 13 minutes and 18 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, March 08, 2004 at 22:00 (GMT -5)

This was a semi-funny conversation I had with Duke on MSN.

Jake says:
Unfortunately, until I find something to sacrafice and get me back down from CN to C-
Atom says:
Jake says:
By the way, would you mind stepping a bit to the right and standing on that sqare stone formation?
Atom says:
Oh sure.
Atom says:
Jake says:
Atom says:
*looks at you funny*
Jake says:
*hears a godly voice in his head*
Jake says:
Atom says:
*is still looking at you oddly*
Atom says:
why are you looking like someone is talking to you in your head?
Jake says:
*fails to reply, dumbfounded by the fact that you are higher up on the ChAoS powerfulness ladder than me*
Atom says:
*closes his eyes and uses his mindcrafter talent to figure out what you're thinking*
Jake says:
*hopes you will be corrupted by my chaotic mind*
Atom says:
Ohhh.... hahaha. You don't think i got the name "Duke Ravage" -- emphasis on the "Duke" for nothing, do you?
Atom says:
*throws a bit of corruption at you while you two are linked mentally*
Jake says:
Um... in that case, take a look at my name. Cross-reference "elder chaos god". See if you get any matches.
Atom says:
I heard Andor Drakon had a twin brother when he was a mortal.
Jake says:
*becomes very thin and nimble*
Atom says:
You may have just legally changed your name.
Jake says:
You weren't sposed to know that!
Atom says:
*shudders for a moment* Yes My lord. *draws his sword* In fact the *real* Andy has asked me to kill you for him.
Jake says:
Jake says:
*draws Scepter of Chaos*
Atom says:
*swings his Valpurium long sword +15 at you*
Jake says:
*blocks with Scepter of Chaos, barely* *a bit of the purple paint chips*
Jake says:
*tries to stop you from seeing the place where the paint has flaked off*
Atom says:
*backs off a bit*
Jake says:
*throws a rock of plant slaying at you as you back off*
Atom says:
*watches the rock come toward him* *slices it in two with his sword*
Atom says:
*throws a confusion blast at you*
Jake says:
*is hit by the confusion blast, and stumbles randomly*
Atom says:
*laughs at you* *falls on the floor laughing helplessly as you stagger about aimlessly*
Jake says:
*stops pretending to stagger around aimlessly and opens a door, releasing five allied revenants and an allied lich*
Atom says:
*leaps up and grabs a glowing red and yellow potion from his belt*
Jake says:
*quickly throws another rock of plant slaying at you*
Atom says:
*shakes it up and throws it at your feet*
*is hit in the head by the rock and falls down*
Jake says:
*tries to kick the potion at you*
Atom says:
*the potion shatters, engulfing the area in a massive fireball!*
Atom says:
*the walls around you crack and shatter from the impact of the explosion!*
Jake says:
*is thrown backwards into a tension room of female goblin slavemaster ghuls*
Jake says:
*the revenants and the lich are all reduced to EXACTLY 1 hp but fail to die*
Jake says:
and I get slightly badly injured
Atom says:
*stands, dusts self off*
Atom says:
*kisses his Ring of Elemental Immunity*
Jake says:
*equips plastic gloves (+1, +1) of slapping
Jake says:
Atom says:
*looks around for his sword*
Jake says:
(not wears them, but equips them. In the weapon slot*
Jake says:
Atom says:
*shrugs and grabs the nearest blunt object*
Jake says:
*teleports next to you*
Atom says:
*swings the scepter of chaos at you*
Jake says:
*slaps you in the face with the glove, then is hit by SoC and knocked back exactly ten paces into the tension room of female goblin slavemaster ghuls
Jake says:
Atom says:
*touches cheek gingerly* Oh, now it's _on_!!
Jake says:
I'll meet you behind the temple in Dwarftown! You can choose weapons!
Atom says:
I'll be there, you can count on it!
Atom says:
*uses his incredible willpower to warp reality and appears behind the temple in Dwarftown.
Jake says:
*as you begin to warp reality, shouts: at dawn tomorrow*
Atom says:
*sits on the steps and takes a nap*
Jake says:
*uses the scroll of Word of Recall smuggled in from Angband and appears in the dwarven elder's hut*
Jake says:
Twenty minutes left.
Jake says:
*tells the dwarven elder about the evil chaos warrior hiding behind the temple in dwarftown, planning to murder the priest*
Atom says:
*suddenly a tiny dart zips through the open doorway and buries itself in the priest's neck*
Jake says:
*every dwarf in dwarftown gathers together and charges at your hiding place*
Atom says:
*mentally warps reality, creating a stockpile of weponry for himself and speeding himself up to an incredible rate*
Jake says:
*pulls the lever Thrundarr was standing on, opening the stone portal, then quickly runs to the down stairs*
Atom says:
*wades into battle with a greatsword in each hand while mentally levitating half a dozen other wepons, with which he is cuttin gup the dwarves
Jake says:
*runs down to D:21*
Atom says:
*finishes destroying every living creature in Dwarftown, and proceeds to plunder everything of value he can find*
Jake says:
*runs down to D:31*
Jake says:
(stopping to make the casino incredibly angry)
Atom says:
*meditates for a moment, locating you in time-space*
Jake says:
*drinks a potion of invisibilty and steps into an abandoned shop*
Atom says:
*appears in the casino, murders everyone, shatters the machines, and takes all the money*
Atom says:
*then calmly walks into the store and buys everything*
Atom says:
*follows that up by killing the shopkeeper and taking his money back*
Jake says:
*creates traps on every sqare of the level except the one he is standing on*
Atom says:
*meditates a moment, re-locating your in space-time*
Jake says:
steps back into the abandoned shop*
Jake says:
(still invisible)
Atom says:
*you bump into me*
Atom says:
Atom says:
*invisible hands pick you up... your head is near the ceiling*
Jake says:
*is made incredibly terrified*
Atom says:
So. About that weapons at dawn... it's almost time.*
Jake says:
*tries to bite your fingers off, severing your ring of power*
Atom says:
*distorts space time again, reattaching the finger + ring, and moving us back to behind the (totally ruined) temple in Dwarftown
Atom says:
*all our armor is gone*
Atom says:
*as is the rest of our equipment*
Jake says:
What weapons?
Atom says:
Name a wepon.
Jake says:
Rocks of plant slaying.
Atom says:
*a pile of rocks of plant slaying land behind you*
Jake says:
*picks up rocks of plant slaying*(
Atom says:
*creates an AK-47 out of thin air*
Jake says:
Ten paces!
Atom says:
*steps back ten paces, matrix dodgeing the rock you try and throw at my back*
Jake says:
*steps ten paces in the same direction you do, pickpocketing your AK-47 with my increased speed due to terror*
Atom says:
*at ten paces, turns around, grabs you by the neck and begins choking you*
Jake says:
*bashes you over the head with the pickpocketed AK-47*
Atom says:
*cries like a little girl*
Jake says:
*tries to figure out how to shoot the weapon*
Atom says:
*is still holding you up by the neck, while tears stream down his face*
Jake says:
*accidentally shoots himself* *screams and bleeds convincingly*
Atom says:
*drinks your blood*
Jake says:
*shoots himself in the neck again, but is protected by your hands*
Atom says:
*drinks his own blood too*
Atom says:
*stops crying*
Atom says:
*suddenly goes rigid as his skin turns into scales*
Atom says:
*grows a half-dozen extra eyes*
Atom says:
*horns sprout from his head*
Atom says:
*his feet turn into hooves*
Atom says:
*his head gets really big*
Jake says:
Do the horns get big too?
Atom says:
i don't know.
Atom says:
do they?
Jake says:
I think so.
Atom says:
Jake says:
*is impaled upon the horns*
Atom says:
*turns into a WMoPC
Jake says:
*bleeds and dies convincingly*
Atom says:
*eats you*
Jake says:
YOu don't have a mouth
Atom says:
Atom says:
*absorbs you*
Atom says:
*grows a mouth*
Atom says:
*eats what's left*
Jake says:
*stops pretending to be dead*
Atom says:
*pukes you up*
Jake says:
Atom says:
*absorbs you again*
Atom says:
Jake says:
*becomes disgusted*
Atom says:
*turns into a big sign that says, "Game over."*
Jake says:
*vomits all over the inside of your stomach, or like, whatever WMoPCs have inside them*
Atom says:
*goes to eat dinner*
Jake says:
In real life or not?
Atom says:
Jake says:
Atom says:
see ya
Atom says:
Atom says:
post this
Jake says:
Jake says:
Atom says:
on my convos thread
Jake says:
Atom says:
it's entertaining-ish
Atom says:
see ya

ChAoS iS cOmInG!


[Edited 1 time, last edit on 3/8/2004 at 22:03 (GMT -5) by Andor Drakon]
Unregistered user
Posted on Thursday, April 15, 2004 at 07:55 (GMT -5)

Wherever you are, you must have very long evenings.
Duke Ravage
Registered user
Gravebane Zombie

Last page view:

5666 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes and 28 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, April 17, 2004 at 05:08 (GMT -5)

well, yes.

Unregistered user
Posted on Wednesday, April 21, 2004 at 05:42 (GMT -5)

There was another one with me and Duke involving people on the bottom side of the earth falling off unless they grab onto trees, the moon, oil, life forms made of vomit, marker pens, the sun, tunnels through the middle of the world, monkey bars, viruses, and a couple of other things. But I didn't post that one.
Duke Ravage
Registered user
Gravebane Zombie

Last page view:

5666 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes and 28 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, April 21, 2004 at 15:18 (GMT -5)

that one was messed up.
Andor unlogged
Unregistered user
Posted on Friday, April 23, 2004 at 03:34 (GMT -5)

Oh, that unregistered post was me.
Duke Ravage
Registered user
Gravebane Zombie

Last page view:

5666 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes and 28 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 at 22:53 (GMT -5)

Don't think i posted his one yet. Found it while poking around my hard drive looking for other stuff, in a spot with a bunch of other strange txt files.

