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Ancient Domains Of Mystery, forum overview / Spoilers / Your most stupid death

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Unregistered user
Posted on Saturday, September 29, 2007 at 17:53 (GMT -5)

One stupid way to die is to have a fluff ball in your inventory and then walk into water in a dark room without knowing how to swim...
Evil Knievel
Unregistered user
Posted on Sunday, March 30, 2008 at 01:37 (GMT -5)

Idiot death? Lots of:

- In the arena the Oger Magus blasted me down to 1HP. I tried to teleport away ... exactly to the adjacent tile.

- Threw all my stuff on the altar of Dwarftown, pick it up, but feel at ease and forget to re-equip. A mimic comes out of Waldenbrock's, I panic, try to put on armor and get paralyzed - naked death.

- Arrive at a level full of corpses wondering... well you know the story of that green G... (I suppose, thats why the fluff balls)

- Played around with scrolls on the stairs in Dwarftown. I accidentally cast darkness. All went well until one day, some dwarven child must have been at that spot. My god did not like that and dwarftown neither - I will spare you the gory details of the desperate showdown, all I say is, that many died, but Waldenbrock survived.

- Upon entering LV6 of the puppy quest with a promising caster, the cute dog directly approaches me, I am happy until I realize:
"The silver wolf critically hits you. You die..."

- Leaving the puppie's, there was no way other than eating the cute dogs corpse to prevent from starving. The kid hated my honesty, hit me, I hit back a bit too hard, the sheriff interfered and laughed last...

- LVL13 Troll Priest, really tough guy, thought to pass by at Hotzenplotz. Should not be a problem, with all those spells, cure poison and critical wounds etc... But after he survived my nether bolts, I realized that there were no more pp for such livesaving stuff.

Ok, the list is far too long. Stop now or never.
Unregistered user
Posted on Monday, March 31, 2008 at 14:25 (GMT -5)

Had just created a grey elven wizard with low twenties learning and similar mana.

Walk into town and start reading my spell books. First attempt I read: "You start to page through the spellbook of Acid Bolt. You don't manage to decipher the contents of the thin tome." Well that's odd...second attempt I read: "You start to page through the spellbook of Acid Bolt. The power of the spell drains your life! You die..." 17 to -30HP. What?!

I take a closer look at the book and messages...

Spellbook of Acid Ball, not Acid Bolt.
Registered user
za za zaa za zaa

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5946 days, 15 hours, 21 minutes and 4 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, March 31, 2008 at 17:39 (GMT -5)

I've lost 2 chars in orb temples because stuff have been on the altar and I've been stupid enough to don't think about it to be sacrificed.

I've also lost a char that I precrowned four times (altar in smc in same room as the stairway down) because I pressed wrong button when luring a goblin. Yes he sacrificed me.
Si vis pacem, para bellum
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5805 days, 18 hours, 4 minutes and 39 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2008 at 03:57 (GMT -5)

Drakeling Priest...accidentally cast Darkness when in Arena...killed opponent and after teleporting out accidentally bumped to Arena master, since his place was in dark area. "Now face me, thy bastard!" :P Had to kill him and then I did quit..I was so depressed.

Gnomish Beastfighter, attempted to fight it out with Berserker Emperor in DH.

[Edited 1 time, last edit on 4/1/2008 at 03:57 (GMT -5) by Sardaukar]
Registered user
Painted this one too.

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5072 days, 15 hours, 59 minutes and 9 seconds ago.
Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2008 at 06:38 (GMT -5)

That one reminds me of the time I was killing
random monsters on the arena level, while looking
for a specific ratling trader. I wanted to be
really careful with my bolt spells, and not kill
any out of sight ratling traders. Well, instead
I shot the arena master, and got killed for it.
It was especially stupid, because he wasn't even
out of sight, just directly below me.
Put me in the 'fool filter', where I belong!
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6025 days, 16 hours and 9 minutes ago.
Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2008 at 07:51 (GMT -5)

Swimming skill at 90, going to barbarian to start courage quest, their I realize I can't because C. All the water around gave me the idea to train a swimming a little, I do and do and it's nice I already swim very well the game makes me sleepy to control drowning and I got hypnotized by some pets strange moving swim a bit more and sink!

