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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / Nooooooooo!

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3606 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes and 34 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, February 04, 2005 at 01:48 (GMT -5)

Dudez, my above average IQ just sent me a new "insight". If Tommy the Bizkit won't make a new version of Adom, then WE'll never be able to discover the truth about the Scroll of Omnipotence. NOOO! I just hope the Creator will post something about this on The Website before he dies, if not the secret may be buried together with him.grrrr, i dont even want to think about that, since Tomas still has about 30 years. I hope
For the Horde!
Registered user
Master Necromancer

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6514 days, 19 hours, 44 minutes and 36 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, February 04, 2005 at 06:12 (GMT -5)

The scroll of omnipotence is the crumpled scroll. There is no secret.
What do you wish for? wands of cat repellent_
Registered user

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3606 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes and 34 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, February 04, 2005 at 11:39 (GMT -5)

I remember reading something in a post some years ago, I'm going to find and quote the text sometime, because the search function doesnt work for me.
For the Horde!
Registered user

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3606 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes and 34 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, February 04, 2005 at 11:43 (GMT -5)

Why is this site going so slow? If it would be slower I think it's be going backwards.
For the Horde!
Unregistered user
Posted on Friday, February 04, 2005 at 11:51 (GMT -5)

Right :D. My computer actually does: I posted this tomorrow ;)
Registered user
A cute puppy

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5830 days, 5 hours, 7 minutes and 35 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, February 04, 2005 at 14:34 (GMT -5)

"The scroll of omnipotence is the crumpled scroll. There is no secret."

I insist you to prove that. How can you prove such thing, mere speculation or linking notes to each other wont do it! Bastard.
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tWo-HeAdEd cHaOs WeAsEl

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6975 days, 18 hours, 43 minutes and 25 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, February 04, 2005 at 17:31 (GMT -5)

There is a secret and that's what makes it damn exciting for some people... and a game without secrets is just... emmm... a game without secrets and... well... you know what... whatever ;)
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6924 days, 19 hours, 3 minutes and 9 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, February 04, 2005 at 18:18 (GMT -5)

OK, now I need to know too. :)
There will be another version though, sure it could be mainly bugfixes but it might also be opportunity for Thomas Biskup to cast light onto this matter.
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Communist in Disguise

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5201 days, 8 hours, 1 minute and 56 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, February 05, 2005 at 18:34 (GMT -5)

Red. Herring.

That is all.
Registered user

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4962 days, 11 hours, 28 minutes and 17 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, February 05, 2005 at 19:33 (GMT -5)

No, no, it΄s a complicated series of things that need to be completed before you can aquire it. First, you must feed the cute puppy with some fish meat...

So far you have only killed one wild cat.
Some guy
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I'm baaaack.

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5609 days, 23 hours, 36 minutes and 54 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, February 05, 2005 at 19:35 (GMT -5)

Also, it involves 's'earching the island in Terinyo at 46 days, 7 hours and 11 minutes.
The following is a real Adom message:

The homunculus hits you. You suddenly fall asleep! Do you want to continue to read the spellbook of Calm Monster? [y/N]
Registered user

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3606 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes and 34 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 06, 2005 at 02:11 (GMT -5)

So there is a secret after all. Alex, u almost gave me a heart attack. BTW, is your avatar a pic of a werewolf? It sure looks like Prof Lupin.

The site workes faster now. DUnno why, maybe because im using a different connection. But it should be the same since I'm using the pc's in a university and there they have some kind of LAn connection or something.
For the Horde!
Unregistered user
Posted on Monday, February 07, 2005 at 17:48 (GMT -5)

Firstly, the crumpled scroll clearly allows the PC to become omnipotent (ultimate chaos god). Secondly, do you really think TB would put in such an incredibly obscure secret? Given that people have been playing ADOM for years now and no-one has ever found it, it would seem a little improbable - TB puts a lot of effort into everything he puts in ADOM and I'm pretty sure he wants the players to enjoy all those things. Making a secret that no-one will ever find seems like a real waste of time.

Mewto - my avatar is Guts, from the anime/manga Berserk:
Find the anime if you can, it's very very good. I generally don't think that highly of anime but I *love* Berserk. I think it's out somewhere on DVD, hard to find though. Look for it on kazaa/your filesharing program of choice.
Registered user

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3606 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes and 34 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, February 08, 2005 at 07:26 (GMT -5)

Alex, Id look on kazaa lite or edonkey or whatever, but what's the point, since I dont have Internet home anymore.

