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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2008 at 04:16 (GMT -5)

Here what I learned from pets. I don't put here what is already in the guidebook. Quote that I don't have much experience of the game so it's not a guide. Also this is not at all about the bugs that can be found in the pyramid. Also those are only information about pets for the beginning of the game, that means roughly a character level 1 to 6, Village Dungeon, Puppy Cave, levels 0 to 3 of Small Cave, level 1 to 4 of infinite dungeon, level 1 to 11 of CoC, first 4 levels of the rather boring entrance cave.

Plan :
  • 1 - Why not use pets
  • 2 - Pets level up
    • 2.1 - Values get from the stethoscope
    • 2.2 - Pets not generated at experience level 1
    • 2.3 - Pets bug influence on level up
  • 3 - Best pets in the game beginning
  • 4 - Comments about the pets in the beginning
  • 5 - Some base advices to try keep pets alive
    • 5.1 - General advices for pets survival
    • 5.2 - Be careful about pets injuries
    • 5.3 - Be careful about pets opponents
    • 5.4 - Managing dangerous injuries
    • 5.5 - Managing traps
    • 5.6 - Flee can works even with pets
  • 6 - More tricks about pets
    • 6.1 - Training pets locations
    • 6.2 - Basic combat tactics with pets
    • 6.3 - Storage area with pets
    • 6.4 - Using more than one pet
    • 6.5 - Using pets can allow you to better control your char level up

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/29/2008 at 16:19 (GMT -5) by Doalag]
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2008 at 04:17 (GMT -5)

1 - Why not use pets
All in all the game design them as cannon fooder. They are made to die. Try to keep them alive in the beginning will make you lost a lot of time.

Also the pet level up design involves that a pet will sooner or later be useless when you can tame a new stronger pet, one more reason to not hope keep your pet with you during all the adventure.

If a lot of design effort has been put in pets, all in all use them lacks of fluidity. You don't have any visual information about their health level so you need constantly look at them with the look command. The commands to give them an order are slow, first you need enter in order state, second eventually select the pet if you have more than one, finally select the order, and finally too often the pet doesn't listen so you have to restart all the long key sequence. Also you cannot give global order to all pets if you have more than one. Finally when you walk sometimes you have problem to have them follow and this can happen very often if you have more than one pet.

Pets add many little problems not that easy to manage. For example, exploding traps can make them aggressive against you. Check the hints section to see many more problems the pets can add.

Another problem with pets is to have no way to make them more speed or even less speed. If their speed is too different than your speed they are tough to manage.

Using pet means they need level up. For getting experience they need to do kills that won't be for your char. That means that your char will get less experience and a lower experience increase rate.

In some place or for some quests you won't be able to take your pets with you or this will be possible but for some reasons this won't be a good idea. Also for some quests requesting you to kill, if your pet do the kill instead of your char then you won't have succeed the quest. All those cases involve that you can't count on your pets and your char will need to get enough power for himself.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/5/2008 at 14:20 (GMT -5) by Doalag]
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2008 at 04:18 (GMT -5)

2 - Pets level up
2.1 Values get from the stethoscope
Each race of pet starts with some base values. For any animals of a race at level 1 they are always the same values except for health and speed:
  • Health: Base value +/-5
  • Speed: Base value +/-10
The stethoscope gives only some values of the pets. Those known values rise in the same way for all races :
  • DV:
    • +1 at levels 3,4,6,7,9,10,...
    • DV = DV Base + Trunc(((Level-1) / 3) * 2).
    • In words +1 at each level up except every 3 levels and starting at level 3.
  • PV:
    • +1 at levels 6,11,17,...
    • PV = PV Base + Trunc((Level-2) / 4).
    • In words +1 every six levels starting at level 6.
  • Hits:
    • +1 to 5 at each level up.
    • Hits = Hits base + random 1 to 5 (+?) at each level up.
    • But it doesn't seem to be pure random. This need a confirmation but the random range seems influenced by the dungeon difficulty where the pet level up or something like that. The range could also be influenced by the relative dungeon difficulty in comparison with the pet level.
  • Number of attacks:
    • +1 at levels 11, 21,...
    • Attacks = Attacks Base + Trunc(Level - 1 / 10)).
    • In words +1 attack every 10 levels starting at level 11.
  • Damages (min and max):
    • +1 at levels 4,7,10,...
    • Damages = Damages Base + Trunc((Level -1)/3).
    • In words +1 to max and min values every 3 levels starting at level 4.
  • Speed:
    • Start value at level 1 never change with level up.
    • There's perhaps some way to speed up pets but not with level up.

2.2 Pets not generated at experience level 1
You could met and tame pets that have been generated with some experience and then have already some levels. I noticed that this can generate few changes for their stats increase with level up.

I don't have yet a general rule about this but I quoted that you could get a pet that doesn't have the stats it should have if you have raised it to the same level. With those pets the change of their stats follow the same rules than a pet that starts at level 1 but the level base is the level of the pet when it was generated. For example, I quoted many pets level 3 that hadn't the +1 DV they should have at level 3. Additionally when I tamed and trained those pets, the stats changes started from level 3 and not from level 1:
* For example: A pet level 1 has +1 DV at level 3, 4, 6, 7,.... For the pets I got at level 3 they got +1 DV at level 5, 6, 8, 9,...
* Another example: Pets that starts at level 1 get +1 attack at level 11 when the pets get at level 3 get +1 attack at level 13.

