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7325 days, 1 hour, 15 minutes and 44 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, March 12, 2004 at 06:07 (GMT -5)

Just found out the meaning of life:
Our energy counterpart labelled by humans as the following:
1. The soul
2. The spirit
4. Our parallel self
5. Our unconscious
In biological terms it is what the unknown part of the mind connects to, which sends electronic pulses around our body to sustain our heart beat and physical interface.
Whatever it is you define it as, we are here to gain experience and evolve the immortal part. When our body dies we drift around in the astral (kind of a limbo between each life) until we find a potential host body, usually the connection is made when fusion between female and man is made. The divine emotions of sex actually attract pure souls believe it or not.

We need to enhance our awareness and cleanse our conscience of distractions such as negative emotions. Exercise your senses and soak up as much life data as possible. If you believe this all wrong then try being very aware, you’ll notice some feelings of bliss and freedom; this is your soul getting fed. Practise this in forms of meditation or walks, or just whatever you’re doing wherever you are.
As our souls grow, we become more powerful in the astral and can leave this planet and find new life worlds which enhance our souls even more. Our souls are very curious of human nature so explore within too. As humans we can conclude that our souls have enhanced beyond animal souls and we are much older and wiser but we can corrupt this power and use it to enhance dark emotions derived around anger and destruction which you should obviously avoid this as it leads nowhere. Awareness is everything.
All this is not a proven fact but an abstract jigsaw puzzle I’ve made from lots of other theories.
What does everyone else think to this theory?

Andor Drakon
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uummm... ElDeR cHaOs GoD?

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7314 days, 12 hours, 10 minutes and 13 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, March 12, 2004 at 07:27 (GMT -5)

Personally I don't believe in this kind of religon-beleif-astral-call-it-what-you-will stuff. I deny the existance of energies and souls (while remaining a staunch supporter of magic) and when presented with superficial evidence to thier existance, point out essential flaws in the theory. So, failing to believe in the existance of the soul, or that life has a reason or purpose, I cannot be affected by such arguments.

ChAoS iS cOmInG!

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1239 days, 19 hours, 17 minutes and 37 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, March 12, 2004 at 11:51 (GMT -5)

Your belief is all well and good Luke, but dont try to say it is "the meaning of life".

There are millions, if not billions of theories about this going around, and for you to suddenly come out and say your way is the right way, is just a little arrogant

Thats how you came across, sorry if you meant otherwise...

I dont subscribe to any "Meanings of life" Other than Karma, which is more a religion anyway.

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Mymirdon King

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7021 days, 18 hours, 10 minutes and 24 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, March 12, 2004 at 12:58 (GMT -5)

I believe (the true, not theory) meaning of life differs from person to person. I've known ultra-religous people who follow the Bible...for them, thats the meaning of it is true. I've known people who believe in fate and transedentalizm (spelling?)...thats the meaning of it is true. I guess what I'm trying to say is that with the millions billions of theories, each one is correct (in a way.) Your beliefs make it so.

I believe in ultimate justice and Christ, where each person gets whats comming to them. No punishment or rewards, just consequenses, dealt from either the wrath or goodness from the heavenly throne.

But this is just me.

"Not Zeus himself nor any other Power Shall save this madman who defies the Gods!"---Phoebus Apollo
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7325 days, 1 hour, 15 minutes and 44 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 09:17 (GMT -5)

Everything I say is just theory, I'm not preaching facts because I don't know the facts. This doesn't mean I'm dismissing all the other billions of theories out there but I've actually merged them - they do not conflict but may derive around the same thing, we just may not realise it.
For example your beliefs can be merged with mine without saying they are wrong:

Andor Drakon, magic is what the soul projects into reality via the mind, it's pure energy manipulated the will of the soul or inner chi. Our minds can connect deeper within ourselves and access astral energy through our souls. A powerful soul is one that can harness great amounts of energy from the astral, but it makes little difference if our human mind is unaware of it.

Armada, karma is how much negative and positive energy we attract, defined by our actions. Ever tried thinking positive thoughts all day and seen what has happened?

Achilles, your theory derives from the bible? It is similier to karma, do good and good will follow you. I believe heaven, which is an energy form of the extreme good, is place of great energy within a certain vibe in the astral. Only certain souls with enough postive energy can get there after death.

