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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / Never knew what hit him...

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The elf lover

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5258 days, 7 hours, 54 minutes and 42 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, August 03, 2009 at 00:34 (GMT -5)

i was playing an awsome drakish fighter, he got crowned with vanquisher (first time ive ever gotten it) before he made it to the third floor of the dark druid dungeon, before that even he found a hand axe of devestation. he had a bunch of random usefull crap too.

anyways, he was probably on the floor above the dwarf town (CoC lvl 10) and he walked through a dark room, "something" hit him and he aged until near death in one shot! somehow i dont think it was a regular ghost... he lost all his dex and strength and could no longer move anywhere so he was hit again and was aged to death. i wish i could have at least known what kind of ghost it was, ive never had a character aged more than 6 or so years. seems kind of harsh to me...
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5093 days, 13 hours, 22 minutes and 57 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2009 at 05:30 (GMT -5)

Ghost Lord, perhaps? Just goes to show that dark rooms are good AND bad.
Registered user
The elf lover

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5258 days, 7 hours, 54 minutes and 42 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2009 at 20:46 (GMT -5)

no kidding...

people talk about grues in the dark rooms, but ive always ignored that, and in at least 4, maybe 6 years, ive never been abruptly killed in the dark... not even by anything ever haha.

i kinda assume im not the only one who considers the darkness to be advantageous, and i know it is in certain circumstances, but what about regular dark rooms? is there a penalty on your characters performance as well? casting darkness can save you from certain aggravating "bombs", but im now wondering if it impedes your fighting ability.
aside from monsters in general having less inclination to aknowlege there own safety, is there a bonus or penalty to fighting in the dark?
I know that monsters hit less often in the dark, what about your own character?

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 8/4/2009 at 20:52 (GMT -5) by liptick]

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