About the crumpled scroll, how do you know that it allows the PC to become the ultimate chaos god? Has any1 been able to read it? I heard that the PC that has read more than any other a part of the crumpled scroll was a bard. Dont remember what class, but he had all stats 99.

"After slaying Andor Drakon and absorbing his powers you quickly grow
accustomed to your new might. You enjoy yourself slaughtering your
opposition for a couple of moments and then prepare for a greater goal...
the conquest of your former home world.

To your own surprise you have to realize that omnipotence is a stretchable
word and that you no longer are strong enough (maybe due to the heavy
fighting before) to pass the Chaos gate or even send malicious energies
through it to harass Ancardia. Thus you bide your time and enjoy yourself
sending Chaos troops to Ancardia every couple of centuries.

This continues until you are finally strong enough to create a bridge
between the planes of Chaos and Ancardia. Sadly a nasty surprise is waiting
for you: the heroic folks of Ancardia obviously did not forget the last
incursion of Chaos and this time a hero is prepared to challenge you. Bathed
in the radiance of Law and Goodness He enters your home plane and challenges
you to a battle.

Posted by TheTimpen in a thread named Game End:

To your very surprise your dark magics don't effect him and you are killed
in a long battle. In the last seconds of your life, facing the might of the
hero of light, you wonder if everything could have been different, had you
made some other decisions in your mortal life..."

Posted by Duke Ravage in a thread called results of some .exe digging

So last night I got bored. So I began sifting through ADOM.exe, just copying out stuff i found interesting. I stopped around page... 6500 or something like that, I wasn't paying too close attention, because it was repeatedly crashing. Anyways. Here's what all I found, with a little commentary; if you know how to reproduce any of this stuff, let me know.

(The Red Rooster Inn references, in case you've never seen it)
"You enter the Red Rooster Inn as the sun is just rising. Alganon, the innkeeper, welcomes you with great joy and honors you for helping the ancient dwarf. As a reward he grants you a long item wrapped in a sheet. He winks at you and mumbles "Ye know what'ta do with dat, don't ye?". Due to some urgent business Alganon then leaves."
"You enter the Red Rooster Inn. It's completely empty."

"Ouch! I'm running out of rooms and you have run out of luck."

In movement descriptions: "One of the monoliths seems to contain a shimmering portal." "ScorchedDead%s earth."
"An ice patch." (Unremarkable except in placement -- amoung descriptions from winderness map)
Plus the reference to "A volcano."

"The environment suddenly looks very different."

"There should be room for the dragon quest!Sharad-Waador"

Amoung requests for payment for using a forge: "Never checked for a forge -- what a pity."

All these together:
"Your legions invade Terinyo and slaughter all resistance. You revel in the bloodshed."
"You order the ancient dwarf to be crucified. He dies in anguish."
"The Mad Minstrel seems to be gone... very strange."
...followed by descriptive terms, e.g. the races (Troll, trolls, trollish, for each class, tenses together) and classes, then messages for attribute changes and hair/eye colors. Then:
"All race choices have been crossed out."
Later on, after unrelated stuff, a similar statement about class choices.

I assume this is a bug reference for shopkeepers running out of money:
A voice in your mind curses...
"Damn, somehow my shop purse dropped to %ld."
"This is unbearable."
"Please notify '' about a loan of %ld gold piece%s I acquired."
"Tell him that %s is having financial problems while trying to run a business at (%d, %d)."
Your rage calms down a bit.΄&feel anger swelling up in your bowels!"

In a section about death by ageing:
"(in death your blindness seems to be cured)"
I assume a comment about you seeing the grim reaper in front of you as you die of age...

"hear the cries of the crowd: "%s for arena master! %s for arena master! %s for arena master!""

Amoung final score lines:
"%s got the trader's guild to owe %s money."

A hint to some requirement to see the dwarven elder...(One was for while blind, another while deaf, i'm assuming. Couldn't find a normal one.
"Something pushes you backwards.A coarse voice grunts: "Sorry, only true heroes may see our village elder.""