The same logic could be applied to all stats change of those pets when they level up.

If you met a pet level 3 you could not get this particularity, I suspect that this happen for pets generated at level 1 in the dungeon and that level up to level 3 before you tame them.

For pets you get at a higher level than 3, I'm not sure of what difference they will have in their stats change with level up, but the logic is probably similar.

2.3 Pets bug influence on level up
There's one clear bug with pets that can occur when they go berzek if they are highly injured. When a pet is highly injured it can flee because of panic but it can also become berzek and choose a target to attack. When this happen sometimes they choose themselves as the target and when they'll do an attack the game will crash but before will save the game.

If you get back the game saved the pet will have changed. In fact you can get the same bug without to have the game crash. This can happen if you order the pet to wait. It's a good way to manage pet panic but you could get the bug anyway, your pet changed despite the game didn't crash. In fact I think I quoted few cases where I didn't used the wait order and still get the pet bug without the game crash.

The influence of this bug is to change some characteristics of the pet, I noticed with a stethoscope:
  • DV is decreased by 3.
  • The current number of attacks is multiplied by 2.
  • Instead of getting 1 more attack every 10 levels the buggy pet get 2 more attacks every 10 levels.
The DV decrease is really tough and clearly increase the risk of the pet death. But the very high increase of the number of attacks rise a lot its efficiency and also it lowers the risk of the pet to die. By killing faster its opponent the pet increase a lot its chance to survive.

Globally this bug improves the pet but it's even better if the pet has a higher DV and it's better with pets that have more attacks. In practice I haven't really noticed an improvement of the chance to survive for the pet with the bug. The point is that it didn't happened to me for a karmic lizard, with it's nice DV the doubling of the number of attacks could worth the lost of 3DV.

2.4 Values NOT get from the stethoscope
To do.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/29/2008 at 17:00 (GMT -5) by Doalag]
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2008 at 04:20 (GMT -5)

3 - Best pets in the game beginning
There are various way to get pets for the beginning of the game. Farmers starts with a large dog pet, Bards starts with a pet that depends of the bard race. All characters could tame some pets with some food. Non lawful characters could buy a flesh golem in HMV. Characters that have the music skill and a musical instrument could tame some pets with music.

The beginning of the game is for a character level 1 to 8, in the places : Wilderness, Village Dungeon, Puppy Cave, Small Cave, Uninteresting Dungeon, Main Dungeon 1 to 11, levels 1 to 10 of ID, First 2 levels of the rathe boring entrance cave. I will not consider the special bugs available under some special conditions in the ancient temple not far from the tiny hut in the east of the wilderness.

The possible pets you met could depend of the game you play, some are rarely met in the beginning and you could not met some in your game like a cave bear or a lightning lizard. Among all the pets I met in the beginning of some various games, the table bellow sort them roughly in the order of strength :

Pets statistics
Pet race          DV PV Hits Atks Damages Speed Music Food Bard
Lightning lizard  19  8   70   3    6-18   110    Y     N    N
Cave bear         17  5   40   3    4-14   100    Y     N    Y
Flesh Golem       14  0   50   2    7-22   100    N     N    N
Giant ant queen    4  9   45   1    8-22   100    Y     N    N
Grizzly bear      15  5   20   3    3-12   100    Y     N    N
Cave tiger        16  1   17   3    3-10   100    Y     Y    N
Cave lion         15  1   17   3    2-7    100    Y     Y    N
Karmic lizard     19  4   30   1    2-11   100    Y     N    N
Brown bear        13  4   17   3    3-10   110    Y     N    N
Fire lizard       14  3   17   3    1-8    100    Y     N    N
Tarantula         14  7   20   1    4-14   100    Y     N    N
Giant bee queen    6  6   45   1    4-14   100    Y     N    N
Cooshoo           15  2   20   1    4-14   100    N     N    Y
Silver Wolf       15  2   15   1    4-10   100    Y     N    Y
Giant raccoon     13  4   15   3    2-7    100    N     N    Y
Giant ant warrior 12 10   15   1    3-13   100    Y     N    N
Dire Wolf         14  3   15   1    4-8    100    Y     N    Y
Big dog           13  0   13   1    3-7    100    Y     Y    Y
Large dog         12  0   13   1    3-7    100    Y     Y    N
Cave lizard       10  5   34   1    2-16   100    Y     N    N
Claw bug          14  1    5   6    1-2    100    Y     N    N
Chaos lizard      12  6   10   1    1-18   100    Y     N    N
Giant lizard      12  6   10   1    2-8    100    Y     N    Y

Explanation for some columns:
* The column "Music" shows if the pet can be tamed with music (Y) or not (N).
* The column "Food" shows if the pet can be tamed with food (Y) or not (N). Check the guidebook to know wich food to use.
* The column "Bard" shows if the pet is the starting pet of some bard, the race of the pet depends of the race of the bard, check the guidbook for the full list or the next section with comments for each race of pet.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/29/2008 at 16:22 (GMT -5) by Doalag]
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2008 at 04:30 (GMT -5)

4 - Comments about the pets in the beginning

Lightning lizard :
  • Breath lightning balls,
  • lightning immunnity,
  • best pet of the beginning
  • but can destroy your items with its breath,
  • rare in the beginning (seen only in UD),
  • in a way the first new pet of the middle game,
  • I'm not sure that there's a guaranty that you met one during the beginning of the game.