guardsheep2000: *cautiously enters the forest, sword drawn*
RedNinjja: just a minute
RedNinjja: yo
RedNinjja: I should get of soon but I have time to fool around
guardsheep2000: lol
guardsheep2000: i'm gonna be my angel character
guardsheep2000: all he has is a broadsword (and some clothes)
RedNinjja: *draws his sord and mumbles in an demonic tounge* "FOOL, thought seek to oppose me, I shall bury my sord into thi soul"
guardsheep2000: *raises his sword* "Who are you? I seek no quarral!"
guardsheep2000: *looks around*
RedNinjja: (long skiny one sided sord, rags and bandages + demon stuff)
RedNinjja: *charges*
guardsheep2000: *continues down the path, very warily
guardsheep2000: "Ooph!" *is knocked to the ground*
RedNinjja: *leaps from darkness onto GS*
guardsheep2000: *rolls, stands faceing you*
RedNinjja: *roars* "I shall end this dead worlds suffring"
RedNinjja: "slashes sord at GS"
RedNinjja: **
guardsheep2000: *raises his sword and parrys*
guardsheep2000: "There is still hope for this world!"
RedNinjja: *locks sord against GS's*
guardsheep2000: "I am the hope! I shall clense this world of demons such as you!"
RedNinjja: "This world will except no other fate!"
guardsheep2000: *plants his feet and shoves hard*
RedNinjja: "Death is all that is left"
RedNinjja: *stumbles back*
RedNinjja: *jumps into tree and hangs upsidedown by feet*
guardsheep2000: "Death brings life! Without death, there is no life!" *growls* "Although some death is better than others"
guardsheep2000: *ducks*
RedNinjja: (why?)
guardsheep2000: (startled)
RedNinjja: (sure)
guardsheep2000: (nevermind)
guardsheep2000: (just accept it)
RedNinjja: *leaps from tree with sord out*
RedNinjja: "Aggggggg"
guardsheep2000: "Demons like you must be purged!" *slashes*
RedNinjja: "deflects and colides with GS"
guardsheep2000: *drops his sword and grabs Red, wrestles*
RedNinjja: *bites at GS's hand*
RedNinjja: *drops sord*
guardsheep2000: *trys to get on top*
guardsheep2000: (dice time)
guardsheep2000: *succedes*
RedNinjja: *lets him but bashes head to head*
guardsheep2000: *grunts, stunned*
guardsheep2000: *falls back*
RedNinjja: *kicks away from GS and gets up*
guardsheep2000: *screams as a tentcle grabs him from behind*
RedNinjja: *searches for cause*
RedNinjja: (huh)
guardsheep2000: *struggles with the tenticle around his waist*
guardsheep2000: (i dunno, some interveneing demon)
RedNinjja: *picks up sord*
guardsheep2000: *is lifted from the ground*
RedNinjja: *slashes tenticle*
guardsheep2000: *falls*
RedNinjja: blood spreays
guardsheep2000: *scrambles away from you, towards sword*
RedNinjja: *stabs tentical demon*
RedNinjja: *is intwined in tenticles*
guardsheep2000: *more tenticles reach out like fists and punch you*
guardsheep2000: *pauses, then rushes in and starts hacking*
guardsheep2000: *cuts off three or four tenticles, grabs you and yanks you free*
RedNinjja: *sinks teeth int demons nec*
RedNinjja: *will not let go*
guardsheep2000: *growls about brave fools, and dives in low*
guardsheep2000: *plants his sword in it's abdomen
RedNinjja: *claws bites and slashes*
guardsheep2000: *twists*
guardsheep2000: *demon roars, falls to knees*
guardsheep2000: *black blood sprays from demon's neck*
RedNinjja: *reaches into opened neck pulls out asophagas*
guardsheep2000: *tears his sword out*
guardsheep2000: *demon falls on top of you*
RedNinjja: *Roars in pleasure*
guardsheep2000: *demon catches my leg
Danielle unlogged
Unregistered user
Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 at 23:06 (GMT -5)

when i was in highschool, i was as i am now a gamer girl, i had 2 friends that i played Ultima online with and we all played final fantasy tactics, we would stand up in the middle of our electronics class (cause i would be done in 5 mins) and we would be like "Bolt 3!"

"Counter attack, parry!"
and we would do that every other day till our teacher yelled at them and told me how cuite i was! ^^
Duke Ravage
Registered user
Gravebane Zombie

Last page view:

5666 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes and 28 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, July 16, 2004 at 15:27 (GMT -5)

Another one, been a while since i had any interesting ones. This one's off of MSN. I don't know exactly who STGM is, but he's been on my contact list for a long time...

STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
Sir Happy!
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
Tis imperative that we speak at once
Atom says:
Atom says:
Can I help you?
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
The fate of the kingdom rests on our hands!
Atom says:
Oh dear!
Atom says:
What terrible menace approaches?
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
I dunno, I didn't think that far ahead
Atom says:
Atom says:
Atom says:
we could always call Ugrond. I'm sure that dragon would be up for some raping of the countryside
Atom says:
Then we could go stop him.
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
Sounds like a plan
Atom says:
Alright. do you have his cell number?
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
You got his number?
Atom says:
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
We could try summoning him
Atom says:
I can't
Atom says:
I didn't pay my summoning bills.
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
Atom says:
so General Summoning shut off my services
Atom says:
What about a postcard?
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
"Wish you were here"?
Atom says:
Or something, yes.
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
Be careful what you wish for...
Atom says:
Hmm, true
Atom says:
Atom says:
do you have his address anywhere?
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
I thought YOU had it!
Atom says:
I know it's something something street Blood Mountain, Middle of Nowhere, 06660
Atom says:
but beyond that
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
Aw, shit
Atom says:
i don't think this is going to work....
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
You know what, forget it. I'm just gonna watch some crystal ball
Atom says:
Alright. if you see any impending hazards, let me know
STGM | Yay, I got fired! I mean, crap. says:
Registered user

Last page view:

6673 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 27 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, July 17, 2004 at 20:08 (GMT -5)

Me Playing at bnet.My name is Ssj_Vegeta, heres a few wierd conversations,lol. Dont really remb all but o well

From Mog_The_One: Eyoyaknow

From Mog_The_One:U tried on ur life veggy-san?

To Mog_The_One:?

From Mog_The_One:Ur playing lotr rpg, u must be wery tired on ur life..

To Mog_The_One:Your Point?

From Mog_The_One;My point is that u should leave that game and play dbz white me

To Mog_The_One:Im playing whit other friends

From Mog_The_One:And?

Mog_The_One has been squelched.


Ssj_Vegeta:i rm

Darker:....I beginning to hate you...>>_...>>>...>>





Then i remaked he joined and rest day went normal, LoL


Darker:I hate you batboy

Batboy::( why?

Darker:Its a JOKE jeez

Ssj_Vegeta:I supposed to laugh?



Ssj_Vegeta:U got 6 red

Darker:NO U GOT 6 RED

Ssj_Vegeta:No..u do lag, u dropped last game doh

Darker:Ill ping me whit my bot and well see



Bot:Your ping is 225ms


Bot:Your ping is 15ms


Ssj_Vegeta:Dude, its Starcraft and u have 225ms..u do lag a bit


Batboy enters the room*



Bot:Your ping is 0ms



While in a game of some Dbz All Sagas....


Fenix[Ub]:No im goku im supposed to train here

Darker keeps whining

Darker Attacks Fenixa bit

Fenix Kills Darker


DArker Has Left THe Game*

Ssj_Vegeta:..Great we need vegeta for fuse

Ssj_Vegeta has left the game*

In Chat room...



Darker:I make my bot spam, wach


(Bot said that every 10second)

Ssj_Vegeta:Thats written like a angry 10year old

Your friend darker has exited

Darker has been removed from your F list*





Ssj_Vegeta:Lets play golems
Ssj_Vegeta:Lets play golems
Ssj_Vegeta:Lets play golems
(Wrote Fast)

Darker:Dont Spam!!


Later in a game when it were 5secods till start i and fenix spammed gogogo


SSj_Vegeta:LOL Its okay to spam when its starting



Well, darkers a bit wierd as u might see ;O

<xxxxo~~~~oxxxx> SWORDCHUK

Duke Ravage
Registered user
Gravebane Zombie

Last page view:

5666 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes and 28 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, July 23, 2004 at 05:25 (GMT -5)

this one is wierd.
it's a latenight 2-hour intellectual convo about time, C, absolute zero, and a lot of other wierd stuff. It starts with something about zits and scars. I was high on Dr. Pepper and junk food at the start, but by the end (now) i was just tired...
you better have you rthinking cap on, or at least a bottle of asprin handy. BTW, if you can positively answer any of the unanswered questions we raise, feel free. I'm curious. I also want to try my little experiment i suggest toward the end...


