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Kickass player

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5369 days, 43 minutes and 33 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 03:18 (GMT -5)

How do you choose talents for your character? I've played this game for a better part of a decade and I've still not managed to make any decisions about talent's usefulness.

If a spellcaster, i go for charged, beast of burden and treasure hunter and if i play any sorts of melee char then i get greased lightning and possibly some melee things along with the treasure hunter.

My last winner had golden tongue, stealthy sain(never prayed) and easily avoid wilderness encounters and i never saw any differences to same char with real talents.

How do you choose or rate what you're getting every 3 levels?
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4969 days, 8 hours, 14 minutes and 33 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 08:43 (GMT -5)

Crap R/C combo: skip TH, beeline Immune to Pain, take the archery talents, then whatever.

Good Melee R/C combo: skip TH, get some speed maybe, take the archery talents, maybe beast of burden, then finish the speed line.

Caster: skip TH, Hardy --> Immune to Pain intermingled with Potent Aura, Charged, Quick, +1DV, Good Book Caster, then later speed and archery talents.

Archer: skip TH, archery talents, speed talents, whatever.

Seems I like archery and dislike TH. I might also take Long Stride with weaker PCs

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 6/17/2009 at 08:44 (GMT -5) by vogonpoet]
Unregistered user
Posted on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 16:21 (GMT -5)

Here is my take on the talents:

Good Learner-Best talent in the game. You gain a lot more than 2% extra experience. Can afford to take this in the mid game, tho, or you may be rushed in the pyramid.

Long Stride-I very often take this one early on. Outrunning most enemies makes the early game much easier.

Heir Gift-Great for Bards. Barbarian and Thief gifts are okay. Rest aren't worth 3 talents.

Magic Talents-Not a fan. The effects are so insignificant... the vaunted Charged talent is like +1 PP/50 turns iirc. The book caster talents can be worth it for semi-casters.

Speed-These are always good.

Shield Talents-+2 DV/Talent is great if you're using shields(and you usually should be).

Careful->Dodger-Not as good as the shield talents, even if you have Dodge skill... something to take later on when you run out of ideas.

Basher Talents-Solid if you're using a heavy weap like big punch or skullcrusher.

Hardy->PV Talents-Solid. Hardy is nice at L1. Definitely worth it for a Dwarf because of Mithril Skin.

Porter->Beast of Burden-Usefulness depends on playstyle and whether you have decent strength or strength of atlas.

Foo Shot/Eagle Eye Talents-Great if you're doing a lot of archery. Dunno if it's really worth it if you're just using archery for the slaying ammo.

Alert->Treasure Hunter-A convenience talent that I usually indulge in. AFAIK, Miser also really helps with early gold if you take it before killing Hotzenplotz.

Very Careful-Great for casters.

The rest of the talents are situational at best.
Darren Grey
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4252 days, 43 minutes and 49 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 23:57 (GMT -5)

Speed and PV can make a real, tangible difference, especially early game. Charged is useless though. Most talents make little difference in the end (which is why many like Treasure Hunter, since it's just a general background talent).
Waldenbrook, the dwarven shopkeeper, mumbles: "I'd offer 9 gold pieces for yer dwarven child corpse."
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The elf lover

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5258 days, 6 hours, 51 minutes and 5 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 12:20 (GMT -5)

I like to take careful>quick>defensive fighter for either fighter classes or mage classes, I ignore these for archers. If my fighter starts with good pv and a shield i favour the shield specialist branch because its easier to train shields if most of your dv comes from a shield, which can ammount to quite a bit.
for casters i find that its easier to survive with the dv yielding talents and also the long stride talent. I favour dv over pv, only because anything can get past pv on a critical hit.
I usually pick talents for dv to start with, then i move to long stride or the archery talents if i dont have magic abilities.
I'm under the impression that initial talents will help you survive the early game, but after that its all about what you have to work with. If things dont go as planned then pick the talents that complement your skills, spells, and equipment.
Unregistered user
Posted on Friday, June 19, 2009 at 20:22 (GMT -5)

"I favour dv over pv, only because anything can get past pv on a critical hit."

Later on DV>PV, but when your PV is very low(i.e. early game) then raising it is a priority. Forget criticals, you get annihilated by regular attacks with really low PV.

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Kickass player

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5369 days, 43 minutes and 33 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, June 20, 2009 at 06:15 (GMT -5)

I've found that shield talents are more or less useless for my game style. There is no one handed weapon in the game that deals enough damage after the midgame or hits well enough. Even a highly smithed -of penetration- weapon is useless when compared to a eternium two-handed sword(which actually tops most of the artifact weapons). Higher level monsters will hit you regardless of DV and staying in close range for long is never a good idea.

This does not apply for a char that uses nothing but spellcasting. For pure spellslinger a dv as high as possible is the best bet.

vogonpoet, why skip TH? I think that 50% more spellbooks is good for a spellcaster and 50% more weapons and armor really makes a difference with everyone else.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 6/20/2009 at 06:17 (GMT -5) by Jhonka]
Unregistered user
Posted on Monday, June 22, 2009 at 18:03 (GMT -5)

"I've found that shield talents are more or less useless for my game style. There is no one handed weapon in the game that deals enough damage after the midgame or hits well enough. "

Heh, I have found the opposite. A decent one handed melee weapon is enough to finish the game with and high DV renders you almost invulnerable. Two handed weapons, esp. non-polearms, leave you extremely vulnerable.

"vogonpoet, why skip TH? I think that 50% more spellbooks is good for a spellcaster and 50% more weapons and armor really makes a difference with everyone else."

TH only gives 50% increased drops from kills afaik, so you don't get 50% more total items.

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