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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / Roguelike / Making a Sci-Fi roguelike

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5977 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 44 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, July 17, 2007 at 00:15 (GMT -5)

After much procrastinating, I finally got started on my own roguelike project.
I'm not going to pin down too may details right now, but here a brief idea of the feature I want:
1. Sci-Fi setting, because there a already some great Fantasy roguelikes out there, so why compete? I've also never found a roguelike with guns that I liked (except the excellent DooMRL, but I want something more complex) I don't know the details yet, but I'm a big Fallout fan...
2. A worldmap
3. A real monster inventory system (creatures can pick up and use stuff, etc)
4. Various factions you can do quests for (good and evil heheheh)
5. A decent interface (ADOM good, NetHack bad)
6. Guns. Lots of guns.
I'm going public with this one from the beginning because I think writing little updates will help me stay motivated.

Progress -
I have a system for loading up data for the worldmap and rendering it onscreen. I have a nice little desert valley with the odd oasis and settlement. Adding new types of map objects is very easy. Not bad. :)

"Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work" - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian
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if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 5 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, July 17, 2007 at 00:25 (GMT -5)

sounds good, keep us informed with the progress and some screenshots would be great
The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?
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5977 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 44 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 at 00:18 (GMT -5)

Progress -
~ Player can move around map and bump into impassible objects (i.e. mountains)
~ Player gets a description of map area as he moves.
~ Game can be saved/loaded. I guessed it was best to implement this at the start so data to be saved can be added as I go alone, rather than wait until loads of features are in place and having to remember every tiny thing that has to be saved.
~ Player can view a list of the last 50 or so messages.
~ A simple screenshot button has been added. I'll post one when I think I have something worth showing. Or if people start bugging me. :)
~ Content (maps, item descriptions, etc) have been separated from main code for easy modding
~ Expanded mapsize. I don't want the screen cluttered with unnecessary interface and information anyway.
~ Added a very basic titlemenu for choosing between newgame and loadgame
~ Begun adding data for generating dungeons.
Added my first monster, a zombie, so I have something to put in my dungeon :)

Full steam ahead! I have encountered an annoying problem though. The devtool I'm using (Blitz3D) doesn't seem to recognise the numberpad keys. It just ignores them completely. Very frustrating. At them moment I'm using q,w,e,a...etc as movement keys, but obviously this is not ideal for many reasons. I know BlitzPlus doesn't have this problem, but I'm reluctant to buy that as well as Blitz3D....hmmmm...I'll find a solution I'm sure.

But generally I'm happy with this rapid progress. I should have random encounters working by next time, then I'll start working on stats, inventory and combat. I'm gonna have to have a long, hard think about how exactly combat and the general rule set will work.

Whats everyone's thoughts on skill based vs class based characters? I like Fallout and the Elder Scrolls system of no class, just defining your character as you like by their skills. However having set classes does give your character an immediate identity. If you pick "Medic" or "Soldier" or "Archer" or whatever, you immediately know what your good at and what general style to play.
"Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work" - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian
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if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 at 21:32 (GMT -5)

how about shops where you can buy skills or attributes

being a scifi rogue i'd love to walk into a shop and get a brain chip that raises my intelegence and walk into guild and learn a trade

any basic screenshots yet?

it all sounds good so keep progressing :)
The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?
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5977 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2007 at 00:28 (GMT -5)

Progress -
~ Detects for random encounters based on the current location.
~ Made message system wait for play to press a key to continue if there is more than one message to see or combine two or more messages if they will fit on the screen.
~ Generates simple encounter levels and items to fill them.
~ General bugfixing.
~ Player can move around the map and bump into items that are impassible (monsters, walls, etc)
~ Crushed a weird bug where upon loading up a level the zombies, and only the zombies, would fail to load. Every other item would load fine. Anyhoo, fixed it.