A very standard one, sick in big room, a pack of summoned jackal surround me, but I let the three pets do the job, so I do quick key pressing not looking anything anyway I wasn't hurt... dead.
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5882 days, 4 hours, 28 minutes and 33 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, April 24, 2008 at 17:37 (GMT -5)

Xan L20 gray elven wizard Die on 12/5/2006. He was crushed by tons of luggage on level 28 of some ancient caves."

I was in ID carrying at ton of loot when my strength of Atlas failed. I was unaware you could die that way at the time.


"Flash L50 gray elven wizard. He executed himself with a magic missile on level 47 of the caverns of chaos."

This one hurt the most. Can't remember why I was using magic missile. But my finger missed and I hit a 1 on my number pad instead of the 4.


Can't find it but I had another elf the fell down some stairs and broke his neck.
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Writer of Overly Long Guides

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4243 days, 14 hours, 24 minutes and 23 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, April 25, 2008 at 08:00 (GMT -5)

Just lost a high elven weaponsmith who found Preserver and Skullcrusher randomly generated in early game dungeons.

I thought I could melee that berserker emperor tension room.

I guess I am low on practice after all, having hardly played during the last few months (at least compared to last year).
You drop the golden ball.
You kick the golden ball. It slides to the west.
Suddenly Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, appears! "That's not how you play Quidditch! are you even listening?"
Which direction? (123456789) 4
Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, is hit by a bolt of acid! Harry Potter, the apprentice wizard, is annihilated.
You hear the ecstatic cries of a large crowd!
Registered user

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5882 days, 4 hours, 28 minutes and 33 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, April 25, 2008 at 17:15 (GMT -5)

Here's a new one. I was playing a troll healer lvl 2. I was kicking some stairs when this happened.

"Your mighty kick causes severe structural damage to the stairway. The dungeon suddenly shakes and everything starts to break down. You are crushed by tons of rock.
You die..."

Registered user
The Unbeliever

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5636 days, 47 minutes and 5 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, May 16, 2008 at 13:03 (GMT -5)

I defy anyone to beat this.

I beat the game with no problem, wipe out D50 like I'm baking cookies with Grandma. Then, while I wait to get extremely corrupted to enter the gate as a C- champion (going for UCG ending), I decide to write a scroll of Chaos resistance.

'You feel corrupted. You turn into a being of chaos.'

No 'You are extremely corrupted', no warning, nothing. God. I was literally next to the gate. I *had* 6 scrolls of chaos resistance in my pack, too. I was just trying to up my chances for the final fight with Andor Drakken. Gah. So very pissed.
Knowledge is chimera, for beyond it ever lies other knowledge, and the incompleteness of what is known renders the knowing false.
Darren Grey
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4414 days, 13 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, May 16, 2008 at 13:43 (GMT -5)

Ouch, that's bad, though I have had a little worse in my opinion... Also, 6 scrolls? I don't think that would have been enough - you might have ended as a purple j in front of Andy :P
Waldenbrook, the dwarven shopkeeper, mumbles: "I'd offer 9 gold pieces for yer dwarven child corpse."
Registered user

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4696 days, 18 hours, 47 minutes and 36 seconds ago.
Posted on Wednesday, August 06, 2008 at 03:05 (GMT -5)

A few stupud deaths of mine:

Human mindcrafter (about 14 level), one of my most successful mindcrafters ever, right below the Big Room. Managed to survive an insane onslaught of monsters while seeking the down staircase in the Big Room (I thought I will surely die there, but I didn't). Okay, I climb down with very low HP and PP, surrounded by at least four monsters (Ettin, tho large spiders and something pathetic like kobold), but somehow kill these using only confusion blast and melee. Phew! Ok, what now? "You hear a distant wind". Next room is dark. Zapping a wand of light. There was an ice vortex right next to me. Damn!

Candle-born trollish healer, lvl 5. God, why did I munch that kobold shaman corpse in Puppy cave? Ok, I'm sick, but the sickness just cannot hurt me much - every time I get that "You are wracked by feverish fits", I've already "regenerated" all my HP, lost from the previous effect of sickness. Not very much food remains, so I decide to return top Terinyo and buy some rations. Well, I'm there with a great amount of food, so lets just wait for sickness to wear off. Waiting... Sometimes I help myself with first aid. Waiting... Damn, how long is it gonna take to wear off?! It's been three days already since I've become diseased (R. I. P., cute dog). Then I get a strange "final hit of sickness", yelding an instant loss of tens of hit points. What the hell?.. I died.

