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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / Match-maker Challenge

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7108 days, 12 hours, 32 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, June 13, 2004 at 20:40 (GMT -5)

Match-maker Challenge

Objective: to pair up monsters in the list and let one of them to kill another (while you possibly standing in between). Monsters who/which are already paired cannot be paired again. Some monsters are optional.

(Group K-A):
1. Ancient black dragon
2. Ancient blue dragon
3. Ancient blue wyrm (Srraxxarrakex) (optional)
4. Ancient karmic dragon
5. Ancient karmic wyrm (Sharad-Waador)
6. Ancient red dragon
7. Ancient white dragon
8. Banshee
9. Eternium golem
10. Great black wyrm
11. Great blue wyrm
12. Great karmic wyrm
13. Great red wyrm
14. Great white wyrm
15. Greater air elemental
16. Greater daemon
17. Greater fire elemental
18. Greater water elemental

(Group K-B):
1. Acid vortex
2. Air elemental
3. Black dragon
4. Fire elemental
5. Fire vortex
6. Ice vortex
7. Iron golem
8. Karmic dragon
9. Lightning vortex
10. Red dragon
11. Steel golem
12. Water elemental
13. White dragon

(Group K-C):
1. Ankheg
2. Black baby dragon
3. Blue baby dragon
4. Chaos lizard
5. Fairy dragon
6. Fire drake
7. Fire lizard
8. Hell hound
9. Karmic baby dragon
10. Lesser daemon
11. Lightning lizard
12. Red baby dragon
13. Stone golem
14. White baby dragon

(Group V-A):
1. Ancient Stone Beast
2. Snake From Beyond
3. Balor
4. Black unicorn
5. Bunny master
6. Cat lord (optional)
7. Chaos wizard
8. Doppelganger king
9. Emperor lich
10. Emperor moloch
11. Greater titan
12. Mimic hivemind
13. Moloch
14. Quickling king
15. Quickling queen
16. Royal guardian (optional)
17. Shadow wyrm
18. Solar
19. Will o¡¦wisp

(Group V-B):
1. Ancient dwarf (Thrundarr)
2. Arena Master (Dak)
3. Burly adventurer (Hawkslayer)
4. Big casino guard
5. Casino shopkeeper (Orgovek)
6. Dwarven artificer (Kherab)
7. Grizzled gladiator (Bart)

________________(can skip this part)________________

Match-maker Score (to rate how good a match-maker you¡¦re) can be calculated as follows:

(who kills) --- (who was eventually killed) --- Score

KA --- KA --- 5000
KA --- KB --- 4500
KA --- KC --- 3500
KA --- VA --- 5000
KA --- VB --- 2500

KB --- KA --- 7000
KB --- KB --- 3000
KB --- KC --- 1500
KB --- VA --- 7000
KB --- VB --- 2000

KC --- KA --- 10000
KC --- KB --- 4000
KC --- KC --- 500
KC --- VA --- 10000
KC --- VB --- 2500

VA --- KA --- 6000
VA --- KB --- 5500
VA --- KC --- 4500
VA --- VA --- 3000
VA --- VB --- 2500

VB --- KA --- 8000
VB --- KB --- 3500
VB --- KC --- 2500
VB --- VA --- 8000
VB --- VB --- 3000


Anybody interested?

Recommendations? Are the monsters appropriate? What method(s) of pairing is better you think? Etc?

[Edited 12 times, last edit on 6/13/2004 at 21:48 (GMT -5) by illumi]

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