I like my system for spawning random encounters (or any kind of level actually) It's easy to specify what kind of things exactly you want to appear in it. I can say ok, I want this encounter to include 3-12 bandits, a few rocks scattered about with a 50% probability of 10 to 30 cactus. I prefer themed levels, rather than other roguelikes that will allow any monster below a certain level to spawn, so that the later levels are throwing the entire zoo at you at once. It feels a bit daft. I'll at the ability to give general spawns later (e.g. this level has chance of spawning any kind of armour below level 10)

About buying skills. I know what you mean gravel. I don't like being able to simple buy stat increases unless they are a one off, like the part in Fallout 2 where a mad doctor will implant kevlar plates under your skin if you bring him the right parts, increasing your toughness by 1, but do it again and your appearance starts to suffer....
But buying initial training in a skill sounds good. I'm thinking of having a skill for each activity. For example you can us pistols even without the pistol skill, but you will suffer terrible penalties for aiming one so it's not worth it. But if you don't start the game with the pistol skill, you can go find a person who will train you in the basics so you can acquire the skill and get started.
There are disadvantage to this though. When choosing you initial skills, I don't want players not taking a skill from the start because they know they can simply go acquire it later. It should be difficult to acquire new skills after starting.

I could post a screenshot, but it's still looking very basic. Maybe next time.
"Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work" - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian
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if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2007 at 00:54 (GMT -5)

sounds like its progressing very quickly and your having fun at the same time which is always what you need to keep motivated ( i want more jade updates)

Are you going to have a series of quests or missions. ie go find "Nasty Gravel" the bank robber and bring him to justice. then you could take over his group of baddies and commit more crimes and of course use his loot to buy weapons or do the good thing and kill Gravel and his baddies (keep the loot though) and become a bounty hunter (where life has no value, death sometimes has a price - exert from "the good, the bad & the ugly" i think lol
The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?
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5977 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2007 at 08:54 (GMT -5)

I love "Nasty Gravel" :D I think you just earned yourself a character in my game.

Well I don't want it to turn into a 'talkie' RPG with loads of dialogue options and stuff so the character interactions won't be too complex. But I do want players to be able to choose to do quests for different factions and have different ways to complete the quests. I don't want factions labeled simply 'good' and 'bad'. I want there to be good people and bad people on both sides.

One of my favourite mission in any game was in Subculture. It was a bit like Elite underwater. Early on you meet the two rival states that exist in the world. An authoritarian, militaristic faction and bunch of friendly, colourful, democracy loving hippies. Good and Bad, right? So the goodguys ask you to rescue a downed shuttle of theirs, it's running out of oxygen, so hurry! You get there and the shuttle is clearly a design belonging to the badguys. Whats going on? Submarines from both sides are there, each claiming the shuttle is theirs and demanding you bring it back to their base. (Turns out your the only person who carries and giant magnet on submarine suitable for picking up shuttles.) What do you do? Are you gonna help the 'badguys' get their men back? Are you gonna help the 'goodguys' and simply kidnap a bunch of people? And while your agonising over this, the shuttle is running out of oxygen... Brilliant! I was really surprised at having to make such difficult decision under pressure, especially in a game that on the surface seemed cartoony and silly. (It's about tiny people living in a rock pool, harvesting the bottle caps, cigarette butts and other crap humans drop in) The aim of the game turns out to be helping both sides settle their political differences and end the cold war. A truly unappreciated game, it was just too short.

I wandered off a bit. But my point was I want to make a world where even the goodguys can do bad things in order to survive. And hope fully pay you to do them :)

While I'm writing the biggest post ever...
I've been giving some thought to my background story and setting. I'm thinking I want post apocalyptic...I want a society almost destroyed. Not just because I'm nasty :) A world without central rule and basic infrastructure is necessary if you want a world where unexplored areas are just around each corner and dangerous creatures and bandits can roam freely. Despite high tech gadgets being around, there is not the facilities in place to manufacture them on mass or the knowledge to do so. You still have to hunt out the best stuff. Fallout2's world was great, but I want a more far future world, and an alien world. Further into the future gives me more room to play around with technology and have a bigger variety of wacky gadgets. An alien world give me a greater variety of hostile critters to have running around trying to bite your face off.

I'm thinking a colony world after a civil war. Spacecraft technology has been lost, and no contact has been heard from the outside since the war ended...the inhabitants of your world don't know who won, or even if anyone else survived. Small, isolated settlements exist and various factions are trying to become the next world power. Only the knowledge to make basic technology still exist. But the really cool pre-war tech is still out there, littering the abandoned military bases, ghost towns and rocket-yards waiting to be discovered by one plucky adventurer brave enough to face the lawless gangs and dangerous critters...

This could allow for multiply endings. Rediscover spaceflight and get the heck off this hellhole! Reunite the people. Take one faction and lead them to domination of the world. Discover the Great Evil that really caused the war and slay it dead before it can threaten your world again.