A number of things relating to the death of companions, some humerous:
"are direly saddened about the death of %s."
"laugh at the sight of your friend's death!never liked %s, anyways."
"are mildlly annoyed by the destruction of %s."
"are disappointed by death of your loyal slave."
"So hard to make good help, these days..."
"always knew it was too weak to survive!"
"As you watch your friend perish, you are reminded of the old teachings saying that everything has a time to pass on."
some pages of coding gibberish, then:
"are horrified at the sight of your %s fate!"
"feel pain at the loss of a %s."

"hear a booming voice in your mind.
%s something nonetheless
Suddenly %s appears at your side!
are hit by an enormous gust of wind!"

Amoung various special combat messages:
"You seem to be attacked by a program bug at (%d, %d)"
"%s seems to be irritated by the smoke of your torch%s"

I assume this has something to do with an amulet?
"Your %s for a short moment glows in all colors of the rainbow and then loses some of its sparkle!
It suddenly turns to ashes!
feel as if this was not a good idea!"

A reference to 'exploration mode' amoung final score stuff ("You are not allowed to enter the highscore because you activated exploration mode.")

Amoung messages for writing scrolls:
"Try again after achieving godhood."

With Wish messages:
"The only response to your wish is a slow, menacing, rythmic breath of a being lurking somewhere... out to get and destroy your puny self."

Monster 'c'hat messages:
Oh, you little fool!
You are nothing compared to the infinite might Chaos gives
It was fun to see you advance slowly and fight all those pity battles...
...but now you shall find your master and your nemesis!
How can you even dare to challenge my might, undefeated in so many millenia?!?
Bad luck for you that I hid the Trident of the Red Rooster so well, that you were unable to discover it!
And now...
...pRePaRe To DiE iN a MoSt PaInFuL wAy!!!

Apparently from the ratling rebel, because there's also the mace messages and the "unrattish fights" messages.
Timess are wonderful ssince the arena massster has been killed. Nobody daress orrrganizing fightsss anymore!
Take thisss. Sssspread the word of peace!
%s drops a scroll in front of your feet.
%s drops something in front of your feet.

Filk messages:

More references to the merchant guild oweing you money, and you oweing them (near shop stuff):
The guild seems to owe ye money, as I heard.
Well, while this is highly unusual, it is not unheard of.
I'll refund the money we owe ye.Here ye are.
%s hands you %s.
"Ye owe %ld gold piece%s to the traders' guild."
pay them
"Get money to pay for yer debts
pay %ld gold piece%s of the %ld gold piece%s you owe
.pay your debts
"Ye won't leave before paying yer debts!"
"Ye won't be allowed to enter before ye pay yer debts!"
some pages, then:
"You owe the merchants guild %ld gold piece%s.Find a way to pay -- quick!"

Scroll of omnipotence stuff, if you haven't seen it:
You read the omnipotence.
Immediately you realize that this was a big mistake as you are not prepared for the wave of power that suddenly floats your body. You are ripped to pieces almost instantly!
ripped to pieces by trying to claim power not meant for %s
As you read the scroll you suddenly feel great power surging through your body. You feel invincible and your abilities are increased by enourmous amounts! Now you are a true champion of %s!

Both the potion and the scroll are consumed by a huge explosion!
was ripped apart when confronting Order and Chaos
The %s glows in a purple light...
...and explodes with unprecedented force!
was killed by believing in the promises of Chaos
My thoughts: Perhaps dipping Tracts of Order/Chaos (respectively) in Potions of Raw Chaos? Or perhaps amulets of same? Except the first one... a SoCR?

Khelevaster, I assume. Last part doesn't seem to fit though...
%s looks at the %s with disgust.
He crumples it in disgust.
Oh, that damned ratling brood.
His grandfather already was annoying me.
Dem damned sissys. No sense for a true man's challenge.

More Kelly? Some book; wierd tome perhaps?
%s barely catches the %s.
%s curiously looks at the %s.
Huh? Oh, I have read that a long time ago. Pretty interesting.
%s nods to you.

Even more Kelly. The first section seems devoted to the TotRR, but there seems to be a SoO reference at the end:

I did what I could.
%s looks bored.
%s shakes his head in sadness as he regards you.
It does not seem to be made for you.
(whispered to your mind)
%s suddenly seems to be very excited.
%s starts to move his hands according to ancient arcane rituals you never before have witnessed.
feel Mana collecting around you.
Magic seems to be drawn from everywhere to center upon this place.
A gleaming weapon pulsing with power appears in the hands of %s!
Something whispers into your mind.
Ye should probably be able to make use of this.
Given the right combination of magical words one is able to extract this fine item from its hidden prison.
An enormous amount of magical power is required for that.
Some folks confused the function of this scroll and created foolish legends about it.
Use it wisely.
Be prepared and follow the path of Order to reap the reward.
You must not stray from that path lest ye will not succeed.
The %s turns to ashes.