SupJames1313 (11:44:52 PM): yes it would
SupJames1313 (11:44:52 PM): don't really think that would work
SupJames1313 (11:45:10 PM): scar tissue probably doesn't have poors
guardsheep2000 (11:45:16 PM): yeah, true
guardsheep2000 (11:45:20 PM): even so
guardsheep2000 (11:45:24 PM): what if you had the zit,
guardsheep2000 (11:45:28 PM): then you burned it?
guardsheep2000 (11:45:34 PM): and made it into scar tissue?
guardsheep2000 (11:46:15 PM): or wait
guardsheep2000 (11:46:21 PM): isn't there skin under the scar tissue?
guardsheep2000 (11:46:25 PM): skin with pores?
SupJames1313 (11:47:14 PM): lol
SupJames1313 (11:47:14 PM): ah jeeze
SupJames1313 (11:47:14 PM): I'm not really an expert on the subject
SupJames1313 (11:47:14 PM): though I would argue that there would be no way for those poors if they exist to get bacteria etc
SupJames1313 (11:47:14 PM): pores*
guardsheep2000 (11:47:59 PM): hmm,
guardsheep2000 (11:48:01 PM): true,
guardsheep2000 (11:48:03 PM): hmm
guardsheep2000 (11:48:13 PM): what if they got the dirt etc while exposed
guardsheep2000 (11:48:21 PM): before the scar tissue formed?
SupJames1313 (11:49:26 PM): hmm as that point
SupJames1313 (11:49:36 PM): there's no really much of a skin layer
SupJames1313 (11:50:00 PM): and I would assume the big uber antibodies
SupJames1313 (11:50:06 PM): forgetting the name
SupJames1313 (11:50:08 PM): would take care of bacteria
SupJames1313 (11:50:10 PM): and if not
SupJames1313 (11:50:16 PM): then you're gonna be dealing with an infection
SupJames1313 (11:50:19 PM): which is a common thing...
guardsheep2000 (11:50:38 PM): hmm
guardsheep2000 (11:50:42 PM): true, i suppose
SupJames1313 (11:50:52 PM): you know I have no idea what I am talking about
guardsheep2000 (11:50:56 PM): actually i do
guardsheep2000 (11:50:57 PM): sorta
SupJames1313 (11:51:01 PM): I'm making stuff up just for the sake of making stuff up
guardsheep2000 (11:51:01 PM): i took biology
guardsheep2000 (11:51:06 PM): oh lol
SupJames1313 (11:51:09 PM): ah yes
guardsheep2000 (11:51:10 PM): well it makes sense
SupJames1313 (11:51:29 PM): its actually fun to argue with people about biology stuff
guardsheep2000 (11:51:36 PM): lol
guardsheep2000 (11:51:37 PM): yeah
SupJames1313 (11:51:39 PM): because you can come up with fairly logical arguments
guardsheep2000 (11:51:47 PM): i love arguing about anything i don't know anything about
SupJames1313 (11:51:54 PM): heh indeed
guardsheep2000 (11:52:10 PM): because i can make shit up based entirely on logic that applys to other subjects
SupJames1313 (11:52:40 PM): right
SupJames1313 (11:53:05 PM): well for no reason I'm going to tell you about a concept I was reading about
SupJames1313 (11:53:09 PM): cause its good to ponder
guardsheep2000 (11:53:16 PM): e.g. apply your computer programming logic to something to do with quantum mechanics
SupJames1313 (11:53:20 PM): if we put a mirror about 100 lighttears away
guardsheep2000 (11:53:21 PM): alright lets hear it
SupJames1313 (11:53:26 PM): from earth
guardsheep2000 (11:53:30 PM): we could look 200 years in the past
SupJames1313 (11:53:31 PM): and then looked at it with a telescope
SupJames1313 (11:53:33 PM): yeah!
SupJames1313 (11:53:35 PM): we should do that
SupJames1313 (11:53:37 PM): heh
guardsheep2000 (11:53:42 PM): i was talking about this with nates
guardsheep2000 (11:53:44 PM): problem is
guardsheep2000 (11:53:54 PM): you can't look further back
guardsheep2000 (11:53:59 PM): than 100 years before the thing is put up
SupJames1313 (11:54:06 PM): well
guardsheep2000 (11:54:09 PM): and if you travel at lightspeed
guardsheep2000 (11:54:15 PM): when you launch it
guardsheep2000 (11:54:22 PM): if it sets up immediatly upon arriving
guardsheep2000 (11:54:29 PM): you can watch yourself launch it
SupJames1313 (11:54:37 PM): so say you aim a telescope at where you're going to put it
guardsheep2000 (11:54:38 PM): which would be interesting
SupJames1313 (11:54:55 PM): and launch it
SupJames1313 (11:55:13 PM): it would reflect the light that had already been traveling to it
SupJames1313 (11:55:22 PM): even before it was there the light would be going in its direction....
SupJames1313 (11:55:25 PM): so...
SupJames1313 (11:55:37 PM): you could look back double the distance in time
guardsheep2000 (11:55:44 PM): right
guardsheep2000 (11:55:45 PM): but
guardsheep2000 (11:55:58 PM): you can't look more than 100 years further back than it was put up
guardsheep2000 (11:56:03 PM): even if you put it up instantly
guardsheep2000 (11:56:09 PM): it takes 100 years for the light to get back
SupJames1313 (11:56:14 PM): right
guardsheep2000 (11:56:23 PM): so you'll just see you sending it up there instantly
guardsheep2000 (11:56:26 PM): or
guardsheep2000 (11:56:27 PM): er
guardsheep2000 (11:56:30 PM): 100 years before that
SupJames1313 (11:56:38 PM): right
guardsheep2000 (11:56:43 PM): now here's an interesting idea
guardsheep2000 (11:56:52 PM): FTL travel
guardsheep2000 (11:56:55 PM): or wormholes or something
guardsheep2000 (11:57:00 PM): if you go through a wormhole
guardsheep2000 (11:57:04 PM): and travel 1 lightminute away
guardsheep2000 (11:57:06 PM): and look back
SupJames1313 (11:57:08 PM): ah yes fixes hte whole problem
guardsheep2000 (11:57:10 PM): you should see yourself
SupJames1313 (11:57:16 PM): heh
guardsheep2000 (11:57:21 PM): and be able to watch as you enter the wormhole
guardsheep2000 (11:57:29 PM): *that* would be wierd, seriously
SupJames1313 (11:57:33 PM): well we just need to make a spaceship that can travel faster than light
SupJames1313 (11:57:38 PM): very weird
SupJames1313 (11:57:40 PM): oh this is cool
SupJames1313 (11:57:47 PM): stephen hawking
SupJames1313 (11:57:53 PM): changed his mind about black holes like a week ago
guardsheep2000 (11:57:56 PM): lol
guardsheep2000 (11:57:57 PM): he did?
SupJames1313 (11:58:00 PM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (11:58:06 PM): what does he think now?
SupJames1313 (11:58:11 PM): he thinks they emit stuff
guardsheep2000 (11:58:23 PM): as in they don't suck stuff in?
guardsheep2000 (11:58:27 PM): they just spit it out
guardsheep2000 (11:58:27 PM): ?
SupJames1313 (11:58:37 PM): right but they also put off some kind of radiation or somesuch
SupJames1313 (11:58:53 PM): anyway it means that we could get information about a really long time ago or something
guardsheep2000 (11:58:57 PM): well they already had theorized that they'd radiate somehting
guardsheep2000 (11:59:04 PM): well theoretically
guardsheep2000 (11:59:08 PM): since space is curved
guardsheep2000 (11:59:13 PM): if we look in a direction
guardsheep2000 (11:59:26 PM): with an uber-godly superpowered telescope
guardsheep2000 (11:59:35 PM): and found a spot where there were no stars in the way period
guardsheep2000 (11:59:47 PM): we should be able to see back to before earths creation
SupJames1313 (11:59:58 PM): now that would be cool
SupJames1313 (11:59:58 PM): heh
guardsheep2000 (12:00:01 AM): and if we found that spot
guardsheep2000 (12:00:17 AM): and lauched a mirror going back that direction from earth
guardsheep2000 (12:00:24 AM): we could possibly... wait
guardsheep2000 (12:00:25 AM): no
guardsheep2000 (12:00:27 AM): that wouldn't work
guardsheep2000 (12:00:31 AM): or would it?
guardsheep2000 (12:00:34 AM): hm,
guardsheep2000 (12:00:55 AM): trying to figure out a way to shorten that distance
SupJames1313 (12:01:00 AM): this is something I actually am really excited about eventually takign a class on
guardsheep2000 (12:01:23 AM): now here's something i was wondering about a bit ago
SupJames1313 (12:01:24 AM): well we just need to learn how to make wormholes
guardsheep2000 (12:01:31 AM): FTL travel
guardsheep2000 (12:01:33 AM): right
guardsheep2000 (12:01:40 AM): if you go faster than light in one direction
guardsheep2000 (12:01:44 AM): nothing behind you can see you
guardsheep2000 (12:01:49 AM): once you hit FTL
guardsheep2000 (12:01:58 AM): but wouldn't stuff to the sides and front see you?
guardsheep2000 (12:02:07 AM): nates were saying no
guardsheep2000 (12:02:10 AM): but i don't see why not
guardsheep2000 (12:02:25 AM): the people in the front just wouldn't see you until after you got there
SupJames1313 (12:02:30 AM): we're talking strictly about light here right?
guardsheep2000 (12:02:38 AM): we're talking about an object
guardsheep2000 (12:02:44 AM): traveling at faster than light speeds
SupJames1313 (12:02:49 AM): right but okay
guardsheep2000 (12:02:51 AM): like at 1.1C
SupJames1313 (12:02:58 AM): well I have limitedunderstanding but think of it like this
SupJames1313 (12:03:10 AM): if you are traveling at me
SupJames1313 (12:03:14 AM): faster than the speed of light
SupJames1313 (12:03:20 AM): you're going to beat the light
guardsheep2000 (12:03:23 AM): right
SupJames1313 (12:03:26 AM): so you're gonna hit me
guardsheep2000 (12:03:27 AM): so you won't see me coming
SupJames1313 (12:03:28 AM): before I see you
guardsheep2000 (12:03:29 AM): right
guardsheep2000 (12:03:34 AM): but you would see me eventually
guardsheep2000 (12:03:39 AM): the people behind wouldn't see me traveling
guardsheep2000 (12:03:43 AM): so like if i waved in mid travel
SupJames1313 (12:03:44 AM): yes
guardsheep2000 (12:03:45 AM): you would see it
guardsheep2000 (12:03:48 AM): but the people behind me wouldn
guardsheep2000 (12:03:50 AM): t
guardsheep2000 (12:04:04 AM): but the people to the sides? they'd just see a blur huh
SupJames1313 (12:04:14 AM): alright let me think about sides
guardsheep2000 (12:04:38 AM): all the light would hit you at basically the same time
guardsheep2000 (12:04:44 AM): and bounce off and back
SupJames1313 (12:04:50 AM): right I'm not even gonna think about that one
guardsheep2000 (12:04:54 AM): haha
SupJames1313 (12:04:58 AM): too many variables
guardsheep2000 (12:05:07 AM): basically i think that as long as you aren't behind in any way
guardsheep2000 (12:05:10 AM): you should be visible
guardsheep2000 (12:05:29 AM): which brings up an interesting thought... someone standing halfway would see you approach
guardsheep2000 (12:05:34 AM): but wouldn't see you after you passed
SupJames1313 (12:05:52 AM): well
SupJames1313 (12:05:58 AM): alright here's my question
SupJames1313 (12:06:08 AM): because I don't know that much about the characteristics of ight