OMG biggest post ever, I'm going now :D
"Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work" - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 7/20/2007 at 09:09 (GMT -5) by Hendar23]
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if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 22:31 (GMT -5)

i like the sound of mutated creatures roaming the place and perhaps having weird side effects either on the monster or the pc such as psyionic powers.

I'd love to be included in the game (hehe i thought nasty gravel would do the trick)

Have you decided on a name or even a time frame to have a release.

Let me know if you need someone to test/trial the game and point out some bugs etc.
The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?
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5977 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 22:38 (GMT -5)

Progress -
~ Added basic AI movement. Monster will move towards the player in a straight line. Will do for now.
~ Added creature speed system and general action timing.
~ Added basic attacks - no stats or combat system yet. Monster just die automatically if you hit them. Just used for testing other stuff.
~ Creatures will now leave a suitable corpse if they die. Yay! Gore! :)
~ Player can now enter specific locations on the map (towns, dungeons etc)
~ Player can pick up items from the ground.
~ A basic inventory screen can be displayed.
~ General fixes and improvements.

When I first implemented item pickups I got an interesting effect. The code scans for all the entities on the level that are on the same spot as the player and simply transfers them to the inventory. First time I tried to pick up an item, I vanished. Turns out I'd picked myself up and put me into my own pocket. Try picturing that. lol. This was because, of course, the player is also an entity. Hehehe. The search now excludes the player :)

I'm just gotta grind out a few details of the inventory and picking up/dropping items now before I get to the interesting stuff like equipping items and hitting people with them.

Then there is the beast that is Field Of View Calculation....
"Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work" - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian
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5977 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 22:52 (GMT -5)

To answer your questions gravel:
"i like the sound of mutated creatures roaming the place and perhaps having weird side effects either on the monster or the pc such as psyionic powers."
I'm wary of psyonic powers...I don't want it to just be like another magic system. I want playing a psyker to feel very different to playing a wizard. But thumbs up to mutated aliens things with wierd powers!

"I'd love to be included in the game (hehe i thought nasty gravel would do the trick)" Screenshot incoming...

"Have you decided on a name or even a time frame to have a release." No to both! I have created almost no content yet, on the bare minimum I need to test things. When I feel I have enough of the game structure in place to actually make the game playable I'll knock up enough items and creatures to fill one small dungeon and release an Alpha so people can play around a bit and give me some feedback. This way, hopefully, the realease will be months rather than years away, but it will be a very simple release. I don't know how long it will take to impliment all the features and content I want. I have a wife a kid and a life too!

"Let me know if you need someone to test/trial the game and point out some bugs etc." See above.
"Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work" - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian
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if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, July 23, 2007 at 01:05 (GMT -5)

perhaps with the psych powers could make the npc get scared and drop their weapon, get feared and run, increase the npc for a short time or blur the pc's eyes making it harder to hit npc. or an electric charge where if you hit with a metal weapon, ie lead pipe (starting weapon?) an electric shock transfers to the pc so they get retribution damage.

4 legged humans that cant run fast because of too many legs to co-ordinate but have an extra attack round ie kicking you in the nads while punching you in the head lol and then you miss a turn while bent over in pain.

i could go on but its your roguelike

haha i just got in trouble at work for laughing out loud when i typed the kick in the nads
The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?
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5977 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, July 23, 2007 at 11:08 (GMT -5)

Ouch dude you'd miss more than one turn! lol! I like the idea of being able to make people drop their weapons, because the NPC creatures will follow the same rules as the player, they need to have a weapon equiped to use it! It always bugged me in ADOM when you see an archer fire arrows at you and when you kill him he has no bow. What did he do? Snap it in two with his last breath? Just throw the arrows at you?
Psyonics would be good where each power is a speacial abilty you have, instead of being a bunch of spells you cast.