My theory takes all these on board, to get into heaven, experience as much as possible and stay positive to yourself and others. Magic is not evil, it is undefined. Use it if it creates goodness to yourself and others.


[Edited 1 time, last edit on 3/13/2004 at 09:18 (GMT -5) by Luke]
Unregistered user
Posted on Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 10:26 (GMT -5)

Life . . . i worked as a research assistant in the university facing a lot of simulation system and modeling equations . . . Somehow i felt human civilization also works like a simulation model . . . The God, the Ultimate Experimenter, put us here because there's something that He wants to see from us, He wants to know what will be going on. The system is so complicated that He couldn't find all possible results merely by imagination . . . Positive emotions motivates us to repeat actions, to search new things and to guard what we current possess, while negative emotions act as feedbacks telling us that either the environment or ourselves or both are having problems/bugs.
And then some people try to fix the environment, some people try to fix themselves, some people wait for others to fix them, some do nothing (believing the current situation is the best, or thinking that nothing can be done), while some strangely decide to cause more pain and chaos, feeling there's not yet enough of those dark stuff to get people's attention
But when one fixes a thing, another problem(s) occur, and both the positive and negative emotions persist . . .

Having a soul or not, we possibly are all white mice involved in a gigantic divine-made environment.

And I think we may call it a success if our race/model can survive through a few more millennia....


[Edited 2 times, last edit on 3/13/2004 at 10:31 (GMT -5) by its author]
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7325 days, 1 hour, 15 minutes and 44 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 11:19 (GMT -5)

We will survive if we all wake up, it's hard to believe for me that military power exists and that weapons of mass destruction have been made. Don't all humans want the same one thing, survival for freedom to experience what we want in peace and harmony?
Sadly, humans are greedy and want power. Money in this age is symbolism for power but they don't realise it means nothing after death.

I agee illumi that life is deeply complicated. I thought of theory similier that we are all extensions of Gods senses. I'm not sure of this theory but if it's true, we should all still strive for postive emotions, it's up to us to lift our gaze from the shadows and show God what we could see.

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1239 days, 19 hours, 17 minutes and 37 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 11:28 (GMT -5)

Quote from Luke: "Armada, karma is how much negative and positive energy we attract, defined by our actions. Ever tried thinking positive thoughts all day and seen what has happened? "

Yes, and that day always turns out better. If im in a good mood, other people are in a good mood.

If i do something for charity that day i feel great, if a little exhausted from manual labor or giving blood :P

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 3/13/2004 at 11:28 (GMT -5) by Armada]
Unregistered user
Posted on Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 15:07 (GMT -5)

If you really think about it (if you believe in evolution or not) animals really started war, humans will continue this, so what we think? We still act a hell lot like the animals (especialy certain people around me. We notice "right" from "wrong"; really the idea for peace is probably what we saw when we did an action (good), rightful actions usualy have less devestating effects, so is it really right or is it something that causes less trouble in the not-so-far furture? Just saying I don't mean anything by it...

As for the afterlife and religion, I feel As if we are doing as we should, as long as you lead your life well (you know! not believe) (in your true) belief whatever good there is will happen to you. Maybe we reincarnate (I strongly support it makes perfect sense in every aspect to me), maybe we just sit around in a limbo, or maybe we just fade away to nothing... or possible a mix of all three. If there's a god maybe there is or maybe there isn't or maybe somewhere in between we can't really understand. On that thought are we all god or is god all us, or is god all and we're in it in some way? On karma you really make your own fate with your thoughts, so try to be positive!
Unregistered user
Posted on Sunday, March 14, 2004 at 05:57 (GMT -5)

C<U>, animals started war?!? Idiot. ANimals didnt start war. Animals fight but not continually with a possion for revenge, except Dolphins which have had planned wars against sharks b4, but they are mammals, so it dosent count.

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Unregistered user
Posted on Sunday, March 14, 2004 at 07:13 (GMT -5)

Ant colonies also fought with each other i believe...not only mammals ^^

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 3/14/2004 at 07:15 (GMT -5) by its author]
Unregistered user
Posted on Sunday, March 14, 2004 at 11:14 (GMT -5)

Animals fight all the time, for resources or revenge, much like the US now, its almost the same. Alchemist, don't be too cruel.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 3/14/2004 at 11:23 (GMT -5) by its author]
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3769 days, 15 hours, 54 minutes and 39 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, March 15, 2004 at 12:11 (GMT -5)

First of all: Beware that this does not start a flame war! Discussions on religions or politics are very prone to this and I'd better say that up front before anyone comes out looking like they've spent a day in the ToEF without fire resistance.

