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The elf lover

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5258 days, 16 hours, 24 minutes and 19 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 08:30 (GMT -5)

sometimes this game makes no sense. I know the rng is an evil hell spawn but sometimes i am completely baffled by it.

I was playing a dwarven barbarian who was doing outstanding, until the first thrundar quest where he needed to find a ghost. well normaly there on every 6th floor, but i couldn't even find one in the dwarven graveyard. on top of that i was encountering shitty monsters like snakes that i could not hurt with skill lvl 8 in axes and a hatchet of devastation with strength of over 20. no matter what he could not penetrate there "armor". so as an experiment i started shooting a (+1,0) short bow with regular arrows and no more than skill lvl 3 in bows, all of a sudden i rape the snake... on top of that nonak and griff were completely kicking my ass when i had way better equipment than any character had during that quest, and i mean a blessed hachet of devestation and over 20 pv, this is way higher than some other characters that have easily meleed both of them. this character wasnt even lvl 13 yet and he was as strong as some of my lvl 20's... i know both nonak and griff were experienced but this all doesnt seem to add up, thats the lowest lvl ive attempted that quest with. to top this all off, a major side effect of not finding a ghost was that essentialy every single common enemy was now damaging my armor and near impossible for me to land a hit on due to having to kill so many of em. even the wights were draining one toughness each... this character wasnt cursed or doomed or anything it was rediculous...
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5112 days, 3 hours, 8 minutes and 16 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 11:18 (GMT -5)

about the snakes, I guess you were in one of those *special* rooms which makes it hard to hit other monsters. once you got out of the room and start shooting arrows, the special effect was gone.
an easy way to find a ghost is to dig one of the graves. some graves may contain a master lichs, which can summon ghosts. kind of risky way though..
Registered user
The elf lover

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5258 days, 16 hours, 24 minutes and 19 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 13:27 (GMT -5)

yeah digging had crossed my mind but i had no way of digging at the time. i had no problems hitting this snake, only damaging it. when i switched to my bow i had not moved from the same spot that i was meleeing it from. this has actually happend on other characters but this is the first time i can be sure that the method used to kill it was significantly underpowered compared to the method that would not harm it. i cant be sure but i seriously suspect some sort of design flaw is responsible.
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Communist in Disguise

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5207 days, 17 hours, 13 minutes and 52 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 06:40 (GMT -5)

"essentialy every single common enemy was now damaging my armor and near impossible for me to land a hit on due to having to kill so many of em..."

This wasn't because you were killing a lot of mundane creatures, it was because you WERE Doomed. Almost 100% certain here.

You probably accidentally meleed a Karmic or something and didn't realize you got Doomed in the process.

I had a character a while back this happened to. I had a similar reaction of disbelief at first; "wtf? Do Paladins just suck THIS much? I'm getting beaten up left and right and my PV is getting smashed away rapidly!" And then I suddenly realized I was doomed;

a quick visit to a nearby alter and I was doing fine again.
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The elf lover

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5258 days, 16 hours, 24 minutes and 19 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 17:54 (GMT -5)

i suppose that is a possibility, however monsters do lvl up and get stronger if you kill many of them.
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Communist in Disguise

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5207 days, 17 hours, 13 minutes and 52 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, October 24, 2009 at 18:12 (GMT -5)

I'm fully aware of that. That's simply not what happened in this case, though =) For one, you mention that average generic monsters were getting tough and beating you up.

I don't know what really qualifies as a spoiler on this subforum and it seems to be pretty lax, but I might as well tag all of this:

Even if you scum the ID for a very long time, generic orcs, etc. will not power-up much. How much something powers up depends on its natural spawn rate and how many you've killed; thus, something like an orc with a spawn of 100 will just not power-up much ever, generally speaking.

Conversely, this is why jackals and chaos servants are the main area you see creatures become uber-powerful. Both have a low base spawn rate (25 and 10(!) respectively), and are generated in-game in quantities much higher than the natural rate would imply. It applies to spiders to a little lesser degree simply because spider factories split spawning over multiple spider types rather than only one type of creature (base is still 25). And it only barely applies to rats, because even though they are factory-spawned en masse, their base spawn rate is 100 so they still do not power up very quickly.

Secondly, you mentioned equipment destruction. If there's any real tell-tale sign of being doomed, it's having your equipment destroyed easily. This includes keys in doors, armor from being attacks, anything from traps, etc. Your equipment will flat-out fall apart at a painful rate while you're doomed.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 10/24/2009 at 18:13 (GMT -5) by Twinge]
Registered user
The elf lover

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5258 days, 16 hours, 24 minutes and 19 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at 06:17 (GMT -5)

you make some good points, however once you die it tells you whether you were cursed or doomed, that is why i couldn't believe this characters shit luck, well not the luck so much as the 180 switch from having everything go perfectly to having everything that could go wrong go wrong.
It was as if he was favored by the rng and then murphy's law decided to infect the game. its all just a coincidence im sure, but my point was that this game is going to drive me mad some time in the future.

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