Cave bear :
  • Dwarf & Troll bard pet,
  • second best pet in the beginning
  • but very rare in the beginning and only seen in UD,
  • it is so rare that you can't be sure to find one in the beginning of the game.

Flesh Golem :
  • Non lawfull characters can buy one named Borys in HMV,
  • seems to be totally immune to poison.
  • stethoscope doesn't work on it so the damages given in the table of the previous section could not be fully right,
  • to gets its stats a little cheat could be used: Backup the game then fight it to death and use the command Recall monster memory.
  • Chaotic companion not a neutral pet,
  • it seems to be much less attacked even when it blocks the way to you. It's perhaps because of its chaotic alignment.
  • Good pet/companion.

Giant ant queen :
  • For the beginning it's a good pet thanks to its good damages and hits,
  • you are guaranty to find one in the first levels of the puppy cave,
  • if you have good healing abilities it's a great pet for the beginning
  • but at higher levels its low DV decreases its interest,
  • it's roughly at level 15/17 that this pet becomes tougher to keep alive.

Grizzly bear :
  • Met only in wilderness wood,
  • good pet,
  • it's not really clear if it is better or not than a cave tiger which has a slighty better DV but less good PV and Hits a little lower.

Cave tiger :
  • Relatively rare,
  • difficult to tame with food
  • but best pet among those that can be tamed with food,
  • good pet among those available in the beginning.

Cave lion :
  • Somewhat rare,
  • easy to tame with food,
  • second best pet among those that can be tamed with food,
  • good pet among those available in the beginning.

Karmic lizard :
  • Relatively rare,
  • good DV but its too low damages make it more difficult to keep alive
  • a 2nd attack at level 11 helps to improve thing a little, then it becomes a relatively good pet.

Brown bear :
  • Met only in wilderness wood,
  • its speed seems to be more in a +/-5 range than in a +/-10 range like other pets,
  • relativly good pet thanks to its number of attacks and overall fair stats.

Fire lizard :
  • Breath fire,
  • fire immunnity,
  • can destroy your items, use a ring of cold to protect them,
  • despite the nice number of attacks it seems a little less easy to keep alive than a brown bear.

Tarantula :
  • Poison,
  • strongest spider among those met in the beginning,
  • still not easy to keep alive,
  • a spider but no web.

Giant bee queen :
  • Fly,
  • Poison,
  • too low DV and damages so not easy to keep alive.

Cooshoo :
  • High elf bard pet,
  • a dog but cannot be tamed by food nor by music,
  • only available as a high elf bard pet,
  • not so easy to keep alive.

Silver Wolf :
  • Human bard pet,
  • not so easy to keep alive.

Giant raccoon :
  • Gnome bard pet,
  • can dig walls,
  • cannot be tamed by food nor by music,
  • only available as a gnome bard pet,
  • not so easy to keep alive.

Giant ant warrior :
  • Can dig walls,
  • not so easy to keep alive.

Dire Wolf :
  • Orc bard pet,
  • not so easy to keep alive.

Big dog :
  • Hurthling bard pet,
  • can be tame with food,
  • a little too weak so tough to keep alive.

Large dog :
  • Farmer pet,
  • can be tame with food,
  • a little too weak so tough to keep alive.

Cave lizard :
  • Despite good hits the too low damages make it tough to keep alive.

Claw bug :
  • Armor piercing attacks,
  • nice pet but too low hits during a long time make it very difficult to keep alive.

Chaos lizard :
  • Corrupting breath,
  • the breath can be devastating but is rarely used,
  • too weak so tough to keep alive.

Giant lizard :
  • Drakeling bard pet,
  • too weak so tough to keep alive.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/29/2008 at 18:25 (GMT -5) by Doalag]
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2008 at 04:47 (GMT -5)

5 - Some base advices to try keep pets alive
5.1 - General advices for pets survival
- Use the look command when you are close to your pet. You'll get an information about the injure level and with the "more info" you'll get some rough details. The injure levels means roughly : critical ~ 1-25% of hits. Severe ~ 25-50% of hits. Moderate ~ 50-75% of hits. Slight ~ 75-100% of hits. That means that even if the injure level is moderate it can be as low than something close to 50% of hits.
- When you leave a level of the infinite cave, take care to not let any pets behind. All must be close to your char or won't leave with him and will be lost forever.
- When you leave a wilderness area take care to not let any pets behind. All must be close to your char or won't leave with him and will be lost. In some case when you walk on the wilderness you'll get a message asking you if you want to let your lost pet join. But there's no guaranty this will happen and you could have lost your pet forever.
- You can use potions on pets by throwing the potion on them. A good reason to collect healing and cure poison potions for your pets.
- Take a lot of caution when you fire any missiles. The problem is if you hurt your pet it will become aggressive against you. If that happen your pet could be stronger for your char and kill him before to be tamed again. Also if you have more than one pets they'll fight each other and you won't be able to recover from this.
- To survive Pets needs to be much higher level than monsters you met so they need many xp and in practice much more than your character.
- Orders, never forget them. A major problem of using them is you have a real possibility that they doesn't work, at least with charisma from 10 to 18 I didn't notice any differences. Despite this major problem some orders can change all for your pet. During a fight the order wait is useless because the pet will stop wait at first attack against you. But ask a pet move to a location or better attack a precise monster can be a good way to avoid it fight another more dangerous monster and get killed.