SupJames1313 (12:06:15 AM): lets start with a truck analogy
SupJames1313 (12:06:19 AM): if you are in the back of a truck
SupJames1313 (12:06:23 AM): going 30 mph
SupJames1313 (12:06:32 AM): and you throw a baseball in the opposite direction
SupJames1313 (12:06:34 AM): at 20 mph
SupJames1313 (12:06:48 AM): its going to go in the direction of the truck
guardsheep2000 (12:06:51 AM): the baseball travels at 10 MPH in the direction of the truck
SupJames1313 (12:06:55 AM): at 10
SupJames1313 (12:06:57 AM): right
SupJames1313 (12:06:59 AM): so now light
SupJames1313 (12:07:11 AM): if you are traveling at 1.1 C
guardsheep2000 (12:07:16 AM): i see what your getting at
guardsheep2000 (12:07:23 AM): and you shine a flashlight back
SupJames1313 (12:07:27 AM): exactly
guardsheep2000 (12:07:30 AM): hmm
guardsheep2000 (12:07:44 AM): call up stephan hawking, see what he can tell us :P
SupJames1313 (12:07:49 AM): heh
SupJames1313 (12:07:52 AM): indeed
guardsheep2000 (12:07:57 AM): but logically
guardsheep2000 (12:08:04 AM): the light would continue to travel at .1 C
guardsheep2000 (12:08:07 AM): which would mean
guardsheep2000 (12:08:14 AM): hmm
guardsheep2000 (12:08:18 AM): light traveling at .1 C?
SupJames1313 (12:08:19 AM): no thats not logically though
SupJames1313 (12:08:31 AM): lol wow what the hell are we coming up with
guardsheep2000 (12:08:35 AM): this is awesome
SupJames1313 (12:08:41 AM): I'm thinking light doesn't follow normal physics law
SupJames1313 (12:08:50 AM): there's no momentum with light
guardsheep2000 (12:08:51 AM): well then what does the light do?
SupJames1313 (12:08:59 AM): I think it travels back at 1 c
guardsheep2000 (12:09:08 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (12:09:09 AM): maybe
SupJames1313 (12:09:17 AM): though the real issue here is that
SupJames1313 (12:09:25 AM): well
guardsheep2000 (12:09:28 AM): does light go with physics?
SupJames1313 (12:09:31 AM): what's the current thought on traveling faster than light
SupJames1313 (12:09:34 AM): yeah it does
SupJames1313 (12:09:37 AM): to an extent
SupJames1313 (12:09:41 AM): I'm sure moreso in college
guardsheep2000 (12:09:43 AM): it's impossible, is the current thought
guardsheep2000 (12:09:46 AM): i think
SupJames1313 (12:09:50 AM): right
SupJames1313 (12:09:53 AM): light is weird
guardsheep2000 (12:09:59 AM): although we have learned how to slow down light
guardsheep2000 (12:10:05 AM): and freeze it even
SupJames1313 (12:10:10 AM): yeah I read about that
SupJames1313 (12:10:18 AM): just a simple diamond
SupJames1313 (12:10:25 AM): slows light down by about I believe %40
SupJames1313 (12:10:28 AM): 40%
SupJames1313 (12:10:32 AM): thats why it is so shinny
guardsheep2000 (12:11:00 AM): right, and we found a gas that can freeze light and then reproduce exactly the same light
SupJames1313 (12:11:06 AM): yeah
SupJames1313 (12:11:13 AM): that was a little beyond me
guardsheep2000 (12:11:13 AM): that i thought was awesome
SupJames1313 (12:11:18 AM): but very interesting
guardsheep2000 (12:11:20 AM): they take the gas
guardsheep2000 (12:11:26 AM): they freeze it as light goes through
guardsheep2000 (12:11:32 AM): the light continues through it
guardsheep2000 (12:11:40 AM): but when they flash-unfreeze the gas
guardsheep2000 (12:11:43 AM): the light comes out again
guardsheep2000 (12:11:50 AM): exactly identical to the light that went in
SupJames1313 (12:11:50 AM): really crazy
guardsheep2000 (12:12:05 AM): but that truck thing... that i'm curious about
guardsheep2000 (12:12:23 AM): but then again
guardsheep2000 (12:12:27 AM): that brings up this problem
SupJames1313 (12:12:34 AM): well I'm fairly sure that light in a vaccum must travel the same speed always
guardsheep2000 (12:12:34 AM): it has been prooven
guardsheep2000 (12:12:51 AM): that time slows down for an object as it approaches C
guardsheep2000 (12:13:05 AM): and based on caluculations of how much it slows
guardsheep2000 (12:13:14 AM): we've figured out it stops at C
guardsheep2000 (12:13:15 AM): so
SupJames1313 (12:13:21 AM): heh
guardsheep2000 (12:13:22 AM): what happens *past* C
SupJames1313 (12:13:23 AM): so backwards
SupJames1313 (12:13:33 AM): wouldn't that be cool
guardsheep2000 (12:13:50 AM): but how the fuck would that work?
SupJames1313 (12:13:59 AM): heh
guardsheep2000 (12:14:06 AM): you press the "go FTL" button
guardsheep2000 (12:14:09 AM): you go FTL
guardsheep2000 (12:14:16 AM): and you unpress the "go FTL button"
SupJames1313 (12:14:21 AM): lmao
guardsheep2000 (12:14:28 AM): right?
SupJames1313 (12:14:33 AM): alright well
SupJames1313 (12:14:43 AM): time goes slower as you approach C right....
guardsheep2000 (12:14:45 AM): right
SupJames1313 (12:14:47 AM): okay
SupJames1313 (12:14:53 AM): so you're sitting in your spaceship
guardsheep2000 (12:14:58 AM): this was both theorized and proven
SupJames1313 (12:14:59 AM): and you're approaching C
guardsheep2000 (12:15:05 AM): mmhmm
SupJames1313 (12:15:09 AM): and I'm talking to you
SupJames1313 (12:15:17 AM): and we're still talking
SupJames1313 (12:15:19 AM): but the world looking as our spaceship
SupJames1313 (12:15:25 AM): in going much faster than us
SupJames1313 (12:15:37 AM): and when we approach C
SupJames1313 (12:15:43 AM): are we still talking
SupJames1313 (12:15:45 AM): ?
SupJames1313 (12:15:51 AM): in our little spaceship
guardsheep2000 (12:15:56 AM): well
guardsheep2000 (12:15:58 AM): if time stops
SupJames1313 (12:16:02 AM): right
SupJames1313 (12:16:09 AM): thats what's confusing
guardsheep2000 (12:16:10 AM): techically,
guardsheep2000 (12:16:11 AM): to us
guardsheep2000 (12:16:13 AM): we didn't stop
SupJames1313 (12:16:14 AM): its like a limit in Trig
guardsheep2000 (12:16:15 AM): but to the world
guardsheep2000 (12:16:18 AM): we did
SupJames1313 (12:16:23 AM): the world is moving infinitely faster than us
guardsheep2000 (12:16:27 AM): yea
SupJames1313 (12:16:32 AM): so the end of the universe would instantly happen
guardsheep2000 (12:16:42 AM): lol, what?
guardsheep2000 (12:16:44 AM): oh
guardsheep2000 (12:16:45 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (12:16:46 AM): to us
SupJames1313 (12:16:53 AM): heh
guardsheep2000 (12:17:01 AM): AHHA!
guardsheep2000 (12:17:04 AM): i figured something out
SupJames1313 (12:17:07 AM): ?
guardsheep2000 (12:17:15 AM): you know the problem with long-distance space travel
guardsheep2000 (12:17:23 AM): e.g. from here to Alpha Centauri
guardsheep2000 (12:17:28 AM): which is what 4 lightyears?
SupJames1313 (12:17:29 AM): ?
guardsheep2000 (12:17:40 AM): if we can't make a spaceship travel at C
guardsheep2000 (12:17:53 AM): and don't want to wait 4 years to get to Alpha Centauri
guardsheep2000 (12:18:00 AM): and can't cryofreeze people
guardsheep2000 (12:18:11 AM): why not make them travel at C within the spaceship?
guardsheep2000 (12:18:18 AM): like
SupJames1313 (12:18:21 AM): lmao
guardsheep2000 (12:18:22 AM): make them spin so fast
guardsheep2000 (12:18:24 AM): they go C
SupJames1313 (12:18:28 AM): i get it
guardsheep2000 (12:18:32 AM): they might get a little dizzy
guardsheep2000 (12:18:33 AM): but
SupJames1313 (12:18:57 AM): well if we're gonna get into this here's the problem
guardsheep2000 (12:19:01 AM): and you wouldn't have the problem with cryofreeze, where if the machine is just a tiny bit off you freeze to death
SupJames1313 (12:19:17 AM): so you've accelerated fast before right?
SupJames1313 (12:19:31 AM): there's a point where if you accelerate too quickly
SupJames1313 (12:19:33 AM): you'll just die
guardsheep2000 (12:19:35 AM): right
guardsheep2000 (12:19:37 AM): G forces
SupJames1313 (12:19:40 AM): right
SupJames1313 (12:19:51 AM): I don't really want to do the math
guardsheep2000 (12:19:55 AM): right
SupJames1313 (12:19:59 AM): but it would take years to safely reach light speed
SupJames1313 (12:20:10 AM): so we'd have to figure that one out
SupJames1313 (12:20:15 AM): but I guess thats beside the point
guardsheep2000 (12:20:26 AM): yeah, and also
guardsheep2000 (12:20:33 AM): you'd have to figure out the right way to spin
guardsheep2000 (12:20:36 AM): because
guardsheep2000 (12:20:39 AM): if you just spin like a top
guardsheep2000 (12:20:43 AM): with you in the middle
guardsheep2000 (12:20:50 AM): you'd split in the middle from centerfugal forces
SupJames1313 (12:20:53 AM): lol
guardsheep2000 (12:20:59 AM): if you spin longways
SupJames1313 (12:21:02 AM): heh
guardsheep2000 (12:21:13 AM): you might split from centerfucgal forces
guardsheep2000 (12:21:14 AM): but also
guardsheep2000 (12:21:17 AM): either way
guardsheep2000 (12:21:23 AM): your center doesn't go as fast as the rest
guardsheep2000 (12:21:25 AM): and so doesn't reach C
SupJames1313 (12:21:30 AM): ah jeeze
guardsheep2000 (12:21:33 AM): so you'd have a stomach that aged 1 year
SupJames1313 (12:21:35 AM): now you're dealing with weird shit
guardsheep2000 (12:21:37 AM): and a head that didn't age at all
SupJames1313 (12:21:42 AM): lmfao
SupJames1313 (12:21:51 AM): alright well enough of that concept
SupJames1313 (12:21:54 AM): here's something confusing
SupJames1313 (12:22:00 AM): how fast does gravity go?
guardsheep2000 (12:22:07 AM): hey
SupJames1313 (12:22:08 AM): as far as anyone knows
guardsheep2000 (12:22:08 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (12:22:13 AM): that's a good question
SupJames1313 (12:22:15 AM): it goes infinitely fast
SupJames1313 (12:22:23 AM): its never been measured
SupJames1313 (12:22:30 AM): if you beamed another sun into this universe
guardsheep2000 (12:22:31 AM): would be hard *to* measure
SupJames1313 (12:22:38 AM): everything would instantly be attacted
guardsheep2000 (12:22:48 AM): right
SupJames1313 (12:22:57 AM): Eric Stackpole has an interesting thought
SupJames1313 (12:23:05 AM): he thinks the key to contacting aliens
SupJames1313 (12:23:13 AM): is some kind of gravity communication
guardsheep2000 (12:23:20 AM): heyyyyy
guardsheep2000 (12:23:25 AM): that's awesome
SupJames1313 (12:23:28 AM): yeah
SupJames1313 (12:23:30 AM): I love that idea
guardsheep2000 (12:23:33 AM): fuck aliens
guardsheep2000 (12:23:40 AM): talk about some high-speed internet!
guardsheep2000 (12:23:42 AM): no lag at all!
SupJames1313 (12:23:45 AM): lmao
SupJames1313 (12:23:49 AM): that too
SupJames1313 (12:23:55 AM): and you know what else would be fun