Hmm, librarian perhaps? Also earlier, didn't copy it but saw something about the library, giving books to him I think.
%s brushes aside the %s!
%s grasps the %s hastily.
%s seems to mumble something.
Now it's time for some foolishness!
Since my personal library is pretty filled you might be able to make use of this stuff.
%s drops some scrolls.

??? more mostly uninteresting stuff around this. no idea what it means:
Suddenly %s looks very sad.
%s mumbles under his breath:
I can't allow this to happen.
%s seems to get very angry about having to neglect his duty.hear an angry war cry!
%s chuckles and then drops a %s on the ground.
%s suddenly bursts into flames and is destroyed.

I'm not sure but I think these are supposed to be non-standard (i.e. unique) wilderness encounters; the roving raiders is why I think that. Above it are the normal encounters.
a lone knight surrounded by an aura of hate and fear
a dark hooded figure
a group of horribly deformed beings
an entourage of chaos knights
a lone corruptor
a group of roving raiders

Posted by TheTimpen in a thread called my first ultra ending

After slaying Andor Drakon and absorbing his powers you quickly grow
accustomed to your new might. You enjoy yourself slaughtering your
opposition for a couple of moments and then prepare for a greater goal...
the conquest of your former home world.

To your own surprise you have to realize that omnipotence is a stretchable
word and that you no longer are strong enough (maybe due to the heavy
fighting before) to pass the Chaos gate or even send malicious energies
through it to harass Ancardia. Thus you bide your time and enjoy yourself
sending Chaos troops to Ancardia every couple of centuries.

This continues until you are finally strong enough to create a bridge
between the planes of Chaos and Ancardia. Sadly a nasty surprise is waiting
for you: the heroic folks of Ancardia obviously did not forget the last
incursion of Chaos and this time a hero is prepared to challenge you. Bathed
in the radiance of Law and Goodness He enters your home plane and challenges
you to a battle.

To your very surprise your dark magics don't effect him and you are killed
in a long battle. In the last seconds of your life, facing the might of the
hero of light, you wonder if everything could have been different, had you
made some other decisions in your mortal life...

Posted by The_CyberShadow, who IIRC was a hacked or something that found the source code for Adom. I have been absent for a lot of time on these forums, and I dont know what happened to him. Anyway, this is what he wrote:

The Scroll of omnipotence does not exist in the game.
Any monster corpse can be created with cheating utilities.

He wrote that in reply to anonymous's post:

I have theorised that, since there is an ElDeR ChAoS GoD corpse, as seen in WADOMF and ADOMBOT, and the text reference in the .DLL files "He appears to be nearly omnipotent" (undoubtably referring to Andor Drakon), perhaps the game went on after his death, having him carrying the Scroll of omnipotence, then reading it to become the new ElDeR ChAoS GoD, or at least becoming super-powerful

The Cyber_shadow wrote this text:

Wrong. Don't you people read rgra? I fixed that ingot crash bug, and sent Thomas a notice. He actually answered, here's his letter:


I noticed that you provide patches for some bugs in ADOM and seem to have
reverse engineered the code quite a bit. Can you provide me with a textual
description of what caused the bugs?

Would make my life easier fixing them in the next version ;-)

Greetings from Germany,

Thomas Biskup
ADOM Maintainer

Thomas Biskup - - ICQ #censored

He's still working on the game.
As for the source code, wait a few more weeks and I'll tell you something very interesting...



The scroll of omnipotence does not exist. I have proved it, not for the first time.

And I don't think he has the time to browse these forums regularly.

