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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / score help for newbie

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Unregistered user
Posted on Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 11:37 (GMT -5)

how is your final score calculated? also ive heard of different "endings" that a PC can go for. which one of these 'endings' will result in the highest score? plus, does the game present a bigger challenge to someone aligned towards chaos than say law, etc? thankx for any help, hope the questions werent to stupid...
Registered user
the Mindless

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6086 days, 20 hours and 29 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, September 13, 2002 at 08:16 (GMT -5)

as refered to Andrew Williams Guide Book

0.14.16 The final score

The exact algorithm presented here is probably out of date. At one point, the final score was calculated as follows:

score = sum of all skill scores / 20 +
spell memory [the first number] for each known spell / 5 + 50 +
MIN(piety - 200, 10000000) +
(level - 1) * 50 +
experience / 10 +
(sum of the danger ratings [1-50] of explored levels) * 30 +
MIN(value of all items on body / 50, 20000000) +
(# identified items * 100) +
various amounts for having intrinsics (between 200 and 10000 each) +
20000 (making Blup happy) +
(sum of attribute modifications * 200) +
(# of successful dwarven quests * 5000) +
5000 (if member of thieves guild) +
5000 (if head of thieves guild) +
MAX(0, 300 - max. hitpoints) * 1000 (only if the game was completed) +
20000 (no divine interventions and game complete) +
10000 (champion) +
20000 (champion and game complete) +
-5000 (lost championhood) +
-(chaos score * 5) (typical about 1000 points score per corruption)

This score is doubled if you managed to solve the major goal of the

If you managed to solve the game _and_ leave the Drakalor Chain the
following is added to that score:

MAX(0, moves - 50000) * 100

Then the score is once more doubled.

eeeenjoy %)

differently yours
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3764 days, 8 hours, 18 minutes and 8 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, September 13, 2002 at 11:04 (GMT -5)

What's weird is that you usually get more for closing the gate and leaving the Chain... I think there should be a huge bonus for ultra endings, personally...

Die Gedanken sind Frei

Unregistered user
Posted on Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 00:52 (GMT -5)

thankx guys much appreciated...

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