5.2 - Be careful about pets injuries
- Look often the injury level of your pet even during a fight, that can make the difference between a dead pet and a living pet.
- When a low level pet has moderate injuring it's time to think to protect it, eventually to put it in a safe place or out of fights. Don't forget that even moderate injuries can mean hits close to 50%.
- When a pet has severe injuries it's time to put it out of any fight.
- When a pet has critical injuries it is almost dead, eventually it will go in panic mode and keep it alive will be even more tough. At this point the best is to order it to wait and wait time it regen to beginning of moderate. If you have healing abilities it's time to use them.
- If you can put your hand on a stethoscope that would be helpful. The first point is to easily know the levels of your pets. The second point is that you can use it to get the exact value of current hits level.

5.3 - Be careful about pets opponents
- Don't let your pet fight any poisoning monster alone, poison is pet killer. By fighting the poisoning monsters you'll keep their attention and will reduce a lot the chance they attack your pets.
- When you met a new type of monster you don't know well it's not a good idea to let pets attack it alone, it could kill your pet fast. In those case it's better you do the fight or at least take part of it.
- When you go down in caves don't forget that monsters not necessary change but can rise in level. So an experienced orc can be a killer of your pets particularly if you look at it like the poor orc your pets slain four levels above. Use the look command to see their level of experience.
- During fights be ready to detect any sign of something can be wrong for your pets. Like a tough monster coming, a pet that is fighting too long against a same opponent, an injury level too low. In all cases, be ready to forget your level up control or pet training and jump into the melee.

5.4 - Managing dangerous injuries
- If your pet is poisoned or bloody and highly damaged your first goal is to avoid that it panics. So order it to wait. This can work even if it is already in panic mode. It's the time to use any healing ability you can, like spells or potions you can throw at them to heal them or stop poison. The best is to wait close to your dog it has survived the blooding or poisoning and has regen enough. If you need to move it a little don't stop the wait order but instead use push and switch to move it. If any monster come by don't forget to do again the wait order asap.
- If a pet is poisoned and you have some healing abilities, you have a good hope but be cautious to check often the injury level of your pet. Some poison can be much more dangerous than some other and stronger poison can lower pet hits faster than you think or quoted before.
- If your pet has reach a dangerous injury level, even moderate injuries can be a danger for your pet, a good point is to find a small room that can be closed with doors. Make your pet wait here in the corner the more far to any door, then close all doors, eventually lock them all if you are ok to use a lot your keys. If the injure level is too low like below moderate, wait in this room until it reach moderate injuries. Eventually for a bard, tame the first thing you can find and get back to the room and make the new pets wait with your favorite pet.

5.5 - Managing traps
- If you discover a trap don't think your pet will avoid it, each of your pet will rise the chance it is triggered anyway, that's why having disarm is a nice skill with pets.
- Traps explosions can be killer for your pet, not only because the explosion can kill them but more because they make them aggressive against you. So if you have other pets you can get a desperate situation. And if your pet is stronger than you, it could kill your char before you succeed to tame it again. So manage closed doors as they should to avoid trigger any trap. If you have no other choice but to break a door then put pets far and make them wait, eventually drop all your stuff and put it bellow one pet.
- For ground traps I haven't found any good way to manage this.
- When you get teleported the pets will be alone and possibly involved in fights where you have no control and have them die. Ok but no panic use the command to get companion list, you'll see if they are still alive or not and search them. For sure some magic could help in this case.

5.6 - Flee can works even with pets
- In desperate situations it can help your pets and you to flee. The first point is that many other monsters won't attack your pet if it hasn't attack them of if it doesn't block the way to you. The second point is that pets aren't berzek and won't attack other monsters if it isn't going to attack you or them. There are exceptions but they seem rare, in fact they seem very rare for animals but a bit less rare with humanoids. I don't have exact evaluation of this. But if you flee, your pet will eventually try kill the current monster then will also flee. Against a pack of monsters this can save your pet instead of insist into a battle your pet will lost. If the flee isn't fully managed and let your pets behind this must be your last trick because it involves some risks but don't forget it.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/5/2008 at 14:27 (GMT -5) by Doalag]
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2008 at 04:53 (GMT -5)

6 - More tricks about pets
6.1 - Training pets locations
- The safer way to train pets is the wilderness combats against a group in an open area (flee if it's a single opponent!). But only if the pets are already tough enough to kill any opponent quickly. So the more you level up your char the later you need wait to train your pets there. The problem of this training is it isn't very fun when done too often.
- For the first level up of your pets the Village cave first levels can be a safe way to train pets but it is a little slow.
- For the best new pets and when you are more used to use pets the first level of CoC are a good way to train fast your pets but you need take more care.
- The infinite cave is another good way to train fast new pets, there are often rooms fulls of opponents that can allow a quick level up of first levels. But take care of levels generated with plenty traps. Also take care to not go too deep because the difficulty level for your pets can rise fast. At the ends, even if it's not the best place of the game, if you go to train plenty pets during a same game it's there it's the more fun to make their first level up.

