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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / ADOM for MacIntosh

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The smallest giant alive

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5984 days, 13 hours, 12 minutes and 55 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, March 22, 2006 at 16:50 (GMT -5)


Nobody reacted to the new Mac version of ADOM ? Does this means that there are no Mac users in this forum ? I don't mind ... I'm bilingual ;-) The MacIntosh release run in a Linux shell, so people should be able to answer me. I installed the game and try various key and such (I have trouble with the colors) when I inadvertenly close the shell window. Now, I must locate the .prc file and delete it and I can't !!! As far as Unix goes, I am abysmal :-P I can't find the commands to see/delete directories. I know a bit of DOS, but that's it. Anybody could give me the commands to use ?

BTW, in my life, I worked on PC, Mac and Amiga. The best IMHO is the Amiga. Amiga rocks ! It's circonstential that I don't have one right now. Mac at work and PC at home. The next one I buy may just be an Amiga, though.
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Darren Grey
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4246 days, 16 hours, 44 minutes and 53 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, March 23, 2006 at 16:14 (GMT -5)

I have nothing to add to this but my love for Amiga, which seems to be somewhat common amongst ADOM fans... I first played ADOM on my old A1200, and I still don't like the crappy font and colours on the PC version :(
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