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Unregistered user
Posted on Sunday, May 25, 2008 at 06:43 (GMT -5)


just wanted to inform you that I created a new adom-wiki.

Since I come from the nwn2 guys and the Epic Character Build Repository, my work there influenced the structure and visuals I use for adom.
I also focused on Classes and Races first.

I haven't figured out yet how to change the color scheme and other gui thingies, but the general framework is there.

|- Human, Troll, etc.

|- Barbarian, Archer, etc...

|- Alchemy, Alertness, etc ... all skills belong to this category.
|-Category:Skills that excel at high values
|-Alertness, Backstabbing, etc.
|-Category:Skills that need materials
|-Bridge Building, Fletchery, etc.
|-Category:Skills available to everyone
|-Climbing, First Aid, etc.

Also check out the Attributes section: [url][/url]
There's probably more stuff you can write in it, but I'd like to brag with the attribute tables which are sortable by clicking on the respective columns.

Races are all done and each race entry contains both the description and the starting attributes ... something no one before seemed to regard as particularily useful, for some reason. Races still need more details, like the mechanics behind the slow Trollish learning ability etc.

Classes are all created although 80% are stubs, meaning that these articles have the attribute modifiers but still lack the description and the power lists.
See the [URL=""]Archer" TARGET="_blank" article for a complete example. This is just stuff from the manual. I'd like to see things like race recommendations and maybe basic tactics, playing tips, etc. for each class.

I also gathered some links and put them here: [url][/url]
Feel free to add more. Even links that just mention Adom as one of many roguelikes are encouraged in the respective section.

What do you think ?


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