6.2 - Basic combat tactics with pets
- The safer combat tactics for your pets is to be close to you so the monster attack you first.
- Put them in front in the corridor is an alternate way, less safe than the tactic above but it can be safer if you check well their injury level because you have the possibility to switch and put them back, something more difficult in any other position. Use this tactic more with pets with a high DV, check their injury level often and take care you don't put them in front of an opponent than can kill them in a single series of hits.
- Even safer but not easy to use on a regular base is that you take part of the combat in order to take attention of the monsters. If you find an armor piercing weapon/missile it's your chance to apply this more often by having lower damages and better chance to hit. This will let your pet kill, avoid that your char level up too fast for your pets and will allow to take more part of fights for more fun and more safety.
- As pets get a bit more experience the best combats are done by avoiding corridors as much than possible.

6.3 - Storage area with pets
- Use your pets to keep a storage area for you. In a safe place like the Terinyo village you can use one pet as a door for one of the empty house where you can put stuff. You just need to order it to wait and with switch or push use it almost like a door.
- In dwarven village the elder house seems to be another nice place, there just put your pet above your stuff.
- One you have clean the arena level of aggressive monsters there too you can use a nice place to store stuff and put one pet above it. Take care to have it far enough from any fights in the arena.
- The barbarian peaceful place is another safe place to use for storage area. Just order one pet to wait and put it above your stuff.
- The small hut could be another safe place once you are sure it is clean of any monster. I haven't test this one a lot but I doubt the mad minstrel will attack your pets. So just order one pet to wait and put it above your stuff.

6.4 - Using more than one pet
- Training more than one pet at same time can be cool. If one pet gets too much injuries you can make it wait and rest in a safe place and continue with another pet.
- When one pet is waiting to avoid panic and regen a little, it's very cool to have another pet to help you guard.
- Having two pets open some new tactics. In fact even three pets adds cool things but the game isn't well setup to have them follow you well, there's a problem of sight range.
- All in all if more than one pet is tougher to manage this also let you more possibilities in order to control the level up of your char and the surviving of your pets.
- In some tough battles 3 strong pets can make marvel when only one won't survive.
- You could even bring more pets and make some of them wait in a closed room when you go explore with some other pets. And you will alternate pets when you want.

6.5 - Using pets can allow you to better control your char level up
- If you use pets you aren't going to finish the game fast so take profit of it, slower your char level up, at price of time you can get many skills high just by training and keep level up skill points for new skills or skills less easy to train.
- Better control of the level of your char can help you manage better the monster level of some places.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/5/2008 at 15:05 (GMT -5) by Doalag]
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2008 at 04:54 (GMT -5)

Well that's all! :-D Comments, corrections, additions are all welcome.
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5904 days, 7 hours, 24 minutes and 52 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2008 at 08:28 (GMT -5)

I use the cute puppy from the puppy cave as a door for "my" house in the barbarians clearing. I ordered the pup to stand in the doorway and I 's'witch it into position. I also renamed the pup, "Doggy Door".
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2008 at 11:34 (GMT -5)

Wooo Lord thanks for this invaluable trick, very nice addition to pets tricks list.

Is it to put in role playing category, barbarian role playing? ;-)
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Lord of Misery

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5046 days, 6 hours, 58 minutes and 15 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2008 at 12:05 (GMT -5)

And remember, if your pet gets poisoned, or injured, and you're in Jharods vicinity - Huzzah - Potions of Ultra Healing. Make those pets suffer for personal gain!
Ladies and Gentleman, take my advice. Pull down your pants, and slide on the ice.

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Soul Calibur 2

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4593 days, 19 minutes and 50 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2008 at 16:22 (GMT -5)

Too bad pet's aren't very viable for anything but short term use. If you don't go to the trouble to level them up, they die quickly and easily. If you do level them up, which can be time consuming and tedious, all it takes is one "whoopsie", a trap, bounced spell, bumping into them in the dark. Then they'll kill you.
"As for me, I feel priveleged to be among the only species able to make scientific inquiries." -unknown

"Be sure to keep your distance if you don't have resistance." -DG
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4764 days, 20 hours, 35 minutes and 33 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2008 at 16:35 (GMT -5)

I dont have the patience for pets. Combine this with my occasional habit for playing after a few beers, it really doesnt work well for me. I prefer to play quickly and obliterate everything with ball spells.
Yes, I'm not the most subtle player, buts thats me.
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, February 03, 2008 at 16:44 (GMT -5)

Yes patience, that's something new generation don't know anymore. :-P

No bumping into pets in the dark involves nothing. More than traps or your own spells, it's monsters that can kill pets in a flash.
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Lord of DurisMud

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5135 days, 16 hours, 8 minutes and 59 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, February 04, 2008 at 09:55 (GMT -5)

Very nice job putting that together.
I have some addition to "Why not use pets"

First, using a pet means YOU (the PC) gains less experience, meaning less level-ups and less powerful adventurer.

