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So I was talking to a dark elf

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5714 days, 4 hours and 40 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 20:17 (GMT -5)

Right, I have gathered both needle, and sting, with a Dark Elven Paladin (F) Level 50. They were fairly easy to obtain, since I have already closed the ChAoS Gate, and am now just hanging around the Draklor Chain.
Anyway my question is how strong are these for your chracters, more info I have two weapon skill to 100, and my proficiency with Daggers, and knives is up to 10. So here are my stats for the weapons

Coward- RH 119+ bonus to hit 3d4 + 65 damage, so that equals to 69-81 damge points. LH is really no differnce, and that is 69-162 DP if both strikes are succesful, and the enemy has no PV.

Very Defensive- +143 Bonus to hit 3d4 +75 so that is 79-87 DP, no diffence with the LH. 91-182 DP

Defensive- 153+ Bonus to hit 3d4 +76 equals 80-88 DP, for some reason LH has 154+ chance to hit. 76-176 DP in all.

Normal- 164+ Bonus 3d4 +82 86-94 DP, LH has better chance to hit only by one though, I think it may be the equipment I have on.

Agressive- R=210 L=211 to hit. 3d4 +98 DP, 102-110 DP, 102-220 with both hits.

Very Agressive- R=236 L=237. 3d4 +107, 111-119 DP, 111-238 DP.

BERSERK- R=276 L=277. 3D4 +121, 125-133 DP, 125-266 DP done.

BTW the normal values for the daggers are *Much* more smaller than they are when they are toghether, so it seems going after the two really is worth while. Not sure the way I typed the range of damge in tactics is pretty, sorry.
You attack the Ancient pink dragon with all of your force, but do not mange to harm it! The Ancient Pink Dragon breaths a deathray, poision, fire, acid, ice, lightning, water, corruption, missle, petrefication, and stun breath at you. All of your equipment is torn apart! You die...

Robojesus_gintfrg St99 Le99 Wi99 Dx99 To99 Ch99 A99 Ma99 Pe99 L++ Dv/Pv 1500/1500 H -5843(18857) P 99999 (99999) Exp50/48320283474958492 ID:48374 Spd:5833 Blessed Invisible Bloated

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