Morio wrote long ago:

I found these lines:
You read the scroll of omnipotence.Immediately you realize that this was a big mistake as you are not prepared for the wave of power that suddenly floats your body. You are ripped to pieces almost instantly! ripped to pieces by trying to claim power not meant for %s
As you read the scroll you suddenly feel great power surging through your body. You feel invincible and your abilities are increased by enourmous amounts! Now you are a true champion of %s!
scroll of omnipotence ancient..scroll

Anonymous wrote:

Used cygnus on 1.1.1 executable, findings on lines

after a while you manage to focus your sight on the text........Your understanding of the art of reading is too incomplete to understand the text..........'....The tome seems to contain strange tunes you don't understand.....The text contains a strange collection of tunes, songs and instrumental pieces..................have no idea what all this means.................................It seems to be some kind of code, hinting at some ancient powerful magic, a scroll or something like to decipher it..................................ABEF0AHGDJDJS HJGSJXKSSJHJKSHJGK572JDJHGSKJ32KDJKHSLK0923JDJHGS 6DJKGDSL89SKJHSLKJ3SLKJD2QWLKJNXLD4DLKJSHDJSDGCBJ D4KDHXJH7DKJHDJH9DKJHDKH9DHGDG6KDJHDKHD.....'.... manage to decipher the secret...It describes a means to find the scroll of omnipotence..have to %s to find it...

Zaddiq wrote:

The Scroll of omnipotence does not exist as an item in the game. I have mapped out all of the ID codes for every item in the game. They are some interesting items not known about, but no Scroll of omnipotence

el wrote:

Okay, now, what do we know about it? While surfing the .exe:
You read the scroll of omnipotence. Immediately you realize that this was a big mistake as you are not prepared for the wave of power that suddenly floats your body. You are ripped to pieces almost instantly! ripped to pieces by trying to claim power not meant for %s t& As you read the scroll you suddenly feel great power surging through your body. You feel invincible and your abilities are increased by enourmous amounts! Now you are a true champion of %s! ‰φU‰εΉ Έ

Another one, about the Red Rooster:
You enter the Red Rooster Inn as the sun is just rising. Alganon, the innkeeper, welcomes you with great joy and honors you for helping the ancient dwarf. As a reward he grants you a long item wrapped in a sheet. He winks at you and mumbles "Ye know what'ta do with dat, don't ye?". Due to some urgent business Alganon then leaves. You enter the Red Rooster Inn. It's completely empty. U‰εƒμ WVS‘”# ƒΔψP‘#
Then, another SoO mentioning:
scroll of omnipotence ancient scroll
And another one, this is, probably, the main (while reading Weird tome):
manage to decipher the secret. It describes a means to find the scroll of omnipotence. have to %s to find it. 
That's it folks, also there is something about the Mad Minstrel and Filk, I think that MM REALLY "harbours a dark secret", as said in fortune cookies. He just wants the goddamned scroll, as Filk does. BTW, is it possible to give Filk the Weird Tome? Does Assassin prince gives you Filk's location?
The strange thing is - it looks like, in code of ADOM, reading the scroll is like that:
One function: You read the...
Second: name of the scroll.
And look here: You read the scroll of omnipotence.
That looks pretty weird, doesn't it?

Ecaterin wrote this in 2002 or something. Some of the things in there I have found also:

Since we've been talking about strange lines in the exe quite a bit recently, I went through it during my holiday and made a list of messages I don't know how to get. Here they are, along with a few speculations on how to get them. I hope I haven't repeated any messages from other threads.

This strange tree dungeon has a very eerie feeling to it.

have entered a center of power.
enter an ancient large chamber full of runes.

[Is this the quickling tree?]

crush the contents of that grave!

feel sober again!

suddenly feel %sfeverish!

[Worm-ridden armour?]

suddenly feel the urge to steal!
suddenly feel a lust for gold!
suddenly feel the urge to get very rich really soon!

[Treasure vaults while deaf?]

In your current state you would spit anything but acid if you tried to...

%s got the trader's guild to owe %s money.

You give this obstinate obstacle a grim glance

discover a dark glade with an eerie atmosphere.

[Probably the quickling tree.]

A coarse voice grunts: "Sorry, only true heroes may see our village elder."
The guardian to your %s shakes his head in denial and pushes you backwards.

[Too low level to see Thrundarr?]

The stairway is blocked by an ancient stone portal of dwarvish craftmanship.
The stairs have been blocked with a huge unmoving stone slab!
An invisible force blocks your passage.
A dwarven spirit appears and blocks your passage with a stern expression.
A wall of incredible heat blocks your passage.
A fire spirit appears and blocks your passage with a wall of incredible heat.
Something pushes you back.
The figure of an ancient knight blocks your passage.

[The fire spirit appears when you try to go down from Darkforge
without activating the shortcut. The stone block is the portal that
Thrundarr opens when you free Griff's soul. What is the other stuff?]

