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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / Stories / The goblin tale

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3762 days, 20 hours, 56 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, June 24, 2002 at 10:03 (GMT -5)

Iridia moved to the front, axe ready. The group advanced on the two creatures.
As they came to within ten feet of the creatures, the two undead seemed to come to life, and the chaotic energy that powered them became almost palpable. The skeleton brought its sword down, preparing to crush several of them at one blow. Iridia raised her axe and caught the sword on her axe. She felt the force of the blow through her entire body, but Sengoku's workmanship was good, and the axe held. Before the thing could recover, Iridia dodged under the creature's two remaining weapons and caught the creature's bony leg in the backswing of the axe. A chip came off the bone, and the creature screamed, maddened, and readied itself for another attack. It was huge... strong... but it wasn't any faster than Iridia or her companions. She resolved to use that fact to her advantage. Apoc was still cowering near the door; she concentrated on the amulet and brought him running reluctantly towards her. The skeletal horror started after the goblin.

Guinea and Sengoku had both loaded missiles into their bows and retreated further back from the melee. Neither was too willing to get close to either the spectral form or the menacing skeleton. A quarrel and an arrow, released almost simultaneously, both found their marks; however, one was deflected by the crystalline shield, and the other passed right through its target.

Zarge had not backed off. Now he was close enough to touch the ghostly form. Chanting, he stretched his fingertips out towards it, and flames suddenly burst from the tips of his fingers and, for a brief moment, engulfed the creature. It reciprocated with a bolt of energy which hit Zarge, throwing him backwards. The wizard picked himself up and started chanting again.

Now the shadow was waving its staff in the air. The black stone seemed to suck in chaotic energy from the air around it. Zarge felt his own power draining away, even as he saw the creature growing stronger... and now it had moved between him and the two elves, trapping him between the ghostly mage and the skeletal creature, which was still heading towards the goblin.

Raising its staff, the ghost screamed incomprehensible words. From the tip of the staff came what looked like a red missile, headed straight towards Zarge.

Suddenly something hit Zarge from the side, knocking him to the floor for the second time. It was Iridia, who had glimpsed his predicament. The missile zipped past them, past the bony creature's shield, and smacked into its rib cage, where it exploded into a fireball! The creature, severely hurt now, screamed in what passed for agony--for the undead, anyway.

Meanwhile, the spectral mage had not noticed Guinea sneaking up behind it, intending to let loose with his best spells...

Die Gedanken sind Frei

[Edited 3 times, last edit on 9/22/2002 at 01:32 (GMT -5) by Iridia]
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tWo-HeAdEd cHaOs WeAsEl

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6976 days, 5 hours, 50 minutes and 22 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 04:51 (GMT -5)

Guinea leapt forward to get the spectral mage. He knew that fighting it in melee is useless, so he hit the stone on the staff with his sword, while trying to strangle the spectre with the other hand. White light came from his hand, and the undead scowled in fury. Guinea left the sword sticked in the black stone and now he held the mage with both hands. It apparently didn't like Guinea's healing touch. A wave of energy lifted the elf up, but he still held the creature's "neck".

The great skeleton rushed to help it's companion. It was heavily injured, but still could fight. Iridia parried with her axe the powerful blow which would probably cut Guinea in half. Sengoku showed his skill with missile weapons when he shot off the bony hand wielding the axe. Apoc leapt forward and bit off the hand with the mace. But the skeleton had one more weapon.

Guinea was still trying to don't let go the mage, when he suddenly felt something hard hitting him in the head. "I should have had a helmet on." he thought, when he received another blow from the crystalline shield. The shield shattered into tiny pieces, and the elf lost consiousness.

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3762 days, 20 hours, 56 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 12:09 (GMT -5)

The bone-creature was stumbling, its shield now gone. Zarge stood, yelling one last spell. A fiery missile zipped straight towards the skull of the creature and hit. The creature's skull exploded. For a moment, the now headless thing teetered, hanging in midair; then it collapsed into a heap of dusty bones.

That left the spectral mage.

Through the amulet, Iridia forced Apoc to lauch a berserk attack on the spectre. It concentrated its attentions on the small goblin while Iridia, trying to stay out of its field of vision, went for the stone.