Secondly (you had no idea of knowing this) you cannot always take your pet with you. This, combined with first reason above, is why I do not depend on pets.

Addition to "More tricks with pets"
There are summoning monsters that summon animals. You have noticed the wererat and werewolf and werejackal as well as certain magical dark elves (summon spiders). Well, use the music skill to take over the summonings, and use them to destroy the summoner with them. Another way to use them is to take over about half, let them kill the other half (some of them will sadly die). Then wait for another summon. The result? All these monsters dying might generate items and treasure for you to use.

You mention shooting arrows at your pet can make them hostile. So can trapped doors, or hurting pets with a fireball floortrap. However, the alarm trap (bright red, usually harmless for a PC) is now suddenly very dangerous, as the pet will attack you after you step on it. Pet stepping on them is okay by you, but if you have two pets one will attack the other...yeah alarm traps are bad.

You could expand your article by something like
7. "How to get pets". What pets can you get with the music skill? Animals - any and all animals? Any surprises here? Is "Harpy" an animal? Does music skill matter much? Are bards better than, say, priests or drakelings who also get music skill?

You could play a bit with necromancers, see how their pets work out. Or undead slaves rather than pets. They can "adjust to power" but can they exp up after that? Or are they bound to the PC's level?

Certain other classes get pets after they have levelled up a bit. For instance if you get a beastfighter to level 25, they can summon some care bears or silver wolves. Can they get more experienced? Are they any good?

There is a scroll that can give pets, and also figurines of some kind. These can give non-animal pets too.

Once you get to something called HMV you can expand further...

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/4/2008 at 10:08 (GMT -5) by Molach]
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, February 04, 2008 at 15:27 (GMT -5)

Thank you Molach.

About to be able to do stuff without to depend of the pets, well I could add that even if I haven't met the cases. I know level 49 can't be traveled with pets so at level 50 no pets except those summoned. Well the truth is that I don't think any normal pet available at the beginning will be able to survive level 48 for example.

In fact since the beginning in some cases taking your pets with you can be difficult. For example for saving the carpenter it's almost impossible to use pet. Or for the sheriff quest using pets requires a lot of strategy because if your pet kill the bandit leader you won't get the reward.

About monsters that summon pets it's less related to pets than fighting tactics using taming or only make them more friendly. There's many application of this and that makes bard very powerful in the whole beginning because there are animals everywhere. That's also a good way to manage ant hole or bee hive. But I feel it less related to pets subject.

About traps, I made a section about them, not in general section but further in 5.5. I didn't mention alarm traps because for me they never trigger any pet aggressiveness, same for chaos traps, flash traps, missiles traps, acid traps, holes. It seems to me that only explosion traps can be a problem, I'll check more carefully.

About a pet triggering a trap and involving reaction from another pet hurt I don't think it's true. I think I quote one case, and that didn't happened. But I'm not 100% sure and this requires more observation to know what really happen in this case. I'll try test that deliberately.

Your new chapter suggestion "How to get pets" is very cool. In fact I'd like read it!! I haven't understand very well why sometimes or with some animals that doesn't work. I wonder what future possible pets I'll met further, if a much better charisma will allow me tame a Hydra for example. :-)

At this point I only succeed to tame real animals even if some variation aren't that real like the fire lizard, the chaos lizard or the blink dog. Sometimes it's possible I didn't succeed to do some taming because of some reason like too low charisma or not the right music tool and not because it's impossible.

About other pets possibilities than bard yes I quoted priest and mindcrafter have also the music skill and that it's a base skill for the Drakeling race. I still have to try that, that takes time. :-) About necromancers, yes that too, and that too will require time to test them.

About figurines I saw that in the guidebook when looking for something else. I found 3 but always lost the opportunity because of a death. Next time I'll remember to backup the game to not lost the opportunity to try it. So I haven't yet try. For the scroll I also haven't yet tried it.

Well HMV, not sure what it is, at this point I'm looking for an animated forest, not sure where are the two alternate path to reach it. I'll search a bit by myself before to look for more info in the forum or the guidebook.

Thanks for all your information, I'll check more those like the alarm trap, a pet that trigger a trap onto another pet. I'll also look to write a new section about how get pets, but most will be from the guidebook at this point, I'll see.

About new sections, perhaps also one about fighting tactics including using music skill for cannon fooder, or change balance of a melee like you mentionned or for some special tactics like using pets against vortex or how use more than one pet and more intensive use of orders.

In fact I also plan more testing about improving pets to try give them better speed, better regeneration rate, poison resistance and so on. I have small hope the game let some possibilities opened. If I have any success I'll also add a section about this.
Unregistered user
Posted on Monday, February 04, 2008 at 17:59 (GMT -5)

Just a quick correction:

If you leave a pet behind in the wilderness, it isn't necessarily lost forever. Often when walking through the wilderness, you'll get a message saying, "You encounter a <foo>, do you allow it to accompany you?" I've had this happen with pets, and also with neutral creatures that followed me into the wilderness.
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, February 04, 2008 at 18:13 (GMT -5)

Cool but I wouldn't bet on this, I definitely got some pets lost like that and walk and walk around the area and never got any message nor found anything when entering.