%s chuckles at your attempt.
A voice in your head
mumbles: "Me no longer needs a name."
But %s already has a name!

[Renaming or un-naming monsters?]

Your mortal body ceases to function.
leave this plane of existence
continue your existence as a higher lifeform on another plane of existence.
will your body back to life.
For a moment your %s glows in a silvery light... vain. Your time has come.
Your amulet suddenly glows in a silvery light.
suddenly feel your body again.
have been resurrected!
feel weak.
Your amulet crumples to dust!
Finally you taste the sweet flavor of Death yourself.
Beautiful she is and tempting...
...but you decide to resist with the ancient magics first devised by Niltrias.
Once more you resist the sweet call of Death through your dark magic.

[Some of this looks like being resurrected by the Necromancer class
power or an AoLS.]

are not able to enter that place.
%s is too firmly grafted to the ground to be moved around.
%s doesn't like being pushed around.
%s glares at you menacingly!
Not as long as %s is stuck in the webs.
%s refuses to be shoved around in %s shop.
Don't try pushing me around in my shop!
%s regards scowles in contempt.
Try again, %s!
%s resists!
%s resists with insane fury!
change position.
%s seems to notice you now.

[Swapping places with monsters.]

impale Andor Drakon with your mighty trident. He writhes in pain as
the trident drains his life force. Finally you are victorious and
defeat Chaos.

impale Andor Drakon with your mighty trident. He writhes in pain as
the trident drains his life force. Suddenly your mana battery
corruption kicks in and his life force is transferred into your
body. You feel mighty... very mighty. Yes, now you aRe A tRuLy
ExCePtIoNaL bEiNg!

[I've killed him with the Trident, but never saw either of these

%s seems to shake for a moment as a vital organ ruptures, then falls
to the ground.

[Is this a high-level mindcraft ability?]

%s glares at %s in a very strange manner.
%s gestures at %s in arcane ways...
%s suddenly is gone!
%s cackles gleefully!

Your amulet glows in a golden light!
Your amulet glows in a silvery light!
Your amulet glows in a gray light!

After becoming a Chaos God you revel in your newly-found might. The
universe suddenly appears to be very small. Since you easily defeated
Andor Drakon with the Trident of the Red Rooster you now are powerful
enough to subdue all the servants of Andor Drakon and forge an
undefeatable legion with their numbers. After a couple of weeks you
are ready for invasion and begin your assault on Ancardia...

[Ultimate Chaos Gods? Do you get this?]

%s was Chaos personified.

You are not allowed to enter the highscore because you activated
exploration mode.

[I'd _really_ like to be able to do that.]

A voice in your mind thunders:
"Stop that at once!!!"
Some mystical force prevents you from kicking the %s.

Think more before putting such things on your head.

"Take this accursed thing with ye... I don't want it here!!!"

[Selling the Chaos Trinity?]

A voice in your head
grunts: "Now you owe even more... but thanks nonetheless."

Some outer force blocks your magical channeling!
Your spell fails!

This meat has a strange foul taste!
This meat has a strange alien taste!
This meat tastes completely alien... and it seems to induce its juices
into your mind to cloud it!
This meat tastes completely alien... and its taste is so alien that it
completely baffles your mind!
The taste of this alien meat completely defies description!
This meat pulses with strength... and some other mind-wrenching sensations!
This meat is permeated with pure strength... and the essence of Chaos!
feel a sinister temptation flooding your body!
feel powerful... and wild.

Corruption fills your body!
feel as if this was a great mistake!
feel as if this was a very big mistake!

Bitter and glibbery...

feel powerful...
...very powerful.
feel very guilty about this.
can't move any longer!
feel tough.
feel really tough.
feel invincible... and drawn to darkness.

Very hard flesh tainted by evil and corruption.

feel very nimble...
and rather doomed.

suddenly feel tough as stone!
feel aggressive.
feel highly aggressive.
suddenly start to sweat!
feel rebellious.
feel responsible.
gain some insights...
suddenly understand that your future is very bleak.
feel bad... really bad...

feel like a true monster!
Very tough and somewhat fat meat.
feel very strange.
feel stubborn.

Ugh. This meat was spoiled.

Your mind starts to wander.
suddenly feel very confused!
feel changed... to the worse!

[These look like messages from eating corpses.]