The mage had managed to grasp Apoc's arm. The goblin screamed and went limp. But Iridia was already close enough. Her axe swung through the air, connecting squarely with the black stone, which shattered.

Expecting another explosion, Iridia grabbed hold of Apoc's other arm and dragged him with her as she dove to the ground. But instead, she heard a shrieking sound, as of a thousand damned souls.

"Get back!" Zarge yelled. Iridia scrambled to get away.

As she looked back, she could see a black... something... which was already six feet in diameter. It looked like a black rip in the very fabric of reality. Air rushed into it with a shrieking sound; dust trickled into it around the edges. A violent wind clutched at them, trying to drag them towards the hole.

"Guinea!" Iridia screamed suddenly. The unconscious elf still lay where he had fallen--dangerously close to the black hole. As Iridia watched in horror, the elf began rolling, sliding towards the edge...

Die Gedanken sind Frei

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 7/16/2002 at 14:41 (GMT -5) by Iridia]
Duke Ravage
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Gravebane Zombie

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5670 days, 15 minutes and 58 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 15:12 (GMT -5)

Something stopped him. His foot was mere inches from the edge of the tear, but somehow he didn't move. Slowly, incredibly, he began moving away. As he moved, Iridia suddenly became aware of a pecularly familiar grinding sound coming from beneath Guinea.

It took her a few minutes to recognize the sound. Just as she did, the stone hand holding Guinea emerged fully from the ground to get a firmer grasp. The hand was followed by a granite-like arm, as Guinea was held up in the air and moved away from the terror of the black rip...
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tWo-HeAdEd cHaOs WeAsEl

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6976 days, 5 hours, 50 minutes and 22 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 01:48 (GMT -5)

Guinea opened his eyes, and saw a hand of his presumably dead friend dragging him away from a hole in the reality. It was a bit too much for him, and combined with aterrible headache caused him to to lose his consiousness again.

"I believe this is a portal to the cHaOs plane!" cried Zarge "You don't want to go there, so stay away!"

Iridia rushed forward to the unconsious elf, but she suddenly stopped, because a something flew out of the hole. It was a purple bat. Or maybe it wasn't. Anyway, it had two wings, six legs, three heads. It was quite large and it cirled near the ceiling, screeching loudly. Apoc scowled and crept to the corner. Others watched the thing in amazement...

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 7/17/2002 at 01:49 (GMT -5) by Guinea]
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3762 days, 20 hours, 56 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 00:17 (GMT -5)

Sengoku fitted his last quarrel onto his crossbow and aimed carefully. The others, who hadn't quite noticed what he was doing, jumped as the missile whizzed past them and thudded into a crack in the wall of the chamber, pinning the screeching bat to the stone.

"We have to get out of here!" Zarge exclaimed. "That portal isn't stable--when it collapses we'll end up just like that bat over there!"

"Where do we go?" demanded Iridia. "The door's on the other end of the room!"

Die Gedanken sind Frei
Duke Ravage
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Gravebane Zombie

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5670 days, 15 minutes and 58 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 21:20 (GMT -5)

Stoney, who had managed to pull himself completely out of the floor by this point, slammed a boulder-like fist into the wall behind them. The wall very rapidly developed a very large crack, which widened enough to pass through with a little more coaxing from Stoney.

The companions exited the room as soon as possible. Once they were all through, Stoney replaced the rubble that had fallen out of the wall when he'd hit it. Moments later they heard a bone-rending moan move through the area, passing through stone as though it were air.
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3762 days, 20 hours, 56 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 15:49 (GMT -5)

Hearing the moan, Apoc gasped and ran, only to find he had nowhere to run to.

"Gorefist," said Stoney. "I've heard him--seen him. It couldn't be anyone else." Guinea, partially conscious now, groaned. Silently, Stoney agreed with him. The party had obviously been weakened by their battle with the two creatures. They couldn't fell Gorefist in this condition.

The moaning continued, growing higher... then lower... then louder.

