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Duke Ravage
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Gravebane Zombie

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5670 days, 5 hours, 26 minutes and 1 second ago.
Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2004 at 22:42 (GMT -5)

Money IMO cannot directly make you happy, or buy you happiness. However money can buy things that can help make you happy. For example: If I had money, I could buy a car. If I had a car, I could drive into town. If I could drive into town, I could hang out with my friends. If I could hang out with my friends, I would be happy.

Of course, I could also walk to town, get a ride to town, make my friends come here, etc etc. But all those options are more difficult than driving.

So money is more like... a key (not I say *a* key, not *the* key) to a door, and that door leads to an easy path to happiness.

You do not need money to be happy. I have run into town before, and I had fun afterwards. I've been happy here. I've been happy many times, and I rarely have money. Money won't buy happyness. Happiness is like a puzzle, and money will help you buy a few pieces to the puzzle.

Seriously, if you had all the money you could ever need, I think you would get bored after a while. You'd buy all kinds of new toys, and become bored of them -- partly, perhaps, because they were so easy to get.
If you are rich, and have ten cars, driving one of them around is probably no big deal. Buying or getting an eleventh for your birthday probably won't excite you too much.
But if you are poor and someone gave you a car for christmas, you would appriciate it a hell of a lot more. I know for a fact that I would absolutely unconditionally love whoever bought me a car right now. (Unconditionally until I think about insurance, that is.)

Here's a new question: What is happiness? To you, that is. Or to anyone, in general. What makes you happy?

Myself the prospect of a car makes me really happy. But not directly the car: Yes, I would be quite happy to get a car. But just going out and sitting in my car would not make me happy, probably. It's what I can do with/in/etc the car that would make me happy: go to my friends house, go to the movies, go pick up girls, and so on.

Note: All the things I mentioned above that would make me happy involved other people. Man is a social animal. What makes us happy, in my opinion, is sociality. Being social. Being with others. How often are you happy when you're alone? For me, not often. But when I am, I can't stay alone. I have to go find someone and share my happiness with them, tell them about it, why I'm happy, what I did, what happened to make me happy.

When I was in Utah a year or so ago, when I was at home, I was bored stiff. I hated being at home. Why? Not for lack of something to do, certainly: there was lots to do at my house. But there were no people.
Opposite that was school. How many kids actually *like* school? I hated staying home sick because I couldn't hang out with people. School was fun because there were *people* there, people I hadn't known since before I was born. People my age, not 30 something years my senior. I disliked the parties my parents went to and dragged me along with them to. Everyone was an "adult", and I don't mean they were over 18. I mean there wasn't a soul there under 30, usually, so I was left meandering about eating food and being bored.

One party someone brought their daughter to. There was also a maelstrom of younger kids, but we dealt with them, it wasn't a big deal. We just hung out the whole time, talking, and I had fun. 4 hours or so of just talking. (Well, 2, and then 2 of being drowned under a rising tide of vicious, tiny, humanoid creatures.)

So what do you think? What makes you happy? Can money, the Almighty Dollar, make you happy?
Registered user

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3606 days, 19 hours, 44 minutes and 34 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2004 at 03:14 (GMT -5)

no, the almighty dollar can't make me happy but maybe the Almighty Euro can.
For the Horde!
duke ravage
Unregistered user
Posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2004 at 10:33 (GMT -5)

Well you know what I mean. Money.
Unregistered user
Posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2004 at 21:56 (GMT -5)


If you want a video-game analogy, we can say life is like a final fantasy rpg. How geeky is that? You can get most of the stuff you want with money. But the best things, you cannot buy. Can you buy the next cutscene at the local weapon store? You cannot buy level ups, or character development. Money is essential to have, but it is no more interesting a neccessity than oxygen.

That the gist of what you were saying?
Registered user

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7318 days, 11 hours, 27 minutes and 22 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2004 at 21:58 (GMT -5)

Money = freedom (in todays society)
Freedom is the essence of experience and leads us to happiness. It's only when people's sense of freedom collides with others that problems occur.

Unregistered user
Posted on Wednesday, March 31, 2004 at 22:00 (GMT -5)

Say rather than money grants small release from oppression. I would have freedom to walk the hills of my homeland, if there were no laws of property.

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