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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / Spellbooks

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Spirit Wolf
Unregistered user
Posted on Saturday, August 13, 2005 at 10:11 (GMT -5)

When one finds a spellbook, is it best to learn all you can from it until it dissapears? Or hang onto it and try to learn more from it when you need more castings of a spell?
Registered user
Goblin flash mobber

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5996 days, 5 hours, 5 minutes and 50 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, August 13, 2005 at 11:52 (GMT -5)

As usual, versality of ADOM leaves yo uwithout a strict single answer for this.

You question is very class-dependent. Thing is that spellcasters and demi-spellcasters tend to find spellbooks quite often.
So, If you're a spellcaster, and your spellbook is of common type, my advice would be to read it till the end.

However, there are precious spellbooks which are *very* helpful sometimes, but, unfortunately, are quite, quite rare. I'd behave with these ones as follows: Read it two/three times, to ensure it won't disappear, and remains with your for bookcasting. After finding next book of this spell, I'd drain the one I have till the end, read the one I find two/three(?) times and repeat the process.

If you're playing Wizard, allways remember you can go to a certain location containing enough spellbooks to satisfy all your needs.
Ubi patria ibi bene!

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