Sengoku was digging in his pack. He brought out two swirling purple potions and pulled the stopper on one. He turned to Guinea, pouring the liquid between the elf's lips. Guinea swallowed it; a few seconds later, his eyes opened and he woke to see his companions standing around, looking anxious. "Did we win?" he asked. Then, "Stoney? How--"

Zarge was paging through a spellbook when the moan suddenly grew louder and, somehow, much more real. "No time to talk!" he shouted. "He's here!"

Across the room, the wall rippled as though it were water. Suddenly it stretched into a bubble which then seemed to pop. Out of it stepped--if it could be called stepping, for the figure hovered in midair--something which struck fear into the companions' hearts.

On the surface, it looked like any other ghost they had seen. A gnome--heavily muscled, dressed in shadowy leather armor, brass knuckles wrapped around its hands. Its head looked as though it had been split in two by an axe blade, though the gnome appeared not to notice the wound. On the surface, this could have been any other ghost--but they knew, right away, that it wasn't. As soon as it stepped through the wall, all the companions immediately felt the immense quantities of pure Chaotic energy which radiated from the creature. And around its neck hung a spectral amulet, in which was embedded a stone that seemed to contain all possible colors--or no color--all at once. The ghost lord raised its head; it looked straight into the eyes of the adventurers. Its gaze was one of pure hatred.

Had they been any less experienced, had they seen any less horror than they had, the companions would have been frozen with fear. As it was, they were certainly frightened enough, but each of them gripped a weapon or ran through the words of a memorized spell, readying themselves for battle.

"Coward!" Iridia shouted, breaking the heavy silence. "You think you've weakened us by sending your minions against us!" She raised her axe, preparing to charge the ghost lord. "You haven't, Gore-fist. You've been teaching us! We know how to destroy you, and we won't retreat!"

With that, she charged, her companions only a few steps behind her.

Die Gedanken sind Frei

[Edited 2 times, last edit on 9/22/2002 at 01:33 (GMT -5) by Iridia]
Duke Ravage
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Gravebane Zombie

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5670 days, 15 minutes and 58 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, September 06, 2002 at 18:52 (GMT -5)

Silently, Gorefist watched them rush towards him. Iridia reached him first, being the first to charge. With a mighty yell, she swung her axe with all her might at the apparition. The axe slipped through him as it he were butter and it, a hot knife -- but did no noticeable harm. The momentum threw Iridia to the floor, and her axe went skittering away.
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3762 days, 20 hours, 56 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 18:08 (GMT -5)

Iridia grabbed a dagger from her belt; it would have to do until she could recover the axe--which didn't look likely, since it now lay against the far wall of the chamber. Or--was it possible?

She saw Stoney attacking the ghost, but the giant might as well have been attacking a cloud, for all the good it did. The ghost lord simply ignored the stone giant.

Zarge was chanting, power gathering on his fingertips. The ghost turned its full attention to the wizard, ignoring the stone giant. Iridia concentrated on the amulet and sent Apoc edging towards the axe, back to the wall, looking terrified (as usual). Gorefist didn't appear to notice him.

The ghost lord had yet to make a move; when he did, they were unprepared. The stone giant's body distorted just as the stone wall had; it seemed to bend and bubble, looking less like a stone giant and more like a piece of clay, deformed beyond recognition. As the giant slumped to the floor, there burst out of it not a motionless phantom but a misty streak rushing towards the party.

The mist that was Gore-fist engulfed Zarge just as he completed the spell, and a magic missile zipped through the ghost, bouncing off the wall and back through the ghost again. The moan became a howl of agony; then it mixed with Zarge's renewed chanting. The wizard could feel the cold, clammy hand of death. His knees weakened and he thought he would fall, but he kept casting spells.

Suddenly, the mist lifted and Gore-fist retreated. Guinea was standing, holding his holy symbol, invoking the power of Corellius over the undead. The misty image of the ghost lord thinned a little, wavering. But Guinea was at the end of his strength. The holy symbol dropped from limp fingers and he slumped to the ground beside Zarge. The ghost lord advanced again, and suddenly Guinea felt the ghost hitting him, its fists suddenly, inexplicably solid. He tried to defend himself, but it was nearly useless. He thought he heard a dwarven war-cry, but then everything went dark.