Wandering off the point a bit but the best spell system I ever heard of was for a pen-and-paper RPG. You couldn't do it in a cRPG because, get this, there where no set spells, you just made them up as you went along. The GM just assigned a difficulty based on how unlikely the action was to occur naturally. It was for a very realistic feeling world because noone was shooting lighting from their fingertips and stuff like that because the chance of that happening naturally is 0. You did things like make a enemey trip over and fall during a fight, and if say you notice his shoelaces are undone or he's on uneven ground it's more likely and therefor easier to 'cast'. No mana point's, no spell memorisation and it forced the player to use his inginuity and imagination in situations. Get very powerful at magic, and you could make an old man have a heartattack at a dramatic moment. (Like just when he's about to identify you to police "I know who it was officer! It was that guys over...* <ACK> <thump>" and stand there looking suprised and innocent >D
"Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work" - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian
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if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, July 25, 2007 at 22:24 (GMT -5)

how about having an assortment of stim (stimulation) packs. you could use them when your running away or in a fight you can activate a stim pack which can increase your heart rate so you can run faster breifly or release endorphans that dont make you feel the pain in battle or perhaps release some steroids into your system alowing you to increase strength for a short time and another type to help with eyesight for using long range guns- but then you suffer roid rage after using them and have to endure the side affects.

could be good to get you out of a sticky situation and then you must rest for a couple hours or become violently ill and have a permanent bad affect to the pc if they dont stop to let the body recouperate
The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?
vogonpoet unplugged
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Posted on Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 05:17 (GMT -5)

Or like advanced drug glands you can control like the Culture in ian m banks books... Then your PC could adjust their speed upwards by glanding Quicken for a while, but then suffer some sort of hangover (reduced dex/le) afterwards.
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5977 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 09:14 (GMT -5)

Progress -
~ Items can be stacked.
~ Creatures can now be spawned holding items in their inventory. (See that bandit? Is he just holding a regular automatic pistol? Or was he lucky enough to find a ZT-223 MkV Plasmarifle? Hehhehe)
~ Custom level layout can be loaded in.
~ Loads of tweaks an improvements to picking up items. Doesn't just grab everything!
~ Restructured all my item/monster data. Added a few new items for implementing new inventory features.

I love Ian M Banks :) His sci-fi novels are a perfect mix of fun and serious. I hear he wrote 'Consider Phlebas' after going to watch Star Wars and thinking 'I can do better than that!'. My favourite writer at the moment is M. John Harrison though, his last two books have been hypnotically good. It's not sci-fi, it's beyond sci-fi. It's post sci-fi. It's the next thing. I'm at a loss for words describing his stuff.

But anyhoo.
Yeah I was thinking of having a range of drugs that act like potions in fantasy roguelikes and I like the idea of addiction...keep taking the drug or suffer sickness. Not all withdrawal effects would have to be negative. Think smoking cigarettes. Stop smoking and you get all tense and angry, just what you need for a hand to hand combat boost! "If I don't get a goddamn smoke soon I GONNA HURT SOMEONE!"

Thinking of drug glands, I wouldn't want to start with a whole array available from the start, but having select abilities available to different classes (soldiers being able to activate combat drugs, or engineers boosting concentration) and being able to earn extra abilities through quests and stuff is definitely gonna be in.

Baddass powered combat suits I also want as high level items. Probably not flying. This would be ok in dungeons for flying over holes and stuff, but when the player is outside it would be hard to implement effectively. But they will be stacked with built in gadgets. Think targeting systems, force fields, night-vision/zoom, motion sensors... As well as increasing your strength and giving great protection, these things will be great. Don't expect to find one lying around in the first dungeon :)

I'm working on equipping items at the moment, and I'm finalising my equipment slots. Unlike a fantasy roguelike I'm not having a slot for every conceivable part of your body (gauntlets, bracers, neck, boots, big toe) But I still want variety. Here's how it's looking a the moment:
Helmet; separate from the rest of the body but some armoured suits will have helmet built in helmets
Armour: General armour, from leather jackets to big stompy powersuits
HeadGadget; Goggles, flashlights, AI interface
BodyGadget; Force fields, shoulder mounted weapons
Armgadget; motion trackers, pip boy :), auxiliary weapons, grappling gun

Weapons will be divided into several classes with their own skills
Hand To Hand Weapons - I'm not having separate skills for swords, knifes, clubs, etc because HtH weapons are not as big a part of the game as ADOM. Playing a melee character should still be possible though. (Computer RPG rule no.47: Swords shall be just as, if not more, effective than guns.)
Pistols - Generally less damage and range, but can be duel wielded, fire fast and can be used in melee range.
Rifles - Include submachine guns and other medium size weapons. Generally longer range and more damage than pistols, but can't be used in melee range (to big to point and aim when something is biting your face off.) I always thought it weird that you can load an arrow, aim and fire the things effectively in fantasy games when an orc is swinging an axe at your head. I want the player to have to fall back on his pistols and HtH weapons when an enemy manages to close on him.
Heavy Weapons - Miniguns, rocket launchers, etc. generally massive damage, slow to fire, ammo guzzlers or ammo is scarce. Again can't be used in melee range. (so fast moving melee characters can rush in and neutralise the effects of these devastating weapons.)