Recently began playing assassins (whatever you think, but I enjoy dark elven assassins, although they're just to difficult for me to keep alive - none of them got past Dwarftown yet). The most stupid deaths of them:

- being Raven-born with Quick/Very Quick/Greased Lightning, but somehow finding oneself in melee with Hotzenplotz due to hostile bandits and similar stuff all around (nowhere to run).
- It's too boring to create a teleport trap to cross a 4 sectors-wide river in D:10 - I'd rather try to cross it without knowing how to swim.
- Paralyzed in a lesser undead vault on PC:6 by the LAST ghul, who decided to fight in a blind rage, and bled to death. Never gonna do any kind of cheap bow practice while staying in melee distance against the entire vault anymore, even if they attack me one by one.
- Lost all equipment on a gray altar trying to move back to neutrality after slaying Hotzy and his support (became very chaotic there). I had 7LB... I never had 7LB that early before... I... I've only used these in two battles so far (Hotzenplotz and Co, and some random wilderness encounter with poor bandits). Wanted to cry, but then figured out, that precrown should ease my pain. Wielded a hand axe of damnation to speed things up and soon died from stunningly strong critically hitting attacks of some enormous large gnoll.
- blocked by a hostile *beggar* below Black Market. Hostile Hotzy, running for me, didn't waste his chance.
- (most idiotic one) VD:1. lvl 1. Detected a trick door immediately upon arriving. Kicked it down hoping to evade the consequences. Wasn't nimble enough. ADOM doesn't forgive...

Oh my, I'm so lonely and need some company
Unregistered user
Posted on Friday, August 22, 2008 at 12:43 (GMT -5)

I have two contestants for my worst YASD.

Case One: Running up from the Casino with zillions of gold and a fancy blessed girdle of greed I come across a Lich (as I recall) on the way. I charge the crusty old thing and
The Lich screams words of magic. Your blessed girdle of greed glows in a black light.

Case Two: I am happy camping in the blue dragon caves farming with a wished for banshee and plugged ears. Not on my highest attention level I admit - busy getting the piles of gear and dodging lightning breaths. Suddenly an Emperor Lich turns up. Uhuh fighting time. But where is my Ring of Mental Stability? Not on for sure so I quickly equip it and press my usual "time waster" to make confusion go away. I press "E". Ups.
Registered user

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5882 days, 4 hours, 28 minutes and 33 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, August 22, 2008 at 17:18 (GMT -5)

Awhile back I had a gray elf wizard who was both doomed and cursed at the time. He got stuck in some webs. A egg sack hatched and all these little spiders covered his body. It was just text no monsters to fight and he only took like 1 point of damage. But it did poison him and that ended up killing him. It has never happened again.
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4696 days, 18 hours, 47 minutes and 36 seconds ago.
Posted on Monday, August 25, 2008 at 04:59 (GMT -5)

Another one, and again dark elven assassin. This particular one managed somehow to be born with Learning=4. What? Well, he is obviously an idiot, and supposed to die like an idiot.

He was on VD:6, when a stone block fell on his head. From 40+ hp to ~15 hp. Ouch, but he is still alive. A few steps later I decided not to test my luck and get this poor guy back to Jharod and ask for healing. He was going through the corridor right below that with the stone block trap, when... another stone block fell on his stupid head. Damn, that's too much!

Oh my, I'm so lonely and need some company
Unregistered user
Posted on Thursday, August 28, 2008 at 13:34 (GMT -5)

I remember a while back I was sick once and got paralyzed by a ghul. I think the death message read something like "You suffocate in your own vomit"
Darren Grey
Registered user

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4414 days, 13 hours, 42 minutes and 14 seconds ago.
Posted on Thursday, August 28, 2008 at 15:30 (GMT -5)

"Choke on your own vomit" is one of the more delightful ways of dying in ADOM. Not as fun as the exploding frogs and such, but a little more common.
Waldenbrook, the dwarven shopkeeper, mumbles: "I'd offer 9 gold pieces for yer dwarven child corpse."
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4696 days, 18 hours, 47 minutes and 37 seconds ago.
Posted on Friday, August 29, 2008 at 02:07 (GMT -5)

Oh my, I'm so lonely and need some company
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