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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / Hostile monster

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The Necromancer

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7774 days, 5 hours, 29 minutes and 1 second ago.
Posted on Friday, June 14, 2002 at 05:35 (GMT -5)

Hmmmm strange, but yesterday, my PC 42 lev grey elven archer, champion of order (he has permament invisibility from pool) in earth tempel have a very confusing accident. I trying use pickpocket (Pick Pocket 100) on hobgoblin.... But always in all 20~30 attepmts I got only mesage than hobgoblin has anger on my attempt (not a fail badly)... or something like that (standart text if your PC are notice when trying something steal). He was hostile, but when I chat with him he just speak with me his standart nonhostile text. But when I want shoot him I get question did I realy want atack him... Hobgoblin only stay in one place, he didn't search me... I can understand if this situation will be in one or two attempts... but in all??? I always get this same text on pickpocket, chat and when I try shoot him:)

"Insect, we care not for thee. Disturb us any we will extingwish thy weak candle of life"

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