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Jed D`Lagged
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5516 days, 11 hours, 9 minutes and 5 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 03:48 (GMT -5)

Not sure if this should be in spoilers or not, but hey.

I'm familiar with rogues, but ADOM draws me in with it's depth.

Anyway, I die alot. But mainly because I keep trying to stick to one of three time based issues during early game:

- Rescuing the cute dog within 4 days.
- Karanch before clvl6

Of course, I could just skip all these, go level in the Village Dungeon but I can't help but get the feeling I'm missing out on something. So how necessary are these?

You get a greater Lawful boost if the dog is alive, but are there other ways to suppliment this somehow? I have a feeling it's never worth doing?

3K gold is nice for paying Yergius for skills, but Karanch seems impossible for all classes except those with high PV/Healing/Regen or Crowd Control, espically early on when you don't have many options.

I usually like to do SMC because, well, after about clvl4-6 it gets really easy to get hedged in somewhere and overwhealmed. I see that after about clvl5, SMC is impossible and there goes your chances to get to the High Mountain Village. I read that you can use invibility after this, but potions don't last too long and I've never found a cloak.

So, do any you masters have some tips? ;D
Or do you guys just skip this and dive straight down through the SMC/Other dungeons?
Darren Grey
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4252 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes and 5 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 06:43 (GMT -5)

Firstly, the puppy cave was added to the game as an extra challenge for experienced players. Skip it if you don't feel confident. Similarly for Kranach, if your char can't handle his goons then don't even speak with the sherrif. Money is very easy to get later on, so just be patient.

As for SMC, I usually generate it at level 1 (simply pop in) so that the monsters are weaker, then come back later when I want to get through to the UD. I usually come with some form of teleport (+control) and invisibility to get me out of tricky situations. A strong starting character (dwarf paladin for instance) that doesn't care about the healing/herbalism quests can simply dive straight in at level 1 and push their way through the UD - can work out well sometimes, but mixed vaults should be avoided.

Generally with a weak character I'll stick in VD1&2 till around level 8, and then start exploring a bit more. Puppy cave I'll normally clear after VD or DD, not caring about the dumb dog. Alignment isn't important. Give up on it if it's getting your characters killed.
Waldenbrook, the dwarven shopkeeper, mumbles: "I'd offer 9 gold pieces for yer dwarven child corpse."
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4941 days, 10 hours, 54 minutes and 49 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 08:04 (GMT -5)

Kranach: I find that either a strong melee guy (orcish/dwarven barbarian and the like) or a wizard with good offense can destroy the whole party from level 1, getting some healing meanwhile from leveling up.

Cute dog: Generating the cave for whatever purpose may be one thing, but I have the impression the little lawful boost just isn't enough in the long run to be important.

SMC: Generating it at level 1 is good, but don't fret if you first enter it at level 5-6. It might hurt a bit more, but I find that unless a troll berserker or a summoner/breeder gets generated, it's still not deadly, as long as your character can hold its own otherwise.
1l= Y0(_) [4l\l R34[) 7l-l15, Y0(_) l\/l(_)57 83 PR377Y G00[).
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4816 days, 10 hours, 56 minutes and 6 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 11:14 (GMT -5)

Archers also very good in fights with roving raiders, - just nice way to get some arrows and Sbows =)
My assassins can go through UD starting with lvl1
(If not, I just start another time)
I think anyone except the weakest thief can go through SMC on first lvl if he was born in Candle =)
Then I was very new in ADOM I play only in PC
nice experience - the same thing as in SMC - the earlier U start the weakest monsters will be. But go in PC on lvl 10 etc is nice way to get an artifact (it's better than lawful bonus early in the game an random altar can give U more in shorter time)
until it sleep
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3190 days, 23 hours, 52 minutes and 47 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 14:36 (GMT -5)

I always try to do both the puppy and the raider with every character.
Neither are necessary, but both add to your score and give you a blurb in your victory bio (unless you kill the tiny girl later while doing the raw steel quests, then it removes the quest from your record even though it was previously successfully completed).
Neither is needed at all.
The alignment boost is not significant, and comes easily enough through other means, and the money is nice, but not required.
Getting the law skill (which kranach is part of) is cool, but useless in the scheme of things.

I stopped going after the water blanket a long time ago, however...
It's just too hard and way too risky, causing you to lose too many potential chaos gods or avatars.
I step in at 1st level to generate 2nd level monsters, pick up the scrolls that train literacy, read them a few times, and then leave (assuming the character is literate).

If you do try for both optional quests, you want to do the puppy first.
Finding the raider is totally random, and only being cursed or doomed will help you do that, so finding him before 4 days have passed is not a garauntee - it can take longer than that.
While looking for the puppy, chances are, if you don't get too many high level spawns and try avoiding combat as much as possible (especially the ants), you could leave while still under 6th level.
If the ants are between the stairs, then leave the puppy on pc3, run around the ants to leave the puppy cave, buy a bunch of rations, and start looking for the raiders.
Once the puppy has been generated pre-day 4, he'll remain alive indefinitely.
You can come back for him on day 200, and he'll still be patiently waiting for you where you left him on pc3, ready to give you his quest reward.
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Writer of Overly Long Guides

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4081 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes and 15 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 17:21 (GMT -5)

The puppy will be generated alive if you enter PC:6 BEFORE four days have passed. It's still alive if you generate it on the fourth day, i. e. if 3 days and 23 hours have passed or something.

