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The elf lover

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5251 days, 19 hours, 29 minutes and 34 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, January 09, 2009 at 15:32 (GMT -5)

I've tried to do my research and it seems there are questions that i cannot find answers to.

first of all, ive found mention that using holy water can sometimes spawn herb bushes when used on empty floor spaces. the guidebook also says that these herb bushes will not blossom unless the dungeon floor already had herb bushes spawning naturally. does this also apply to planting herb seeds? idealy i would want to plant my farmers herb seeds somewhere without monster gen, but it seems terinyo's ground is unsuitable for this.

is it possible to gather herb seeds for future planting? and what do the regular seeds do?
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5372 days, 23 hours, 55 minutes and 1 second ago.
Posted on Friday, January 09, 2009 at 17:13 (GMT -5)

you can plant herb seeds in the village elder's house and in the shop. top row in village elder's house is stoma and bottom is morgia. bottom row of the shop is stoma.

it's not very useful because you can only sell the harvested plants for 1gold each at the outlaw town. even if you manage to harvest a couple hundred stoma then you will end up with about 32 str. which means you've basically started the game with a troll and several weeks have past.

gardening will work on any dungeon lvl but it's not meant to beef your character up. you only start with a few seeds so you're only suppoed to be able to get a small amount to help you out in the beginning.

of course you could keep scumming until you end up with morgia or MoM but i don't think there's any way to get both.

use the holy water to stabalize herbs that are missing a square or two when you come across them. it doesn't owrk everytime when you try it so it's not an economic expenditure of holy water. unless you find a potion store fo course.
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5372 days, 23 hours, 55 minutes and 1 second ago.
Posted on Friday, January 09, 2009 at 17:22 (GMT -5)

oh, and finding herb seeds is pretty much pot luck. you might find one or two in the whole game as random drops. you could try buying out the food store in terinyo. once in a long while a green % will be an herb seed. but it's just as likely to be a plant seed, ogre corpse, orc corpse etc..

they're very very rare.
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3184 days, 2 hours and 46 minutes ago.
Posted on Friday, February 13, 2009 at 23:05 (GMT -5)

they're very very rare

Unless you're a farmer...

  • First question:
    holy water is about 1/4 chance of sprouting herb - does not care about gardening skill.
    Herb seed makes a normal gardening skill check to sprout herb - 2 checks at 60+, 3 checks at 90+.

    Herbs do not grow unless sprouted on an herb level, unless you have gardening skill.
    Even a gardening skill of 1 is enough for herbs to grow anywhere.

  • Second question:
    Yes, recommended to hoard herb seeds until you have enough to safely plant at least 3 sprouts.
    3 is minimum to make 1 self-sustaining herb patch.
    If you can sprout 4 seeds, then that's enough to fill an entire level with 20+ self sustaining herb patches (groups of 4).
    If you can make 3 sprout at first, it will grow to a square, and you can come back later with more herb seeds or holy water to get that 1 additional sprout to explode the herbs all over that level.
    Without gardening, expect to need 12 holy water minimum before you try for 3 sprouts.
    With gardening, it depends on your gardening skill level - at 60ish expect that 5 or 6 seeds would likely get your 1st patch going - you can supplement with holy water on a 4 holy water per 1 seed basis.
    At 90+ gardening, 3 herb seeds should be enough to start, but to be safe wait for the 4th and/or 4 holy waters.

  • Third question:
    Plant seeds are only useful to get lawful points from farmers in this version.
    In previous versions, you could grow trees, which you could then chop down for logs/sticks and it would train your gardening skill to plant plant seeds.
    Mr. Biskup may have felt gardening was too powerful, and so in the current version, plant seeds don't work anymore, and the only way to train gardening is to plant herb seeds.

Your best use of herb seeds may actually not be for making a new patch, but for multiplying or moving existing patches.
For this purpose, you only need 1 herb seed or 4 holy water to change the pattern of an existing herb square to either move it to a new location gaining different herbs or explode it throughout the level to get many 4 square herb patches from the original 4 square herb patch.
You can learn gardening from the druid if you didn't start with it.

Good luck and happy farming!

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