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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / General / Osama NOT captured

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7050 days, 8 hours, 35 minutes and 53 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2004 at 14:17 (GMT -5)

Just an FYI - I've gotten several AIM messages from people (some I know, some I don't) with a link saying that Osama's been captured.

Due to good upbringing and (I must say) a fairly solid genetic background, I haven't clicked the link.... but those who have find themselves regretting it.

DO NOT CLICK THE OSAMA LINK - he's still out there somewhere, probably masterminding this virus from a laptop in a cave. Chuckling.

Master of the Screeching Humanling
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575 days, 18 hours, 14 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, February 16, 2004 at 16:50 (GMT -5)

Pity good old Darwin doesn't work through computers...

I never got such a thing, luckily. I'm not careless with emails or sites, but I don't have a lot of apprehension with links.

But unless it works through means unfathomable to me, it wouldn't work on a browser that doesn't admit auto-downloads or pop-ups. And internet explorer users are a bit closer to being wiped from the pool.

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You see an ancient altar of black obsidian.
The goblin rockthrower suddenly shouts a prayer to his gods! You are consumed by a roaring column of flame!

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