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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / precrowns necessary?

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Unregistered user
Posted on Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 18:08 (GMT -5)

Does a character have to be precrowned first before getting crowned?
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The Knight of the Black Rose

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3265 days, 4 hours, 43 minutes and 10 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 19:06 (GMT -5)

A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
An optimist sees a light at the end of that tunnel.
A realist sees a train.
And the train driver sees three idiots on the tracks.
Registered user
BattleHax0r of Devastation

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6032 days, 17 hours, 25 minutes and 57 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 19:25 (GMT -5)


A pre-crowning simply occurs when all the prerequisites for crowning aren't met, but the ones for pre-crowning are.

The requirements for PRE-crowning are (I think):
- The character's current level is at least 8 + (number of artifacts generated * 3)
- The character's alignment is aligned with his/her deity, but NOT of extreme alignment (i.e. C-, N=, L+)
- The character hasn't already been crowned (in which case it becomes a POST-crowning, which is exactly the same as a pre-crowning, except it is after crowning has already occured)

The requirements for a TRUE crowning are (again, I think):
- The character's alignment is of extreme alignment (i.e. C-, N=, L+) and of the deity's alignment, obviously.
- You aren't a fallen champion (in otherwords, you weren't previously crowned and fell from champion status by departing from extreme alignment)

I think that's it, somebody correct me if I'm wrong. And you need to have enough piety, obviously. Note that the generated artifact requirement isn't there for a true crowning. Also keep in mind, if it says "you feel absolutely close" it means you're going to get a true crowning. If it says "you feel extremely close" it means you're only going to get a pre-crowning, due to not having extreme alignment. Sometimes that's what you want, though, like if you're going for an ultra ending.

[EDIT] Sorry if you already knew all that, but I thought it couldn't hurt to add it.
Molach: "I like to have 200+ hp and over 5 good healin potions when I do [the fire] temple. AND some way of killing the Wyrm"

Morio: "Some way of killing the worm is recommended, yes :D"

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 7/20/2006 at 19:26 (GMT -5) by Kirbot]
Unregistered user
Posted on Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 19:26 (GMT -5)

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1373 days, 21 hours, 21 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, July 21, 2006 at 22:26 (GMT -5)

The only error i read in your post was the part about becoming a fallen champion Kirbot.

To fall as as a champion you need to leave your respective deities Alignment totally, not just lose Extreme alignment. So if you crowned Lawful, you could still be a champion at L- or LN

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 7/21/2006 at 22:26 (GMT -5) by Armada]
Registered user
BattleHax0r of Devastation

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6032 days, 17 hours, 25 minutes and 57 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, July 23, 2006 at 14:59 (GMT -5)

Really? The way I always hear people go on about how easy it is to fall from Champion of Law status, I assumed it was easier than that. Thanks, Armada.
Molach: "I like to have 200+ hp and over 5 good healin potions when I do [the fire] temple. AND some way of killing the Wyrm"

Morio: "Some way of killing the worm is recommended, yes :D"

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