Also I never see a message like that, is this for bard or druid?

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/4/2008 at 18:14 (GMT -5) by Doalag]
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The Knight of the Black Rose

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3111 days, 5 hours, 43 minutes and 48 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, February 04, 2008 at 18:16 (GMT -5)

No, it's for all characters.
A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
An optimist sees a light at the end of that tunnel.
A realist sees a train.
And the train driver sees three idiots on the tracks.
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, February 05, 2008 at 14:13 (GMT -5)

It's weird I never got this, is anything trigger it?

- I edited section "5.1 - General advices for pets survival" to add that you could get back a pet lost in a wilderness area as explained MrNiceguy.
- I edited section "1 - Why not use pets" to add two more reasons suggested by Maelstrom.
- I edited section "5.1 - General advices for pets survival" to remove a mention that I saw a pet moving into the path of an arrow during the arrow movement. I removed this because I haven't seen it more than once and think it's a wrong observation because I use often a bow and didn't see this again.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/5/2008 at 14:33 (GMT -5) by Doalag]
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The Knight of the Black Rose

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3111 days, 5 hours, 43 minutes and 48 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, February 05, 2008 at 14:34 (GMT -5)

Nothing specifically, just a random chance of encountering any non-hostile monster you left in the wilderness.
I also recall that if you leave Filk on his level, you can encounter him in the wilderness under the same rules, but it screws your "kill filk" quest.
A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
An optimist sees a light at the end of that tunnel.
A realist sees a train.
And the train driver sees three idiots on the tracks.
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, February 05, 2008 at 14:50 (GMT -5)

Ok, I suppose this will happen to me a day. :-) When I met a bear I most often make it friendly to check its stat and eventually tame it. I'll probably get a message a day for one of those friendly bear left behind.

- I edited the section "6.3 - Storage area with pets" to add the location suggested by LordMcHash (through a weird joke!).
- I edited the section "6.3 - Storage area with pets" to add some new location suggestion and removed some stuff that wasn't related to this section but created a new section for this.
- I added a new section "6.5 - Using pets can allow you to better control your char level up" the contents of this new section isn't new but was put under a wrong section (the 6.3).

- I edited the section "2 - Pets level up" to change the speed variation from +/-13 to +/-10. I have been confused by brown bears and tigers with a speed above 110, at least 113/112. After many stat checks the +/-10 variation seems very constant and it's more that base speed of tiger and brown bear isn't 100.
- I edited the section "3 - Best pet(s) in the game beginning" to change the speed base of the brown bear to 105. I haven't yet check enough stats of this animal to be sure but the speed base is over 100.
- I edited the section "4 - Other best pets in the game beginning" to change the speed base of the tiger to 105. I haven't yet check enough stats of this animal to be sure but the speed base is over 100.
- I edited the section "2 - Pets level up" To change the hits variation range I'm sure to have quote, I changed it from 1 to 3 to 1 to 4. I quoted many 4 I'm sure thanks to a safer Hits check procedure. I think the real range is 1 to 5 but I'm not yet fully sure that 5 is possible.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/7/2008 at 17:29 (GMT -5) by Doalag]
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So I was talking to a dark elf

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5702 days, 2 hours, 32 minutes and 2 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 22:58 (GMT -5)

You know I once had a karmic dragon for a pet. It betrayed me while I was leveling it up in the animated forest. I had dragon stew that dark moon day.

I got the message.

 The Karmic Dragon stands still for a few seconds 

You attack the Ancient pink dragon with all of your force, but do not mange to harm it! The Ancient Pink Dragon breaths a deathray, poision, fire, acid, ice, lightning, water, corruption, missle, petrefication, and stun breath at you. All of your equipment is torn apart! You die...

Robojesus_gintfrg St99 Le99 Wi99 Dx99 To99 Ch99 A99 Ma99 Pe99 L++ Dv/Pv 1500/1500 H -5843(18857) P 99999 (99999) Exp50/48320283474958492 ID:48374 Spd:5833 Blessed Invisible Bloated
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 15:36 (GMT -5)

Yes it's something I wasn't aware of, that for other characters than bards, pets could leave you.

I'm playing a priest a noticed that often, but :
- That happened only because I let a pet back during some time deliberately or not.
- I never lost a pet yet because of that. I always succeed to tame it again and much more fast than for taming a pet for first time.

You tried tame again your karmic dragon and didn't succeed? Well perhaps you didn't tame it but it was a pet summoning or from a statue? I think that training a pet is ok only if you play a bard or if you tame it yourself because in this case you'll be able to tame it again.

About pet leaving you or going aggressive against you because of a trap, I'm starting to suspecting it's more complicate than it seems. I have no clear conclusion yet but I suspect there's different degree of taming.

Since I'm playing a priest I quote pet could leave sometimes when out of sight during some time. But I also quoted sometimes pets with big injuries from a trap I triggered and not becoming aggressive. I also quote some message from pets already tamed that mention : "...appears to be friendlier..." something that could happen after healing a pet. I also noticed that blessing a pet could trigger some pet reaction. That's why I'm suspecting that there's perhaps different degree of taming.