guardsheep2000 (12:23:59 AM): instant communication
SupJames1313 (12:23:59 AM): have you heard of absolute zero?
guardsheep2000 (12:24:02 AM): yes
SupJames1313 (12:24:09 AM): alright well we could make some heavy shit
guardsheep2000 (12:24:10 AM): have we ever attained absolute zero?
SupJames1313 (12:24:14 AM): nope
SupJames1313 (12:24:23 AM): we've gotten a few tenths of a degree away
guardsheep2000 (12:24:24 AM): we've come to within a few degrees though right?
guardsheep2000 (12:24:26 AM): yeah
SupJames1313 (12:24:44 AM): a lot of people don't really think we have the technology any time soon
guardsheep2000 (12:24:47 AM): why couldn't they get those last few tenths of a degree?
SupJames1313 (12:24:51 AM): we just can't block all the suns radiation
SupJames1313 (12:24:56 AM): there's always some kind of heat
guardsheep2000 (12:25:00 AM): ahh
SupJames1313 (12:25:05 AM): everywhere
SupJames1313 (12:25:11 AM): doesn't matter where we go
guardsheep2000 (12:25:11 AM): and at that low of temperatures
guardsheep2000 (12:25:16 AM): there's no such thing as "coolant"
SupJames1313 (12:25:20 AM): exactly
SupJames1313 (12:25:29 AM): all the time we've put into it
SupJames1313 (12:25:30 AM): was useless
SupJames1313 (12:25:41 AM): because expanding air and stuff to cool down
SupJames1313 (12:25:43 AM): works weel
SupJames1313 (12:25:48 AM): but there's still gonna be some heat
guardsheep2000 (12:25:51 AM): yeah
SupJames1313 (12:25:53 AM): well*
SupJames1313 (12:26:05 AM): what I don't quite understand is under the theory
SupJames1313 (12:26:10 AM): the elections would fall into the center
SupJames1313 (12:26:24 AM): I don't really think we can get to absolute zero
SupJames1313 (12:26:30 AM): what I think we might be able to do
SupJames1313 (12:26:36 AM): if get the elections to collaspe without it
SupJames1313 (12:26:58 AM): maybe thats what they are thinking
SupJames1313 (12:27:01 AM): if they get close enough
SupJames1313 (12:27:15 AM): the millionth of a degree or whatever could become negligible
guardsheep2000 (12:27:28 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (12:27:30 AM): well i mean
guardsheep2000 (12:27:40 AM): if we can sustain a few tenths of a degree from absolute zero
guardsheep2000 (12:27:49 AM): myself i would call that good enough for my supercomputer
SupJames1313 (12:28:01 AM): heh indeed
guardsheep2000 (12:29:44 AM): you know
guardsheep2000 (12:29:48 AM): back to the FTL travel thing
guardsheep2000 (12:29:52 AM): Star Trek
guardsheep2000 (12:29:59 AM): they've got so much FTL travel in that show
guardsheep2000 (12:30:16 AM): that i bet you could look pretty much anywhere with a telescope and see a few billion ships
SupJames1313 (12:30:18 AM): yeah no time issues either heh
guardsheep2000 (12:30:21 AM): several copies of each
SupJames1313 (12:30:26 AM): indeed
guardsheep2000 (12:30:27 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (12:30:31 AM): hey
guardsheep2000 (12:30:34 AM): here's a thought
guardsheep2000 (12:30:39 AM): i'm in a spaceship
guardsheep2000 (12:30:43 AM): traving 1.1C
guardsheep2000 (12:30:46 AM): or
guardsheep2000 (12:30:47 AM): 1C
guardsheep2000 (12:30:54 AM): in a circle or something
guardsheep2000 (12:30:58 AM): and you're just on earth
guardsheep2000 (12:31:00 AM): and we're talking
guardsheep2000 (12:31:13 AM): how would that work?
SupJames1313 (12:31:20 AM): hmm
SupJames1313 (12:31:25 AM): wait
SupJames1313 (12:31:28 AM): how are you talking to me
guardsheep2000 (12:31:33 AM): say we're connected by a wire
guardsheep2000 (12:31:38 AM): and we're using AIM
guardsheep2000 (12:31:42 AM): or
guardsheep2000 (12:31:45 AM): how about a phone
guardsheep2000 (12:31:53 AM): simplify things a little
SupJames1313 (12:31:57 AM): ah jeeze
guardsheep2000 (12:32:04 AM): or maybe that would complicate things
SupJames1313 (12:32:10 AM): lol
guardsheep2000 (12:32:10 AM): i think
guardsheep2000 (12:32:19 AM): that i would see you as talking insanely superhuman fast
guardsheep2000 (12:32:27 AM): and you would see me as talking insanely superhuman slow
guardsheep2000 (12:32:37 AM): or if i was going at C, actually
guardsheep2000 (12:32:55 AM): i'd get everything you send at once and my modem would probably explode
SupJames1313 (12:33:09 AM): hmm
SupJames1313 (12:33:18 AM): 1 C is really interesting me
SupJames1313 (12:33:27 AM): because seriously if time is stopped
SupJames1313 (12:33:40 AM): well
SupJames1313 (12:33:49 AM): the universe realyl would end
SupJames1313 (12:33:56 AM): assuming it will end
guardsheep2000 (12:34:08 AM): but we have things traveling at C all the time
guardsheep2000 (12:34:21 AM): every time we flip a lightswitch
guardsheep2000 (12:34:34 AM): the light comes pouring out of the bulb at C
SupJames1313 (12:34:50 AM): right
SupJames1313 (12:35:00 AM): but well the universe wouldn't end excuse me
SupJames1313 (12:35:14 AM): from the perspective of the person in the spaceship
SupJames1313 (12:35:15 AM): the universe would end
guardsheep2000 (12:35:22 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (12:35:25 AM): hmm
SupJames1313 (12:35:31 AM): as far as we are concerned everything is normal
SupJames1313 (12:35:35 AM): they would just watch it really fast
SupJames1313 (12:35:41 AM): but the thing is they wouldn't
guardsheep2000 (12:35:44 AM): they would watch it instantly
SupJames1313 (12:35:46 AM): which is what is interesting
SupJames1313 (12:35:48 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (12:35:58 AM): they wouldn't watch it at all
guardsheep2000 (12:36:03 AM): ok
SupJames1313 (12:36:05 AM): if they were really close to C
SupJames1313 (12:36:08 AM): that would make sense
SupJames1313 (12:36:09 AM): but right on
guardsheep2000 (12:36:13 AM): if you travel at 1.1C
guardsheep2000 (12:36:20 AM): and have a glass plate in front of you
guardsheep2000 (12:36:23 AM): in the direction you're traveling
guardsheep2000 (12:36:27 AM): so you can see as you go 1.1C
guardsheep2000 (12:36:30 AM): what do you see?
guardsheep2000 (12:36:47 AM): assume time isn't an issue
SupJames1313 (12:37:13 AM): well
SupJames1313 (12:37:37 AM): see this is where it gets a little too complicated
guardsheep2000 (12:37:46 AM): yeah
SupJames1313 (12:37:57 AM): light can't reach the object to reflect off it even
SupJames1313 (12:38:08 AM): but thats also beside the point
SupJames1313 (12:38:12 AM): anything past 1
guardsheep2000 (12:38:13 AM): right
SupJames1313 (12:38:19 AM): is really to hard to think about
guardsheep2000 (12:38:21 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (12:38:23 AM): ok
SupJames1313 (12:38:24 AM): up to one is hard enough
guardsheep2000 (12:38:26 AM): lets slow it down to 1
guardsheep2000 (12:38:33 AM): traveling at C
guardsheep2000 (12:38:39 AM): what do you see in front of you
SupJames1313 (12:38:48 AM): again nothing
guardsheep2000 (12:38:48 AM): because light is reaching you
guardsheep2000 (12:38:57 AM): or rather
guardsheep2000 (12:39:01 AM): you're reaching light
SupJames1313 (12:39:26 AM): you wouldn't "see" anything
SupJames1313 (12:39:36 AM): I'm still stuck on this time stopped thing
guardsheep2000 (12:39:40 AM): right
guardsheep2000 (12:39:41 AM): well
guardsheep2000 (12:39:46 AM): i'm assuming time isn't an issue
guardsheep2000 (12:39:54 AM): we're going through time at normal speed
guardsheep2000 (12:39:56 AM): as if we weren't moving
SupJames1313 (12:40:26 AM): but then light is the issue
guardsheep2000 (12:40:29 AM): yeah
SupJames1313 (12:40:36 AM): you traveling with it
SupJames1313 (12:40:40 AM): you're*
guardsheep2000 (12:40:47 AM): what about the light you're traveling into?
SupJames1313 (12:41:11 AM): well alright
guardsheep2000 (12:41:32 AM): i think everything else would blur, just as you would blur to everything else
guardsheep2000 (12:42:14 AM): heyyyy, i just thought of another interesting one... not that we answered the previous one, but i doubt we will be answering it any time soon
guardsheep2000 (12:42:24 AM): on that spaceship that is traveling C
guardsheep2000 (12:42:28 AM): can the people see anything
SupJames1313 (12:42:36 AM): right lol
SupJames1313 (12:42:36 AM): no
guardsheep2000 (12:42:47 AM): even if we assume they're going at normal time
SupJames1313 (12:42:52 AM): ugh fine
guardsheep2000 (12:42:56 AM): haha
SupJames1313 (12:42:59 AM): still no
guardsheep2000 (12:43:04 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (12:43:09 AM): you're probably right
SupJames1313 (12:43:16 AM): well alright
SupJames1313 (12:43:21 AM): say you are looking out the window
guardsheep2000 (12:43:25 AM): right
SupJames1313 (12:43:26 AM): at a planet radiating light
SupJames1313 (12:43:32 AM): this is where it gets retarded
SupJames1313 (12:43:40 AM): but I won't really think about that
guardsheep2000 (12:43:43 AM): lol
SupJames1313 (12:43:44 AM): because you have to exclude time
guardsheep2000 (12:43:56 AM): time just gets too complex
SupJames1313 (12:43:58 AM): time is such a huge part of traveling at C
guardsheep2000 (12:44:01 AM): it is
guardsheep2000 (12:44:09 AM): i'm trying to just deal with the light portion of it
SupJames1313 (12:44:14 AM): alright well then
SupJames1313 (12:44:16 AM): .9 C
guardsheep2000 (12:44:20 AM): although hey
guardsheep2000 (12:44:24 AM): if you travel at C
guardsheep2000 (12:44:30 AM): you wouldn't see anything
guardsheep2000 (12:44:31 AM): as you travel
guardsheep2000 (12:44:34 AM): no time would pass
guardsheep2000 (12:44:43 AM): but light would still hit the craft
guardsheep2000 (12:44:48 AM): and bounce off
guardsheep2000 (12:44:50 AM): and travel with it
guardsheep2000 (12:44:56 AM): and would go into a viewscreen
guardsheep2000 (12:44:58 AM): and stop
guardsheep2000 (12:45:06 AM): as it hits the "no-time" zone
guardsheep2000 (12:45:07 AM): right?
guardsheep2000 (12:45:18 AM): because it hits the air that isn't passing through time
guardsheep2000 (12:45:30 AM): so when you arrive at the destination and stop travelling at C
guardsheep2000 (12:46:01 AM): wouldn't you see all the light that went into the ship as it travelled, but as one big burst
guardsheep2000 (12:46:04 AM): basically a flash?
SupJames1313 (12:46:10 AM): ah shit
guardsheep2000 (12:46:16 AM): and wouldn't outside observers see a flash as the ship arrived?
