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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / Roguelike intensity

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Ticking Time Bomb

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5342 days, 1 hour, 41 minutes and 37 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 18:57 (GMT -5)

Hey, all. I'm new to these forums and figured it was about time for my first post. I'm new to ADOM (couple of weeks so far), but have been playing NetHack for quite a while, and Moria long before that. This new roguelike has me utterly -absorbed.-

Anyway, I thought it might please the readers to provide a short bit from my latest adventure. Please, enjoy! ^^

On a recent grey elf wizard who seemed to be doing fairly well (lvl 10, did a few quests), I decided to take on the infinite dungeon to see how deep I could go. On about lvl 3, I happened to find and identify a wand of far slaying. Cool! I have no clue what it does, but it should be useful. Sounds like some kind of bolt spell.

So, pocketing that, I make my way down a couple more levels and find myself clearing out a tension room. I don't have many casts of my bolt spells left, so I decide to try something else. Reaching into my pack, my fumbling fingers produce the wand.

Hmm... what's this? Well, it's got to be better than nothing. I line up a group of zombies, take aim with the wand, and pour my last 30 PP into it.


I swear, the shockwave from the monitor blew my hair back and scorched my face. Never in my gaming history have I been so literally flattened by a special effect in a game. Even without graphics and sound, I could feel the wand pounding a crater into each wall it bounced off of, leaving me charred and awestruck in it's wake.

Luckily, I survived. Not much else did though. Heh. Lesson learned, I gathered what scraps were left and moved on to my inevitable death below...
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5038 days, 11 hours, 59 minutes and 49 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 22:19 (GMT -5)

welcome to ADOM :P

i never use wands of far slaying when i can help it (in fact, i'm still not quite sure how they work).

my most intense roguelike moment was a hurthling barbarian "berserkerly" shooting arrows down a dark tunnel full of giant webs at a creature (i wont give more details since it's spoily information) that i couldnt see but whose roars i could hear. several arrows later i suddenly gained a level :-D

and said barbarian had a huge double handed sword hanging from his waist and dragging around as he walked, how cool is that? :P
Taz: A potion of gain attributes (4s) is lying here. Suddenly a stone block hits your head! Something on the ground is smashed to pieces!
PeanutGod: Awwww no! How harsh is that! This is where you need the artefact 'mop and bucket'.

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