Haggling?!? Nah, my waresss are sssoo great that there'sss no need to
discuss quality. Ssssince I have hundredssss of cussstomerssss and my
pricesss are most wonderful we shouldn't ssstrain our relation by
some miserly haggling, ssssee?

Some strange force seems to block your dark powers.

hear a voice in your mind...
Boys, get %s!

A voice in your head rasps hateful words...
*We shall avenge our lord!*
*You'll have to come to visit me in my eternal abode!*
Maybe my slaves can get you moving!

[Maybe wishing for the Emperor Moloch after he's dead, maybe wishing
for any dead hostile unique, or maybe wishing for Andor Drakon.
Kurupt, I know you said you wished for Andor and didn't get that
message. What was the precise wording of your wish - "Andor Drakon",
"Elder Chaos God", "Andor Drakon, the Elder Chaos God" or what? And
incidentally, what was the exact message you got about the djinni
laughing at you?]

For some seconds a ghostly figure seems to appear but then it
dissipates once more.

[Maybe wishing for the ghost librarian? Or possibly trying to wish
friendly uniques back from the dead? Probably not, since nothing
happened when I wished for "Khelavaster" and "ancient sage".]

A tiny red herring appears for a few seconds...

This room seems to be particularly unholy!

%s is very displeased with you.
He allows you to continue your quest by leaving the amulet, you are
wearing, intact.
In the last moments of your life you hear %s chuckling...
In your last seconds you hear %s howling in triumph.
are surrounded by darkness.
Suddenly you hear a booming voice.
"*Mortal, dost ye want to cheat ME?*"
"*I will not allow this sacrilege!*"
The amulet you are wearing suddenly turns to dust.

[Sacrificing yourself while wearing an AoLS?]

"To worship me, use the %s as often as possible, servant."
"You will need this to save your world, mortal. Keep it."
"Take this accursed thing away from my holy place!"

[The first two are probably from sacrificing Chaos Orbs. The third
could be sacrificing a part of the Trinity.]

For some seconds you feel an alien mindset entering your thoughts.
As suddenly as it came the feeling disappears.
Your heart aches.

Suddenly you stand in the arena.
For some seconds you feel another mind within yours!
A second later the feeling is gone.

Both the potion and the scroll are consumed by a huge explosion!
was ripped apart when confronting Order and Chaos

[Looks as if this message involves dipping a scroll into a potion of
raw chaos. What scroll? The scroll of omnipotence, the crumpled
scroll or something else?]

%s suddenly seems to be very content.
"Thanks, oh noble one!"
%s catches the %s and puts it on.
%s accepts the %s and puts it on.
%s suddenly looks very happy.
%s %s: "Me beloved!"
%s ignores the %s.
%s simply drops the %s.
after nimbly catching it

[Giving the Banshee a wedding ring?]

%s quickly catches and pockets the %s.
%s eyes the %s suspiciously and suddenly pales.
%s immediately drops it.

Dougy wrote in 2002 also:

"You enter a derelict and muddy settlement populated by equally derelict and muddy persons." is the message generated when entering Lawenilothehl.

I don't really think rolf is alive, there is no mention of his name apart from his equipment, the mad minstrel's song, and what you talk to the ancient dwarf about. (i think it's just for fun).

Also the axe of the dwarven emperors is not an actual item in the game, it just has a mention in another one of the ancient dwarves responses. The same with Groron Garman and Gorko Galgenstrick. (i get the feeling this is the reason used to explain why the si if found around dwarftown)

I get the feeling decyphering

will be the best way to find the scroll of omnipotence. It's written in the wierd tome if you manage to read it.

The message is "It describes a means to find the scroll of omnipotence. You have to %s to find it."

where %s is the translation of that code above.

BM wrote:

Hmmmmm Scroll of omnipotence propabilly can make it when something the most chaotic is mixed with the most lauwfull. It's written in Adom.exe. My friend found it. I try mixed potions of cure corruption with potion of raw chaos, in alchemist experiment;) Big kaboom:) And just diped:) Kaboom to, or maybe kaboom was when I diped scroll of chaos resistance in PoRC:) Propabily weird tom it's have some information about it. But maybe it's just blocked, and we must wait for new version of ADOM?:)
Or maybe it's just a word game:) When you killed Andor Drakon (when you wielded TotRR, crumpled scroll;)) you becam Avatar, or Ultimate Chaos God, the most powerfull creature whenever create:) You are Omnipotended One