Andor, how do you reconcile denying the existence of the supernatural part of a human being (the soul) while still supporting magic (supernatural events)?

Armada, don't discount the discoveries he's making just because you don't think they're "the meaning of life" for everyone. Unless you believe in absolute truth, and thus only ONE "meaning of life" (which, actually, I do, but that's another topic) then you can't really say that Luke's ideas are unimportant. For that matter, even if you do believe in "one meaning for everyone", you can't properly declare who you think is right without investigating the new ideas first.

I can't say animals are never cruel; they are, they're just not sentient (well, perhaps the higher ones have some degree of it... someone mentioned dolphins for example). Humans, with a higher degree of intelligence, are simply capable of greater acts of cruelty and more organized violence. If animals had the intelligence for war, they would probably go to war just as we do.

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1239 days, 19 hours, 17 minutes and 37 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, March 15, 2004 at 12:18 (GMT -5)

I never said his Ideas werent important, i just wanted to know whether he actually thought of them as Theories, or as he stated in the beginning "The meaning of life"

I guess i read through it too fast the first time, as his closing line says they are in fact just theories, dont get tied up over it

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7325 days, 1 hour, 15 minutes and 44 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, March 15, 2004 at 16:14 (GMT -5)

Dophlins getting mentioned is quite strange. I believe they may actually have a soul higher than us. The reason I say this is of the way they are, they are free, very intelligent, extremely loyal to each other (in some cases even humans) and do they need any religion?, they do not need technology to have an incredible communication forms and they have sex just for fun not just for mating (make what you will with the last one).

Here's a poem just to shed aside any tensions:

If only I could leave this awful place
and find the tranquil waters of the sea
to swim with your abandon and your grace
and lead your life so simple and so free.
But I must travel through life as a man,
as restless and as angry as a storm.
I seek out and I find peace where I can
but, to my human nature, must conform.
What must you think of me out here afloat
just looking on, your captive as you play?
Upon this large and slow and clumsy boat,
if you could speak my words, what would you say?
They say you dream of men, perhaps you do.
But, in my fondest dreams, I dream of you.

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3613 days, 9 hours, 32 minutes and 56 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 at 11:21 (GMT -5)

HOw do you know that? Have scientists found a way to check what's inside a dolphin's brain?
For the Horde!
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7325 days, 1 hour, 15 minutes and 44 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 at 14:26 (GMT -5)

How do I know what? You could be a little more specific. I'll assume for now you mean how do I know dolphins have sex for fun not just for mating.
I've heard this from multiple sources, but I'm not sure how they know this for certain. I presume they are watched in the wild and some animal psychologists make some conclusions based upon what they see. Heh, read what Riibu posted on my dolphins thread, that may shed some light upon the question but prepere yourself, you might find it a little disturbing.

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7325 days, 1 hour, 15 minutes and 44 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 at 14:47 (GMT -5)

To progress this thread onwards a bit. What do other people find when they ponder on the meaning of life? I know some people doubt the very existance of God and even their own souls, but everyone must have some belief of why they are here otherwise what's the point? Other people confuse belief with exclusive faith, meaning they belief in something so strongly that they consider it they only way and cut off all expansion of the belief system, which is a shame.
The way I see it, everyone must have some theroy or belief, to strictly say there is nothing after death proves nothing. To belief in something and be proved wrong at least educates yourself to some degree.

Unregistered user
Posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2004 at 21:42 (GMT -5)

Wolves are more loyal that dolphins, friend, and some people are more loyal than both.

Why do humans have to analyse?

We exist.
We are here.
There is pleasure to be found here.
Inevitably, every one of you will leave here.
And no-one knows where you will go next.

What more is there to discuss?
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7325 days, 1 hour, 15 minutes and 44 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2004 at 22:01 (GMT -5)

We discuss and ponder because that is our nature. We may strive into the darkness and not reveal anything, but it's what we believe that some of see valid. The whole essence of religion can be founded on beleif, it is a strong power that can lead us to truth or hope.

Discuss what you feel, beleive and want in life and answers may be found collectively since I believe individually each of us are very clever and all have a jigsaw piece to place.


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