guardsheep2000 (12:46:38 AM): so Star Wars and Star Trek had it right after all, just not perfect
guardsheep2000 (12:46:48 AM): there wouldn't really be a trip
guardsheep2000 (12:47:15 AM): just a "wow they're gone" at the start and a flash at tht end
SupJames1313 (12:47:26 AM): yeah
SupJames1313 (12:47:33 AM): cept for fucking time
guardsheep2000 (12:47:40 AM): haha
guardsheep2000 (12:47:47 AM): well i'm including time in this one
guardsheep2000 (12:47:55 AM): that's where the flash for the people inside comes from
SupJames1313 (12:48:00 AM): I know but no
guardsheep2000 (12:48:03 AM): or is light even affected by time?
SupJames1313 (12:48:22 AM): I still think as soon as you travel C
guardsheep2000 (12:48:23 AM): if you had a sphere of space that travelled at half normal time
SupJames1313 (12:48:29 AM): you just kissed the universe goodbye
guardsheep2000 (12:48:36 AM): heh
guardsheep2000 (12:48:43 AM): welll
SupJames1313 (12:48:53 AM): but yeah I see the flash
SupJames1313 (12:48:55 AM): if you are playing with anything under C
guardsheep2000 (12:48:56 AM): if you are traveling at C because of your own force
guardsheep2000 (12:49:07 AM): e.g. the spaceship is making itself go C
guardsheep2000 (12:49:10 AM): then it can't stop
SupJames1313 (12:49:12 AM): right
guardsheep2000 (12:49:13 AM): once it hits C
SupJames1313 (12:49:18 AM): once it hits C
SupJames1313 (12:49:24 AM): some serious shit goes down
guardsheep2000 (12:49:24 AM): because the people on board can't hit the brakes
guardsheep2000 (12:49:32 AM): and any outside ship sending a message
guardsheep2000 (12:49:46 AM): the message would never get through the circuts to the engines (or whatever)
guardsheep2000 (12:49:48 AM): to make them stop
guardsheep2000 (12:49:49 AM): but
guardsheep2000 (12:49:54 AM): say we have a gigantic
SupJames1313 (12:49:57 AM): okay well thats what I don't understand
guardsheep2000 (12:50:01 AM): ?
SupJames1313 (12:50:04 AM): when you are going at .9 C
SupJames1313 (12:50:18 AM): inside the actual spaceship in my opinion everthing is still the same
SupJames1313 (12:50:26 AM): same timefram
SupJames1313 (12:50:33 AM): its all just relative to the rest of the universe
SupJames1313 (12:50:37 AM): so when you hit C
SupJames1313 (12:50:51 AM): its not like you've been in slow motion
SupJames1313 (12:50:54 AM): and you just stopped
SupJames1313 (12:51:15 AM): ah meh
SupJames1313 (12:51:16 AM): go on
guardsheep2000 (12:51:19 AM): lol
guardsheep2000 (12:51:23 AM): ok
guardsheep2000 (12:51:30 AM): a giant particle accelerator
guardsheep2000 (12:51:34 AM): except you're in it
guardsheep2000 (12:51:40 AM): and it is what makes you go C
guardsheep2000 (12:51:46 AM): *it* can stop you
guardsheep2000 (12:51:49 AM): because it's not going C
guardsheep2000 (12:51:56 AM): so time still passes for it
guardsheep2000 (12:52:00 AM): but now
guardsheep2000 (12:52:04 AM): that raises something else
guardsheep2000 (12:52:06 AM): if you go C
guardsheep2000 (12:52:16 AM): can something as mundane as magnets or gravity affect you?
SupJames1313 (12:52:46 AM): oh wow
SupJames1313 (12:53:06 AM): okay well again
SupJames1313 (12:53:07 AM): if you go C
SupJames1313 (12:53:27 AM): everything else is now going at an infinite speed
SupJames1313 (12:53:47 AM): okay cool magnets
SupJames1313 (12:53:53 AM): magnets used magnetic waves
SupJames1313 (12:53:55 AM): too slow
SupJames1313 (12:54:03 AM): far less than C
guardsheep2000 (12:54:12 AM): so magnets can't touch you
SupJames1313 (12:54:18 AM): guess not
guardsheep2000 (12:54:19 AM): but can you run into the waves?
SupJames1313 (12:54:34 AM): not at C
guardsheep2000 (12:54:36 AM): like the runing into light thing, only they're going slower
SupJames1313 (12:54:40 AM): at .99999999999 C maybe
guardsheep2000 (12:54:42 AM): rather than the same speed
SupJames1313 (12:54:50 AM): C is one screwed up thing
SupJames1313 (12:54:52 AM): I don't like it
guardsheep2000 (12:55:00 AM): i love it
guardsheep2000 (12:55:03 AM): it's screwed up
guardsheep2000 (12:55:09 AM): it leads to these kind of convos
guardsheep2000 (12:55:17 AM): in which all i can do is laugh at the insanity
SupJames1313 (12:55:18 AM): right but if you think about it it trumps all these theories
guardsheep2000 (12:55:22 AM): it's a good way to go insane
SupJames1313 (12:55:26 AM): if you are actualyl going at C
SupJames1313 (12:55:42 AM): then you can either look at it as time if stopped
SupJames1313 (12:55:54 AM): or in an instant earth just dissapeared
guardsheep2000 (12:56:32 AM): now, my problem with your "you go C, you just arrived at Armageddon" theory
guardsheep2000 (12:56:48 AM): is that if you use lightspeed travel as a method of transportation
guardsheep2000 (12:56:55 AM): you stop
guardsheep2000 (12:56:59 AM): after a while
guardsheep2000 (12:57:03 AM): now
guardsheep2000 (12:57:09 AM): if you went at C for eternity
guardsheep2000 (12:57:19 AM): you would arrive at the end of all instantaniously
SupJames1313 (12:57:33 AM): exactly
guardsheep2000 (12:57:35 AM): but:
guardsheep2000 (12:57:39 AM): what happens to you?
SupJames1313 (12:57:40 AM): you don't need to go a C for an eternity
SupJames1313 (12:57:43 AM): at*
SupJames1313 (12:57:47 AM): thats why I don't like it
guardsheep2000 (12:57:52 AM): wait
SupJames1313 (12:57:53 AM): if you take Trig
guardsheep2000 (12:57:54 AM): why don't you?
SupJames1313 (12:58:03 AM): you'll see why its just like a limit
SupJames1313 (12:58:09 AM): if you're going at C
SupJames1313 (12:58:23 AM): and the universe is say only gonna be able another 500 billion years
SupJames1313 (12:58:31 AM): then in an instant you could say you're at the end
SupJames1313 (12:58:35 AM): or
SupJames1313 (12:58:41 AM): time is stopped for you
guardsheep2000 (12:58:47 AM): but what if someone stops you from going C after only 5 years?
SupJames1313 (12:58:49 AM): but time can't be stopped for you
SupJames1313 (12:58:57 AM): can't
SupJames1313 (12:59:05 AM): if you reach C
guardsheep2000 (12:59:09 AM): thats right, we just decided that didn't we
guardsheep2000 (12:59:16 AM): nothing can touch you if you go C
SupJames1313 (12:59:25 AM): I realized that beside the point
guardsheep2000 (12:59:26 AM): even gravity?
SupJames1313 (12:59:31 AM): if you reach C
SupJames1313 (12:59:41 AM): the rest of the universe if going at an infinite speed right?
guardsheep2000 (12:59:45 AM): right
guardsheep2000 (12:59:48 AM): relative
guardsheep2000 (12:59:49 AM): to you
SupJames1313 (12:59:53 AM): what's infinite/2
SupJames1313 (12:59:57 AM): or infinity/10000
guardsheep2000 (12:59:57 AM): infinite
SupJames1313 (12:59:59 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (1:00:05 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (1:00:10 AM): but the thing is
SupJames1313 (1:00:11 AM): you can't take 5 years
SupJames1313 (1:00:17 AM): because that has no proportion
SupJames1313 (1:00:21 AM): to any time going C
SupJames1313 (1:00:33 AM): .9999999 C
guardsheep2000 (1:00:33 AM): everything may be going infinately fast compared to you
SupJames1313 (1:00:35 AM): would have a proportion
guardsheep2000 (1:00:36 AM): but to everything else
guardsheep2000 (1:00:42 AM): you're just going infinitely slower than them
SupJames1313 (1:00:45 AM): you are frozen right
guardsheep2000 (1:01:03 AM): you are stopped
guardsheep2000 (1:01:06 AM): yes
SupJames1313 (1:01:09 AM): right
guardsheep2000 (1:01:33 AM): but see
SupJames1313 (1:01:39 AM): well then as something approches you
SupJames1313 (1:01:47 AM): its going to have to approach C
guardsheep2000 (1:01:57 AM): right
guardsheep2000 (1:02:01 AM): and if it hits C
guardsheep2000 (1:02:02 AM): it stopps to
SupJames1313 (1:02:03 AM): and in turn would slow down
SupJames1313 (1:02:05 AM): and then stop
SupJames1313 (1:02:07 AM): exactly
guardsheep2000 (1:02:11 AM): hmm
SupJames1313 (1:02:19 AM): its like you're untouchable
guardsheep2000 (1:02:24 AM): i don't see what that has to do with hitting C and arriving at the end of the universe
guardsheep2000 (1:02:31 AM): i see the untouchable thing
SupJames1313 (1:02:37 AM): alright well from your perspective only
SupJames1313 (1:02:42 AM): if you hit C
guardsheep2000 (1:02:49 AM): everything goes infinitely faster
guardsheep2000 (1:02:50 AM): i see that
SupJames1313 (1:02:53 AM): right
guardsheep2000 (1:02:55 AM): but as i see it
guardsheep2000 (1:03:04 AM): everything else does not speed up
guardsheep2000 (1:03:07 AM): you slow down to a stop
guardsheep2000 (1:03:15 AM): if i'm walking
SupJames1313 (1:03:18 AM): so you're going to jump ahead in time
guardsheep2000 (1:03:19 AM): and there's a rock not moving
SupJames1313 (1:03:23 AM): to the end of the unveriverse
guardsheep2000 (1:03:25 AM): i'm going infinitely faster than the rock
guardsheep2000 (1:03:34 AM): but i can still pick up the rock and make it move with me
SupJames1313 (1:03:59 AM): different though
SupJames1313 (1:04:03 AM): the spaceship
SupJames1313 (1:04:07 AM): is going hella fast
SupJames1313 (1:04:09 AM): but its frozen
SupJames1313 (1:04:21 AM): if the spaceship was going .999 C
guardsheep2000 (1:04:28 AM): it'd be gong hella fast
guardsheep2000 (1:04:32 AM): but be slow
SupJames1313 (1:04:33 AM): yeah
SupJames1313 (1:04:39 AM): yeah
SupJames1313 (1:04:41 AM): the rock is going 0 C
guardsheep2000 (1:04:48 AM): and i'm going 1 C
guardsheep2000 (1:04:50 AM): er
guardsheep2000 (1:04:51 AM): .1C
guardsheep2000 (1:04:57 AM): not even close but
SupJames1313 (1:05:02 AM): right
SupJames1313 (1:05:03 AM): I understand
guardsheep2000 (1:05:09 AM): hmm
guardsheep2000 (1:05:23 AM): but still
guardsheep2000 (1:05:24 AM): as i see it
SupJames1313 (1:05:25 AM): so at least we know different amounts of C can interact
guardsheep2000 (1:05:46 AM): the universe does not speed up when you approach C
SupJames1313 (1:05:51 AM): no it doesn't
guardsheep2000 (1:05:54 AM): the universe doesn't speed up to infinitely fast
guardsheep2000 (1:05:58 AM): you slow down to infinitely slow
SupJames1313 (1:06:03 AM): right
guardsheep2000 (1:06:04 AM): so yes, you can't be touched
guardsheep2000 (1:06:09 AM): but if we managed to circumvent that
guardsheep2000 (1:06:21 AM): we could stop you and prevent you from instantly hitting Game Over
SupJames1313 (1:06:31 AM): ah but no
SupJames1313 (1:06:44 AM): I see what you are saying