Thinking of ways to make ranged combat more interesting, I'm toying with the idea of cover. Way it would work is an item could provide cover, making you or your enemy harder to hit. If first thought of having object between characters provide cover like this:
'X'''''O@''' x - monster, O - barrel @ - player

but then the cover would work against you too, you'd both suffer a to hit penalty. So I'm thinking of making cover something you 'stand on' like a crater, a patch of tall grass or some sandbags, which hides you from the enemy, but not vice-versa. Make sense?

Oh and here's my first media release! Welcome to the desert! It's actually quite out of date now, I took this a few days ago and so much changes everyday. The game actually runs at 1024x768, but photobucket reduced the shot to 800x600. As you can see, it's a graphical roguelike. I don't want to scare off the ASCII purists but I like drawing cheesy 16bit icons :) No stats yet as you can see the blank bar at the bottom. Also you'll note Line Of Sight is not implimented. This will probably the hardest thing to do in technical terms, so I'm in no rush! The small rocks and skulls are pickupable, and the cactuses (yes, the green blurry things) and big rocks are impassible.

"Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work" - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 7/26/2007 at 09:29 (GMT -5) by Hendar23]
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if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 20:45 (GMT -5)

Looking and sounding great.

Any idea of what money will be?

How about "Credits" or "Glexnors"
The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?
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if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 22:04 (GMT -5)

thanks for putting me in the game

i didnt notice the top of the screenshot before.

Do you have any ideas on food?
Vitamin suplements due to the state of the world and no longer any McDonalds stores etc. Eat a mutant human and grow an extra leg on top of your head but cook the human and no bad side affects.
The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?
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5977 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, July 28, 2007 at 17:05 (GMT -5)

Progress has slowed up due to activities out in meat space. I'm still hammering away at the inventory system, making sure items can be picked up, dropped and equipped/unequipped correctly. Lots of fiddly stuff. After that I want to put in character stats so I can throw in some proper combat. Then it will be very simple, but playable. A game! When I'm tired, I tend to work on content. I've tweaked the world map, added a monster and some equipment.

I've been thinking about money actually. I was tempted to have more than one currency, but it seems like complicating the game for no real reason. No idea about the name. I want something original that sounds 'right'

Food will work like other roguelikes. You can eat supplies and stuff, or corpses for interesting effects. Eating radioactive mutants shall be risky! I want cannibalism to be discouraged, but I'm not sure how....
"Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work" - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian
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if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, July 30, 2007 at 00:25 (GMT -5)

hmm you could have some sides take certain money and other sides take other monies but get enough reputation and you can use either version of the cash

how about having a portable sausage maker and then you can mix different meats together and sell the product to an unsuspecting victim.

I was thinking about differnt chemicals you might find in old abandoned labs so you can make plasma rounds for guns (kinda like alchemy)adding poison to the chemicals and also radioactive stuff to make it a realy nasty plasma round.

Any thoughts on cloaking/invisibility devices to help you ambush Nasty Gravel and his gang?
The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?
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if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 03:19 (GMT -5)

will the world map be 1 big continenant or two big ones with 2 factions or multiple continents with big and small islands scattered around the place?

Will you have companions you can hire for certain jobs and you pay them up front for their services or at the end where they take part of the loot/reward?
The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?
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5977 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 11:50 (GMT -5)

Progress -
~ All item classes are now equippable
~ General inventory code a lot slicker and robust. Bugs crushed!
~ More items added.
~ Added basic character stats
~ Proper Hand to hand attacks are possible.

Started on the combat proper after much tedious stuff. Yay! No ranged combat yet, just melee. Weapon damages are in, and if a character is not carrying a weapon, they default to their default attack. (Fists, claws, tentacles, harsh language).

Portable sausage maker! lol! That's genius. Makes me think, are those dwarf sausages in ADOM made by dwarfs, or from dwarfs???

The thing with having multiple currencies is that in every RPG known to man, you can travel to another planet in a another dimension, climb a mountain into a secret Vally that has had no contact with the outside for generations, and the local dragon/fairy/god people will happily accept your cash. And yes, they can change your 20 bill. :) It just feels weird.