EDIT: Apart this point, that sections above was written only with bard in mind and need rewriting from a more global perspective, there's also various minor stat errors but I'll rewrite sections and that will include the stat correction.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/13/2008 at 15:41 (GMT -5) by Doalag]
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The Knight of the Black Rose

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3111 days, 5 hours, 43 minutes and 48 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 15:42 (GMT -5)

You can't tame dragons. You only get them from a scroll or a figurine.
The only things that can be tamed are animals (bugs included).
A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
An optimist sees a light at the end of that tunnel.
A realist sees a train.
And the train driver sees three idiots on the tracks.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/13/2008 at 15:42 (GMT -5) by Maelstrom]
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 16:03 (GMT -5)

Yes I suspected that, I tried tame "many" myth animals like Harpies and never succeed. The strangest animals I succeed to tame are strange variation of a common animal like a fire lizard or a chaos lizard.

EDIT : In fact dragons or harpies could be considered as animals but they are animals from myth not common animals.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 2/13/2008 at 16:06 (GMT -5) by Doalag]
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So I was talking to a dark elf

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5702 days, 2 hours, 32 minutes and 2 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 16:14 (GMT -5)

Are dragons companions or pets, I'm only saying this because when you C with them they always speak in a fluent english dialect, mine said

 The Karmic Dragon roars...(more)

"Are you feeling lucky today punk!" 

I'm also taking somethings like healing, the FOO appears friendler after the treatment. And that I also gave the KD some gold after he fell into traps. I got a message that said.

 The gold suddenly falls into a small hole. 

I gave about six thousand gold everytime, and I also got the healing message about twenty times before my KD went hostile.

I don't know those things factor, besides the traps. Also, my chracter had four-teen CH at the time, high elfs go figure.
You attack the Ancient pink dragon with all of your force, but do not mange to harm it! The Ancient Pink Dragon breaths a deathray, poision, fire, acid, ice, lightning, water, corruption, missle, petrefication, and stun breath at you. All of your equipment is torn apart! You die...

Robojesus_gintfrg St99 Le99 Wi99 Dx99 To99 Ch99 A99 Ma99 Pe99 L++ Dv/Pv 1500/1500 H -5843(18857) P 99999 (99999) Exp50/48320283474958492 ID:48374 Spd:5833 Blessed Invisible Bloated
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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 17:48 (GMT -5)

Lol ok dragons aren't technically animals. Your attempt to make it more friendly was interesting. It seems to indicate that for companions it could have minimal or no effects.

CH 14 isn't a lot but isn't bad. The problem is that with your dragon you are targeting high, that could require a very high CH to "dominate" them. With my priest I'm still working on my CH, currently 15. With a bard I had CH from 11 to 21 and only noticed an improvements with orders, they succeed more often but even at 21 I still had some series of failures. For taming with bard I didn't notice improvement with CH, if there's an improvement it is minimal.

The point is that a bard with music 100, CH 11 tame much much more faster than a priest with music 100, CH 15. The priest even use a much more heavier musical instrument, I read in the guidebook that the weigh of the musical instrument helps to tame, but I admit I didn't noticed anything clear about this.

What's weird is that you didn't notice any reason that could explain why it went hostile.

In fact with tamed pets and a priest I noticed when they could become untamed (not necessary hostile) but most often in situations where a pet could become untamed it didn't became untamed.

There's one exception, dark. Very dangerous, when it's dark and you aren't a bard you can hurt a pet and then it become hostile. Ok you can tame it again in this case too.

For the gold equivalent for pets I am trying feeding those I can feed to see if this can avoid the pet to leave. I still have to tame pet by feeding not by music to see if this avoid pet leaving. But I have another bet about that, it's to try a drakeling farmer and tame with music, I suspect the farmer will get the same pet bonus than bard just because it starts with a pet like bards.

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5844 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes and 24 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 18:02 (GMT -5)

About the moving forest, the first time I get there I got my little army of pets level 10/11 totally destroyed in few seconds. Disgusted I attempt to walk through the forest in coward mode but just to see death coming slowly.

Still disgusted I did few attempt to test a bit more. I had few other pets level 13/14 and attempt make them wait level above and attract series of 2 trees but stop the boring attempt after first pet death. The point is that this was with a bard and still no healing capacity.

Now I have discovered through a priest how it change pets use to have nice healing capacities, I realize that change all and makes pet surviving much more safe. That said I don't know yet how I'll get through the forest or the other path with pets. I'll perhaps have to do it through the forest with no pets. Not sure that best pets even at level 20 could get through the forest. The other path will probably require luck.

In fact I also attempt the other path for testing with the bard and pets destroyed few tough stuff but with no healing capacity it ends soon.
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4950 days, 17 hours, 45 minutes and 21 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, February 14, 2008 at 03:57 (GMT -5)

You could try surrounding the stairs with doors wandwise, then digging around the top of the forest, if you have enough pickaxes. Trees will still spawn in your corridor, but you or your pets will only have to face them one at a time...

...No doubt about it though, the forest is a pain in the ass.

If you do try the other path, my tip - if you get any interesting messages after you have gone down the stairs, just get out of there.
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