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Lord of DurisMud

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5285 days, 9 hours, 18 minutes and 55 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, February 22, 2008 at 17:30 (GMT -5)

If you set down a rule, which is "no attacking/hurting monsters unless by flying coins", then that is that. Follow it or forfeit. Bart wiping out weapon marks is...I mean the PLAYER would know what he had done, so...the game is easy enough to abuse, so it should work both ways.

I suppose, for D:50, one could do that locked-door-monster-creation thing the guidebook mentions. Never done it myself, but that should keep levers safe and kill-count low.
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Painted this one too.

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5041 days, 5 hours, 41 minutes and 28 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, February 23, 2008 at 00:58 (GMT -5)

Practical minded vs technical minded.

Technical: The game had mistakes, so technically it
is not an official victory. I completely agree with
this .

Practical: The game was not made one iota easier,
because of the mistakes. It was just as hard for me,
as a perfect victory would have been. So it FEELS
like a victory, to me.

> If you set down a rule, which is "no
> attacking/hurting monsters unless by flying
> coins", then that is that. Follow it or forfeit.

You don't HAVE to forfeit. The game doesn't cease
to be fun, just because you make mistakes. Your
victory just won't be official, that's all. As long
as things are documented honestly, there shouldn't
be any problem.

The 'only fling bling' restriction wasn't NEARLY
as hindersome as the 'no praying' restriction.
That one nearly killed me. And yes, I would have
let my PC die in that dark room, if I had not
accidentally stumbled my way out of it. There is
a big difference between mistakes, and deciding
to break restrictions on purpose.

Put me in the 'fool filter', where I belong!
Registered user
You'll never get rid of me

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5807 days, 22 hours, 18 minutes and 52 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, February 23, 2008 at 05:36 (GMT -5)

Heh, normally I don't consider myself one bit 'practical' but in this case I just might be :)

Soirana, my point was that in the D:50 scenario the goblins/kobolds aren't stopping you from beating the game any way. You're not killing them to gain access to the lever, and they don't pose any danger whatsoever to your character. You have two options: 1) Zap WoD, 2) Zap WoDC a couple of times and then a WoMC. Game won in either case. Option 1) is 10^10 times better in terms of roleplaying.

The trees turn into wood/forest when you start killing monsters with wands for the sake of killing monsters with wands.

Ok, maybe I'll just keep my "whether or not he beat the game using coin toss as his only attack" opinion and you all can keep your "challenge game" opinion :)
If you're feeling happy, don't worry, it'll go away.

Originally posted by noob: "I'm everytime amazed how you people know to exploit every single little bug (or not-bug) for elaborated scumming tatics even if the feature seems completely useless or bad."
Soirana unplugged
Unregistered user
Posted on Saturday, February 23, 2008 at 06:45 (GMT -5)

My char has just died due to chaos pirannhas. I forgot to calculate gold weight in my missile slot.

Surpisingly first ice square hold the char, but second did break the ice. And there was now way out.

You can call me looser but i am officialy out of this challenge game. i had enough experience to write some guideliness about it and that is just enough for me.
Darren Grey
Registered user

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4383 days, 3 hours, 24 minutes and 32 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, February 23, 2008 at 16:23 (GMT -5)

Ouch, horrible way to die. But, uh, yeah, you're a loser :P Did you get the ice creaks ominously message?
Waldenbrook, the dwarven shopkeeper, mumbles: "I'd offer 9 gold pieces for yer dwarven child corpse."
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Chaos Freak

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4293 days, 8 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 24, 2008 at 06:01 (GMT -5)

on first step? i do not think so.

since i'm masochistic i will probably start this challenge all over again. This time picking dark elf for a change.
A root is a flower that disdains fame.
Kahlil Gibran(1883-1931)
Darren Grey
Registered user

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4383 days, 3 hours, 24 minutes and 32 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, May 25, 2008 at 02:30 (GMT -5)

I'm going to have a shot (hah) at this challenge soon, and I figure dark elf is the obvious choice. But I'm curious, what do you guys think is the best starsign for this? Raven speed is very nice, but I don't care about getting the trident - too risky to use. Candle is nice for the extra talent and herbalism option, and Cup is good for the faster levelling and extra skill increases. Thoughts?

I'll be attempting Ultra, since there's no point doing a regular victory that's already been done ;) But I have to consider, can I beat the emperor moloch's 200 PV? How long did it take you to kill that greater moloch, gut? How many of your hits were actually getting through? What was your base damage at the end? How often do you critical with Find Weakness at 100?

According to some research by Malte Helmert in 2003 a critical from a missile will cause x2, x3, x4 or x5 damage (equal chance of any of these). Thus if I can get damage up to 70 then half the criticals will damage him, and it would take about 12 of those to kill him. Andor on the other hand would take 64 criticals to kill at that level of damage (ouch). Guess I'll be needing a lot of SoCRs...
Waldenbrook, the dwarven shopkeeper, mumbles: "I'd offer 9 gold pieces for yer dwarven child corpse."
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Painted this one too.