Apoc's errand had been successful and Iridia snatched her axe from the goblin. "Attack him!" she ordered. "Use rocks!" Apoc obeyed, sending an irritating series of rocks through the ghost lord. Iridia aimed her axe at the amulet Gore-Fist wore, hoping to break the stone. Sengoku stood guard over the two fallen elves, holding a bottle of holy water.

Iridia's aim was good. The axe connected solidly with the stone of the amulet. Iridia felt raw Chaos smashing into her, like electricity. She tried to move and found she couldn't. Gore-fist's amulet glowed, many colors blending in a whirl of confusion to form a blinding white light that flashed out and connected itself to Iridia's amulet. She could only watch, paralyzed, as the red stone began to vibrate wildly. An explosion turned the world red, then dark.

Sengoku held the holy water in one fist, a dagger in the other, and watched as Iridia's amulet exploded, hurling her against the wall. He and Apoc were the only ones still standing, and Sengoku was nearly weaponless. If this wasn't a last stand, then nothing was. The dark elf straightened his shoulders, determined to fight to the last.

Gore-fist was now hovering in the center of the room, observing. The ghost lord's lips parted in a sickly white smile, his mouth opened wider, and up from the undead gnome's chest issued a horrible, wailing laugh. His amulet glowed in a kaleidoscope of maddening color.

Apoc ran towards Sengoku. Was the goblin trying to help? Or--

Still a little confused as to what exactly was happening, Sengoku didn't expect the tiny hands that snatched the holy water from his fingers, and he was just a little too slow to stop the goblin's flimsy dagger, which Apoc rammed into Zarge's chest--Or, tried to, anyway.

The wizard wasn't quite unconscious. He managed to evade the dagger, and instead of piercing his heart it sank into his shoulder. The pain jerked him awake just enough for him to sum up the situation, and he pulled a scroll from his belt. A single word was enough to activate it, and a white flash engulfed Apoc. When the wizard's eyes adjusted, the goblin was gone.

Apoc found himself in a small, musty chamber, still clutching the bottle of holy water. He was finally free of Iridia's amulet, free to go as he pleased. But the goblin did a double-take as he saw what filled most of the tiny room, leaving just enough room to walk around it: A platform, on which rested an open sarcophagus.

Curiosity prompted Apoc to look inside, and what he saw there threw his mind into confusion. In the coffin rested the skeleton of a gnome, dressed in leather armor, with brass knuckles wrapped around its hands. Its skull was split in two. Around the skeleton, spilling out of the sarcophagus and onto the ground, was a greenish mist that stank of death and Chaos. Apoc drew back, afraid.

There was the door--the pathway to the safer upper levels of the dungeons. But, there was the coffin, with its grisly contents. And--there was the choice.

Die Gedanken sind Frei

[Edited 2 times, last edit on 9/22/2002 at 01:37 (GMT -5) by Iridia]
Duke Ravage
Unregistered user
Posted on Friday, September 13, 2002 at 11:09 (GMT -5)

Apoc only had to think about it for a few seconds. Then he laughed and marched out the door, intending to find some rocks and go kill a bat for lunch.

A sudden chill went through him. Feeling something was wrong, he jerked to a stop, just as a spectral blade shredded the air where his head would have been. Screaming, he ran back into the room he had just left, persued by a ghostly figure in faint, shadowy mail. He was watching the ghost, not where he was going, and as he ran screaming he tripped over a broken part of the floor. His scream hit a new pitch, and the vial of holy water he still clutched flew out of his hand-- and into the open coffin.
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3762 days, 20 hours, 56 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 02:08 (GMT -5)

Sengoku stood his ground as the ghost advanced, still laughing grotesquely. But suddenly, the ghost stopped dead. On its face was a look of pure surprise, which melted quickly into anger, then terror, then pain. The edges of the ghost's form melted, twisted, and flowed; its features became unrecognizable as it screamed, a never-ending sound that seemed to cut through the fabric of space. Gore-fist became more and more transparent, his amulet flashing crazily, confused color and sound and misty features melting into one deafening spectacle--

Suddenly, all was silent: The ghost lord was gone. The amulet it had worn; somehow having survived its master's demise; clattered to the floor, its stone colorless now.