I haven't thought about custom ammo, but I want a kind of crafting in the form of modding equipment. So say you have a flashlight that goes in you head gadget slot (tied to your helmet or something.) And you find 'a roll of duct tape' you can combine it with your rifle to make a rifle with a light on it, and free up you head slot for some other gadget.

Invisibility/Cloaking devices are in it for sure. Maybe running off batteries so you ration your supply. I'm thinking a whole bunch of equipment and energy weapons will rely on batteries to charge them. This means the player must be careful with their power supply in between finding power points either in dungeons or in settlements. (Think of the owner of a solar power generator charging a small fee to charge all your equipment) This would make finding a portable fusion power pack that recharges itself over time a very valuable artifact to find...

I imagined the world map as one continent with multiple factions. But looking at the code, there is no reason the action can't be moved to another worldmap entirely if everyone thinks the game is too short/easy :) Other continents, even planets, are entirely possible.

I've got lots of ideas for factions. A good few settlements will exist that are fairly independent. They may have rivalries and conflicting interests with their neighbours. I imagine there will be a organisation of bad guys, maybe claiming to represent the old pre-war government who want to re-establish another central government at any cost (for the good of the people, of course!). A faction of scientific idealists who want to rediscover the old technology who will send you to fetch interesting gadgets from dangerous places for their research. Maybe some neo-Luddites who blame the old technology for the polluted world and the war who are against them. Bandit gangs to fight/work for....the possibilities are endless. I'll just have to see how it all pans out.

Companions? Sure! With the full inventory system for creatures, you'll be able to give them equipment they can use too. I'd rather not have faceless guns-for-hire though. I'd prefer if I can working buddies who join you as a reward for completing quests. They can have their own personality (give them a few chat lines for actions, etc) and equipment preferences etc.

I also want vehicles. In Fallout 2, getting the car was a real achievement. First time your like 'I've got a car! That's so f**cking cool!' No direct control though. I'd rip off Fallout's idea of just using it as transport and extra storage space. No tanks. lol. An uber high level reward could even be an aircraft of some kind. Zip abut the map quickly, avoiding all those pesky wilderness encounters...
"Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work" - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian
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if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 21:49 (GMT -5)

how about some luminous moss for lighting and some kind of radioactive rod for a power source but you need to take anti sickness drugs so you dont die from the leaking fumes and radiation

i like the idea of having companions you can give items to. Especially if you find a shotgun and you specialised in pistols, you hire the shotgun guy to join in your team to have an even split of weapon experts.

The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?
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5977 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, August 01, 2007 at 10:05 (GMT -5)

I got a showstopping bug in my combat code (i.e. crash to desktop kind) It seemed to happen randomly when you attack duel wielding. I spent over an hour trying to figure out what was going wrong when in just kind of stopped happening...I don't like that! If I couldn't figure out exactly what it was that was causing it, I can't be sure it's fixed at all, or if it won't come back to haunt me later when I've added tons of new stuff and it will be that much harder to hunt out the problem. Hmmmm.

Anyhoo, have some screenage:

Once again, sorry about the back quality. I need to find an image hoster that will keep my pics at 1024X768. As you'll see, there is no weight limit yet for carrying items. Also, the only items with any kind of functionality are the weapons. The rest are just put in to check the right items are equipping in the right slots. I can't promise any items seen here will make it into the final version.
Now I'm equipped with my natty jacket and shades, I'm off to take advantage of my charisma boost with the local ladies...
"Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work" - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 8/1/2007 at 10:07 (GMT -5) by Hendar23]
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if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, August 01, 2007 at 23:57 (GMT -5)

i like the cool shades, just dont go talkin to the local GST ladies (goods, services, trades) with those knives

it seems Nasty gravel must have got away because hes not in your inventory

no shoes yet? and your not wearing any pants :)
The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?
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5977 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, August 08, 2007 at 10:57 (GMT -5)

Progress -
~ Monsters now pick up items from the ground.
~ Monsters will now equip the best weapon they have.
~ More items added.

No updates for a while because I've been either busy or ill this week so no coding has been done. :( I've just been drawing a few item graphics mostly up until today.

But things are picking up again. Literally. Critters can now pick up items and use them. The bandits that until now where using their bare hands against my dual wielded attacks can now pick up weapons and equip them. Being chased across the level by a bandit with a chainsaw when you only have 3HP is fun. Revenge of the bandits!

