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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / Spoilers / searching for clues

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8050 days, 20 hours, 39 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, December 21, 2001 at 05:54 (GMT -5)

here's what i think..

1. red rooster inn and SoO aren't in teh game yet
2. they are and we haven't found them
(gee ain't i smart)

ok, i'd like to think they are, and i think it's more fun looking than playing and dying over and over. i think we could solve these if we put our heads together.

i've done internet searches and there's a red rooster inn in indiana in america. if you look at the map of the drakalor chain it is EXACTLY like america. also, terinyo and the woods surronding it are shaped like a house. there's a green griffin inn in dwarftown, i don't see why the red rooster would be much different. indiana is below the great lakes and in adom that corresponds to the plain area below the lake. yygaz says wait till the "dawn" of time to have all your problems solved and the strange scroll says dawn too. i've searched that area pretty extensively but i'm guessing i'm missing something. yggaz also says that you have to be crowned to use ancient magics. i tried reading the weird tome on darknight and silvernight with all stats at 99. unfortunately i got a bug in my game before i could try and read it on xmas and my birthday.. i had to wait a year game time .. has anyone else tried that? shit i'm gettin way too drunk to make any sense, lol. anyway, i think the american map reference is way too obvious, along wiht the anagrams of town names.. c'mon let's figure this thing out...

(ends inspirational soap box speech)
Duke Ravage
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Gravebane Zombie

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5675 days, 8 hours, 17 minutes and 12 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, December 21, 2001 at 10:45 (GMT -5)

yea, i bet we cold figure it out if we all worked at it. if it is a map of the US, try fiding where on the map the RRI would be (in real life) and entering there at 6:00 AM game time.

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