Sengoku stood, speechless with surprise and amazement. But as he stood there, he heard something new: A deep, rumbling sound, seemingly from the depths of the caves. Soon he could feel vibrations; then, small stones began falling from the ceiling, pinging off the walls. Realization dawned on him: Earthquake!

Apoc's flight carried him down a passageway he had never before seen, the ghost hot on his trail. He didn't hear the first rumble of the earthquake, or much heed the pebbles which began to pelt him; but when small boulders began falling, Apoc paid attention to them--only to have the entire passage collapse inwards! He was trapped--the ghost could walk through walls, and he couldn't! But, strangely enough, as Apoc dodged flying rocks, the ghost didn't come.

The earthquake became even more intense. Sengoku was doing his best to protect Guinea and Zarge; he couldn't see Iridia or Stoney anymore. He was already bruised all over from falling rocks. Now, the very floor of the dungeon was moving in heaving waves, like the sea in the midst of a hurricane. Despite his native agility, Sengoku was thrown to the ground--just as the far wall exploded inwards.

Apoc was suddenly released from his prison, though, unable to stand on the shifting floor, he couldn't do anything about it. Screaming in terror, he clutched at anything he could find to hold on to--which wasn't much.

Out of the corner of his eye, Sengoku looked up at the ceiling. A huge crack had begun to form, circling around a section of the ceiling. Horrified, Sengoku realized he, Guinea, and Zarge were lying beneath what would become a huge boulder--and more than likely, it would drop on them. Gathering his strength, Sengoku forced himself up on one hand. With the other, he grabbed Zarge's wrist and half-dragged, half pushed the wizard out of harm's way. Small pebbles had begun to sift out of the crack in the ceiling now; Sengoku picked himself up as yet another heave of the floor sent him sprawling. He grabbed Guinea, pushing frantically, using strength he hadn't known he had. A large chunk of rock hit Sengoku's shoulder, throwing him down yet again.

The boulder fell.

Die Gedanken sind Frei
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3762 days, 20 hours, 56 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 02:20 (GMT -5)

Apoc's screaming was so loud that, for a minute, he didn't notice that the earthquake was dying down. But then, he picked himself up, realized that the ground was only shaking slightly now, and looked through the gap which had been created in the passageway. He was looking into a huge room, the floor of which was covered with boulders. In the center of the room, a rocky, waist-high pillar jutted up from the floor. At the top of it, something metallic winked at Apoc.

The goblin was starting to feel cocky again. Thinking there might be gold to be had here, he ran towards the center of the room (the earthquake had all but ceased) and peered at what lay on top of the rock.

It was an amulet. The stone was gray and lifeless, though its mithril chain was fine and its setting was ornate. Apoc recognized it as Gore-fist's amulet. Hesitantly at first, then quickly, he put forth his hand and touched the amulet. Nothing happened. Apoc giggled to himself, then grasped the chain in a grubby fist. Lifted the amulet. Held it up. And put it on.

Once again, nothing happened, and Apoc giggled again. He'd survived the earthquake, and he'd found the amulet, so Apoc felt it belonged to him. Finders, keepers, finders, keepers, he chanted silently to himself. Tucking the pendant under his ragged clothing, Apoc headed for the nearest gap in the wall.

Die Gedanken sind Frei
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tWo-HeAdEd cHaOs WeAsEl

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6976 days, 5 hours, 50 minutes and 22 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, September 23, 2002 at 07:02 (GMT -5)

Guinea woke up, feeling a terrible pain in his head, his arm, and few other places also. He tried to get up, but he couldn't. He tried to look around, but he couldn't do that either. He slowly realized that he lying under something cold and hard... Rocks? Is he lying in a pile of rocks? He tried to free his hands. His right hand was stuck, but left one seemed to have a little more room. He started to throw away rocks that were above him.

Several dozens of rocks later, the elf was able to stand up. The chamber was ruined. Walls broke into pieces, half of the ceiling fell down. Guinea was ruined too - weak, dusty and exhausted. His chain mail was completely destroyed, and he lost all his weapons. Nevertheless, his first thing to do was to look after his friends. He went around the room (or rather remains of it), but found nothing. Suddenly, he heard a weak voice coming from a pile of stones. Despite his pain, he started to roll the rocks aside.

