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Nezur Registered user Last page view: 5724 days, 12 hours, 49 minutes and 22 seconds ago. |
I posted something about this at the official forum too. Basically the Charisma of my level 14 male drakeling wizard didn't seem to affect the prices in Waldenbrook's shop. I put on a helm of leadership {Ch+6} and the prices did not chance at all. My natural Charisma score was 14. Later I conducted a test with AdomBot (and winbeta4). Not overly accurate or comprehensive though. I generated a male human fighter. I created a blessed wand of wishing (9999 charges) and went to the Dwarftown. I wished for charisma-boosting equipment to increase my Cha by 9 and tested if it made any difference in the prices of the shop. No effect at all. The payment offered by Waldo didn't change either when trying to sell items. Then I started wishing for "Charisma" and checked the prices now and then. No effect even at ~54 Charisma. I was Lucky and Fate Smiled Upon Me at the time but I removed them at the end and that didn't change the prices. I didn't check how my Charisma affected the prices of the other shops. Does this imply a bug or are shop prices based on the charisma/appearence value which the PC had when he/she entered the shop level for the first time? PS: The original title of this thread was "The prices of Waldo's shop". I tried posting it numerous times before I realised that it is not possible to post threads with a title that contains apostrophes ('). Could this be changed by Jan-Erik? Additionally I'd like someone to delete my former account (the one without a space before "Nezur") since it doesn't accept my password for some reason. [Edited 1 time, last edit on 6/22/2008 at 08:57 (GMT -5) by Nezur] |
Darren Grey Registered user Last page view: 4526 days, 12 hours, 25 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
I think shop prices are generated and stay stuck when you enter the level for the first time. As far as I'm aware they also change when the shop restocks. Thus it's very difficult to scum for better prices with stat raising items. Here's a simple test you can try - savescum a char before generating dwarftown, and test sale prices with a shop generated with and without Ch/Ap boosting equipment when entering the level. Waldenbrook, the dwarven shopkeeper, mumbles: "I'd offer 9 gold pieces for yer dwarven child corpse." |
Nezur Registered user Last page view: 5724 days, 12 hours, 49 minutes and 22 seconds ago. |
I'll do that. EDIT: A level 7 male human wizard. Charisma was increased by wishing for it before entering the dwarf town. Initial Charisma was 9. Charisma Price offered for an eternium plate mail 9 4800 gp 13 4897 gp 15 6233 gp 17 5516 gp 18 6315 gp 21 6856 gp 21 6856 gp 23 6856 gp So only the Charisma that you had when you first entered the shop level is taken into account. [Edited 1 time, last edit on 6/22/2008 at 11:21 (GMT -5) by Nezur] |
Darren Grey Registered user Last page view: 4526 days, 12 hours, 25 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
As I thought... Testing out whether prices are reset or not when the shop restocks would be a bit more tiresome, but I'm fairly sure I've seen prices change when that's happened before. Waldenbrook, the dwarven shopkeeper, mumbles: "I'd offer 9 gold pieces for yer dwarven child corpse." |
Maelstrom Registered user The Knight of the Black Rose Last page view: 3404 days, 7 hours, 54 minutes and 51 seconds ago. |
Someone should check the prices for females - it seems that if you increase Ap over 25 with items (cloak and amulet), the prices acctually increase, rather then decrease. A pessimist sees a dark tunnel. An optimist sees a light at the end of that tunnel. A realist sees a train. And the train driver sees three idiots on the tracks. |
Nezur Registered user Last page view: 5724 days, 12 hours, 49 minutes and 22 seconds ago. |
> it seems that if you increase Ap over 25 with items (cloak and amulet), the > prices acctually increase, rather then decrease. The effect of Appearance on shop prices has been investigated. The price you have to pay for an item keeps lowering but the payment offered by the shopkeeper for an item will start decreasing after 20 Ap. Buying and selling prices seem to "freeze" after 35 Ap. EDIT: > the payment offered by the shopkeeper for an > item will start decreasing after 20 Ap. Even after 7 Ap in one of the tests. It seems to vary. RGRA - Pre-YAGBU / Bug report: Appearance and shop prices RGRA - Appearance and Shop Prices -- Tonight's Testing [Edited 1 time, last edit on 6/22/2008 at 17:42 (GMT -5) by Nezur] |
Nezur Registered user Last page view: 5724 days, 12 hours, 49 minutes and 22 seconds ago. |
Darren Grey wrote: > Testing out whether prices are reset or not > when the shop restocks would be a bit more > tiresome, but I'm fairly sure I've seen prices > change when that's happened before. I tested it in a casual manner. The same char as before (a save file in which he is standing on the level before DT) and the DT shop. I nearly bought out the shop leaving only 5 items there. Took a screenshot of the prices. Then I went onto the level that was just above DT, increased my charisma by 12 by wishing and waited. After about 1k turns and at about day 2 I descended and the shop almost immediately restocked except for 5 squares and the square on which the items lay. Message: "New items seem to materialize in the shop. At the same time all price tags are exchanged." The eternium plate mail was still worth only 4800 gp according to the shopkeeper when I tried to sell it. The items I had left in the shop actually cost about 70% MORE despite my Cha value of 21. In another test with the same character I noted that the prices seem to change (~41% more in the test) even without any change in the Charisma of the character. The multiplier used for items when the shop was restocked was the same ie. prices were not multiplied independently by different factors at the time of restocking. EDIT: Clarified the last paragraph. [Edited 1 time, last edit on 6/26/2008 at 19:28 (GMT -5) by Nezur] |
Darren Grey Registered user Last page view: 4526 days, 12 hours, 25 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
Okay, Ch and Ap really are just entirely useless then. If they can only make a difference when generating the shop then they are incredibly limited. Waldenbrook, the dwarven shopkeeper, mumbles: "I'd offer 9 gold pieces for yer dwarven child corpse." |
gut Registered user Painted this one too. Last page view: 5184 days, 14 hours, 42 minutes and 35 seconds ago. |
I think Ap does make a difference. I seem to remember equipping +Ap items, and getting better prices as a female PC. Perhaps Ch just doesn't work in the same way. It's possible that Ch is linked with the haggling skill, possibly lowering the point at which the shopkeeper will give the 'sorry, my 87 kids you know' line. Put me in the 'fool filter', where I belong! |
Darren Grey Registered user Last page view: 4526 days, 12 hours, 25 minutes and 39 seconds ago. |
Well I remember equipping +Ap items with a female PC and getting no difference. Heh, perhaps another test is in order... Waldenbrook, the dwarven shopkeeper, mumbles: "I'd offer 9 gold pieces for yer dwarven child corpse." |
Silfir Registered user Writer of Overly Long Guides Last page view: 4355 days, 13 hours, 7 minutes and 49 seconds ago. |
I equipped +Ap items and got better prices too. There's apparently parameters we do not yet know. You drop the golden ball. You kick the golden ball. It slides to the west. Suddenly Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, appears! "That's not how you play Quidditch! are you even listening?" Which direction? (123456789) 4 Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, is hit by a bolt of acid! Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, is annihilated. You hear the ecstatic cries of a large crowd! |
Evil Knievel Registered user Last page view: 5724 days, 3 hours, 37 minutes and 50 seconds ago. |
"I, at any rate, am convinced that He does not throw dice." or Adom is just non-deterministic? |