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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / Guaranteed Artifact Challenge

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Some guy
Unregistered user
Posted on Monday, March 01, 2004 at 17:33 (GMT -5)

Here's a fun game... try to think of all the guaranteed artifacts in the game. There are 32 (33 if you include the dwarven shield, but there's no way you can be sure to get it, so don't count it) and it's impossible for some characters to get some of them. Don't cheat by looking at a guide. And if you post which ones you guessed or couldn't guess, spoilerify it so you don't ruin other people's attempts. Me and my friend together were able to get them all... can you?
The Real J.
Registered user
The faceless swordsman

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5622 days, 5 hours, 53 minutes and 28 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, March 02, 2004 at 01:23 (GMT -5)

Off the top of my head:


1. Fire orb
2. Water orb
3. Earth orb
4. Air orb
5. Mana orb
6. Si
7. Sword of Nonnak
8. Elemental gauntlets
9. Big punch
10. Golden gladius
11. Ring of High King
12. Black torc
13. Phial of Galadriel
14. Rune covered trident
15. Boots of great speed (if you can get the necessary corruptions to get to the spoily tree)
16. Sting (or Needle, can't remember which one you got from the assassin prince)
17. The other twin (if the game don't bug when you get your reward)

Damn, can't remember anything else

Sytytä toiselle tuli ja hän pysyy lämpimänä jonkin aikaa.
Sytytä hänet palamaan ja hän pysyy lämpimänä loppuelämänsä.
Registered user
Liberate Te Ex Inferis

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6514 days, 11 hours, 39 minutes and 46 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, March 02, 2004 at 07:40 (GMT -5)

1-Moon sickle is always generated.
2&3-The stuff from the dwarven artifacter.(2 artifacts)
4-The minotars axe
6&7-The mummy wrapping and the Ankh
8-Weird Tome
9-Crown of Chaos
10-Medal of Chaos
11-Sceptre of Chaos
13-Rolf's Companion
14-Potion of Literacy
15-19-The orbs
22-23-The twins
24-The phial
25-Rune covered trident
26-the Torc
27-Boots of great speed
28-Golden Gladius
29-Big punch
30-Sword of the Nonnak
31-Elemental Gauntlets
32-The Crown in the Darkforge.
33-The Spear of Raw Steel(unattainable at the mo.)(Or was it the Shield of Raw steel? Ah, nm)

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"Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven."- John Milton, Paradise Lost
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"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."- Voltaire.
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[Edited 2 times, last edit on 3/2/2004 at 18:16 (GMT -5) by Jonesy]

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