"Thanks" said Iridia. "Where are the others?"

"I have no idea" replied Guinea, "I guess somewhere around, crushed by the rocks. Can you walk?"

"I think I can."

"So we should try to find our friends."

"Yes, and my axe too. I lost it. And my dagger also. Damn! I don't have any weapon to defend myself."

"So we have the same problem." sighed Guinea, as they started the search.

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3762 days, 20 hours, 56 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 01:59 (GMT -5)

The edge of a robe betrayed Zarge's presence beneath a pile of rubble. Guinea called Iridia over, and they began extricating the wizard from the rocks.

It didn't look good from the first, and once they had Zarge completely uncovered, their fears were confirmed--the wizard wasn't moving. Guinea knelt next to him.

"Is he alive?" Iridia asked.

"I don't know," Guinea replied. "oh..."


"I've found a pulse..." Guinea said. "If only I had my healing potions..."

"Can you manage another spell?" Iridia asked.

"I don't know," said Guinea, but he touched Zarge's forehead and closed his eyes, murmuring the cryptic words. Slowly, energy built up on his fingertips and flashed over Zarge's still form. Guinea collapsed next to the wizard.

"Guinea!" Iridia exclaimed, just as Zarge stirred and opened his eyes.
"I'm all right..." Guinea's voice was utterly exhausted. Iridia breathed a sigh of relief.
"Stay there. Rest. I'm going to look for the others," Iridia ordered. Not that the two could have stood under their own power, in any case.

As she searched the rubble, something caught Iridia's eye. It was a hand... long, elven fingers. Sengoku?

He must be dead, Iridia thought. There's no way... She put her shoulder to a gigantic boulder that rested on top of the elf's body, then began clearing away yet more rubble.

Sengoku was dead. His chest had been completely smashed by the boulder, and a trickle of blood from his mouth was mixing with the dust on his face. His crossbow had been broken in two by the rocks. Iridia dug further, moving the body aside, and discovered Sengoku's pack. Though most of the equipment inside had been smashed beyond recognition, Iridia managed to salvage a few rations and a set of throwing daggers.

Guinea and Zarge had recovered a little and were now cautiously standing. Iridia reported her findings to them, seeing her sorrow at Sengoku's death mirrored in their faces.

Together, they began to search the rubble again, but they never found the stone giant.

Die Gedanken sind Frei
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3762 days, 20 hours, 56 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, October 06, 2002 at 01:59 (GMT -5)

It was an almost inaudible sound at first, and none of them noticed until Guinea paused, stopping the others. "Listen!" he said. And they all heard it: A low moaning...

"They've gotten out..." Zarge murmured.

"Who's gotten out? What do you mean?" Iridia demanded.

"All those undead in those secret rooms... the earthquake has released them!" Zarge said.

Iridia gasped. "We're in no condition to fight them! Run for the stairs, now!"

Die Gedanken sind Frei

Unregistered user
Posted on Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 11:50 (GMT -5)

"But which way?" Guinea looked about the ruined room. "Not only did we go through a wall, but that earthquake certainly mangled all the hallways. I would be amazed if--"

Iridia interupted him. "It doesn't matter! Just run!"

They ran. They picked a hole in a wall and ran. Because of the earthquake, there were lots of new pathways, so each time they hit a dead end, it wasn't hard to find another crack to crawl through. Several times they found holes in the celing they could climb up through, but the holes often times only went up a few yards.

Suddenly they heard a high-pitched scream. Iridia recongnized it at once. "Apoc! Where the hell is that little creep?!"
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Long lost brother

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7191 days, 19 hours, 25 minutes and 2 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, December 08, 2002 at 13:07 (GMT -5)

'Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta...' - the little goblin was really happy, he walked and jumped and sang. - 'Me tricked the silly peoples, me tricked the silly peoples!'.
A sudden moan from nowhere quake stopped him. He remembered, that thousands were buried here, but was gate of death hard enough not to be broken by magic? Another moan came just from the right wall making him shudder. He began to run as it collapsed, opening dozens of half-rotten dead bodies walking toward him. After a couple of seconds, he realized, that zombies were not as slow as goblin legends described them. In fact, some of them were very, very fast. He screamed.

