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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / Energy

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Unregistered user
Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 04:37 (GMT -5)

what is energy for? i cant understand how it relates to the game.
Registered user
The Knight of the Black Rose

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3126 days, 1 hour, 49 minutes and 33 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 06:57 (GMT -5)

You mean the "energy cost" of actions? That's a bit complicated (and explained in the manual ;) ), but shortly:
You have your speed, right? It tells you how much energy you gather in 1 in-game turn. At speed 100 you can move once in 10 in-game turns, since every move takes 1000 energy points by default, and it takes you 10 turns to get that energy back.
Now if you wear blessed 7 league boots, your movement cost is 475. That means, it takes you only 5 turns to get the energy back, and it leaves some extra. You move every 5 turns, and get another move once in a while (when the "extra" leftovers are enough to support a whole move).

You can only make 1 action each turn, so your speed won't have any more extra effect once it reaches the energy value of your actions.

Some special moves (mighty strike, circular kick etc.) have high energy values like 3500, that means you regain that energy in 35 turns IF you have a speed of 100. But if you would have a speed of 3500, you would not notice the diffrance beteen a normal attack and a special action, since your limited to 1 action per turn.

I hope that's clear enought, ADOM's speed system can be a bit complicated.
A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
An optimist sees a light at the end of that tunnel.
A realist sees a train.
And the train driver sees three idiots on the tracks.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 5/28/2005 at 06:58 (GMT -5) by Maelstrom]
Unregistered user
Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 14:16 (GMT -5)

"I hope that's clear enough"

Like hell it is. :)
Jan Erik

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10 hours, 19 minutes and 13 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 14:46 (GMT -5)

I'll try explaning it too, maybe between me and Maelstrom's explanation (and the manual) people will get the picture :P

Think for a moment about other turn based game. Usualy you have a number of "action points" you can spend on your turn. Energy in ADOM is simmilar to those action points. Once you have spent 1000 energy points (or more) your turn is over and the monsters and other creatures get to move.

If you speed is exactly 100 a single move cost 1000 energy points so you get one move per turn. If your speed is higher you use slightly less energy per move so once in a while you get a "free" move when the energy points you have saved up equal 1000 (if you are slower it works the other way around and monsters will ocationaly get "free" moves against you). So speed is actualy a "modifyer" that determine how much energy each move you make cost, 7 league boots are special in that they reduce the amount of energy your moves cost directly without affecting your speed stat. Attacks still cost 1000 energy though regardles of speed. Training weapon skills (and some class skills and talents) will reduce the energy cost of attacks meaning you spend less than 1000 energy on your attacks and will get a free attack once in a while once you have "saved up" enough energy.

If you still don't understand just remember, low energy cost good, high energy cost bad ;)
Jan Erik Mydland
HoF admin
Unregistered user
Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2005 at 19:29 (GMT -5)

thanks for the explanation, it helped a lot. im a fan of turn based games, and with adom, it was hard to equate the speed with energy cost. :)

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