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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / Spoilers / Puppy Quest

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Unregistered user
Posted on Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 22:39 (GMT -5)

What's this about the Puppy Quest? Why is it so hard? I tried it, and I was attacked by an overwhelming amount of Blink Dogs. Is that it?
Registered user

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5491 days, 3 hours, 13 minutes and 46 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2008 at 00:09 (GMT -5)

There are a few things you want to know about the puppy cave:

1. It is more dangerous than the other dungeons around.
2. You are not likely to save the puppy
3. The PC is more likely to contain altars (I think special features in general) than other dungeons.
4. The ant hive on PC:2 is very dangerous
5. The wide open area on PC:5 is very dangerous
6. There is a lesser vault (one quarter of the screen has lots of monsters which get tougher as you progress toward the center of that quarter) on PC:6

It is supposed to be hard. If you read your obituaries, it says you were killed in a "dangerous cave".

Blink dogs are very nasty and have no specific relation to the puppy cave. Blink dogs to not attack lawfuls.
"If the bread weights that much in the draklor chain, then it's no wonder so many die of starvation.
AND - what kind of IRON RATION weights as much as an iron shield?! A dinner for four, oven included? ;)"

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4912 days, 14 hours, 5 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2008 at 00:44 (GMT -5)

The puppy quest is usually undertaken by
characters that start off somewhat powerful.
If your PC has low toughness, low PV, and
not a spellcaster, it is very difficult.

Try a tougher powerful race/class combo, or
just do other quests. The reward for that
quest is just a Lawful boost to your
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Darren Grey
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4254 days, 11 hours, 48 minutes and 18 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, January 18, 2008 at 02:02 (GMT -5)

The puppy quest was added in to the game as an extra challenge for experienced players. Even for a good char you've only got maybe a 50% survival rate. I usually avoid it unless I feel certain I can get through without problems.
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