Iridia stopped for a second, but then continued to run not to be left behind. She heard another high pitched scream, but not goblin's, no.

Voices of undead were chasing Apoc, but he ran indefinetely, and the horrors of death ran behind. Suddenly he felt something heavy on his shoulder. He turned this head and saw a bone, that long far ago was someone's hand. Apoc screamed again and began to run faster, but the hand remained, so he turned his head further and saw that there was no master of this bone. THe skeleton without one "hand" was running six feet behind him.

It's very hard to be humble, when you are great.
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Long lost brother

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7191 days, 19 hours, 25 minutes and 2 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 10:03 (GMT -5)

At last he saw a door nin the end of a long corridor. Apoc was breathing heavily, and he was tired, but understanding that the end of chase was close sped him up. The end was close.

Iridia with her friends ran to the stairs and climbed up, on upper level wails of undead were faint, and they understood, that the chase has ended. For them.

Apoc was three feet near the door, when from a side corridor came a *HUGE* skeleton, which was in life, probably, a moloch. It was holding a sable in his hand. Apoc screamed last time in his life. [OOC: yep? Right? I guess he's too bad to be alife :)]

Zarge, Iridia and Guinea sat on the stone floor. They were very, very tired, but not sleepy. No one would be sleepy after that kind of chase. They all were silent and thinking about Sengoku. Finally Zarge sighed and got up on his legs.
'We must go' - he exclaimed. His friends got up too and they all began to walk.
[OOC: end?.. :-\]

It's very hard to be humble, when you are great.
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3762 days, 20 hours, 56 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, December 29, 2002 at 02:53 (GMT -5)

Two days later, three tired, hungry, and dissheveled warriors entered the Dwarven village and were immediately ushered into the town hall for an audience with the elder. The trek back had been hard; traveling through the caves was dangerous enough for well-equipped travelers, and the group had had to make do with very little food and almost no weaponry. Still, the obstacles they encountered seemed childishly easy compared to their struggle with Gorefist.

For nearly two hours, Iridia recounted the events leading up to and following their defeat of Gorefist. Tholin listened in silence, though Iridia could see he was grieved at hearing of Sengoku's death. Finally, when Iridia finished, he spoke.

"The amulet you spoke of is an also an amulet of binding; but as it bound Gorefist to his minions, it was also linked irreversibly to Chaos itself. I did not know it still existed; but its existence explains why so many have been killed trying to defeat Gorefist.

"That you have succeeded where others have failed can mean only one thing: You have proved yourselves; you are indeed the ones our priest has foretold, the ones who will finally vanquish Chaos once and for all. If you are willing to undertake the quest, I will do my best to help you."

It took only a brief conference between the three before Iridia again turned to the elder. "We will defeat Chaos, or die trying."

"Thank you," replied Tholin. He stood, pressing a hand against a hidden panel in the wall. A soft click was followed by a low rumble as the huge stone chair slid along the floor, revealing a lever. Tholin grasped the lever with both hands, throwing his weight against it, and, from the depths of the caverns, they heard another low rumble.

Tholin turned to them. "The portal which once stood between us and the deepest parts of the caves is now open. If you are to win against Chaos, you must win quickly, or it will overwhelm us all."

As Tholin's chair slid back over the lever, the dwarven elder turned towards the chest in the corner of the room. He opened it and removed a silvery cloak, handing it to Guinea. "You will need this," Tholin said. "Wear it, and you will become completely invisible." To Irida he gave a new axe, keen-edged and made of a metal which Iridia immediately recognized as eternium. To Zarge, he gave a large purse full of gold.

"May Morodwyn bless your quest," Tholin said; and they left the dwarven elder's presence with the knowledge that their adventures had just begun.

Die Gedanken sind Frei

Unregistered user
Posted on Friday, February 14, 2003 at 13:23 (GMT -5)

This was quite good.
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