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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / ADOM / best way to find carrot juice?

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5639 days, 18 hours, 18 minutes and 52 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 11:58 (GMT -5)

i went to PC and the second level was blocked off by a is there any garunteed/very likely way of finding potions of carrot juice besides just going as usual and hoping to find them?

thanks, and sorry for making all the new threads in this forum <_<
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4074 days, 18 hours, 10 minutes and 10 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, August 26, 2008 at 16:57 (GMT -5)

You can try getting loads of booze from Lawenilothehl beggars and giving it to Yggaz. Otherwise, your best bet is the ID (though being the ID-hater I am I'd go hunt for monsters in the Druid or Village Dungeon...)

Another alternative: Forget about the PC for a while. Finish the Village or Druid Dungeon if you didn't already do so, and then go to the CoC. You can always come back later, after you have found carrot juice.

(With the river so close to the surface Bridge Building, if available, is an alternative. But it takes hella long and sucks hard.)
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Suddenly Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, appears! "That's not how you play Quidditch! are you even listening?"
Which direction? (123456789) 4
Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, is hit by a bolt of acid! Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, is annihilated.
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