SupJames1313 (1:07:03 AM): but I don't think so
SupJames1313 (1:07:14 AM): if you are going .9999 C and you look out your window
SupJames1313 (1:07:19 AM): you see time going really realyl really fast
SupJames1313 (1:07:23 AM): worlds changing
SupJames1313 (1:07:30 AM): stars almost instantly forming
guardsheep2000 (1:07:38 AM): almost being th ekeyword
SupJames1313 (1:07:49 AM): right
SupJames1313 (1:07:49 AM): for less than C
SupJames1313 (1:07:49 AM): but once you hit it
guardsheep2000 (1:07:57 AM): i see what you mean about the infinitely faster thing
SupJames1313 (1:08:01 AM): everything that will ever change instantly does
SupJames1313 (1:08:11 AM): you can't divide it up into segments
SupJames1313 (1:08:20 AM): say well he was only traveling C for .0000000001 ms
SupJames1313 (1:08:25 AM): so only this much happened
SupJames1313 (1:08:30 AM): its instant
SupJames1313 (1:08:51 AM): we see a frozen ship and in the instant that ship moves at all
guardsheep2000 (1:08:51 AM): faster than instant, because instant is a measurement of time
SupJames1313 (1:08:51 AM): we're all gone
SupJames1313 (1:09:03 AM): instant has a few meanings
guardsheep2000 (1:09:05 AM): i know
guardsheep2000 (1:09:13 AM): but i'm just playing with words
SupJames1313 (1:09:15 AM): but instant can means instant
guardsheep2000 (1:09:15 AM): because i can
guardsheep2000 (1:09:19 AM): right
SupJames1313 (1:09:28 AM): no time
guardsheep2000 (1:09:33 AM): now how about this
guardsheep2000 (1:09:36 AM): our spaceship
guardsheep2000 (1:09:38 AM): traveling at C
guardsheep2000 (1:09:43 AM): just flew into a planet at C
guardsheep2000 (1:09:57 AM): no engine is powering it, it got launched to C via some slingshot or something i don't know
guardsheep2000 (1:10:11 AM): it's dead weight traveling at C
SupJames1313 (1:10:19 AM): can't travel at C
SupJames1313 (1:10:34 AM): I could be completely off base but I don't believe you can travel at C
guardsheep2000 (1:10:51 AM): i think scientists believe it's impossible to travel at C too
SupJames1313 (1:11:02 AM): this is probably why
guardsheep2000 (1:11:05 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (1:11:10 AM): none of it makes sense
SupJames1313 (1:11:17 AM): I mean its a simple trig concept realyl
SupJames1313 (1:11:20 AM): C is the limit
SupJames1313 (1:11:29 AM): you can get infinitely close to C
guardsheep2000 (1:11:35 AM): but yo ucan't hit C
SupJames1313 (1:11:39 AM): right
guardsheep2000 (1:11:42 AM): but light goes C
SupJames1313 (1:11:45 AM): anf if you did it would be game over
SupJames1313 (1:12:02 AM): we dont' know what the hell light is
SupJames1313 (1:12:18 AM): we haven't even decided if its a particle or a wave
SupJames1313 (1:12:24 AM): or some kind of combination of the two
guardsheep2000 (1:12:29 AM): heh
guardsheep2000 (1:12:30 AM): yeah
SupJames1313 (1:12:48 AM): but yeah
SupJames1313 (1:12:52 AM): confusing
guardsheep2000 (1:12:55 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (1:13:02 AM): i think wormholes are as good as we're going to do
SupJames1313 (1:13:02 AM): so then that means that if we could beam ourselfs
SupJames1313 (1:13:06 AM): turn ourselfs into light
SupJames1313 (1:13:10 AM): we could go at C
SupJames1313 (1:13:14 AM): without any issues
guardsheep2000 (1:13:18 AM): *nod*
guardsheep2000 (1:13:26 AM): hey! i just realized something
guardsheep2000 (1:13:33 AM): the whole thing with absolute zero
guardsheep2000 (1:13:35 AM): is no resistance
guardsheep2000 (1:13:49 AM): which supposedly means instant communciation
guardsheep2000 (1:13:54 AM): isn't that faster than C?
SupJames1313 (1:14:06 AM): wait what?
guardsheep2000 (1:14:09 AM): or at least C
SupJames1313 (1:14:18 AM): what is traveling that fast?
guardsheep2000 (1:14:24 AM): the electricity
SupJames1313 (1:14:43 AM): the electrons wouldn't be traveling at C
SupJames1313 (1:14:51 AM): they would be traveling at 0 C
SupJames1313 (1:15:01 AM): as then would collaspe into the center
SupJames1313 (1:15:05 AM): to form dark matter
guardsheep2000 (1:15:23 AM): wait what?
SupJames1313 (1:15:27 AM): okay
SupJames1313 (1:15:29 AM): absolute zero
SupJames1313 (1:15:33 AM): cold temperature
SupJames1313 (1:15:36 AM): right?
guardsheep2000 (1:15:40 AM): no heat whatsoever
SupJames1313 (1:15:45 AM): cold temperature makes electrons slow down
guardsheep2000 (1:15:48 AM): can't get any "colder"
SupJames1313 (1:15:49 AM): the colder it gets the slower they get
guardsheep2000 (1:15:53 AM): right
SupJames1313 (1:16:07 AM): right and when they hit like -273 Kelvin or some such
SupJames1313 (1:16:15 AM): they have no energy
SupJames1313 (1:16:25 AM): and as such they can no longer maintan their orbit
SupJames1313 (1:16:33 AM): and they collase into the center
SupJames1313 (1:16:51 AM): and because most of the space in an atom is dead sapce
SupJames1313 (1:17:01 AM): between the electrons, protons, etc and the middle
SupJames1313 (1:17:07 AM): if becomes very very small
SupJames1313 (1:17:09 AM): it*
SupJames1313 (1:17:23 AM): so you could make a bullet out of the moon
guardsheep2000 (1:17:38 AM): hmm
SupJames1313 (1:17:47 AM): and all kinds of weird shit
SupJames1313 (1:17:57 AM): can't really destory dark matter
SupJames1313 (1:18:03 AM): no ray can penetrate it
SupJames1313 (1:18:13 AM): its basically invincible
guardsheep2000 (1:18:20 AM): hmm
SupJames1313 (1:18:21 AM): it has incredible gravitational pull
guardsheep2000 (1:18:36 AM): i thought part of the idea behind bringing e.g. a wire to absolute zero
guardsheep2000 (1:18:39 AM): was that the colder things are
guardsheep2000 (1:18:47 AM): and the slower the electons move
guardsheep2000 (1:18:54 AM): the less resistance they have to an electical charge
guardsheep2000 (1:19:09 AM): allowing it to pass through faster and keep it's charge
guardsheep2000 (1:19:11 AM): for longer
guardsheep2000 (1:19:15 AM): and at absolute zero
guardsheep2000 (1:19:21 AM): there is no resistance at all
guardsheep2000 (1:19:38 AM): which means the electical charge passes through instantly
guardsheep2000 (1:19:46 AM): and keeps all of it's charge completely
SupJames1313 (1:19:57 AM): I'm not sure what terms you're using the term resistance in
SupJames1313 (1:20:24 AM): resistance in electrical wires is usually a measure of the amount of electrons lost
SupJames1313 (1:20:32 AM): or well
SupJames1313 (1:20:37 AM): like a resistor in a wire generates heat
SupJames1313 (1:20:59 AM): becaues its letting x amount of electricity though the the rest it converts to heat
guardsheep2000 (1:21:25 AM): ...right
guardsheep2000 (1:21:43 AM): but that resistance slows it down too
guardsheep2000 (1:21:50 AM): a bit like air resistance
guardsheep2000 (1:21:59 AM): slows stuff down and takes some off, just a little bit
guardsheep2000 (1:22:12 AM): only it takes off more than it slows down in the case of electricity
guardsheep2000 (1:22:13 AM): i think
guardsheep2000 (1:22:20 AM): unless i'm getting terms confused
SupJames1313 (1:22:22 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (1:22:23 AM): or mixed
guardsheep2000 (1:22:29 AM): and/or
SupJames1313 (1:22:32 AM): hmm not really sure
guardsheep2000 (1:22:48 AM): just a sec
guardsheep2000 (1:23:35 AM): Hmm
SupJames1313 (1:23:48 AM): reading up on it
guardsheep2000 (1:23:53 AM): according to the first site on a google search
SupJames1313 (1:23:56 AM): I guess someone got to .000000001
guardsheep2000 (1:24:05 AM): the oscillations never come to a complete stop
SupJames1313 (1:24:06 AM): and did that say the ocilations never stop
SupJames1313 (1:24:08 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (1:24:09 AM): even at absolute zero
SupJames1313 (1:24:10 AM): I read that
SupJames1313 (1:24:18 AM): I'd check some other sources
SupJames1313 (1:24:28 AM): because I'm not sure exactly what that means
guardsheep2000 (1:28:26 AM): "Unfortunately we are unable to reach absolute zero itself. It is forbidden by the third law of thermodynamics."
SupJames1313 (1:29:01 AM): site
SupJames1313 (1:29:07 AM): but yeah
SupJames1313 (1:29:09 AM): agreed
guardsheep2000 (1:29:36 AM): the site isn't very good, it's aimed toward kids mostly
guardsheep2000 (1:29:49 AM): it's tough to find stuff
guardsheep2000 (1:30:06 AM): wonder if FAS has anything
guardsheep2000 (1:31:00 AM): nope
guardsheep2000 (1:31:01 AM): figures
guardsheep2000 (1:31:09 AM): they're mostly weaponry
SupJames1313 (1:31:44 AM):
SupJames1313 (1:31:53 AM): these are really interesting to read through sometimes
guardsheep2000 (1:34:31 AM): what is the third law of thermodynamics anyway?
SupJames1313 (1:34:44 AM): don't remember
SupJames1313 (1:34:46 AM): didn't get that far
guardsheep2000 (1:35:02 AM): hmm
SupJames1313 (1:35:06 AM): probably something to do with never reaching o
SupJames1313 (1:35:07 AM): heh
guardsheep2000 (1:35:10 AM): lol
SupJames1313 (1:35:12 AM): like if you continually divide by 2
SupJames1313 (1:35:18 AM): you'll get really close
guardsheep2000 (1:35:18 AM): you never hit 0
guardsheep2000 (1:35:19 AM): right
guardsheep2000 (1:35:24 AM): i'm gonna look it up...
guardsheep2000 (1:35:39 AM): if you find anything really solid on absolute zero, lemme know
guardsheep2000 (1:35:41 AM): or on C
guardsheep2000 (1:35:43 AM): i'm interested
SupJames1313 (1:36:09 AM): ok
guardsheep2000 (1:38:52 AM):
guardsheep2000 (1:39:01 AM): the entropy of a pure perfect crystal is 0 at 0 K: S(0K) = 0.
SupJames1313 (1:39:56 AM): right
SupJames1313 (1:40:08 AM): so the universe would have to have no entropy
SupJames1313 (1:40:14 AM): for anything to reach 0
guardsheep2000 (1:40:17 AM): in order to reach absolute 0
guardsheep2000 (1:41:39 AM): now here's a random theory that popped into my head... assuming you somehow did manage to reach C... perhaps you would, in effect or in actuallity, become energy (ligh) yourself?
SupJames1313 (1:42:12 AM): can't dismiss it
SupJames1313 (1:42:35 AM): though other than the fact that the only thing we know travels at C is light
SupJames1313 (1:42:41 AM): there's no reason to believe that
guardsheep2000 (1:42:57 AM): *nod*
guardsheep2000 (1:43:12 AM): i thought electricity if it traveled with no resistance traveled at C
guardsheep2000 (1:43:18 AM): i thought all energy traveled at C
guardsheep2000 (1:43:24 AM): assuming no resistance