Duke Ravage again:

had nothing better to do so i started wandering aroudn in the ADOM exe file. at first i ran a search for the SoO, but didn't know how to spell omnipotence so i just searched "Scroll of". found lots of other interesting stuff on the way...
(: : are stuff not in the file [basilcy they're comments], everything else is straight out of the file)

scroll of omnipotenceancient scroll
: :after much thought and examining simalar stuff in the area i found this, i came to the conclusion that this means that the SoO un-id'd will appear as an "ancient scroll"

rune-covered sling
rune-covered halberd

: : never seen these, or even heard of them. am i alone?

pairs of boxing glovesboxing gloves

: :singular & plural of osmething i've never seen. these were al in the item lists BTW.

True StrengthSoakerExecutorIronfistHammerheadProtectorPreserverPurifierWhirlwindNature's
CompanionNeedleStingSkullcrusherLong StingNature's FriendLust for
GloryCelestrixGrodShezestriakisBig PunchTrusted OneBugbiterBlack ThumbTrue
AimThunderstrokeThe Far SlayerJustifierRolf's CompanionWyrmlanceCat's ClawDeath's
StingMoon SickleRolf's SaviourDeath's BladeSun's MessengerKinslayerVanquisherDeath's Final

: :recognize some of these? they're artifacts. apparantly... i see Vanquisher, True Aim, Trusted One, Bugbiter, etc... but here are some i've never heard of: Shezestriakis, Soaker, Hammerhead, Lust for Glory. again, am i alone?

A voice in your mind thunders:"Stop that at once!!!"
This act of pillaging makes you feel like a true hero!
Almost no more itching, no more crawling... very satisfying.

: : all apparantly in-game messages; there were some other unusual ones i've never seen or heard of.just go into it and search for one of these to see the others.

Kayaman wrote:

Maybe scroll of omnipotence is just recipe for viagra :) ehh...


Believe what you want, because I know what I believe.

For the Horde!
Registered user

Last page view:

4945 days, 6 hours, 45 minutes and 5 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, February 08, 2005 at 11:43 (GMT -5)

"Scroll of omnipotence stuff, if you haven't seen it:
You read the omnipotence.
Immediately you realize that this was a big mistake as you are not prepared for the wave of power that suddenly floats your body. You are ripped to pieces almost instantly!
ripped to pieces by trying to claim power not meant for %s
As you read the scroll you suddenly feel great power surging through your body. You feel invincible and your abilities are increased by enourmous amounts! Now you are a true champion of %s!"

This was truly found in the exe file? Interesting! The scroll of omnipotence DOES exist, according to this :P
The rust monster touches your blessed Trident of the Red Rooster. Nothing happens. You laugh at the monster's pitiful attempt.
Unregistered user
Posted on Tuesday, February 08, 2005 at 16:33 (GMT -5)

Or it's just a piece of code left there, unused.
Registered user
Communist in Disguise

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5201 days, 8 hours, 1 minute and 56 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, February 08, 2005 at 19:36 (GMT -5)

Do I need to repeat myself?

Red. Herring.

That is all.

ALL. It cannot be found, it does not exsist. There is no direct reference to it, no item number for it, etc. Just like the Volcano. Could be either put there on purpose to trick, or leftover unused code.
Registered user

Last page view:

4962 days, 11 hours, 28 minutes and 17 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, February 09, 2005 at 00:15 (GMT -5)

Now now, where is your sense of humour? We all know it to be a myth, but we also WANT it to be true.

No harm in letting old ADOM:ers have their illusions...

So far you have only killed one wild cat.
Registered user
tWo-HeAdEd cHaOs WeAsEl

Last page view:

6975 days, 18 hours, 43 minutes and 25 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, February 09, 2005 at 04:02 (GMT -5)

I disagree... it's a yellow one ;).
Registered user

Last page view:

4945 days, 6 hours, 45 minutes and 5 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, February 09, 2005 at 13:09 (GMT -5)

Well, there has been that much pondering and wondering whether it exists that TB should actually add it to the next version. (If it doesn't already exist, that is). To make a kind of super ultra ultimate omnipotence ending, leave ADOM and then concentrate on JADE.
The rust monster touches your blessed Trident of the Red Rooster. Nothing happens. You laugh at the monster's pitiful attempt.
Registered user

Last page view:

3606 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes and 34 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 04:39 (GMT -5)

For the Horde!

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