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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / adom joke

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Unregistered user
Posted on Tuesday, February 01, 2005 at 04:04 (GMT -5)

I’ve been playing ADOM a bit to much while studying my exams (or is it the other way around? I can’t remember).
Just an idée for a future version ;-)

Well, here it is

You pick up the enormous tomb,
Select something to read A-N, Z= quit?
You start to page through the enormous tomb
Suddenly, your eyes start to blur, you can no longer (more)
Concentrate. De you wish to continue to read the book of (more)
Justice? (y/n)
You continue to read the book of justice. Suddenly you (more)
Know a lot about laws. Suddenly you know a lot about (more)
Justice. You have gained an enormous headache. You have aged.
The thug attacks you, the thug misses you.
Select an ability to use (A-N, Z to abort)
Do you wish to (s)ummon a lawyer, or (i)nvoke a lawsuit?
Are you sure you wish to invoke a lawsuit even though the (more)
Thug hasn’t committed any crimes? (y/n z=abort)
You sense an inner shift.
You invoke a lawsuit. Suddenly your purse feels lighter. (more)
The thug does not seems to be afraid.
You threaten with a lawyer. The thug runs away.
In what direction?
You see a tree growing here.
You see a thug, he seams to be very afraid.


Waldenbrook, the shopkeeper askes you to spend some time (more)
With you.
Do you wish to spend some time with Waldenbrook, (more)
the shopkeeper? (y/n)
You spend some time with Waldenbrook the shopkeeper.
You (D)emand payement.
Waldenbrook the shopkeeper refuses to pay you.
Select a skill to use A-N, Z to abort
Do you wish to (s)ummon a lawyer, or (i)nvoke a lawsuit?
You summon a lawyer. Suddenly your purse feels a lot lighter.
The lawyer invokes a lawsuit. The shopkeeper resists the lawsuit.
The shopkeeper misses the lawyer.
The lawyer invokes a lawsuit. Your purse feels a lot lighter. (more)
You (u)se the evidence. (more)
The lawyer wins the lawsuit. Suddenly some officers appear out (more)
of nowhere! The officer attacks Waldenbrook the shopkeeper. (more)
Waldenbrook the shopkeeper is stunnend by the force of the attack.
The officer cuffs Waldenbrook the shopkeeper. Suddely they are gone.
You sense an inner shift. Suddenly you are teleported outside the shop.
Suddenly a lawyer appears next to you.
Look. In what direction?
This is the entrance to Waldenbrooks shop. You see a sign. It reads (more)
“temporarily closed due to legal actions”. Your purse feels a lot lighter.
You wait.
Your purse feels lighter.
You move east.
Your purse is empty. Suddenly the lawyer is gone.

Damn it, no more money, no more shop, a hostile shopkeeper and a lot of time wasted. A least I finaly got the L+! for enforcing the law ;-)
Unregistered user
Posted on Tuesday, February 01, 2005 at 04:44 (GMT -5)

I also thought about this wildernesslocation called "the hals of justice"
A place to study the law,
you could become a judge / prime judge.
Should be fun for a champion of chaos to complete this quest and corrupting the law court.
Maybe you can hire some officers or something.
It should be fun to see someone kicking the statue of the lady of justice in the large hall crowded with lawyers and officers (hey you might get a wand out of it).
There could be tons of ways to anger or please the gods.
Unregistered user
Posted on Tuesday, February 01, 2005 at 08:13 (GMT -5)

Enormous tomb? as in a grave sort of thing? :P Me thinks you meant tome...
Some guy
Registered user
I'm baaaack.

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5610 days, 1 hour, 13 minutes and 54 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, February 05, 2005 at 20:45 (GMT -5)

I think lawyer would be a great character class for Adom or a similar game (as a joke, of course). I first got the idea in my history class, when the teacher mentioned the "invoking" of some law or clause. It made me imagine a lawyer summoning some incredible power from the documents around him, to create or destroy...

"I invoke the power of the notwithstanding clause! I can now disobey laws of physics!" etc.
The following is a real Adom message:

The homunculus hits you. You suddenly fall asleep! Do you want to continue to read the spellbook of Calm Monster? [y/N]
Registered user

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4962 days, 13 hours, 5 minutes and 17 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, February 05, 2005 at 22:24 (GMT -5)

"You hit the goblin. The goblin is now legally obliged to to your bidding!"

So far you have only killed one wild cat.

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