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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / Do you ever get the feeling...

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5912 days, 4 hours, 21 minutes and 44 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, March 01, 2008 at 16:00 (GMT -5)

...that the rng wants your character dead?
My lvl7 mincrafter went to the VD and got blown-up by a trapped door on level 1, blown-up by a trap on level 2, and blown-up by three separate traps on level 3. Every explosion trap had at least two charges as they were still there afterwards. AND all of my best equipment was destroyed of course.
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Writer of Overly Long Guides

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4081 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes and 59 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, March 01, 2008 at 16:39 (GMT -5)

You're still alive, aren't you? Look on the bright side! As long as a character isn't dead, it doesn't matter what equipment he lost. He can still play on and win the game.

The RNG generates purely random numbers, so all these coincidences are really just coincidences.

Though, come to think of it... I wouldn't put it beyond the Creator to add in a random chance of getting the hidden "RNG's bitch" intrinsic on startup...
You drop the golden ball.
You kick the golden ball. It slides to the west.
Suddenly Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, appears! "That's not how you play Quidditch! are you even listening?"
Which direction? (123456789) 4
Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, is hit by a bolt of acid! Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, is annihilated.
You hear the ecstatic cries of a large crowd!
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1454 days, 14 hours, 7 minutes and 37 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, March 01, 2008 at 20:48 (GMT -5)

I often compare ADOM to poker. You can play a game flawless and still get raped all the time. On the other hand you can play a bad game and get really lucky. However, if you keep playing well, and do not go on tilt you will almost definitively enhance your game and start winning big. The two games are also similar in that experience plays a vital part. Time is also something that must be taken into account. You cannot simply keep waiting for the right equipment, at some point you might have to start playing with what you got. Also, when you lose all that precious equipment, there is no other way to start building up than the hard way. Shortcuts sometimes work, and you might get lucky, but in the end it comes down to patience and experience. It is of course also easy to simply start a new game.

"I am a strong believer in luck and I find the harder I work the more I have of it"

- Benjamin Franklin
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4783 days, 19 hours, 3 minutes and 46 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, March 04, 2008 at 05:46 (GMT -5)

After wasting 6 months on a character who couldnt get an AOLS no matter what he did, I finally gave up. The next character found a RODJS pre dwarf town. Found a second after saving Khelly, and am now one orb from lvl 50.
Just need a scroll of danger, POCCR, and a boar skull, and the world is saved.

RNG always evens out though, my three pairs of seven league boots, all burnt. I even kept them apart, three seperate incidents. Although why I wore a pair in the air temp is beyond me to explain.
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5713 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes and 38 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 at 03:19 (GMT -5)

The difference between ADOM and poker is in poker it's simple to control your losses. Play at reasonable stakes and always keep the bulk of your bankroll where it belongs (in the bank).

In ADOM, you're forced to lay it all on the line at all times and any attempt to limit your losses is considered outright cheating.


I was initially impressed by ADOM's depth and gameplay, but the further I get in the game the more I realize how poorly designed it really is. The randomness and sheer sadism of the lategame is simply that. Sadistic. It's not fun unless you want to read every guide, FAQ and spoiler available to prepare for the ridiculously and inexplicably deadly encounters in the game... or you can just play 5,000 times until you memorize them all. Neither prospect being particularly appealing for me.
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Painted this one too.

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4910 days, 10 hours, 59 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 at 04:45 (GMT -5)

> any attempt to limit your losses is considered
> outright cheating.


> the further I get in the game the more I
> realize how poorly designed it really

The only problem I have with the late game, is
that there is not enough of it. I would like more
quests and dungeons.

> unless you want to read every guide, FAQ and
> spoiler available to prepare for the
> ridiculously and inexplicably deadly encounters

I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one that had a
hard time figuring out the 'beeware' hint : )

> Neither prospect being particularly appealing

If you don't like ADOM, then why are you
performing thread necromancy on an ADOM forum?

Put me in the 'fool filter', where I belong!

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 9/5/2008 at 04:47 (GMT -5) by gut]
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5713 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes and 38 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, September 05, 2008 at 13:59 (GMT -5)


An attempt to limit your losses would, for instance, be backing up your character occasionally so when you end up between two brown &'s in a hallway because the RNG decided you're done with this particular character it doesn't cost you 50+ hours of gameplay.