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5041 days, 5 hours, 41 minutes and 28 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, May 25, 2008 at 04:08 (GMT -5)

> best starsign


> How long did it take you to kill that greater moloch

He was no problem, as I was faster than he. However,
it did take a while. I didn't count the turns, but
I would say over 100.

> How many of your hits were actually getting through

Very few, that's what took so long : ) The criticals
were the only hits that did damage, but they always
did damage. Again, I didn't count, but off the top of
my head, maybe 1 out of ~6.

> What was your base damage at the end?

Into the 70's. Maybe even into the 80's with the right
gear equipped, but I found two 'whips of the snake' in
the casino. My De stat was starvation scummed just about
as high as I could get it, though fear of death kept me
from pushing the limits. With all De bonus gear equipped,
I think my De was nearly 90, and that was with the RotMC.
Theoretically, you could improve on that, if you could
get De to 99 naturally, and so use two rings of slaying.

> How often do you critical with Find Weakness at 100

About 1 out of ~6 if memory serves.

> damage up to 70 then half the criticals will damage him

I never had a critical fail to damage anything, in the
entire game. I thought it bypassed PV honestly.

> Guess I'll be needing a lot of SoCRs...

Absolutely. I thought I had some to spare, as I hardly
ever even bother with Khelly. I was quite wrong though,
summoners kill you on corruption in the deeper levels,
and there seem to be a lot of them.

Have fun with it! I do think, it is the most fun challenge
game I have tried.

Put me in the 'fool filter', where I belong!
Registered user

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5100 days, 10 hours, 55 minutes and 16 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 02:25 (GMT -5)

Damn damn arghgle whargle schmargle bargle.

I had an aspiring ULE candle-born hurthling bling-flinger of the ring salesmen variety on the go. Early days, but she was insanely promising looking due to herbs on PC3 - stable patches with stoma, morgia/moss and morgia. On the same level I had an alarm trap, a teleport trap, and an acid trap, so any cats that got generated were easily dealt with.

I didn't go overboard, but got enough in theory to max my Wi Dx and To to 25. After being blocked on bottom level of PC by a river, generating SMC at level 7 and Keethrax at level 12, I headed over to the CoC at Level 13. Found an cloak of invis just above the big room, and stabilised 5 usefull herb patterns on one half of map, before nipping down the stairs to create some holy water in DT before continuing to other half - I was thinking maybe stoma and cooked-corpse pre-crown. I picked up si, found a wand shop on D8, and entered dwarf town (D10, but forge on D4, so no worries).

I chatted to the priest to ID my healing potions, sacced a cooked giant bat to very please my god, dropped all my status unknown stuff on the altar, and the game crashes.


From the screen capture (on very aggressive):
Flinga		St:16	Le:10	Wi:23	Dx:29	To:24	Ch:16	Ap:12	Ma:10	Pe:14	L
DV/PV:	20/13	 H: 140(140)	 P: 37(37)	   EXp: 13/37237	  D: 10  M: 13296

I had a trusty gold piece in my left hand, a wooden shield in my right, and was thoroughly enjoying myself.

Ah well. I guess next time I roll a candle-born, will go with fem fatale hobbit again for this challenge - I guess dark elves would also be good, but either way, need to get lucky with wish or SoE for one necessary skill - either Find Weakness or Archery, and I do like my hobbits... starting off L also means I can defer killing Hotzy until after first visit to DT, which seems like a nice safe idea.


/off to find where to download ADOM Sage...
Darren Grey
Registered user

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4383 days, 3 hours, 24 minutes and 32 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 03:50 (GMT -5)

Damn, that's some though luck :( Getting the early morgias must really have helped a lot.

I gave it a go myself with a dark elf and died somewhere in the CoC I think - can't exactly remember how. Had a lot of difficulty after the early game - just took so damned long to kill things. Drakeling spit challenge was a lot easier.
Waldenbrook, the dwarven shopkeeper, mumbles: "I'd offer 9 gold pieces for yer dwarven child corpse."
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5100 days, 10 hours, 55 minutes and 16 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 04:25 (GMT -5)

I still haven't actually managed to get a blinger to the pyramid, so not really sure how it goes with proper tough monsters - I had a tension room of displacer beasts just above DT this time out, they took ages to bring down... maybe Delven Find Weakness is the better skill to start out with...
Darren Grey
Registered user

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4383 days, 3 hours, 24 minutes and 32 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 04:38 (GMT -5)

I never found the find weakness to be a great help, especially since it trains slowly. I'd rather have it than archery of course, and the high dex of dark elves is nice (though they suck in every other respect for this challenge). Hurthling is a bad idea in the long run I think because of ghost lords - invis won't work against them if blinging. Still, archery is probably a huge help overall simply for opening up the Lightning Shot talent, since blinging otherwise takes up over 1000 energy points.
Waldenbrook, the dwarven shopkeeper, mumbles: "I'd offer 9 gold pieces for yer dwarven child corpse."
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Chaos Freak

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4293 days, 8 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2008 at 05:10 (GMT -5)

i'd take find weakness over archery for blinger on any given day.

The chance to deal 6xdamage alone is outsanding
A root is a flower that disdains fame.
Kahlil Gibran(1883-1931)
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