Being generated alive does not equal STAYING alive. If the puppy is generated near a hostile monster, it has a low chance of surviving for long. So if you look for it, try to find it quick.

Getting the waterproof blanket can be a risky affair. With a buff and powerful PC, like orcish barbarians or dwarven paladins, it's usually no problem to get it and leave the SMC, but even that is not guaranteed.

If you enter the Small Cave with the intent of finding the blanket, try to follow these guidelines:

- Only do this at level one. You cannot afford to get XP elsewhere - the higher your level, the stronger the monsters. It's the very early levels when you can still be relatively comfortable. Kranach, Yrrigs and the puppy must come AFTER.
- The blanket is always as far away from you as the dungeon layout allows. Don't explore the cave completely - your goal is to get the blanket. You'll have to do some exploration to get to where it is, but that's it. You should aim to be out at character level five. Six and above is still survivable, depending on your character, but very dangerous.
- Don't let yourself get bogged down by monsters on the way to the blanket. You can fight them, of course - you have to to survive, and you need to keep your escape route as free as ever possible!
- Tension rooms, breeders and summoners encountered on the way to the blanket should be treated as big stop signs. They will either kill you or get you to level six.
- Keep in mind that you have two escape routes: Through the exit to the wilderness, and down into the Unremarkable Dungeon. The Unremarkable Dungeon has a pretty high danger level, but it's NOT as dangerous as the small cave at character level six, and it doesn't have the inhuman monster generation rate. Also, the first room of most dungeon levels are usually safe havens if you haven't explored the rest of the level. Usually you can heal yourself completely by resting after leaving to UD:1.

- If you do get the blanket, escape as quickly as possible. This includes running from monsters instead of fighting them wherever possible. If your character is slightly faster-moving than the monsters, you have a decent chance of reaching the exit without a monster adjacent to you, which lets you climb them to safety.
- If you get the blanket, the down staircases are pretty much guaranteed to be nearer than the up staircases, indeed, they could be in the same room as the blanket. If you're level six already, it is usually safer to bite the bullet and try your luck in the UD. Trust me on this - level six characters need to be very powerful and to a certain extent lucky to leave the SMC alive the long way. If you're level four or five, it's more justifiable to try your luck, at least unless you already had to flee from tough monsters on the way TO the blanket.
You drop the golden ball.
You kick the golden ball. It slides to the west.
Suddenly Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, appears! "That's not how you play Quidditch! are you even listening?"
Which direction? (123456789) 4
Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, is hit by a bolt of acid! Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, is annihilated.
You hear the ecstatic cries of a large crowd!
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5494 days, 21 hours, 31 minutes and 2 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 20:29 (GMT -5)

It's possible to do all 3 in a single game. I usually skip the puppy nowadays, but in the past, I did all 3 religiously with a variety of races and classes.

If you want to do all 3, then enter the SMC at level 1 and just exit. Then do the puppy quest (avoiding killing much on the way down) and then do Kranach. After that, re-enter the SMC, and the monsters should still be low level; just try to avoid killing many existent monsters so that high level monsters aren't spawned.

Kranach's crew can be killed with either very tough characters, powerful spellcasters, or halfway decent ranged attackers. I've killed Kranach with level 1 gray elven barbarians and level 1 gray elven rangers by getting Good Shot->Keen Shot and killing them all with ranged attacks. I'm sure other race/class combos can do pretty much the same if they start with enough ranged ammo.

To start, just pick a game opening that works with whatever character you like playing most; not all characters can be superheroes early game.
Unregistered user
Posted on Sunday, April 05, 2009 at 18:57 (GMT -5)

My MO is to go straight to SMC and try and find the downstairs...if it's relatively close and the path between it and upstairs is short and clear of mobs, I exit back to topside and go to ID...scum for spellbooks (most of the time I'm a priest) and then for teleport control...till level 8-10...then go back and descend through SMC...ignore the poor puppy and all else...pop up on other side after UD and go down Dwarven till dwarf town...get first quest and portal quest then go up and do portal...unless you're unlucky with the monster quest you usually accomplish this on the way....then I go back and get dog and druid quest just to generate more dungeon stuff and items and what not.
Mi Hai Loo
Unregistered user
Posted on Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 03:49 (GMT -5)

Littlebrother, what do you mean by "But go in PC on lvl 10 etc is nice way to get an artifact"? Does danger level of PC depend on your level?
Darren Grey
Registered user

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4252 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes and 5 seconds ago.
Posted on Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 09:17 (GMT -5)

No, I think he's just a little confused.
Waldenbrook, the dwarven shopkeeper, mumbles: "I'd offer 9 gold pieces for yer dwarven child corpse."
Mi Hai Loo
Unregistered user
Posted on Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 03:11 (GMT -5)

Checked in manual... Seems to be true. If it really works - it's great, I think. I'll try to get there at 18 lvl - usually all my characters seem to stuck at that point. If it will mean some 18-lvl dungeons - it's great!

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