> The only problem I have with the late game, is
> that there is not enough of it. I would like more
> quests and dungeons.

I would appreciate a dungeon or two where I actually get to use the cool items I've collected throughout the game instead of either a) leaving them sitting on the ground outside or b) replacing them with a myriad of various resistance and immunity gear just so I can set foot inside the building. The number of ways your equipment can be burned, broken, vaporized, stolen, rusted, shattered, frozen, bent, bashed, melted, etc. is absolutely ludicrous.

> I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one that had a
> hard time figuring out the 'beeware' hint : )

Sweet heaven if that were the only example of this kind of Sadistic BS it might not be a problem. Confused near the Pirahana lake? Sorry, a mighty Hero clad in a cadre of magical artifacts is really no match for... fish. Didn't bring your amulet of death ray resistance or maybe didn't even know such a thing existed because you haven't come across one? Sorry, you're dead. No confusion resistance? Sorry, dead. Didn't magically know that killing Bugs was necessary to safely pass the battle bunny level? Sorry, you're pretty much screwed. Get 'Poisoned Hands' and Hungry just as that stream of fire from off-screen burns your last scroll of chaos resistance? Dead. Dead. Dead.

> If you don't like ADOM, then why are you
> performing thread necromancy on an ADOM forum?

Isn't posting at all in this forum pretty much thread necromancy? I mean it's not like this wasn't on the front page. =)
Registered user
Writer of Overly Long Guides

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4081 days, 9 hours, 24 minutes and 59 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, September 06, 2008 at 13:16 (GMT -5)

Brown & problem - I doubt anyone who has advanced this far to the late game has somehow never ever heard of teleportation or digging.

Even so: The RNG occasionally fucks up PCs. Big deal. That's the necessary consequence of having one play such a large role in dungeon generation in the first place. Would you rather play Dungeon Siege, where every single monster gets spawned in exactly the same place every single time you restart the single player game? ADOM is all about learning to be careful, the unfairness of life, and the ability to cope with that.
You drop the golden ball.
You kick the golden ball. It slides to the west.
Suddenly Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, appears! "That's not how you play Quidditch! are you even listening?"
Which direction? (123456789) 4
Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, is hit by a bolt of acid! Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, is annihilated.
You hear the ecstatic cries of a large crowd!
Registered user
Painted this one too.

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4910 days, 10 hours, 59 minutes and 45 seconds ago.
Posted on Sunday, September 07, 2008 at 06:01 (GMT -5)

> backing up your character occasionally

I think most players only consider save-scumming as cheating, if
you present that victory as non-save-scummed. Those victories
are not for the hall of fame, but they can help you learn. Most
players (me included) just say that it's much more fun to not
save-scum, not that someone is wrong for doing it.

> it doesn't cost you 50+ hours of gameplay.

Yeah, the RNG does play a big roll in killing new players. There
is a guaranteed wand of teleport, and unlimited booze to charge it
with, so there are ways to survive the RNG. The only other roguelike
I enjoy playing is Crawl, and it has a mean RNG also : ) If you really
just hate item destruction though, Crawl might be more to your liking.
It has a magic system that is even more fun than ADOM's, and spoilers
seem to be less needed.

>I would appreciate a dungeon or two where I actually get to use the
> cool items I've collected throughout the game

I completely understand this feeling : ) There is not an ADOM player
out there that hasn't felt the exact same way. ADOM does seem to be
a game of restrictions, and if that isn't bad enough, many players
add restrictions of their own just to make things harder. Once you
learn the tricks, it's really not so bad.

> The number of ways your equipment can be burned, broken, vaporized,

This is like a stroll down memory lane for me, and I couldn't have
phrased it better myself : ) It does sometimes seem like equipment
destruction is absurd, but there are ways of limiting it that become
second nature after a while. To give an example, I used to carefully
stash 'valuable' items like SoCR's in a 'safe place', but I really
don't do that anymore. It's extremely rare for me to lose a SoCR, and
if it happens, I just flinch and go on with the game. That's one of
the biggest benefits of giving up save scumming. Instead of re-loading
because of item destruction, you just get on with the game, which is
the funnest thing to do anyway.

