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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / Product of my Boredom :)

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7356 days, 54 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, June 23, 2002 at 13:05 (GMT -5)

Because my quest to make an ultimate character isn't going so well, I'm going to take a break and try something else. Here's the plan, I'm gonna make a new character, and try to play the game through with each class and its best race combination. I want to see if there's any class that I can excel at better than others for whatever reason, I'll post the level at which each one died(since I assume I won't win with any ;)) Anyway, I'll just choose them based on the sign I get. Wish me luck.

You feel a surge of power. Suddenly your extraordinary carrying capacity fails you. You are crushed by the tons of luggage you are carrying. You die...

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3767 days, 15 hours and 53 minutes ago.
Posted on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 08:29 (GMT -5)

Okay. I wish you luck. Though, in my opinion, AoLS would be a better choice... :)

Die Gedanken sind Frei

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 6/24/2002 at 08:30 (GMT -5) by Iridia]
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5841 days, 19 hours, 59 minutes and 47 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 21:15 (GMT -5)

Ahhh dear there's quite a few of them (: However if you're pretty keen ya might be able to do such a thing. Good luck.

I'm a bit of a fan of the random character myself, so from time to time i end up with a good charater that i would never of chosen myself.


Archers i'm terrible at for some reason - i got a hurthling to 18 and an (an or a?) high elf to 19, but they just seem to get sooooo weak. Although i do like how the weapon skill seems to increase rather quickly.
Mindcrafters i've never succeeded with, they're just too slow healers and too weak. They're skills aren't useful into after i'm dead.
Necromancers aren't bad - i generally play and ignore necromancy altogether, unless i want to kill a cat.
Troll barbarians have to be the funnest class of all - 179 levels over 15 charactors, they're ability to kill early on in the game makes them fun - especially good if you scum a bit in the puppy cave. Danger levels increase fast so the disadvantages of experience are reduced.
Bards and theives are really handy because of the equipment they get. (just make sure you pick pocket *lots*)
Drakelings have both disadvantages and advantages and aslong as you're aware of them it's fairly easy to cope.

Adomer from Australia.

DougyDougy - Dougy - DougyDougy

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