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Some guy
Unregistered user
Posted on Sunday, March 21, 2004 at 01:40 (GMT -5)

So, I'm in the dwarven graveyard, and so far I've been really lucky. I found preserver in a lesser vault, and I got the scorched spear and far slayer (which goes great with a thunderstroke precrowning gift) in great treasure graves, and of course, I have to discover some stupid bug. I was just seeing how far "far slayer" could shoot thunderstroke, and kinda shooting it around. I'll explain this next part with visual aids. I discovered that, though you can't shoot a missile directly into one of the two outer rings,

..... .....
..*.. .....
..*.. ../.. *thud*
..@.. ..@..

You can shoot it into an outer ring from the side.

........... ...........
.****...... ./.........
.....****@. .........@.

So now my freaking thunderstroke is out of reach forever. And as soon as something like this happens I lose the will to go on, so I'll probably start over. My random monster is a ratling warlord, anyway. Where the hell will I find that?

Edit: Okay, apparently my visual aids don't work very well. But you can kinda figure out what I'm trying to show, right?

[Edited 2 times, last edit on 3/21/2004 at 01:45 (GMT -5) by its author]
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3768 days, 9 hours, 41 minutes and 30 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, March 21, 2004 at 17:12 (GMT -5)

Well, it's just Thunderstroke... that's kind of a crappy artifact anyway. Get a STACK of good eternium quarrels and you'll see what I mean. You don't have to pick those up before you can shoot again!

Ratling warlords are rather easy to find at medium danger levels; you'll eventually get one. Go for the Ring of the High Kings, or through the dwarven halls if you're feeling brave.

Die Gedanken sind Frei
Some guy
Unregistered user
Posted on Sunday, March 21, 2004 at 20:24 (GMT -5)

Yeah, I know it's bad... but it still sucks that it's completely lost like that, and it was about twice as acurate and four times as powerful as my melee attack. There should be a spell like "teleport item" or "telekinetic grab". It would be pretty useful.

To go through the dwarven halls I would have to get another random monster quest after this one. And I don't think I'm strong enough for the TotHK.

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