> if that were the only example of this kind of Sadistic BS it might
> not be a problem.

And it wouldn't be nearly as fun of a game for players like me. I've
been playing this beast for nearly a decade now, and I am still learning
things about it. There is no other game that has held my interest for
so long.

> Confused near the Pirahana lake?

There are work-arounds, and I'm glad there is such a need to find them.
If it wasn't a life or death need, then players wouldn't search their
brains to find the best solutions. They would just take the path of
least resistance, beat the game, and then forget about it. There are
too many games like that already if you ask me.

> really no match for... fish.

> amulet of death ray resistance

> confusion resistance?

> Sorry, dead.

One good thing about ADOM, is that after you learn the tricks, it
doesn't really take that long to play a game. I can do it in ~8 hours.
To me, that's long enough to give you a vested interest in the PC's
well-being, but not so long as to feel grinding. If it takes a
player ~40 hours to get to the bunny level the first time, he should
be able to do it in ~30 the next time, and this time he brings a means
of digging with him : )

> Isn't posting at all in this forum pretty much thread necromancy?
> I mean it's not like this wasn't on the front page. =)

I hadn't thought of that : ) Most of the traffic here left for the forums because of instability. This really is a more pleasant
place to post though, and maybe more traffic will return soon. When
I finish my troll guide I'm definitely posting it here, the other
forums have fiendish character limits that haunt me... for obvious
reasons : )

Put me in the 'fool filter', where I belong!
some adom fan
Unregistered user
Posted on Monday, June 15, 2009 at 20:24 (GMT -5)

cleaning 'E'ars allows u to stave off confusion an stunning
Registered user
Chaos Freak

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4162 days, 13 hours, 59 minutes and 40 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, June 15, 2009 at 23:44 (GMT -5)

>An attempt to limit your losses would, for
>two brown &'s in a hallway

these slow walking bags of xp? Basically if you walk bellow casino without sources of invisibility, darkness and controlled tp you are asking for trouble...
Well, opening big room of red p in cat lord level while later big guy pops behind you is a problem... but that is one of my best moments to remeber...

>I would appreciate a dungeon or two where I
>actually get to use the cool items

Most really cool stuf are artifacts... There is no so much way to loose them...
unluckily some stuff [GoGS, whips of snake] are usually not so exciting due to being to fragile.

>Confused near the Pirahana lake?
not that if that lake is must cross... There are always some ways... Last time [yesterday] i jjust used ogre magus to freeze over half of lake. With a tad more work he could have covered all...

>Didn't bring your amulet of death ray resistance
>or maybe didn't even know such a thing existed

there are at least two main stream artifacts granting death resistance. All these great ID scrolls actually can be used...

>necessary to safely pass the battle bunny level?
honestly i passed few times this level normally [aka without tp kill master]...
i know it is designed to be a problem, but that was epic even for me...

>Get 'Poisoned Hands' and Hungry just as that
>stream of fire from off-screen burns
even if it took thick gauntlets also you can still eat... Curse food is bad but if you limit food consumtion poisoned hands can be lived with...

>Isn't posting at all in this forum pretty much
>thread necromancy?
not yet. Although posting on usenet group is pretty much necromancy per se...
A root is a flower that disdains fame.
Kahlil Gibran(1883-1931)

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 6/15/2009 at 23:50 (GMT -5) by Soirana]
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Kickass player

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5369 days, 8 hours, 42 minutes and 33 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 14:07 (GMT -5)

I descended into the rift and checked my stuff since I went from strained to unencumbered. I had lost *all* of my potions, health went from 220 to 80 plus most of the books and food. I found out that my climbing set was cursed :D

The moral of the story: don't go to the rift with cursed climbing set.
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The elf lover

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5258 days, 14 hours, 50 minutes and 5 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 11:50 (GMT -5)

I've actually gotten angry with this game in the past. I realize now that this is the only game that evokes the angry at your nintendo, enough to keep playing absurdly hard games just to kick there ass, kind of feelings ive been missing. I remember as a kid always being pissed off, playing the same games, making it to the same point and always dying there and never getting further. adom is like that for me now as an adult, altho ive given up getting angry :P when i someday beat this game im going to do a victory dance and scream and go get hammerd lol

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