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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / Ohh, and is this a bug?

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Unregistered user
Posted on Sunday, September 21, 2008 at 19:08 (GMT -5)

Upon creation, if you select the "+2 to all initial skills" the game just crash. What's up with that? A bug and you should stay away from that skill at all times, or am I applying it wrong?

Thanks again xD
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4528 days, 1 hour, 6 minutes and 48 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, September 22, 2008 at 02:21 (GMT -5)

These "Skilled", "Very Skilled" and "Extremely Skilled" talents seem to crash the game very often (as for ADOM v. 1. 1. 1.). Also, they're pretty useless, because they're available only for a character with high enough Learning stat, while high Learning itself helps studying things fast. So, I'd recommend you to avoid picking these talents at all.
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