SupJames1313 (1:44:14 AM): hmm
SupJames1313 (1:44:25 AM): vibrations are energy
SupJames1313 (1:44:33 AM): they don't travel at C
SupJames1313 (1:44:35 AM): heat is energy
SupJames1313 (1:44:39 AM): doesn't travel at C
guardsheep2000 (1:44:41 AM): hmm
SupJames1313 (1:44:42 AM): radio waves...
guardsheep2000 (1:44:45 AM): hmm
SupJames1313 (1:44:45 AM): x rays...
SupJames1313 (1:44:53 AM): electricity I'm not too sure about
guardsheep2000 (1:45:03 AM): you have a point, i think
guardsheep2000 (1:45:06 AM): although
guardsheep2000 (1:45:08 AM): i seem to recall
guardsheep2000 (1:45:11 AM): reading somewhere
guardsheep2000 (1:45:23 AM): them manageing to either, i can't remember what they did
guardsheep2000 (1:45:37 AM): but they got a lazer and something else set up side-by-side
guardsheep2000 (1:45:59 AM): and the something else went faster than the lazer... although maybe i'm thinking about a lazer through air and a lazer through water
guardsheep2000 (1:46:02 AM): i don't know
SupJames1313 (1:46:27 AM): I bet you are
guardsheep2000 (1:46:42 AM):
guardsheep2000 (1:46:44 AM): check out that page
guardsheep2000 (1:46:54 AM): got some good stuff on this subject
guardsheep2000 (1:47:07 AM): talks about FTL at the start
guardsheep2000 (1:47:51 AM): now here
guardsheep2000 (1:47:54 AM): think about this
guardsheep2000 (1:47:58 AM): we are moving
guardsheep2000 (1:47:59 AM): right now
guardsheep2000 (1:48:01 AM): on earth
guardsheep2000 (1:48:13 AM): so if this is moving
guardsheep2000 (1:48:18 AM): what is stopped?
guardsheep2000 (1:48:31 AM): and if one thing is moving at speed A in one way
guardsheep2000 (1:48:41 AM): and something else is moving at the same speed in the exact opposite direction
guardsheep2000 (1:48:50 AM): do they go on the same timeline?
SupJames1313 (1:49:15 AM): yeah I don't think direction matters as far as the second question goes
SupJames1313 (1:49:19 AM): who says anything has to be stopped?
guardsheep2000 (1:49:24 AM): true
guardsheep2000 (1:49:27 AM): but therefor
guardsheep2000 (1:49:41 AM): if we are on earth going at 100 MPH
guardsheep2000 (1:49:56 AM): and a spaceship takes off going exactly away from us at 200 MPH (relatively)
guardsheep2000 (1:50:06 AM): would they not be affected by the "time slowdown"?
guardsheep2000 (1:50:14 AM): relative to us, anyway?
guardsheep2000 (1:50:58 AM): and another thought, i just realized
guardsheep2000 (1:51:07 AM): either light is affected by momentum
guardsheep2000 (1:51:14 AM): or else our calculations of the speed of light must be wrong
SupJames1313 (1:51:17 AM): no I don't believe so
SupJames1313 (1:51:19 AM): why?
guardsheep2000 (1:51:23 AM): how did we calculate the speed of light?
guardsheep2000 (1:51:28 AM): and how did we prove it?
SupJames1313 (1:51:35 AM): I don't know
guardsheep2000 (1:51:44 AM): only practical way i can think of to prove it
guardsheep2000 (1:51:58 AM): is to flash light and time exactly how long it takes for it to get from point A to point B
guardsheep2000 (1:52:06 AM): but both point A and point B are moving
guardsheep2000 (1:52:11 AM): because they are on earth
guardsheep2000 (1:52:34 AM): there is no way to be for certain "stopped" in this universe, because movement is relative
guardsheep2000 (1:52:57 AM): so the speed of light must also be relative to everything else
guardsheep2000 (1:53:09 AM): if C is a constant, then
guardsheep2000 (1:53:38 AM): C would be different if you measured it north to south than if you measured it east to west
guardsheep2000 (1:53:54 AM): ever so slightly, but it would be different
guardsheep2000 (1:54:10 AM): do you see my logic?
SupJames1313 (1:54:21 AM): yeah but I'm sure they took that into account
SupJames1313 (1:54:30 AM): and the speed on the earth should be negligible
guardsheep2000 (1:54:57 AM): true
guardsheep2000 (1:55:02 AM): but it would have some effect
guardsheep2000 (1:55:14 AM): of a few hundred thousand MPH or something
guardsheep2000 (1:55:23 AM): but how would you compensate for it?
guardsheep2000 (1:55:28 AM): what is universal "stopped"?
guardsheep2000 (1:55:42 AM): if light is affected by momentum though it doesn't matter
guardsheep2000 (1:55:56 AM): you can measure it north to south, east to west, up to down and it should be the exact same
SupJames1313 (1:56:19 AM): light can't be affected by momentum
SupJames1313 (1:56:22 AM): because light it constant
guardsheep2000 (1:56:46 AM): I think
guardsheep2000 (1:56:47 AM): we need
guardsheep2000 (1:56:50 AM): to get a supercomputer
guardsheep2000 (1:56:52 AM): with a supertimer
guardsheep2000 (1:56:57 AM): and a sensor
SupJames1313 (1:56:58 AM): this is the speed of light
SupJames1313 (1:57:00 AM): 299 792 458
guardsheep2000 (1:57:00 AM): and a lazer
guardsheep2000 (1:57:02 AM): i know
SupJames1313 (1:57:05 AM): m/s
guardsheep2000 (1:57:05 AM): i have that in front of me too
guardsheep2000 (1:57:11 AM): and time it ourselves
SupJames1313 (1:58:06 AM): we could...
guardsheep2000 (1:58:32 AM): if we time it at exactly noon (physical noon, not just clock noon) the lazer oriented facing west it should get the full effect of the earths movement
guardsheep2000 (1:59:03 AM): and then time it north to south where it should have any effect
guardsheep2000 (1:59:24 AM): if it is exactly the same, like down to the tiniest decimal we can calculate
guardsheep2000 (1:59:30 AM): then light is affected by momentum
guardsheep2000 (1:59:35 AM): er no
guardsheep2000 (1:59:38 AM): it's constant
guardsheep2000 (1:59:41 AM):
guardsheep2000 (1:59:43 AM): it's momentum
guardsheep2000 (1:59:48 AM): it's getting late, i'm confusing myself
SupJames1313 (1:59:50 AM): lol go for it
guardsheep2000 (1:59:56 AM): with my own theorys no less
guardsheep2000 (1:59:59 AM): anyway
guardsheep2000 (2:00:07 AM): but if there is a difference they should be different
SupJames1313 (2:01:44 AM): heh
guardsheep2000 (2:01:56 AM): wow
guardsheep2000 (2:01:59 AM): what did i just say
guardsheep2000 (2:02:07 AM): i meant to say
guardsheep2000 (2:02:13 AM): if ... what did i mean to say?
SupJames1313 (2:02:19 AM): heh no idea
guardsheep2000 (2:02:26 AM): did you understand what i was saying though?
SupJames1313 (2:02:38 AM): pretty much
SupJames1313 (2:02:48 AM): though I'm gonna trust that the scientists got it right
guardsheep2000 (2:03:01 AM): yeah, i don't know
SupJames1313 (2:03:01 AM): or at least that they didn't overthink something we could come up with
guardsheep2000 (2:03:06 AM): lol
guardsheep2000 (2:03:08 AM): yeah
SupJames1313 (2:03:15 AM): yeah revise
SupJames1313 (2:03:20 AM): who knows if they are rihgt
SupJames1313 (2:03:31 AM): we're just not the ones to help them
guardsheep2000 (2:03:35 AM): right
guardsheep2000 (2:03:38 AM): hey james
guardsheep2000 (2:03:45 AM): you should become a physicist
guardsheep2000 (2:03:50 AM): and figure all this shit out
SupJames1313 (2:03:55 AM): that would be fun job
SupJames1313 (2:04:01 AM): you could do that....
guardsheep2000 (2:04:01 AM): that could be interesting
guardsheep2000 (2:04:14 AM): you could get paid for this conversation we just had
SupJames1313 (2:04:30 AM): now that would be awesome
guardsheep2000 (2:04:35 AM): no kidding
guardsheep2000 (2:04:46 AM): do you realize how much i've been laughing throughout this
guardsheep2000 (2:04:52 AM): just at the insanity of it all?
SupJames1313 (2:04:55 AM): oh yeah
guardsheep2000 (2:04:58 AM): and how completely twisted around my brain was?
SupJames1313 (2:05:00 AM): its ridiculousu
SupJames1313 (2:05:07 AM): FUCKING C
guardsheep2000 (2:05:09 AM): here's a tough concept
SupJames1313 (2:05:19 AM): k
guardsheep2000 (2:05:24 AM): can you wrap your brain around the concept of true and absolute nothingness?
guardsheep2000 (2:05:29 AM): i sure as hell can't
SupJames1313 (2:05:43 AM): oh I've discussed that with people
SupJames1313 (2:05:49 AM): no there's no way to grasp that
SupJames1313 (2:05:51 AM): its not clear
guardsheep2000 (2:05:53 AM): void
SupJames1313 (2:05:53 AM): its not black
guardsheep2000 (2:05:55 AM): yeah
SupJames1313 (2:05:56 AM): its freaking nothing
guardsheep2000 (2:06:00 AM): exactly
SupJames1313 (2:06:03 AM): can't do it
SupJames1313 (2:06:09 AM): brain can't comprehend
guardsheep2000 (2:06:36 AM): and it's not nothingness either really, because that puts an adjective on it and it can't be described, there's nothing to describe
SupJames1313 (2:06:48 AM): exactly
SupJames1313 (2:06:59 AM): you can see feel hear nothingness
SupJames1313 (2:07:12 AM): you can really observe nothingness
guardsheep2000 (2:07:30 AM): but true void
guardsheep2000 (2:07:31 AM): you can't
SupJames1313 (2:07:34 AM): so the Universe better be infinite
guardsheep2000 (2:07:36 AM): because it isn't
guardsheep2000 (2:07:41 AM): yeah
guardsheep2000 (2:08:10 AM): the simplist way to put it as far as absolute nothingness is concerned, is that it isn't.
SupJames1313 (2:08:17 AM): heh
SupJames1313 (2:08:24 AM): pun
SupJames1313 (2:08:30 AM): anyway have you read hitchhikers guide?
guardsheep2000 (2:08:37 AM): oh yeah
guardsheep2000 (2:08:41 AM): good series


From there it just degenerates into chatter about h2g2...

but seriously, i want to try that experiment with the light. would be harder than hell to rig up accurately, but i want to know. Unless someone can answer it right here and now...
Cloud X2
Registered user
aww maaaan, not today!

Last page view:

7053 days, 11 hours, 37 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 at 15:15 (GMT -5)

in the guiness book of world records it says scientist have stopped light
Duke Ravage
Registered user
Gravebane Zombie

Last page view:

5666 days, 5 hours, 17 minutes and 28 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 at 16:45 (GMT -5)

i read an article on that somewhere... thought i mentioned that at some point in that last convo...
Registered user
Holy Champion of ADoM

Last page view:

3901 days, 15 hours, 29 minutes and 34 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, August 07, 2004 at 14:35 (GMT -5)

stopping light can't be that hard, just put a flashlight in a black plastic bag :)
"I don't know what World War 3 will be fought with, but I know World War 4 with be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein

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