Combat still needs a lot of work. Skills and armour are not accounted for yet as they have not yet been added, only core stats (Strength and such) and weapon damages are used. Also need to add recognition of two handed weapons (though being able to dual wield chainsaw is a laugh, I'll have to add little one handed ones for that, like the kind you use to trim hedges heh) And before I can add ranged combat, I'll need to work on line-of-sight and such, which is a pain, believe me.

I'm hoping I can keep up the momentum in coding this things, but the only reason I've been able to get so much done so far is I've had quite a lot of time. I'll be going to college again soon so that will slow things down. The days when I only get some time to myself to sit down and it's already 11:00PM I'm usually just too tired to get my head around game code.
"Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work" - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian
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if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, August 17, 2007 at 01:15 (GMT -5)

will luck be a factor in this game?

I remember playing "deathtrap dungeon" ( a fighting fantasy roleplaying book) and i had pulled a lever only to find out it was a sharpened sword covered with wax and i severely cut my hand. I had to roll the dice and test my luck to see how badly i hurt my hand and also if it was my dominant hand which caused a permanent loss of Dexterity that couldnt be reversed.
The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 8/17/2007 at 01:34 (GMT -5) by gravel]
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if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, August 17, 2007 at 01:28 (GMT -5)

will you have railguns? they shoot through solid objects and hit the target (quake had these and then they were in a movie that had big arnie in it)

It would be great if you could have a base camp and have automated weapons and cannons set up to guard it. You come back from a mission and find bodies to loot and more weapons to install.

Will there be computer systems that you can hack into to gain access to military compounds to get equipment or hack the bank and get money?
The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?
Registered user
if i'm not ADOMing i'm working

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6189 days, 1 hour, 50 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, August 17, 2007 at 02:00 (GMT -5)

Will there be a church where you can hide and be offered sanctuary for making a donation to the priest ( or whatever religion it is).

How about the option of playing as a female and using your vixen ways to obtain information or goods that a guy would normally have to pay big sums of money to get

I hope you dont mind all the suggestions. Feel free to use what you think sounds good.
The stone giant runs away in fear. Who ever heard of a stone being scared of gravel?
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5977 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, August 22, 2007 at 22:31 (GMT -5)

All suggestions are totally welcome! No updates for while, I've just been too busy to work on my game lately. And then, when I did find some time, on impulse I picked up a copy of Civilisation 3 for $5 and my local supermarket. Bad choice! I thought I'd learned how to control my gaming time. But I've wracked up an embarrassing amount of hours on that evil game at a great cost to my sleep patterns. I'm starting a college course in one week, so I'm gonna take the Civ3 CD, smash it, burn it, put the remains in a lead box and throw it into a deep lake. Perhaps I'll bless the lead box and seal it with a few holy symbols, so it doesn't rise from the dead to sneak back into the house while I'm sleeping and reinstall itself...

Anyhoo. I have been doing some tweaking and bug fixing, and I changed the left and right hand equipment slots to primary weapon and secondary weapon. The reasons while I'll leave until later as I'm very freakin' tired right now. (Thanks Sid Meier!)
"Men are born for games. Nothing else. Every child knows that play is nobler than work" - Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian
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You'll never get rid of me

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5984 days, 7 hours, 36 minutes and 30 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, August 23, 2007 at 05:43 (GMT -5)

Looks like good work on the game so far! I'm really excited about the setting, post-apocalyptic games are really few and far between. I loved fallout. You seem to have lots of nice ideas, like modifying weapons with gadjets and such, very good :)

I think I don't have many ideas for you though, sorry about that.

Have you thouhgt about mechanical limbs as replacements for (or even in addition to :) the natural ones? Like if you happen to badly injure an arm, it could be replaced with a mechanical one, there could be a few different versions, possibly offered at different locations. Also there might be a slightly mad doctor someplace who will be happy to cut off your arms and legs for you, even if they are healthy.


BTW, if you're getting bored with Civ3 try downloading some mods for it. :P is a good place to start looking.

Oh, I'm sorry, I hope that won't distract you any more. :D
If you're feeling happy, don't worry, it'll go away.

Originally posted by noob: "I'm everytime amazed how you people know to exploit every single little bug (or not-bug) for elaborated scumming tatics even if the feature seems completely useless or bad."
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